@ -600,3 +600,105 @@ libxrdp_orders_send_bitmap2(struct xrdp_session* session,
width, height, bpp, data,
width, height, bpp, data,
cache_id, cache_idx);
cache_id, cache_idx);
/* returns error */
/* this function gets the channel name and its flags, index is zero
based. either channel_name or channel_flags can be passed in nil if
they are not needed */
libxrdp_query_channel(struct xrdp_session* session, int index,
char* channel_name, int* channel_flags)
int count;
struct xrdp_rdp* rdp;
struct xrdp_mcs* mcs;
struct mcs_channel_item* channel_item;
rdp = (struct xrdp_rdp*)session->rdp;
mcs = rdp->sec_layer->mcs_layer;
count = mcs->channel_list->count;
if (index < 0 || index >= count)
return 1;
channel_item = (struct mcs_channel_item*)
list_get_item(mcs->channel_list, index);
if (channel_item == 0)
/* this should not happen */
return 1;
if (channel_name != 0)
g_strncpy(channel_name, channel_item->name, 8);
if (channel_flags != 0)
*channel_flags = channel_item->flags;
return 0;
/* returns a zero based index of the channel, -1 if error or it dosen't
exist */
libxrdp_get_channel_id(struct xrdp_session* session, char* name)
int index;
int count;
struct xrdp_rdp* rdp;
struct xrdp_mcs* mcs;
struct mcs_channel_item* channel_item;
rdp = (struct xrdp_rdp*)session->rdp;
mcs = rdp->sec_layer->mcs_layer;
count = mcs->channel_list->count;
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
channel_item = (struct mcs_channel_item*)
list_get_item(mcs->channel_list, index);
if (channel_item != 0)
if (g_strcasecmp(name, channel_item->name) == 0)
return index;
return -1;
libxrdp_send_to_channel(struct xrdp_session* session, int channel_id,
char* data, int data_len)
struct xrdp_rdp* rdp;
struct xrdp_sec* sec;
struct xrdp_channel* chan;
struct stream* s;
rdp = (struct xrdp_rdp*)session->rdp;
sec = rdp->sec_layer;
chan = sec->chan_layer;
init_stream(s, data_len + 1024); /* this should be big enough */
if (xrdp_channel_init(chan, s) != 0)
return 1;
/* here we make a copy of the data, xrdp_channel_send is
going to alter it if its bigger that 8192 or something */
out_uint8a(s, data, data_len);
if (xrdp_channel_send(chan, s, channel_id) != 0)
return 1;
return 0;