Added initial empty GUI for the indenter
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <>pull/3/head
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 KiB |
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* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Thomas Schweitzer *
* thomas-schweitzer(at) *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program in the file LICENSE.GPL; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include <tqwidget.h>
class MainWindow;
///-- class UiGuiErrorMessage;
///-- class UiGuiIniFileParser;
class TQComboBox;
class TQToolBox;
class TQToolButton;
class TQVBoxLayout;
///-- class TQMenu;
///-- class TQLabel;
///-- class TQSpinBox;
///-- class TQCheckBox;
///-- class TQLineEdit;
class IndentHandler : public TQWidget
IndentHandler(int indenterID, MainWindow *mainWindow = nullptr, TQWidget *parent = nullptr);
///-- TQString generateShellScript(const TQString &configFilename);
///-- TQString callIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
///-- bool loadConfigFile(TQString filePathName);
///-- void resetToDefaultValues();
///-- TQStringList getAvailableIndenters();
///-- TQString getPossibleIndenterFileExtensions();
///-- TQString getParameterString();
///-- TQString getIndenterCfgFile();
///-- TQString getManual();
///-- TQString getCurrentIndenterName();
void contextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent *event);
///-- int getIndenterId();
///-- signals:
///-- void indenterSettingsChanged();
///-- void selectedIndenterIndexChanged(int index);
///-- protected:
///-- bool event(TQEvent *event);
///-- void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *event);
private slots:
void setIndenter(int indenterID);
void showIndenterManual() const;
void openConfigFileDialog();
void saveasIndentCfgFileDialog();
void createIndenterCallShellScript();
void resetIndenterParameter();
///-- void handleChangedIndenterSettings();
///-- private:
///-- TQString callExecutableIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
///-- TQString callJavaScriptIndenter(TQString sourceCode);
///-- void saveConfigFile(TQString filePathName, TQString parameterString);
///-- void readIndentIniFile(TQString iniFilePath);
///-- bool createIndenterCallString();
///-- // Holds a reference to all created pages of the parameter categories toolbox and the pages
///-- // boxlayout
///-- struct IndenterParameterCategoryPage
///-- {
///-- TQWidget *widget;
///-- TQVBoxLayout *vboxLayout;
///-- };
///-- TQVector<IndenterParameterCategoryPage> _indenterParameterCategoryPages;
///-- // Holds a reference to all checkboxes needed for boolean parameter setting and the parameters
///-- // name
///-- struct ParamBoolean
///-- {
///-- TQString paramName;
///-- TQString trueString;
///-- TQString falseString;
///-- TQCheckBox *checkBox;
///-- };
///-- TQVector<ParamBoolean> _paramBooleans;
///-- // Holds a reference to all line edits needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
///-- struct ParamString
///-- {
///-- TQString paramName;
///-- TQString paramCallName;
///-- TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
///-- TQLineEdit *lineEdit;
///-- TQLabel *label;
///-- };
///-- TQVector<ParamString> _paramStrings;
///-- // Hold a reference to all spin boxes needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
///-- struct ParamNumeric
///-- {
///-- TQString paramName;
///-- TQString paramCallName;
///-- TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
///-- TQSpinBox *spinBox;
///-- TQLabel *label;
///-- };
///-- TQVector<ParamNumeric> _paramNumerics;
///-- // Hold a reference to all combo boxes needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
///-- struct ParamMultiple
///-- {
///-- TQString paramName;
///-- TQString paramCallName;
///-- TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
///-- TQComboBox *comboBox;
///-- TQStringList choicesStrings;
///-- TQStringList choicesStringsReadable;
///-- };
///-- TQVector<ParamMultiple> _paramMultiples;
TQComboBox *m_indenterSelectionCombobox;
TQToolButton *m_indenterParameterHelpButton;
///-- // Vertical layout box, into which the toolbox will be added
TQVBoxLayout *m_toolBoxContainerLayout;
TQToolBox *m_indenterParameterCategoriesToolBox;
///-- UiGuiIniFileParser *_indenterSettings;
///-- TQStringList _indenterParameters;
///-- // The indenters name in a descriptive form
///-- TQString _indenterName;
///-- // The indenters file name (w/o extension), that is being called
///-- TQString _indenterFileName;
TQString m_indenterDirectoryStr;
TQString m_tempDirectoryStr;
TQString m_settingsDirectoryStr;
///-- TQStringList _indenterIniFileList;
///-- TQString _parameterOrder;
///-- TQString _globalConfigFilename;
///-- TQString _cfgFileParameterEnding;
///-- TQString _inputFileParameter;
///-- TQString _inputFileName;
///-- TQString _outputFileParameter;
///-- TQString _outputFileName;
///-- TQString _fileTypes;
///-- TQString _useCfgFileParameter;
///-- TQString _indenterShowHelpParameter;
MainWindow *m_mainWindow;
TQWidget *m_parent;
///-- UiGuiErrorMessage *_errorMessageDialog;
TQString m_indenterExecutableCallString;
TQString m_indenterExecutableSuffix;
///-- //TODO: This function should go into a string helper/tool class/file.
///-- TQString encodeToHTML(const TQString &text);
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Thomas Schweitzer *
* thomas-schweitzer(at) *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program in the file LICENSE.GPL; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include <tntqwidget.h>
class UiGuiErrorMessage;
class UiGuiIniFileParser;
class TQMenu;
class TQVBoxLayout;
class TQLabel;
class TQSpinBox;
class TQComboBox;
class TQCheckBox;
class TQLineEdit;
class TQToolButton;
class TQToolBox;
class IndentHandler : public TQWidget
IndentHandler(int indenterID, TQWidget *mainWindow = NULL, TQWidget *parent = NULL);
TQString generateShellScript(const TQString &configFilename);
TQString callIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
bool loadConfigFile(TQString filePathName);
void resetToDefaultValues();
TQStringList getAvailableIndenters();
TQString getPossibleIndenterFileExtensions();
TQString getParameterString();
TQString getIndenterCfgFile();
TQString getManual();
void retranslateUi();
TQString getCurrentIndenterName();
TQMenu* getIndenterMenu();
TQList<TQAction*> getIndenterMenuActions();
void contextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent *event);
void setParameterChangedCallback(void (*paramChangedCallback)(void));
void setWindowClosedCallback(void (*winClosedCallback)(void));
int getIndenterId();
void indenterSettingsChanged();
void selectedIndenterIndexChanged(int index);
bool event(TQEvent *event);
void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *event);
void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *event);
private slots:
void setIndenter(int indenterID);
void showIndenterManual();
void openConfigFileDialog();
void saveasIndentCfgFileDialog();
void createIndenterCallShellScript();
void resetIndenterParameter();
void handleChangedIndenterSettings();
void updateDrawing();
TQString callExecutableIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
TQString callJavaScriptIndenter(TQString sourceCode);
void saveConfigFile(TQString filePathName, TQString parameterString);
void readIndentIniFile(TQString iniFilePath);
bool createIndenterCallString();
void initIndenterMenu();
// Holds a reference to all created pages of the parameter categories toolbox and the pages
// boxlayout
struct IndenterParameterCategoryPage
TQWidget *widget;
TQVBoxLayout *vboxLayout;
TQVector<IndenterParameterCategoryPage> _indenterParameterCategoryPages;
// Holds a reference to all checkboxes needed for boolean parameter setting and the parameters
// name
struct ParamBoolean
TQString paramName;
TQString trueString;
TQString falseString;
TQCheckBox *checkBox;
TQVector<ParamBoolean> _paramBooleans;
// Holds a reference to all line edits needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
struct ParamString
TQString paramName;
TQString paramCallName;
TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
TQLineEdit *lineEdit;
TQLabel *label;
TQVector<ParamString> _paramStrings;
// Hold a reference to all spin boxes needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
struct ParamNumeric
TQString paramName;
TQString paramCallName;
TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
TQSpinBox *spinBox;
TQLabel *label;
TQVector<ParamNumeric> _paramNumerics;
// Hold a reference to all combo boxes needed for parameter setting and the parameters name
struct ParamMultiple
TQString paramName;
TQString paramCallName;
TQCheckBox *valueEnabledChkBox;
TQComboBox *comboBox;
TQStringList choicesStrings;
TQStringList choicesStringsReadable;
TQVector<ParamMultiple> _paramMultiples;
TQComboBox *_indenterSelectionCombobox;
TQToolButton *_indenterParameterHelpButton;
// Vertical layout box, into which the toolbox will be added
TQVBoxLayout *_toolBoxContainerLayout;
TQToolBox *_indenterParameterCategoriesToolBox;
UiGuiIniFileParser *_indenterSettings;
TQStringList _indenterParameters;
// The indenters name in a descriptive form
TQString _indenterName;
// The indenters file name (w/o extension), that is being called
TQString _indenterFileName;
TQString _indenterDirctoryStr;
TQString _tempDirctoryStr;
TQString _settingsDirctoryStr;
TQStringList _indenterIniFileList;
TQString _parameterOrder;
TQString _globalConfigFilename;
TQString _cfgFileParameterEnding;
TQString _inputFileParameter;
TQString _inputFileName;
TQString _outputFileParameter;
TQString _outputFileName;
TQString _fileTypes;
TQString _useCfgFileParameter;
TQString _indenterShowHelpParameter;
TQWidget *_mainWindow;
UiGuiErrorMessage *_errorMessageDialog;
TQString _indenterExecutableCallString;
TQString _indenterExecutableSuffix;
TQMenu *_menuIndenter;
TQAction *_actionLoadIndenterConfigFile;
TQAction *_actionSaveIndenterConfigFile;
TQAction *_actionCreateShellScript;
TQAction *_actionResetIndenterParameters;
// Needed for the NPP plugin.
void (*_parameterChangedCallback)(void);
// Needed for the NPP plugin.
void (*_windowClosedCallback)(void);
//TODO: This function should go into a string helper/tool class/file.
TQString encodeToHTML(const TQString &text);
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
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