Added logic to call the indenter and update the preview

Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <>
Michele Calgaro 2 years ago
parent 74e91ff8c1
commit 63d63ad52b
Signed by: MicheleC

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "UiGuiSettings.h"
#include "TemplateBatchScript.h"
#include <tqaction.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
@ -44,19 +45,15 @@
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqprocess.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqtoolbox.h>
#include <tqtoolbutton.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
//--- #include <tqsettings.h>
//--- #include <tqstringlist.h>
//--- #include <tqbytearray.h>
//--- #include <tqtextstream.h>
//--- #include <tqtextcodec.h>
//--- #include <tqtscript.h>
//--- #include <tqdesktopservices.h>
//--- #include <tqaction.h>
//--- #include <tqcontextmenuevent.h>
//--- #include <tqtdebug.h>
// \defgroup grp_Indenter All concerning handling of the indenter.
@ -306,32 +303,32 @@ TQString IndentHandler::generateShellScript(const TQString &configFilename)
return shellScript;
//--- /*
//--- \brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the indenter.
//--- The \a inputFileExtension has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
//--- can identify the programming language if needed.
//--- */
//--- TQString IndentHandler::callIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension)
//--- {
//--- if (m_indenterExecutableSuffix == ".js")
//--- {
//--- return callJavaScriptIndenter(sourceCode);
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- return callExecutableIndenter(sourceCode, inputFileExtension);
//--- }
//--- }
//--- /*
//--- \brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the interpreted JavaScript code of the indenter.
//--- The \a inputFileExtension has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
//--- can identify the programming language if needed.
//--- */
//--- TQString IndentHandler::callJavaScriptIndenter(TQString sourceCode)
//--- {
\brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the indenter.
The \a inputFileExtension has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
can identify the programming language if needed.
TQString IndentHandler::callIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode, const TQString &inputFileExtension)
if (m_indenterExecutableSuffix == ".js")
return callJavaScriptIndenter(sourceCode);
return callExecutableIndenter(sourceCode, inputFileExtension);
\brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the interpreted JavaScript code of the indenter.
The \a inputFileExtension has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
can identify the programming language if needed.
TQString IndentHandler::callJavaScriptIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode)
//--- TQScriptEngine engine;
//--- engine.globalObject().setProperty("unformattedCode", sourceCode);
@ -346,263 +343,190 @@ TQString IndentHandler::generateShellScript(const TQString &configFilename)
//--- TQScriptValue value = engine.evaluate(jsDecoderCode);
//--- return value.toString();
//--- }
//--- /*
//--- \brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the binary executable of the indenter.
//--- The \a inputFileExtension has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
//--- can identify the programming language if needed.
//--- */
//--- TQString IndentHandler::callExecutableIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension)
//--- {
//--- Q_ASSERT_X(!m_inputFileName.isEmpty(), "callIndenter", "m_inputFileName is empty");
//--- // Q_ASSERT_X( !m_outputFileName.isEmpty(), "callIndenter", "m_outputFileName is empty" );
//--- Q_ASSERT_X(!m_indenterFileName.isEmpty(), "callIndenter", "m_indenterFileName is empty");
//--- if (m_indenterFileName.isEmpty())
//--- {
//--- return "";
//--- }
//--- TQString formattedSourceCode;
//--- TQString indenterCompleteCallString;
//--- TQString parameterInputFile;
//--- TQString parameterOuputFile;
//--- TQString parameterParameterFile;
//--- TQProcess indentProcess;
//--- TQString processReturnString;
//--- // Generate the parameter string that will be saved to the indenters config file
//--- TQString parameterString = getParameterString();
//--- if (!m_globalConfigFilename.isEmpty())
//--- {
//--- saveConfigFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_globalConfigFilename, parameterString);
//--- }
//--- // Only add a dot to file extension if the string is not empty
//--- if (!inputFileExtension.isEmpty())
//--- {
//--- inputFileExtension = "." + inputFileExtension;
//--- }
//--- // Delete any previously used input src file and create a new input src file.
//--- TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
//--- TQFile inputSrcFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
//--- // Write the source code to the input file for the indenter
//--- if ( | TQFile::Text))
//--- {
//--- inputSrcFile.write(sourceCode.toUtf8());
//--- inputSrcFile.close();
//--- tqDebug() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << ": Wrote to be indented source code to file " <<
//--- inputSrcFile.fileName();
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- qCritical() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ <<
//--- ": Couldn't write to be indented source code to file " << inputSrcFile.fileName();
//--- }
//--- // Set the input file for the to be called indenter.
//--- if (m_inputFileParameter.trimmed() == "<" || m_inputFileParameter == "stdin")
//--- {
//--- parameterInputFile = "";
//--- indentProcess.setStandardInputFile(inputSrcFile.fileName());
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- parameterInputFile = " " + m_inputFileParameter + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension;
//--- }
//--- // Set the output file for the to be called indenter.
//--- if (m_outputFileParameter != "none" && m_outputFileParameter != "stdout")
//--- {
//--- parameterOuputFile = " " + m_outputFileParameter + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension;
//--- }
//--- // If the config file name is empty it is assumed that all parameters are sent via command line
//--- // call
//--- if (m_globalConfigFilename.isEmpty())
//--- {
//--- parameterParameterFile = " " + parameterString;
//--- }
//--- // if needed add the parameter to the indenter call string where the config file can be found
//--- else if (m_useCfgFileParameter != "none")
//--- {
//--- parameterParameterFile = " " + m_useCfgFileParameter + "\"" + m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" +
//--- m_globalConfigFilename + "\"";
//--- }
//--- // Assemble indenter call string for parameters according to the set order.
//--- if (m_parameterOrder == "ipo")
//--- {
//--- indenterCompleteCallString = parameterInputFile + parameterParameterFile + parameterOuputFile;
//--- }
//--- else if (m_parameterOrder == "pio")
//--- {
//--- indenterCompleteCallString = parameterParameterFile + parameterInputFile + parameterOuputFile;
//--- }
//--- else if (m_parameterOrder == "poi")
//--- {
//--- indenterCompleteCallString = parameterParameterFile + parameterOuputFile + parameterInputFile;
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- indenterCompleteCallString = parameterInputFile + parameterOuputFile + parameterParameterFile;
//--- }
//--- // If no indenter executable call string could be created before, show an error message.
//--- if (m_indenterExecutableCallString.isEmpty())
//--- {
//--- m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("No indenter executable"), tr(
//--- "There exists no indenter executable with the name \"%1\" in the directory \"%2\" nor in the global environment.").arg(
//--- m_indenterFileName).arg(m_indenterDirectoryStr));
//--- return sourceCode;
//--- }
//--- // Generate the indenter call string either for win32 or other systems.
//--- indenterCompleteCallString = m_indenterExecutableCallString + indenterCompleteCallString;
//--- // errors and standard outputs from the process call are merged together
//--- //indentProcess.setReadChannelMode(TQProcess::MergedChannels);
//--- // Set the directory where the indenter will be executed for the process' environment as PWD.
//--- TQStringList env = indentProcess.environment();
//--- env << "PWD=" + TQFileInfo(m_tempDirectoryStr).absFilePath();
//--- indentProcess.setEnvironment(env);
//--- // Set the directory for the indenter execution
//--- indentProcess.setWorkingDirectory(TQFileInfo(m_tempDirectoryStr).absFilePath());
//--- tqDebug() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << ": Will call the indenter in the directory " <<
//--- indentProcess.workingDirectory() << " using this commandline call: " <<
//--- indenterCompleteCallString;
//--- indentProcess.start(indenterCompleteCallString);
//--- processReturnString = "";
//--- bool calledProcessSuccessfully = indentProcess.waitForFinished(10000);
//--- // test if there was an error during starting the process of the indenter
//--- if (!calledProcessSuccessfully)
//--- {
//--- processReturnString = "<html><body>";
//--- processReturnString += tr("<b>Returned error message:</b> ") + indentProcess.errorString() +
//--- "<br>";
//--- switch (indentProcess.error())
//--- {
//--- case TQProcess::FailedToStart:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString += tr("<b>Reason could be:</b> ") +
//--- "The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program.<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- case TQProcess::Crashed:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString += "The process crashed some time after starting successfully.<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- case TQProcess::Timedout:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString +=
//--- "The called indenter did not response for over 10 seconds, so aborted its execution.<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- case TQProcess::WriteError:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString +=
//--- "An error occurred when attempting to write to the process. For example, the process may not be running, or it may have closed its input channel.<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- case TQProcess::ReadError:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString +=
//--- "An error occurred when attempting to read from the process. For example, the process may not be running.<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- case TQProcess::UnknownError:
//--- {
//--- processReturnString +=
//--- "An unknown error occurred. This is the default return value of error().<br>";
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- default:
//--- {
//--- break;
//--- }
//--- }
//--- processReturnString += tr("<br><b>Callstring was:</b> ") + encodeToHTML(
//--- indenterCompleteCallString);
//--- processReturnString += tr("<br><br><b>Indenter output was:</b><pre>") + "<br>" + "(STDOUT):" +
//--- encodeToHTML(indentProcess.readAllStandardOutput()) + "<br>" + "(STDERR):" +
//--- encodeToHTML(indentProcess.readAllStandardError()) + "<br>" + "</pre></html></body>";
//--- tqWarning() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << processReturnString;
//--- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
//--- m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("Error calling Indenter"), processReturnString);
//--- }
//--- // If the indenter returned an error code != 0 show its output.
//--- if (indentProcess.exitCode() != 0)
//--- {
//--- TQString exitCode;
//--- exitCode.setNum(indentProcess.exitCode());
//--- processReturnString = tr("<b>Indenter returned with exit code:</b> ") + exitCode + "<br>" + tr(
//--- "<b>Indent console output was:</b> ") + "<br>" + "(STDOUT):" + encodeToHTML(
//--- indentProcess.readAllStandardOutput()) + "<br>" + "(STDERR):" + encodeToHTML(
//--- indentProcess.readAllStandardError()) + "<br>" + tr("<br><b>Callstring was:</b> ") +
//--- encodeToHTML(indenterCompleteCallString) + "</html></body>";
//--- tqWarning() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << processReturnString;
//--- TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
//--- m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("Indenter returned error"), processReturnString);
//--- }
//--- // Only get the formatted source code, if calling the indenter did succeed.
//--- if (calledProcessSuccessfully)
//--- {
//--- // If the indenter results are written to stdout, read them from there...
//--- if (indentProcess.exitCode() == 0 && m_outputFileParameter == "stdout")
//--- {
//--- formattedSourceCode = indentProcess.readAllStandardOutput();
//--- tqDebug() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << ": Read indenter output from StdOut.";
//--- }
//--- // ... else read the output file generated by the indenter call.
//--- else
//--- {
//--- TQFile outSrcFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension);
//--- if ( | TQFile::Text))
//--- {
//--- TQTextStream outSrcStrm(&outSrcFile);
//--- outSrcStrm.setCodec(TQTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
//--- formattedSourceCode = outSrcStrm.readAll();
//--- outSrcFile.close();
//--- tqDebug() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << ": Read indenter output from file " <<
//--- outSrcFile.fileName();
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- qCritical() << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ <<
//--- ": Couldn't read indenter output from file " << outSrcFile.fileName();
//--- }
//--- }
//--- }
//--- else
//--- {
//--- return sourceCode;
//--- }
//--- // Delete the temporary input and output files.
//--- TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension);
//--- TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
//--- return formattedSourceCode;
//--- }
return "";
\brief Format \a sourceCode by calling the binary executable of the indenter.
The \a inputFileExt has to be given as parameter so the called indenter
can identify the programming language if needed.
TQString IndentHandler::callExecutableIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode, const TQString &inputFileExt)
if (m_indenterFileName.isEmpty() || inputFileExt.isEmpty())
return TQString::null;
TQString indenterCompleteCallString;
TQString parameterInputFile;
TQString parameterOuputFile;
TQString parameterParameterFile;
TQProcess indentProcess;
TQObject::connect(&indentProcess, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(indenterProcessFinished()));
// Generate the parameter string that will be saved to the indenters config file
TQString parameterString = getParameterString();
if (!m_globalConfigFilename.isEmpty())
saveConfigFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_globalConfigFilename, parameterString);
// Only add a dot to file extension if the string is not empty
TQString inputFileExtension = "." + inputFileExt;
// Delete any previously used input src file and create a new input src file.
TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
TQFile inputSrcFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
// Write the source code to the input file for the indenter
if ( | IO_Translate))
TQCString sourceCodeCString = sourceCode.utf8();
inputSrcFile.writeBlock(, sourceCodeCString.length());
// tqDebug("Wrote source code to be indented to file %s",;
tqDebug("Couldn't write to be indented source code to file %s",;
// Set the input file for the indenter to be called.
if (m_inputFileParameter.stripWhiteSpace() == "<" || m_inputFileParameter == "stdin")
parameterInputFile = " < " +;
parameterInputFile = " " + m_inputFileParameter + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension;
// Set the output file for the to be called indenter.
if (m_outputFileParameter != "none" && m_outputFileParameter != "stdout")
parameterOuputFile = " " + m_outputFileParameter + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension;
// If the config file name is empty it is assumed that all parameters are sent via command line
// call
if (m_globalConfigFilename.isEmpty())
parameterParameterFile = " " + parameterString;
// if needed add the parameter to the indenter call string where the config file can be found
else if (m_useCfgFileParameter != "none")
parameterParameterFile = " " + m_useCfgFileParameter + m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" +
// Assemble indenter call string for parameters according to the set order.
if (m_parameterOrder == "ipo")
indenterCompleteCallString = parameterInputFile + parameterParameterFile + parameterOuputFile;
else if (m_parameterOrder == "pio")
indenterCompleteCallString = parameterParameterFile + parameterInputFile + parameterOuputFile;
else if (m_parameterOrder == "poi")
indenterCompleteCallString = parameterParameterFile + parameterOuputFile + parameterInputFile;
indenterCompleteCallString = parameterInputFile + parameterOuputFile + parameterParameterFile;
// If no indenter executable call string could be created before, show an error message.
if (m_indenterExecutableCallString.isEmpty())
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("No indenter executable"), tr(
"There exists no indenter executable with the name \"%1\" in the directory \"%2\" nor in the global environment.").arg(
return sourceCode;
// Generate the indenter call string either for win32 or other systems.
indenterCompleteCallString = m_indenterExecutableCallString + indenterCompleteCallString;
// errors and standard outputs from the process call are merged together
// Set the directory for the indenter execution
// tqDebug(TQString("Will call the indenter in the directory ") + indentProcess.workingDirectory().path() +
// " using this commandline call: " + indenterCompleteCallString);
TQStringList arguments = TQStringList::split(" ", indenterCompleteCallString);
for (const TQString &argument : arguments)
m_indenterProcessFinished = false;
int counter = 100; // roughtly 10s at 100ms interval
while (!m_indenterProcessFinished && counter > 0)
usleep(100 * 1000);
TQString formattedSourceCode = sourceCode;
bool calledProcessSuccessfully = indentProcess.normalExit();
// test if there was an error during starting the process of the indenter
if (!calledProcessSuccessfully || indentProcess.exitStatus() != 0)
TQString processReturnString = "<html><body>";
processReturnString += tr("<b>Returned error code:</b> ") +
TQString::number(indentProcess.exitStatus()) + "<br/>";
processReturnString += tr("<br/><b>Call string:</b><br/>") +
encodeToHTML(indenterCompleteCallString) + "<br/>";
processReturnString += tr("<br/><b>Process standard output:</b><br/>") +
encodeToHTML(TQString(indentProcess.readStdout())) + "<br/>";
processReturnString += tr("<br/><b>Process error output:</b><br/>") +
encodeToHTML(TQString(indentProcess.readStderr())) + "<br/>";
m_errorMessageDialog->showMessage(tr("Error calling Indenter"), processReturnString);
if (m_outputFileParameter == "stdout")
formattedSourceCode = TQString(indentProcess.readStdout());
// ... else read the output file generated by the indenter call.
TQFile outSrcFile(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension);
if ( | IO_Translate))
TQTextStream outSrcStrm(&outSrcFile);
formattedSourceCode =;
// tqDebug("Read indenter output from file " +;
tqDebug("Couldn't read indenter output from file " +;
// Delete the temporary input and output files.
TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_outputFileName + inputFileExtension);
TQFile::remove(m_tempDirectoryStr + "/" + m_inputFileName + inputFileExtension);
return formattedSourceCode;
\brief Generates and returns a string with all parameters needed to call the indenter.
@ -767,7 +691,7 @@ bool IndentHandler::loadConfigFile(const TQString &filePathName)
// Search for name of each numeric parameter and set the value found behind it.
for(const ParamNumeric &pNumeric : m_paramNumerics)
int index = cfgFileData.find(pNumeric.paramCallName, 0, false);
int index = cfgFileData.find(pNumeric.paramCallName, 0);
// parameter was found in config file
if (index != -1)
@ -1784,22 +1708,22 @@ void IndentHandler::handleChangedIndenterSettings()
//--- /*!
//--- \brief Converts characters < > and & in the \a text to HTML codes &lt &gt and &amp.
//--- */
//--- TQString IndentHandler::encodeToHTML(const TQString &text)
//--- {
//--- TQString htmlText = text;
//--- htmlText.replace("&", "&amp;");
//--- htmlText.replace("<", "&lt;");
//--- htmlText.replace(">", "&gt;");
//--- htmlText.replace('"', "&quot;");
//--- htmlText.replace("'", "&#39;");
//--- htmlText.replace("^", "&circ;");
//--- htmlText.replace("~", "&tilde;");
//--- htmlText.replace("€", "&euro;");
//--- htmlText.replace("©", "&copy;");
//--- return htmlText;
//--- }
\brief Converts characters < > and & in the \a text to HTML codes &lt &gt and &amp.
TQString IndentHandler::encodeToHTML(const TQString &text)
TQString htmlText = text;
htmlText.replace("&", "&amp;");
htmlText.replace("<", "&lt;");
htmlText.replace(">", "&gt;");
htmlText.replace('"', "&quot;");
htmlText.replace("'", "&#39;");
htmlText.replace("^", "&circ;");
htmlText.replace("~", "&tilde;");
htmlText.replace("", "&euro;");
htmlText.replace("©", "&copy;");
return htmlText;
#include "IndentHandler.moc"

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class IndentHandler : public TQWidget
TQString generateShellScript(const TQString &configFilename);
///-- TQString callIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
TQString callIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode, const TQString &inputFileExtension);
bool loadConfigFile(const TQString &filePathName);
void resetToDefaultValues();
TQStringList getAvailableIndenters();
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ class IndentHandler : public TQWidget
void indenterProcessFinished();
///-- TQString callExecutableIndenter(TQString sourceCode, TQString inputFileExtension);
///-- TQString callJavaScriptIndenter(TQString sourceCode);
TQString callExecutableIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode, const TQString &inputFileExt);
TQString callJavaScriptIndenter(const TQString &sourceCode);
void saveConfigFile(const TQString &filePathName, const TQString &parameterString);
void readIndentIniFile(const TQString &iniFilePath);
bool createIndenterCallString();
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ class IndentHandler : public TQWidget
TQString m_indenterExecutableSuffix;
bool m_indenterProcessFinished;
///-- //TODO: This function should go into a string helper/tool class/file.
///-- TQString encodeToHTML(const TQString &text);
//TODO: This function should go into a string helper/tool class/file.
TQString encodeToHTML(const TQString &text);

@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ void MainWindow::initIndenter()
connect(m_indentHandler, SIGNAL(indenterSettingsChanged()), this,
///-- // Set this true, so the indenter is called at first program start
///-- _indentSettingsChanged = true;
///-- m_previewToggled = true;
// Set this true, so the indenter is called at first program start
m_indentSettingsChanged = true;
m_previewToggled = true;
///-- // Handle if indenter parameter tool tips are enabled
///-- _settings->registerObjectProperty(actionIndenterParameterTooltipsEnabled,
///-- "checked", "indenterParameterTooltipsEnabled");
@ -683,8 +683,8 @@ void MainWindow::updateSourceView()
void MainWindow::callIndenter()
///-- m_sourceFormattedContent = m_indentHandler->callIndenter(m_sourceFileContent,
///-- m_currentSourceFileExtension);
m_sourceFormattedContent = m_indentHandler->callIndenter(m_sourceFileContent,
@ -872,45 +872,38 @@ void MainWindow::sourceCodeChangedSlot()
void MainWindow::indentSettingsChangedSlot()
///-- _indentSettingsChanged = true;
///-- int cursorLine, cursorPos;
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->getCursorPosition(&cursorLine, &cursorPos);
///-- if (m_toolBarWidget->cbLivePreview->isChecked())
///-- {
///-- callIndenter();
///-- m_previewToggled = true;
///-- updateSourceView();
///-- if (m_sourceCodeChanged)
///-- {
///-- /* savedCursor = m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->textCursor();
///-- if ( cursorPos >= m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text().count() ) {
///-- cursorPos = m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text().count() - 1;
///-- }
///-- savedCursor.setPosition( cursorPos );
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setTextCursor( savedCursor );
///-- */
///-- m_sourceCodeChanged = false;
///-- }
///-- _indentSettingsChanged = false;
///-- }
///-- else
///-- {
///-- updateSourceView();
///-- }
///-- if (m_savedSourceContent == m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text())
///-- {
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setModified(false);
///-- m_documentModified = false;
///-- }
///-- else
///-- {
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setModified(true); // Has no effect according to TQScintilla docs.
///-- m_documentModified = true;
///-- }
m_indentSettingsChanged = true;
int cursorLine, cursorPos;
m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->getCursorPosition(&cursorLine, &cursorPos);
if (m_toolBarWidget->cbLivePreview->isChecked())
m_previewToggled = true;
if (m_sourceCodeChanged)
m_sourceCodeChanged = false;
m_indentSettingsChanged = false;
if (m_savedSourceContent == m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text())
m_documentModified = false;
m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setModified(true); // Has no effect according to TQScintilla docs.
m_documentModified = true;
@ -921,39 +914,32 @@ void MainWindow::indentSettingsChangedSlot()
void MainWindow::previewTurnedOnOff(bool turnOn)
///-- m_previewToggled = true;
///-- int cursorLine, cursorPos;
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->getCursorPosition(&cursorLine, &cursorPos);
///-- if (turnOn && (_indentSettingsChanged || m_sourceCodeChanged))
///-- {
///-- callIndenter();
///-- }
///-- updateSourceView();
///-- if (m_sourceCodeChanged)
///-- {
///-- /* savedCursor = m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->textCursor();
///-- if ( cursorPos >= m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text().count() ) {
///-- cursorPos = m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text().count() - 1;
///-- }
///-- savedCursor.setPosition( cursorPos );
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setTextCursor( savedCursor );
///-- */
///-- m_sourceCodeChanged = false;
///-- }
///-- _indentSettingsChanged = false;
///-- if (m_savedSourceContent == m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text())
///-- {
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setModified(false);
///-- m_documentModified = false;
///-- }
///-- else
///-- {
///-- m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->setModified(true);
///-- m_documentModified = true;
///-- }
m_previewToggled = true;
int cursorLine, cursorPos;
m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->getCursorPosition(&cursorLine, &cursorPos);
if (turnOn && (m_indentSettingsChanged || m_sourceCodeChanged))
if (m_sourceCodeChanged)
m_sourceCodeChanged = false;
m_indentSettingsChanged = false;
if (m_savedSourceContent == m_qSciSourceCodeEditor->text())
m_documentModified = false;
m_documentModified = true;

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
#include "MainWindowBase.h"
#include "tqobjdefs.h"
#include "tqvaluelist.h"
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ class MainWindow : public MainWindowBase
TQTranslator *m_qTranslator;
bool m_sourceCodeChanged;
///-- bool _indentSettingsChanged;
bool m_indentSettingsChanged;
bool m_previewToggled;
bool m_documentModified;
TQStringList m_recentlyOpenedList;
