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TQGridView Class Reference

The TQGridView class provides an abstract base for fixed-size grids. More...

#include <qgridview.h>

Inherits TQScrollView.

List of all member functions.

Public Members


Protected Members

Detailed Description

The TQGridView class provides an abstract base for fixed-size grids.

A grid view consists of a number of abstract cells organized in rows and columns. The cells have a fixed size and are identified with a row index and a column index. The top-left cell is in row 0, column 0. The bottom-right cell is in row numRows()-1, column numCols()-1.

You can define numRows, numCols, cellWidth and cellHeight. Reimplement the pure virtual function paintCell() to draw the contents of a cell.

With ensureCellVisible(), you can ensure a certain cell is visible. With rowAt() and columnAt() you can find a cell based on the given x- and y-coordinates.

If you need to monitor changes to the grid's dimensions (i.e. when numRows or numCols is changed), reimplement the dimensionChange() change handler.

Note: the row and column indices are always given in the order, row (vertical offset) then column (horizontal offset). This order is the opposite of all pixel operations, which are given in the order x (horizontal offset), y (vertical offset).

TQGridView is a very simple abstract class based on TQScrollView. It is designed to simplify the task of drawing many cells of the same size in a potentially scrollable canvas. If you need rows and columns with different sizes, use a TQTable instead. If you need a simple list of items, use a TQListBox. If you need to present hierachical data use a TQListView, and if you need random objects at random positions, consider using either a TQIconView or a TQCanvas.

See also Abstract Widget Classes.

Member Function Documentation

TQGridView::TQGridView ( TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 )

Constructs a grid view.

The parent, name and widget flag, f, arguments are passed to the TQScrollView constructor.

TQGridView::~TQGridView ()

Destroys the grid view.

TQRect TQGridView::cellGeometry ( int row, int column )

Returns the geometry of cell (row, column) in the content coordinate system.

See also cellRect().

int TQGridView::cellHeight () const

Returns the height of a grid row. See the "cellHeight" property for details.

TQRect TQGridView::cellRect () const

Returns the geometry of a cell in a cell's coordinate system. This is a convenience function useful in paintCell(). It is equivalent to TQRect( 0, 0, cellWidth(), cellHeight() ).

See also cellGeometry().

int TQGridView::cellWidth () const

Returns the width of a grid column. See the "cellWidth" property for details.

int TQGridView::columnAt ( int x ) const

Returns the number of the column at position x. x must be given in content coordinates.

See also rowAt().

void TQGridView::dimensionChange ( int oldNumRows, int oldNumCols ) [virtual protected]

This change handler is called whenever any of the grid's dimensions change. oldNumRows and oldNumCols contain the old dimensions, numRows() and numCols() contain the new dimensions.

void TQGridView::ensureCellVisible ( int row, int column )

Ensures cell (row, column) is visible, scrolling the grid view if necessary.

TQSize TQGridView::gridSize () const

Returns the size of the grid in pixels.

int TQGridView::numCols () const

Returns the number of columns in the grid. See the "numCols" property for details.

int TQGridView::numRows () const

Returns the number of rows in the grid. See the "numRows" property for details.

void TQGridView::paintCell ( TQPainter * p, int row, int col ) [pure virtual protected]

This pure virtual function is called to paint the single cell at (row, col) using painter p. The painter must be open when paintCell() is called and must remain open.

The coordinate system is translated so that the origin is at the top-left corner of the cell to be painted, i.e. cell coordinates. Do not scale or shear the coordinate system (or if you do, restore the transformation matrix before you return).

The painter is not clipped by default in order to get maximum efficiency. If you want clipping, use

    p->setClipRect( cellRect(), TQPainter::CoordPainter );
    //... your drawing code
    p->setClipping( FALSE );


void TQGridView::paintEmptyArea ( TQPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) [virtual protected]

This function fills the cw pixels wide and ch pixels high rectangle starting at position (cx, cy) with the background color using the painter p.

paintEmptyArea() is invoked by drawContents() to erase or fill unused areas.

void TQGridView::repaintCell ( int row, int column, bool erase = TRUE )

Repaints cell (row, column).

If erase is TRUE, TQt erases the area of the cell before the paintCell() call; otherwise no erasing takes place.

See also TQWidget::repaint().

int TQGridView::rowAt ( int y ) const

Returns the number of the row at position y. y must be given in content coordinates.

See also columnAt().

void TQGridView::setCellHeight ( int ) [virtual]

Sets the height of a grid row. See the "cellHeight" property for details.

void TQGridView::setCellWidth ( int ) [virtual]

Sets the width of a grid column. See the "cellWidth" property for details.

void TQGridView::setNumCols ( int ) [virtual]

Sets the number of columns in the grid. See the "numCols" property for details.

void TQGridView::setNumRows ( int ) [virtual]

Sets the number of rows in the grid. See the "numRows" property for details.

void TQGridView::updateCell ( int row, int column )

Updates cell (row, column).

See also TQWidget::update().

Property Documentation

int cellHeight

This property holds the height of a grid row.

All rows in a grid view have the same height.

See also cellWidth.

Set this property's value with setCellHeight() and get this property's value with cellHeight().

int cellWidth

This property holds the width of a grid column.

All columns in a grid view have the same width.

See also cellHeight.

Set this property's value with setCellWidth() and get this property's value with cellWidth().

int numCols

This property holds the number of columns in the grid.

Set this property's value with setNumCols() and get this property's value with numCols().

See also numRows.

int numRows

This property holds the number of rows in the grid.

Set this property's value with setNumRows() and get this property's value with numRows().

See also numCols.

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