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The TQPoint class defines a point in the plane. More...
#include <ntqpoint.h>
A point is specified by an x coordinate and a y coordinate.
The coordinate type is TQCOORD (a 32-bit integer). The minimum value of TQCOORD is TQCOORD_MIN (-2147483648) and the maximum value is TQCOORD_MAX (2147483647).
The coordinates are accessed by the functions x() and y(); they can be set by setX() and setY() or by the reference functions rx() and ry().
Given a point p, the following statements are all equivalent:
p.setX( p.x() + 1 ); p += TQPoint( 1, 0 ); p.rx()++;
A TQPoint can also be used as a vector. Addition and subtraction of TQPoints are defined as for vectors (each component is added separately). You can divide or multiply a TQPoint by an int or a double. The function manhattanLength() gives an inexpensive approximation of the length of the TQPoint interpreted as a vector.
//TQPoint oldPos is defined somewhere else MyWidget::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { TQPoint vector = e->pos() - oldPos; if ( vector.manhattanLength() > 3 ) ... //mouse has moved more than 3 pixels since oldPos }
TQPoints can be compared for equality or inequality, and they can be written to and read from a TQStream.
See also TQPointArray, TQSize, TQRect, Graphics Classes, and Image Processing Classes.
Constructs a point with coordinates (0, 0) (isNull() returns TRUE).
Constructs a point with x value xpos and y value ypos.
Returns TRUE if both the x value and the y value are 0; otherwise returns FALSE.
This is a useful, and quick to calculate, approximation to the true length: sqrt(pow(x(),2)+pow(y(),2)).
Multiplies this point's x and y by c, and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( -1, 4 ); p *= 2; // p becomes (-2,8)
Multiplies this point's x and y by c, and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( -1, 4 ); p *= 2.5; // p becomes (-3,10)
Note that the result is truncated because points are held as integers.
Adds point p to this point and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( 3, 7 ); TQPoint q( -1, 4 ); p += q; // p becomes (2,11)
Subtracts point p from this point and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( 3, 7 ); TQPoint q( -1, 4 ); p -= q; // p becomes (4,3)
Divides both x and y by c, and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( -2, 8 ); p /= 2; // p becomes (-1,4)
Divides both x and y by c, and returns a reference to this point.
TQPoint p( -3, 10 ); p /= 2.5; // p becomes (-1,4)
Note that the result is truncated because points are held as integers.
Returns a reference to the x coordinate of the point.
Using a reference makes it possible to directly manipulate x.
TQPoint p( 1, 2 ); p.rx()--; // p becomes (0, 2)
See also ry().
Returns a reference to the y coordinate of the point.
Using a reference makes it possible to directly manipulate y.
TQPoint p( 1, 2 ); p.ry()++; // p becomes (1, 3)
See also rx().
Sets the x coordinate of the point to x.
Example: t14/cannon.cpp.
Sets the y coordinate of the point to y.
Example: t14/cannon.cpp.
Returns the x coordinate of the point.
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp, chart/canvasview.cpp, dirview/dirview.cpp, fileiconview/tqfileiconview.cpp, helpsystem/tooltip.cpp, life/life.cpp, and t14/cannon.cpp.
Returns the y coordinate of the point.
Examples: canvas/canvas.cpp, chart/canvasview.cpp, fileiconview/tqfileiconview.cpp, helpsystem/tooltip.cpp, life/life.cpp, t14/cannon.cpp, and themes/wood.cpp.
Returns TRUE if p1 and p2 are not equal; otherwise returns FALSE.
Returns the TQPoint formed by multiplying both components of p by c.
Returns the TQPoint formed by multiplying both components of p by c.
Returns the TQPoint formed by multiplying both components of p by c.
Note that the result is truncated because points are held as integers.
Returns the TQPoint formed by multiplying both components of p by c.
Note that the result is truncated because points are held as integers.
Returns the sum of p1 and p2; each component is added separately.
Returns p2 subtracted from p1; each component is subtracted separately.
Returns the TQPoint formed by changing the sign of both components of p, equivalent to TQPoint(0,0) - p.
Returns the TQPoint formed by dividing both components of p by c.
Returns the TQPoint formed by dividing both components of p by c.
Note that the result is truncated because points are held as integers.
Writes point p to the stream s and returns a reference to the stream.
See also Format of the TQDataStream operators.
Returns TRUE if p1 and p2 are equal; otherwise returns FALSE.
Reads a TQPoint from the stream s into point p and returns a reference to the stream.
See also Format of the TQDataStream operators.
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