Kate session panel: removed no longer used OldKateSession and OldKateSessionManager code.

Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <michele.calgaro@yahoo.it>
Michele Calgaro 9 years ago
parent 8644afed0d
commit 67642abd94

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e147134c949daa4c49611405c27805f21ac51502
Subproject commit 04c35f89e0b556b38fa0ba19a8af6db426e59686

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 416e4baaa96058a323968657ee51d5eb0ff0c5c6
Subproject commit 0e0f4e9be4ce481304f4a9e7b0069af157425d74

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Shows license information.
Starts &kate; with the session <parameter>name</parameter>. If the session does not exist,
a new session with the specified name is created.<p>
a new session with the specified name is created.
If a &kate; instance running the specified session already exists, the specified files are
loaded in that instance.

@ -898,704 +898,6 @@ void KateSessionChooser::slotSelectionChanged()
//END KateSessionChooser
OldKateSession::OldKateSession (OldKateSessionManager *manager, const TQString &fileName, const TQString &name)
: m_sessionFileRel (fileName)
, m_sessionName (name)
, m_documents (0)
, m_manager (manager)
, m_readConfig (0)
, m_writeConfig (0)
init ();
void OldKateSession::init ()
// given file exists, use it to load some stuff ;)
if (!m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty() && TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(sessionFile ()))
KSimpleConfig config (sessionFile (), true);
if (m_sessionName.isEmpty())
// get the name out of the file
if (m_sessionFileRel == "default.katesession")
m_sessionName = i18n("Default Session");
config.setGroup ("General");
m_sessionName = config.readEntry ("Name", i18n ("Unnamed Session"));
// get the document count
config.setGroup ("Open Documents");
m_documents = config.readUnsignedNumEntry("Count", 0);
// filename not empty, create the file
// anders: When will this ever happen???
if (!m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty())
kdDebug(13001)<<"Kate::Session: initializing unexisting file!"<<endl;
// uhh, no name given
if (m_sessionName.isEmpty())
if (m_sessionFileRel == "default.katesession")
m_sessionName = i18n("Default Session");
m_sessionName = i18n("Session (%1)").arg(TQTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::LocalDate));
// create the file, write name to it!
KSimpleConfig config (sessionFile ());
config.setGroup ("General");
config.writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName);
config.sync ();
OldKateSession::~OldKateSession ()
delete m_readConfig;
delete m_writeConfig;
TQString OldKateSession::sessionFile () const
return m_manager->sessionsDir() + "/" + m_sessionFileRel;
bool OldKateSession::create (const TQString &name, bool force)
if (!force && (name.isEmpty() || !m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty()))
return false;
delete m_writeConfig;
m_writeConfig = 0;
delete m_readConfig;
m_readConfig = 0;
m_sessionName = name;
// get a usable filename
int s = time(0);
TQCString tname;
while (true)
tname.setNum (s++);
KMD5 md5 (tname);
m_sessionFileRel = TQString ("%1.katesession").arg (md5.hexDigest().data());
if (!TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(sessionFile ()))
// create the file, write name to it!
KSimpleConfig config (sessionFile ());
config.setGroup ("General");
config.writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName);
config.sync ();
// reinit ourselfs ;)
init ();
return true;
bool OldKateSession::rename (const TQString &name)
if (name.isEmpty () || m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty() || m_sessionFileRel == "default.katesession")
return false;
m_sessionName = name;
TDEConfig config (sessionFile (), false, false);
config.setGroup ("General");
config.writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName);
config.sync ();
return true;
TDEConfig *OldKateSession::configRead ()
if (m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (m_readConfig)
return m_readConfig;
return m_readConfig = new KSimpleConfig (sessionFile (), true);
TDEConfig *OldKateSession::configWrite ()
if (m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty())
return 0;
if (m_writeConfig)
return m_writeConfig;
m_writeConfig = new KSimpleConfig (sessionFile ());
m_writeConfig->setGroup ("General");
m_writeConfig->writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName);
return m_writeConfig;
OldKateSessionManager::OldKateSessionManager (TQObject *parent)
: TQObject (parent)
, m_sessionsDir (locateLocal( "data", "kate/sessions"))
, m_activeSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", ""))
kdDebug() << "LOCAL SESSION DIR: " << m_sessionsDir << endl;
// create dir if needed
TDEGlobal::dirs()->makeDir (m_sessionsDir);
OldKateSessionManager *OldKateSessionManager::self()
return (OldKateSessionManager*)KateApp::self()->sessionManager();
void OldKateSessionManager::dirty (const TQString &)
updateSessionList ();
void OldKateSessionManager::updateSessionList ()
m_sessionList.clear ();
// Let's get a list of all session we have atm
TQDir dir (m_sessionsDir, "*.katesession");
bool foundDefault = false;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < dir.count(); ++i)
OldKateSession *session = new OldKateSession (this, dir[i], "");
m_sessionList.append (session);
kdDebug () << "FOUND SESSION: " << session->sessionName() << " FILE: " << session->sessionFile() << endl;
if (!foundDefault && (dir[i] == "default.katesession"))
foundDefault = true;
// add default session, if not there
if (!foundDefault)
m_sessionList.append (new OldKateSession (this, "default.katesession", i18n("Default Session")));
void OldKateSessionManager::activateSession (OldKateSession::Ptr session, bool closeLast, bool saveLast, bool loadNew)
// don't reload.
// ### comparing the pointers directly is b0rk3d :(
if ( ! session->sessionName().isEmpty() && session->sessionName() == m_activeSession->sessionName() )
// try to close last session
if (closeLast)
if (KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow())
if (!KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()->queryClose_internal())
// save last session or not?
if (saveLast)
saveActiveSession (true);
// really close last
if (closeLast)
KateDocManager::self()->closeAllDocuments ();
// set the new session
m_activeSession = session;
if (loadNew)
// open the new session
Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (false);
TDEConfig *sc = activeSession()->configRead();
if (sc)
KateApp::self()->documentManager()->restoreDocumentList (sc);
// if we have no session config object, try to load the default
// (anonymous/unnamed sessions)
if ( ! sc )
sc = new KSimpleConfig( sessionsDir() + "/default.katesession" );
// window config
if (sc)
TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config();
if (c->readBoolEntry("Restore Window Configuration", true))
// a new, named session, read settings of the default session.
if ( ! sc->hasGroup("Open MainWindows") )
sc = new KSimpleConfig( sessionsDir() + "/default.katesession" );
sc->setGroup ("Open MainWindows");
unsigned int wCount = sc->readUnsignedNumEntry("Count", 1);
for (unsigned int i=0; i < wCount; ++i)
if (i >= KateApp::self()->mainWindows())
KateApp::self()->newMainWindow(sc, TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i));
sc->setGroup(TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i));
KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->readProperties (sc);
if (wCount > 0)
while (wCount < KateApp::self()->mainWindows())
KateMainWindow *w = KateApp::self()->mainWindow(KateApp::self()->mainWindows()-1);
KateApp::self()->removeMainWindow (w);
delete w;
Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (true);
OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionManager::createSession (const TQString &name)
OldKateSession::Ptr s = new OldKateSession (this, "", "");
s->create (name);
return s;
OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionManager::giveSession (const TQString &name)
if (name.isEmpty())
return new OldKateSession (this, "", "");
for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_sessionList.count(); ++i)
if (m_sessionList[i]->sessionName() == name)
return m_sessionList[i];
return createSession (name);
bool OldKateSessionManager::saveActiveSession (bool tryAsk, bool rememberAsLast)
if (tryAsk)
// app config
TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config();
TQString sesExit (c->readEntry ("Session Exit", "save"));
if (sesExit == "discard")
return true;
if (sesExit == "ask")
KDialogBase* dlg = new KDialogBase(i18n ("Save Session?")
, KDialogBase::Yes | KDialogBase::No
, KDialogBase::Yes, KDialogBase::No
bool dontAgain = false;
int res = KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(dlg, TQMessageBox::Question,
i18n("Save current session?"), TQStringList(),
i18n("Do not ask again"), &dontAgain, KMessageBox::Notify);
// remember to not ask again with right setting
if (dontAgain)
if (res == KDialogBase::No)
c->writeEntry ("Session Exit", "discard");
c->writeEntry ("Session Exit", "save");
if (res == KDialogBase::No)
return true;
TDEConfig *sc = activeSession()->configWrite();
if (!sc)
return false;
KateDocManager::self()->saveDocumentList (sc);
sc->setGroup ("Open MainWindows");
sc->writeEntry ("Count", KateApp::self()->mainWindows ());
// save config for all windows around ;)
for (unsigned int i=0; i < KateApp::self()->mainWindows (); ++i )
sc->setGroup(TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i));
KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->saveProperties (sc);
if (rememberAsLast)
TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config();
c->sync ();
return true;
void OldKateSessionManager::sessionNew ()
activateSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", ""));
void OldKateSessionManager::sessionOpen ()
OldKateSessionOpenDialog *chooser = new OldKateSessionOpenDialog (0);
int res = chooser->exec ();
if (res == OldKateSessionOpenDialog::resultCancel)
delete chooser;
OldKateSession::Ptr s = chooser->selectedSession ();
if (s)
activateSession (s);
delete chooser;
void OldKateSessionManager::sessionSave ()
// if the active session is valid, just save it :)
if (saveActiveSession ())
bool ok = false;
TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify Name for Current Session"), i18n("Session name:"), "", &ok);
if (!ok)
if (name.isEmpty())
KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a new session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name"));
activeSession()->create (name);
saveActiveSession ();
void OldKateSessionManager::sessionSaveAs ()
bool ok = false;
TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify New Name for Current Session"), i18n("Session name:"), "", &ok);
if (!ok)
if (name.isEmpty())
KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name"));
activeSession()->create (name, true);
saveActiveSession ();
void OldKateSessionManager::sessionManage ()
OldKateSessionManageDialog *dlg = new OldKateSessionManageDialog (0);
dlg->exec ();
delete dlg;
class OldKateSessionChooserItem : public TQListViewItem
OldKateSessionChooserItem (TDEListView *lv, OldKateSession::Ptr s)
: TQListViewItem (lv, s->sessionName())
, session (s)
TQString docs;
docs.setNum (s->documents());
setText (1, docs);
OldKateSession::Ptr session;
OldKateSessionOpenDialog::OldKateSessionOpenDialog (TQWidget *parent)
: KDialogBase ( parent
, ""
, true
, i18n ("Open Session")
, KDialogBase::User1 | KDialogBase::User2
, KDialogBase::User2
, false
, KStdGuiItem::cancel ()
, KGuiItem( i18n("&Open"), "document-open")
TQHBox *page = new TQHBox (this);
page->setMinimumSize (400, 200);
TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox (page);
TQVBox *vb = new TQVBox (hb);
m_sessions = new TDEListView (vb);
m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Session Name"));
m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Open Documents"));
m_sessions->setResizeMode (TQListView::AllColumns);
m_sessions->setSelectionMode (TQListView::Single);
m_sessions->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true);
connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUser2()));
OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i)
new OldKateSessionChooserItem (m_sessions, slist[i]);
setResult (resultCancel);
OldKateSessionOpenDialog::~OldKateSessionOpenDialog ()
OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionOpenDialog::selectedSession ()
OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem ();
if (!item)
return 0;
return item->session;
void OldKateSessionOpenDialog::slotUser1 ()
done (resultCancel);
void OldKateSessionOpenDialog::slotUser2 ()
done (resultOk);
OldKateSessionManageDialog::OldKateSessionManageDialog (TQWidget *parent)
: KDialogBase ( parent
, ""
, true
, i18n ("Manage Sessions")
, KDialogBase::User1
, KDialogBase::User1
, false
, KStdGuiItem::close ()
TQHBox *page = new TQHBox (this);
page->setMinimumSize (400, 200);
TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox (page);
hb->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint());
m_sessions = new TDEListView (hb);
m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Session Name"));
m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Open Documents"));
m_sessions->setResizeMode (TQListView::AllColumns);
m_sessions->setSelectionMode (TQListView::Single);
m_sessions->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true);
connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(selectionChanged()));
updateSessionList ();
TQWidget *vb = new TQWidget (hb);
TQVBoxLayout *vbl = new TQVBoxLayout (vb);
vbl->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint());
m_rename = new KPushButton (i18n("&Rename..."), vb);
connect (m_rename, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(rename()));
vbl->addWidget (m_rename);
m_del = new KPushButton (KStdGuiItem::del (), vb);
connect (m_del, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(del()));
vbl->addWidget (m_del);
vbl->addStretch ();
// trigger action update
selectionChanged ();
OldKateSessionManageDialog::~OldKateSessionManageDialog ()
void OldKateSessionManageDialog::slotUser1 ()
done (0);
void OldKateSessionManageDialog::selectionChanged ()
OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem ();
m_rename->setEnabled (item && item->session->sessionFileRelative() != "default.katesession");
m_del->setEnabled (item && item->session->sessionFileRelative() != "default.katesession");
void OldKateSessionManageDialog::rename ()
OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem ();
if (!item || item->session->sessionFileRelative() == "default.katesession")
bool ok = false;
TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify New Name for Session"), i18n("Session name:"), item->session->sessionName(), &ok);
if (!ok)
if (name.isEmpty())
KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name"));
item->session->rename (name);
updateSessionList ();
void OldKateSessionManageDialog::del ()
OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem ();
if (!item || item->session->sessionFileRelative() == "default.katesession")
TQFile::remove (item->session->sessionFile());
OldKateSessionManager::self()->updateSessionList ();
updateSessionList ();
void OldKateSessionManageDialog::updateSessionList ()
m_sessions->clear ();
OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i)
new OldKateSessionChooserItem (m_sessions, slist[i]);
OldKateSessionsAction::OldKateSessionsAction(const TQString& text, TQObject* parent, const char* name )
: TDEActionMenu(text, parent, name)
void OldKateSessionsAction::slotAboutToShow()
popupMenu()->clear ();
OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i)
popupMenu()->insertItem (
this, TQT_SLOT (openSession (int)), 0,
i );
void OldKateSessionsAction::openSession (int i)
OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList());
if ((uint)i >= slist.count())
#include "katesession.moc"
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; mixed-indent off;

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class KateSession
// Session is saved without asking for a name
//FIXME improve getStartupOption/getSwitchOption/setSwitchOption using new signal
// KateApp::optionsChanged()
//FIXME add kdDebug statement to ease debugging
class KateSessionManager : public TQObject
@ -527,346 +528,4 @@ class KateSessionChooser : public KDialogBase
//END KateSessionChooser
class OldKateSessionManager;
class OldKateSession : public TDEShared
* Define a Shared-Pointer type
typedef TDESharedPtr<OldKateSession> Ptr;
* create a session from given file
* @param fileName session filename, relative
* @param name session name
* @param manager pointer to the manager
OldKateSession ( OldKateSessionManager *manager, const TQString &fileName, const TQString &name );
* init the session object, after construction or create
void init ();
* destruct me
~OldKateSession ();
* session filename, absolute, calculated out of relative filename + session dir
* @return absolute path to session file
TQString sessionFile () const;
* relative session filename
* @return relative filename for this session
const TQString &sessionFileRelative () const { return m_sessionFileRel; }
* session name
* @return name for this session
const TQString &sessionName () const { return m_sessionName; }
* is this a valid session? if not, don't use any session if this is
* the active one
bool isNew () const { return m_sessionName.isEmpty(); }
* create the session file, if not existing
* @param name name for this session
* @param force force to create new file
* @return true if created, false if no creation needed
bool create ( const TQString &name, bool force = false );
* rename this session
* @param name new name
* @return success
bool rename ( const TQString &name );
* config to read
* on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic
* return 0 if we have no file to read config from atm
* @return config to read from
TDEConfig *configRead ();
* config to write
* on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic
* return 0 if we have no file to write config to atm
* @return config to write from
TDEConfig *configWrite ();
* count of documents in this session
* @return documents count
unsigned int documents () const { return m_documents; }
* session filename, in local location we can write to
* relative filename to the session dirs :)
TQString m_sessionFileRel;
* session name, extracted from the file, to display to the user
TQString m_sessionName;
* number of document of this session
unsigned int m_documents;
* OldKateSessionMananger
OldKateSessionManager *m_manager;
* simpleconfig to read from
KSimpleConfig *m_readConfig;
* simpleconfig to write to
KSimpleConfig *m_writeConfig;
typedef TQValueList<OldKateSession::Ptr> OldKateSessionList;
class OldKateSessionManager : public TQObject
OldKateSessionManager ( TQObject *parent );
* allow access to this :)
* @return instance of the session manager
static OldKateSessionManager *self();
* allow access to the session list
* kept up to date by watching the dir
inline OldKateSessionList & sessionList () { updateSessionList (); return m_sessionList; }
* activate a session
* first, it will look if a session with this name exists in list
* if yes, it will use this session, else it will create a new session file
* @param session session to activate
* @param closeLast try to close last session or not?
* @param saveLast try to save last session or not?
* @param loadNew load new session stuff?
void activateSession ( OldKateSession::Ptr session, bool closeLast = true, bool saveLast = true, bool loadNew = true );
* create a new session
* @param name session name
OldKateSession::Ptr createSession ( const TQString &name );
* return session with given name
* if no existing session matches, create new one with this name
* @param name session name
OldKateSession::Ptr giveSession ( const TQString &name );
* save current session
* for sessions without filename: save nothing
* @param tryAsk should we ask user if needed?
* @param rememberAsLast remember this session as last used?
* @return success
bool saveActiveSession ( bool tryAsk = false, bool rememberAsLast = false );
* return the current active session
* sessionFile == empty means we have no session around for this instance of kate
* @return session active atm
inline OldKateSession::Ptr activeSession () { return m_activeSession; }
* session dir
* @return global session dir
inline const TQString &sessionsDir () const { return m_sessionsDir; }
* initial session chooser, on app start
* @return success, if false, app should exit
bool chooseSession ();
public slots:
* try to start a new session
* asks user first for name
void sessionNew ();
* try to open a existing session
void sessionOpen ();
* try to save current session
void sessionSave ();
* try to save as current session
void sessionSaveAs ();
* show dialog to manage our sessions
void sessionManage ();
private slots:
void dirty ( const TQString &path );
* trigger update of session list
void updateSessionList ();
* absolute path to dir in home dir where to store the sessions
TQString m_sessionsDir;
* list of current available sessions
OldKateSessionList m_sessionList;
* current active session
OldKateSession::Ptr m_activeSession;
class OldKateSessionOpenDialog : public KDialogBase
OldKateSessionOpenDialog ( TQWidget *parent );
~OldKateSessionOpenDialog ();
OldKateSession::Ptr selectedSession ();
protected slots:
* cancel pressed
void slotUser1 ();
* ok pressed
void slotUser2 ();
TDEListView *m_sessions;
class OldKateSessionManageDialog : public KDialogBase
OldKateSessionManageDialog ( TQWidget *parent );
~OldKateSessionManageDialog ();
protected slots:
* close pressed
void slotUser1 ();
* selection has changed
void selectionChanged ();
* try to rename session
void rename ();
* try to delete session
void del ();
* update our list
void updateSessionList ();
TDEListView *m_sessions;
KPushButton *m_rename;
KPushButton *m_del;
class OldKateSessionsAction : public TDEActionMenu
OldKateSessionsAction ( const TQString& text, TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );
~OldKateSessionsAction () {;};
public slots:
void slotAboutToShow();
void openSession ( int i );
