Add shared CMake directory

git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
tpearson 15 years ago
commit 92ef232ba4

@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
##### tde_install_icons( <icons...> THEME <svgicons> DESTINATION <destdir> )
##### default theme: hicolor
##### default destination: ${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR}/icons
macro( tde_install_icons )
# clearing
unset( _dest )
unset( _req_theme )
unset( _icons )
set( _var _icons )
# parse all arguments
foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
# directive DESTINATION
set( _var _dest )
set( _directive 1 )
# directive THEME
if( _arg STREQUAL "THEME" )
set( _var _req_theme )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( _arg STREQUAL "THEME" )
# collect data
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
else( _directive )
set( ${_var} ${${_var}} ${_arg} )
set( _var _icons )
endif( _directive )
endforeach( _arg )
if( NOT _icons )
set( _icons "*" )
endif( NOT _icons )
if( NOT _dest )
set( _dest "${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR}/icons" )
endif( NOT _dest )
foreach( _icon ${_icons} )
unset( _theme ) # clearing
file(GLOB _icon_files *-${_icon}.png _icon_files *-${_icon}.svg* )
foreach( _icon_file ${_icon_files} )
# FIXME need a review
string( REGEX MATCH "^.*/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\\-([a-z]+)\\-(.+)$" _dummy "${_icon_file}" )
set( _type "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
set( _size "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
set( _group "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
set( _name "${CMAKE_MATCH_4}" )
# autodetect theme
if( NOT _req_theme )
if( "${_type}" STREQUAL "cr" )
set( _theme crystalsvg )
endif( "${_type}" STREQUAL "cr" )
# defaulting
if( NOT _theme )
set( _theme hicolor )
endif( NOT _theme )
else( NOT _req_theme )
set( _theme ${_req_theme} )
endif( NOT _req_theme )
# fix "group" name
if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "mime" )
set( _group "mimetypes" )
endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "mime" )
if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "filesys" )
set( _group "filesystems" )
endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "filesys" )
if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "device" )
set( _group "devices" )
endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "device" )
if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "app" )
set( _group "apps" )
endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "app" )
if( "${_group}" STREQUAL "action" )
set( _group "actions" )
endif( "${_group}" STREQUAL "action" )
if( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
install( FILES ${_icon_file} DESTINATION ${_dest}/${_theme}/scalable/${_group}/ RENAME ${_name} )
else( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
install( FILES ${_icon_file} DESTINATION ${_dest}/${_theme}/${_size}x${_size}/${_group}/ RENAME ${_name} )
endif( "${_size}" STREQUAL "sc" )
endforeach( _icon_file )
endforeach( _icon )
endmacro( tde_install_icons )
##### tde_add_lut( <source> <result> [depends] )
##### default depends: source
macro( tde_add_lut _src _lut _dep )
set( create_hash_table ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/kjs/create_hash_table )
if( NOT _dep )
set( _dep ${_src} )
endif( NOT _dep )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_lut}
COMMAND perl ARGS ${create_hash_table} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src} -i > ${_lut}
DEPENDS ${_src} )
set_source_files_properties( ${_dep} PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lut} )
unset( _dep )
endmacro( tde_add_lut )
##### tde_add_luts( <sources...> )
macro( tde_add_luts )
foreach( _src ${ARGV} )
get_filename_component( _lut ${_src} NAME_WE )
set( _lut "${_lut}.lut.h" )
tde_add_lut( ${_src} ${_lut} ${_src} )
endforeach( _src )
endmacro( tde_add_luts )
##### tde_install_la_file( <target> <destination> )
macro( tde_install_la_file _target _destination )
get_target_property( _target_location ${_target} LOCATION )
get_filename_component( _laname ${_target_location} NAME_WE )
get_filename_component( _soname ${_target_location} NAME )
set( _laname ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_laname}.la )
file( WRITE ${_laname}
"# ${_laname} - a libtool library file, generated by cmake
# The name that we can dlopen(3).
# Names of this library
library_names='${_soname} ${_soname} ${_soname}'
# The name of the static archive
# Libraries that this one depends upon.
# Version information.\ncurrent=0\nage=0\nrevision=0
# Is this an already installed library?\ninstalled=yes
# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?\nshouldnotlink=yes
# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen\ndlopen=''\ndlpreopen=''
# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
" )
install( FILES ${_laname} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
endmacro( tde_install_la_file )
##### __tde_internal_process_sources
macro( __tde_internal_process_sources _sources )
unset( ${_sources} )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
get_filename_component( _ext ${_arg} EXT )
get_filename_component( _name ${_arg} NAME_WE )
get_filename_component( _path ${_arg} PATH )
# if not path, set it to "."
if( NOT _path )
set( _path "./" )
endif( NOT _path )
# handle .ui files
if( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
kde3_add_ui_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
# handle .skel files
elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".skel" )
kde3_add_dcop_skels( ${_sources} ${_name}.h )
# handle .stub files
elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".stub" )
kde3_add_dcop_stubs( ${_sources} ${_path}/${_name}.h )
# handle .kcfgc files
elseif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".kcfgc" )
kde3_add_kcfg_files( ${_sources} ${_arg} )
# handle any other files
else( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
list(APPEND ${_sources} ${_arg} )
endif( ${_ext} STREQUAL ".ui" )
endforeach( _arg )
endmacro( __tde_internal_process_sources )
##### tde_install_libtool_file
macro( tde_install_libtool_file _target _destination )
get_target_property( _target_location ${_target} LOCATION )
# get name of target
get_filename_component( _name ${_target_location} NAME_WE )
# get .la name
set( _laname ${_name}.la )
# get .so name
get_filename_component( _soname ${_target_location} NAME )
# get version of target
get_target_property( _target_version ${_target} VERSION )
get_target_property( _target_soversion ${_target} SOVERSION )
# we have so version
if( _target_version )
set( _library_name_1 "${_soname}.${_target_version}" )
set( _library_name_2 "${_soname}.${_target_soversion}" )
set( _library_name_3 "${_soname}" )
string( REGEX MATCH "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" _dummy "${_target_version}" )
set( _version_current "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
set( _version_age "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
set( _version_revision "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
# we have no so version (module?)
else( _target_version )
set( _library_name_1 "${_soname}" )
set( _library_name_2 "${_soname}" )
set( _library_name_3 "${_soname}" )
set( _version_current "0" )
set( _version_age "0" )
set( _version_revision "0" )
endif( _target_version )
if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
set( _libdir "${_destination}" )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
set( _libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_destination}" )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_destination} )
configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_libtool_file.cmake "${_laname}" @ONLY )
install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_laname}" DESTINATION ${_destination} )
endmacro( tde_install_libtool_file )
##### tde_add_library
macro( tde_add_library _arg_target )
unset( _target )
unset( _type )
unset( _static_pic )
unset( _automoc )
unset( _no_libtool_file )
unset( _version )
unset( _sources )
unset( _destination )
unset( _embed )
unset( _link )
unset( _dependencies )
unset( _storage )
set( _shouldnotlink no )
foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
# this variable help us to skip
# storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
unset( _skip_store )
# found one of directives: "SHARED", "STATIC", "MODULE"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SHARED" OR "${_arg}" STREQUAL "STATIC" OR "${_arg}" STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _type "${_arg}" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SHARED" OR "${_arg}" STREQUAL "STATIC" OR "${_arg}" STREQUAL "MODULE" )
# found directive "STATIC_PIC"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "STATIC_PIC" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _type "STATIC" )
set( _static_pic 1 )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "STATIC_PIC" )
# found directive "AUTOMOC"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "AUTOMOC" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _automoc 1 )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "AUTOMOC" )
# found directive "NO_LIBTOOL_FILE"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "NO_LIBTOOL_FILE" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _no_libtool_file 1 )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "NO_LIBTOOL_FILE" )
# found directive "VERSION"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "VERSION" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_version" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "VERSION" )
# found directive "SOURCES"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SOURCES" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_sources" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SOURCES" )
# found directive "EMBED"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "EMBED" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_embed" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "EMBED" )
# found directive "LINK"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "LINK" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_link" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "LINK" )
# found directive "DEPENDENCIES"
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_dependencies" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DEPENDENCIES" )
# found directive "DESTINATION"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DESTINATION" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_destination" )
unset( ${_storage} )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DESTINATION" )
# storing value
if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
#set( ${_storage} "${${_storage}} ${_arg}" )
list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
endforeach( _arg )
# if no type is set, we choose one
if( NOT _type )
set( _type "SHARED" )
set( _type "STATIC" )
endif( NOT _type )
# change target name, based on type
string( TOLOWER "${_type}" _target )
set( _target "${_arg_target}-${_target}" )
# disallow target without sources
if( NOT _sources )
message( FATAL_ERROR "\nTarget [$_target] have no sources." )
endif( NOT _sources )
# processing different types of sources
__tde_internal_process_sources( _sources ${_sources} )
# set automoc
if( _automoc )
kde3_automoc( ${_sources} )
endif( _automoc )
# add target
add_library( ${_target} ${_type} ${_sources} )
# we assume that modules have no prefix and no version
# also, should not link
if( ${_type} STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" )
unset( _version )
set( _shouldnotlink yes )
endif( ${_type} STREQUAL "MODULE" )
# set real name of target
set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${_arg_target} )
# set -fPIC flag for static libraries
if( _static_pic )
set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fPIC )
endif( _static_pic )
# set version
if( _version )
string( REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+" _soversion ${_version} )
set_target_properties( ${_target} PROPERTIES VERSION ${_version} SOVERSION ${_soversion} )
endif( _version )
# set embedded archives
if( _embed )
list( INSERT _link 0 "-Wl,-no-whole-archive" )
list( INSERT _link 0 ${_embed} )
list( INSERT _link 0 "-Wl,-whole-archive" )
endif( _embed )
# set link libraries
if( _link )
target_link_libraries( ${_target} ${_link} )
endif( _link )
# set dependencies
if( _dependencies )
add_dependencies( ${_target} ${_dependencies} )
endif( _dependencies )
# set destination directory
if( _destination )
install( TARGETS ${_target} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
if( NOT "STATIC" STREQUAL ${_type} AND NOT _no_libtool_file )
tde_install_libtool_file( ${_target} ${_destination} )
endif( NOT "STATIC" STREQUAL ${_type} AND NOT _no_libtool_file )
endif( _destination )
endmacro( tde_add_library )
##### tde_add_kpart
macro( tde_add_kpart _target )
tde_add_library( ${_target} ${ARGN} MODULE )
endmacro( tde_add_kpart )
##### tde_add_executable
macro( tde_add_executable _arg_target )
unset( _target )
unset( _automoc )
unset( _setuid )
unset( _sources )
unset( _destination )
unset( _link )
unset( _dependencies )
unset( _storage )
foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
# this variable help us to skip
# storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
unset( _skip_store )
# found directive "AUTOMOC"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "AUTOMOC" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _automoc 1 )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "AUTOMOC" )
# found directive "SETUID"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SETUID" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _setuid 1 )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SETUID" )
# found directive "SOURCES"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SOURCES" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_sources" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "SOURCES" )
# found directive "LINK"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "LINK" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_link" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "LINK" )
# found directive "DEPENDENCIES"
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_dependencies" )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DEPENDENCIES" )
# found directive "DESTINATION"
if( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DESTINATION" )
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_destination" )
unset( ${_storage} )
endif( "${_arg}" STREQUAL "DESTINATION" )
# storing value
if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
#set( ${_storage} "${${_storage}} ${_arg}" )
list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
endforeach( _arg )
set( _target "${_arg_target}" )
# disallow target without sources
if( NOT _sources )
message( FATAL_ERROR "\nTarget [$_target] have no sources." )
endif( NOT _sources )
# processing different types of sources
__tde_internal_process_sources( _sources ${_sources} )
# set automoc
if( _automoc )
kde3_automoc( ${_sources} )
endif( _automoc )
# add target
add_executable( ${_target} ${_sources} )
# set link libraries
if( _link )
target_link_libraries( ${_target} ${_link} )
endif( _link )
# set dependencies
if( _dependencies )
add_dependencies( ${_target} ${_dependencies} )
endif( _dependencies )
# set destination directory
if( _destination )
if( _setuid )
else( _setuid )
install( TARGETS ${_target} DESTINATION ${_destination} )
endif( _setuid )
endif( _destination )
endmacro( tde_add_executable )
##### tde_add_kdeinit_executable
macro( tde_add_kdeinit_executable _target )
configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_kdeinit_executable.cmake ${_target}_kdeinit_executable.cpp COPYONLY )
configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/template_kdeinit_module.cmake ${_target}_kdeinit_module.cpp COPYONLY )
unset( _sources )
unset( _runtime_destination )
unset( _library_destination )
unset( _plugin_destination )
# default storage is _sources
set( _storage _sources )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
# this variable help us to skip
# storing unapropriate values (i.e. directives)
unset( _skip_store )
# found directive "RUNTIME_DESTINATION"
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_runtime_destination" )
unset( ${_storage} )
# found directive "LIBRARY_DESTINATION"
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_library_destination" )
unset( ${_storage} )
# found directive "PLUGIN_DESTINATION"
set( _skip_store 1 )
set( _storage "_plugin_destination" )
unset( ${_storage} )
# storing value
if( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
list( APPEND ${_storage} ${_arg} )
set( _storage "_sources" )
endif( _storage AND NOT _skip_store )
endforeach( _arg )
# if destinations are not set, we using some defaults
# we assume that kdeinit executable MUST be installed
# (otherwise why we build it?)
if( NOT _runtime_destination )
set( _runtime_destination ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} )
endif( NOT _runtime_destination )
if( NOT _library_destination )
set( _library_destination ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} )
endif( NOT _library_destination )
if( NOT _plugin_destination )
set( _plugin_destination ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR} )
endif( NOT _plugin_destination )
# create the library
tde_add_library( kdeinit_${_target} ${_sources} SHARED
DESTINATION ${_library_destination}
# create the executable
tde_add_executable( ${_target}
SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}_kdeinit_executable.cpp
LINK kdeinit_${_target}-shared
DESTINATION ${_runtime_destination}
# create the plugin
tde_add_kpart( ${_target}
SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}_kdeinit_module.cpp
LINK kdeinit_${_target}-shared
DESTINATION ${_plugin_destination}
endmacro( tde_add_kdeinit_executable )
##### tde_install_symlink
macro( tde_install_symlink _target _link )
# if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
set( _destination "${_link}" )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_link}" )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_link} )
# prefix with DESTDIR
set( _destination "$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination}" )
get_filename_component( _path ${_destination} PATH )
if( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_path} )" )
endif( NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${_target} ${_destination} )" )
endmacro( tde_install_symlink )
##### tde_install_empty_directory
macro( tde_install_empty_directory _path )
# if path is relative, we must to prefix it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
if( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
set( _destination "${_path}" )
else( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
set( _destination "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_path}" )
endif( IS_ABSOLUTE ${_path} )
# prefix with DESTDIR
set( _destination "$ENV{DESTDIR}${_destination}" )
install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_destination} )" )
endmacro( tde_install_empty_directory )

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#ifdef _AIX
namespace {
void *not_empty_file;

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
extern "C" int kdemain(int argc, char* argv[]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return kdemain(argc,argv); }

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include <kdemacros.h>
extern "C" int kdemain(int argc, char* argv[]);
extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdeinitmain(int argc, char* argv[]) { return kdemain(argc,argv); }

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# @_laname@ - a libtool library file
# Generated by CMake
# Please DO NOT delete this file!
# It is necessary for linking the library.
# The name that we can dlopen(3).
# Names of this library.
library_names='@_library_name_1@ @_library_name_2@ @_library_name_3@'
# The name of the static archive.
# Libraries that this one depends upon.
# Version information for @_name@.
# Is this an already installed library?
# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
# Directory that this library needs to be installed in: