Update TDEL10n module

+ Added function to prepare XML files for xgettext.

Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <slavek.banko@axis.cz>
(cherry picked from commit 1c07907821)
Slávek Banko 6 years ago
parent 98ab4f915b
commit 6d3c68b4c0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 608F5293A04BE668

@ -590,3 +590,201 @@ macro( tde_l10n_preparetips _tips )
endif( ) endif( )
endmacro( ) endmacro( )
##### tde_l10n_prepare_xml
##### The function is used to prepare XML file for xgettext.
##### The default settings are identical to extractrc.
function( tde_l10n_prepare_xml )
unset( _source )
unset( _target )
unset( _context )
set( _tags "[tT][eE][xX][tT]|title|string|whatsthis|tooltip|label" )
set( _preserve "line-wrap" "spaces-leading" "spaces-trailing" "spaces-multi" )
set( _no_c_format 1 )
unset( _directive )
set( _var _source )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
# found directive "SOURCE"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCE" )
unset( _source )
set( _var _source )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "TARGET"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
unset( _target )
set( _var _target )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "CONTEXT"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CONTEXT" )
unset( _context )
set( _var _context )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "TAGS"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TAGS" )
unset( _tags )
set( _var _tags )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "PRESERVE"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRESERVE" )
unset( _preserve )
set( _var _preserve )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "C_FORMAT"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+C_FORMAT" )
unset( _no_c_format )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "NO_C_FORMAT"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_C_FORMAT" )
set( _no_c_format 1 )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# collect data
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
elseif( _var )
list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
endif( )
endforeach( )
# verify source
if( NOT _source )
tde_message_fatal( "no source XML file" )
endif( )
if( NOT "${_source}" MATCHES "^/" )
set( _source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}" )
endif( )
if( NOT _target )
set( _target "${_source}.tde_l10n" )
endif( )
if( NOT "${_target}" MATCHES "^/" )
set( _target "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target}" )
endif( )
# prepare tags to regexp
string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tags "${_tags}" )
# read file
file( READ ${_source} _xml_data )
string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _xml_len ${_xml_data} )
string( LENGTH "+${_xml_len}" _xml_len )
# process lines
set( _xml_pos 0 )
unset( _xml_l10n )
unset( _xml_inside )
unset( _xml_tag_empty )
while( _xml_pos LESS ${_xml_len} )
# pick line
string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_data}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _xml_data "${_xml_data}" )
math( EXPR _xml_pos "${_xml_pos}+1" )
set( _xml_newline 1 )
# process tags on line
while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
unset( _xml_newline )
unset( _xml_line_prefix )
unset( _xml_line_suffix )
unset( _xml_line_rest )
if( NOT _xml_inside )
if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "<(${_tags})[^>]*>" )
set( _xml_inside 1 )
string( REGEX MATCH "<(${_tags})[^>]*>(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})[^>]*>(.*)" "\\2" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
set( _xml_line_prefix "i18n(" )
if( _no_c_format )
set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}/* xgettext: no-c-format */" )
endif( )
if( _context )
set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}\"${_context}\", " )
endif( )
set( _xml_tag_empty 1 )
else( )
set( _xml_line "" )
endif( )
endif( )
if( _xml_inside )
if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "</(${_tags})>" )
unset( _xml_inside )
string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "\\2" _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
set( _xml_line_suffix ");" )
endif( )
string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\"" "\\\\\"" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";entities;" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "&lt;" "<" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "&gt;" ">" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "&amp;" "&" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
endif( )
if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-leading;" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
endif( )
if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-trailing;" )
string( REGEX REPLACE " +$" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
endif( )
if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-multi;" )
string( REGEX REPLACE " +" " " _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
endif( )
if( _xml_inside )
if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";line-wrap;" )
set( _xml_line "${_xml_line}\\n" )
elseif( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT _xml_tag_empty )
set( _xml_line " ${_xml_line}" )
endif( )
endif( )
if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
unset( _xml_tag_empty )
endif( )
endif( )
# drop empty tag on single line
if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}" )
# add current tag to output
else( )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
if( _xml_line OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty ) )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_line}\"" )
endif( )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )
endif( )
# take the rest of the line for processing
set( _xml_line "${_xml_line_rest}" )
endwhile( )
set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\n" )
endwhile( )
# write file
file( WRITE ${_target} "${_xml_l10n}" )
endfunction( )
