x11vnc: speed up scaling a bit, add no blending option to -scale

runge 21 years ago
parent b512ce1b2f
commit 88f1aa7075

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
2004-06-27 Karl Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
* speed up scaling a bit for slow machines (still all floating point)
* add no blending option (-scale fraction:nb)
2004-06-26 Karl Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
* add -scale fract for global (not per-client) server-side scaling
working more or less OK, needs to be optimized at some point.

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ int rfb_bytes_per_line;
/* scaling info */
int scaling = 0;
int scaling_noblend = 0;
double scale_fac = 1.0;
int scaled_x = 0, scaled_y = 0;
@ -3736,11 +3737,14 @@ void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) {
main_blue_mask = fb->blue_mask;
if (scaling) {
width = (int) (width * scale_fac);
height = (int) (height * scale_fac);
double eps = 0.000001;
width = (int) (width * scale_fac + eps);
height = (int) (height * scale_fac + eps);
scaled_x = width;
scaled_y = height;
rfb_bytes_per_line = (main_bytes_per_line / fb->width) * width;
rfbLog("scaling screen: %dx%d -> %dx%d scale_fac=%.5f\n",
fb->width, fb->height, scaled_x, scaled_y, scale_fac);
} else {
rfb_bytes_per_line = main_bytes_per_line;
@ -4643,18 +4647,17 @@ static void hint_updates(void) {
#define FLOOR(x) ( (double) ((int) (x)) )
* Scaling.
* Scaling:
* For shrinking, a destination (scaled) pixel will correspond to more
* than one source (i.e. main fb) pixel. Think of an x-y plane made
* with graph paper. Each square in the graph paper (i.e. collection
* of points (x,y) such that N < x < N+1 and M < y < M+1, N and M
* integers) corresponds to one pixel in the unscaled fb. There is a
* solid color filling the inside such a square. A scaled pixel has
* width 1/scale_fac, e.g. for "-scale 3/4" the width of the scaled
* pixel is 1.333. The area of this scaled pixel is 1.333 * 1.333
* (so it obviously overlaps more than one source pixel, each which
* have area 1).
* than one source (i.e. main fb) pixel. Think of an x-y plane made with
* graph paper. Each unit square in the graph paper (i.e. collection of
* points (x,y) such that N < x < N+1 and M < y < M+1, N and M integers)
* corresponds to one pixel in the unscaled fb. There is a solid
* color filling the inside of such a square. A scaled pixel has width
* 1/scale_fac, e.g. for "-scale 3/4" the width of the scaled pixel
* is 1.333. The area of this scaled pixel is 1.333 * 1.333 (so it
* obviously overlaps more than one source pixel, each which have area 1).
* We take the weight an unscaled pixel (source) contributes to a
* scaled pixel (destination) as simply proportional to the overlap area
@ -4662,65 +4665,103 @@ static void hint_updates(void) {
* pixel as an integral over the portion of the graph paper it covers.
* The thing being integrated is the color value of the unscaled source.
* That color value is constant over a graph paper square (source pixel),
* and changes discontinuously from one square to the next.
* and changes discontinuously from one unit square to the next.
Here is an example for -scale 3/4, the solid lines are the source pixels
(graph paper unit squares), while the dotted lines denote the scaled
pixels (destination pixels):
0 1 4/3 2 8/3 3 4=12/3
| | . | . | |.
| A | . B | . | |.
| | . | . | |.
| | . | . | |.
1 |---------|--.------|------.--|---------|.
| | . | . | |.
| C | . D | . | |.
| | . | . | |.
2 |---------|--.------|------.--|---------|.
| | . | . | |.
| | . | . | |.
| | . | . | |.
3 |---------|--.------|------.--|---------|.
So we see the first scaled pixel (0 < x < 4/3 and 0 < y < 4/3) mostly
overlaps with unscaled source pixel "A". The integration (averaging)
weights for this scaled pixel are:
A 1
B 1/3
C 1/3
D 1/9
* The Red, Green, and Blue color values must be averaged over separately
* otherwise you can get a complete mess (except in solid regions).
* otherwise you can get a complete mess (except in solid regions),
* because high order bits are averaged differently from the low order bits.
* So the algorithm is roughly:
* - Given as input a rectangle in the unscaled source fb with changes,
* find the rectangle of pixels this affects in the scaled destination
* fb.
* find the rectangle of pixels this affects in the scaled destination fb.
* - For each of the affected scaled pixels, determine all of the
* unscaled pixels it overlaps with.
* - For each of the affected scaled (dest) pixels, determine all of the
* unscaled (source) pixels it overlaps with.
* - Average those unscaled values together, weighted by the area
* - Average those unscaled source values together, weighted by the area
* overlap with the destination pixel. Average R, G, B separately.
* - Take this average value and convert to a valid pixel value if
* necessary (e.g. rounding, shifting), and then insert it into the
* destination framebuffer as the pixel value.
* - On to the next destination pixel...
* ========================================================================
* For expanding (which we don't think people will do very often... or
* at least so we hope, the framebuffer can become huge) the situation
* is reversed and the destination pixel is smaller than a "graph paper"
* square (source pixel). Some destination pixels will be completely
* within a single unscaled source pixel.
* For expanding, e.g. -scale 1.1 (which we don't think people will do
* very often... or at least so we hope, the framebuffer can become huge)
* the situation is reversed and the destination pixel is smaller than a
* "graph paper" unit square (source pixel). Some destination pixels
* will be completely within a single unscaled source pixel.
* What we do here is a simple 4 point interpolation scheme:
* Let P00 be the source pixel closest to the destination pixel but with
* x and y values less than or equal to those of the destination pixel.
* It is the source pixel immediately to the upper left of the destination
* (for simplicity, think of the upper left corner of a pixel defining the
* x,y location of the pixel, the center would work just as well). So it
* is the source pixel immediately to the upper left of the destination
* pixel. Let P10 be the source pixel one to the right of P00. Let P01
* be one down from P00. And let P11 be one down and one to the right
* of P00. They form a 2x2 square we will interpolate inside of.
* Let V00, V10, V01, and V11 be the color values of those 4 source
* pixels. Let dx be the distance along x the destination pixel is from
* P00. Note: 0 <= dx < 1. Similarly let dy be the distance along y.
* The weighted average is:
* pixels. Let dx be the displacement along x the destination pixel is
* from P00. Note: 0 <= dx < 1 by definition of P00. Similarly let
* dy be the displacement along y. The weighted average for the
* interpolation is:
* Vave = V00 * (1 - dx) * (1 - dy)
* V_ave = V00 * (1 - dx) * (1 - dy)
* + V10 * dx * (1 - dy)
* + V01 * (1 - dx) * dy
* + V11 * dx * dy
* Note that the weights (1-dx)*(1-dy) + dx(1-dy) + (1-dx)*dy + dx*dy
* automatically add up to 1. It is also nice that all the weights
* are positive. The above formula can be motivated by doing two 1D
* interpolations along x:
* Note that the weights (1-dx)*(1-dy) + dx*(1-dy) + (1-dx)*dy + dx*dy
* automatically add up to 1. It is also nice that all the weights are
* positive (unsigned char stays unsigned char). The above formula can
* be motivated by doing two 1D interpolations along x:
* VA = V00 * (1 - dx) + V10 * dx
* VB = V01 * (1 - dx) + V11 * dx
* and then interpolating VA and VB along y:
* Vave = VA * (1 - dy) + VB * dy
* V_ave = VA * (1 - dy) + VB * dy
* VA
* v |<-dx->|
@ -4729,15 +4770,20 @@ static void hint_updates(void) {
* -- | o...|... "o" denotes the position of the desired
* ^ | . | . destination pixel relative to the P00
* | . | . source pixel.
* V10 ------ V11 .
* V10 ----.- V11 .
* ........
* |
* VB
* Of course R, G, B averages are done separately. This gives reasonable
* results. I believe this is called bilinear scaling.
* Of course R, G, B averages are done separately as in the shrinking
* case. This gives reasonable results, and the implementation for
* shrinking can simply be used with different choices for weights for
* the loop over the 4 pixels.
#define FPTYPE double
static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
* Notation:
@ -4753,23 +4799,22 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
int i, j, i1, i2, j1, j2; /* indices for scaled fb (dest) */
int I, J, I1, I2, J1, J2; /* indices for main fb (source) */
double w, wx, wy, wtot; /* pixel weights */
FPTYPE w, wx, wy, wtot; /* pixel weights */
double x1, y1, x2, y2; /* x-y coords for destination pixels edges */
double dx, dy; /* size of destination pixel */
FPTYPE x1, y1, x2, y2; /* x-y coords for destination pixels edges */
FPTYPE dx, dy; /* size of destination pixel */
double ddx, ddy; /* for interpolation expansion */
FPTYPE ddx, ddy; /* for interpolation expansion */
char *src, *dest; /* pointers to the two framebuffers */
double pixave[4]; /* for averaging pixel values */
FPTYPE pixave[4]; /* for averaging pixel values */
unsigned char uc; /* tmp pixel data holders */
unsigned short us;
int shrink; /* whether shrinking or expanding */
static int constant_weights = -1;
int pseudocolor = 0; /* true if PseudoColor... */
if (scale_fac <= 1.0) {
shrink = 1;
} else {
@ -4777,7 +4822,10 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
if (! screen->rfbServerFormat.trueColour) {
pseudocolor = 1;
* PseudoColor colormap... blending leads to random colors.
scaling_noblend = 1;
Bpp = bpp/8; /* Bytes per pixel */
@ -4793,8 +4841,8 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
* both are > 1 (e.g. 1.333 for -scale 3/4)
* they should also be equal but we don't assume it.
dx = (double) Nx / nx;
dy = (double) Ny / ny;
dx = (FPTYPE) Nx / nx;
dy = (FPTYPE) Ny / ny;
* find the extent of the change the input rectangle induces in
@ -4807,11 +4855,11 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
/* Right edges: find smallest i such that (i+1) * dx >= X2+1 */
i2 = CEIL( (X2+1)/dx ) - 1;
/* to be safe, correct any overflows: */
/* To be safe, correct any overflows: */
i1 = nfix(i1, nx);
i2 = nfix(i2, nx) + 1; /* add 1 to make a rectangle upper boundary */
/* repeat above for y direction: */
/* Repeat above for y direction: */
j1 = FLOOR(Y1/dy);
j2 = CEIL( (Y2+1)/dy ) - 1;
@ -4819,21 +4867,55 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
j2 = nfix(j2, ny) + 1;
* loop over destination pixels in scaled fb:
* There is some speedup if the pixel weights are constant, so
* let's special case these.
* If scale = 1/n and n divides Nx and Ny, the pixel weights
* are constant.
if (constant_weights < 0) {
int n = 0;
constant_weights = 0;
for (i = 2; i<=128; i++) {
double test = ((double) 1)/ i;
double diff, eps = 1.0e-9;
diff = scale_fac - test;
if (-eps < diff && diff < eps) {
n = i;
if (n != 0) {
if (! scaling_noblend && Nx % n == 0 && Ny % n == 0) {
rfbLog("scale_and_mark_rect: using constant "
"pixel weight speedup for 1/%d\n", n);
constant_weights = 1;
/* set these all to 1.0 to begin with */
wx = 1.0;
wy = 1.0;
w = 1.0;
* Loop over destination pixels in scaled fb:
for (j=j1; j<j2; j++) {
y1 = j * dy; /* top edge */
y2 = y1 + dy; /* bottom edge */
/* find main fb indices covered by this dest pixel: */
/* Find main fb indices covered by this dest pixel: */
J1 = (int) FLOOR(y1);
J2 = (int) CEIL(y2) - 1;
J1 = nfix(J1, Ny);
J2 = nfix(J2, Ny);
if (!shrink) {
if (shrink) {
J2 = (int) CEIL(y2) - 1;
J2 = nfix(J2, Ny);
} else {
J2 = J1 + 1; /* simple interpolation */
ddy = y1 - J1;
/* destination char* pointer: */
@ -4843,41 +4925,45 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
x1 = i * dx; /* left edge */
x2 = x1 + dx; /* right edge */
/* find main fb indices covered by this dest pixel: */
/* Find main fb indices covered by this dest pixel: */
I1 = (int) FLOOR(x1);
I2 = (int) CEIL(x2) - 1;
I1 = nfix(I1, Nx);
I2 = nfix(I2, Nx);
if (I1 >= Nx) I1 = Nx - 1;
if (!shrink) {
if (shrink) {
I2 = (int) CEIL(x2) - 1;
if (I2 >= Nx) I2 = Nx - 1;
} else {
I2 = I1 + 1; /* simple interpolation */
ddx = x1 - I1;
/* zero out accumulators for next pixel average: */
/* Zero out accumulators for next pixel average: */
for (b=0; b<4; b++) {
pixave[b] = 0.0; /* for RGB weighted sums */
* wtot is for accumulating the total weight.
* It should always be 1/(scale_fac * scale_fac),
* but we don't assume that.
* It should always sum to 1/(scale_fac * scale_fac).
wtot = 0.0;
if (!shrink) {
/* interpolation distances, see diagram above */
ddx = x1 - I1;
ddy = y1 - J1;
* loop over source pixels covered by this dest pixel:
* Loop over source pixels covered by this dest pixel.
* These "extra" loops over "J" and "I" make
* the cache/cacheline performance unclear.
* For example, will the data brought in from
* src for j, i, and J=0 still be in the cache
* after the J > 0 data have been accessed and
* we are at j, i+1, J=0? The stride in J is
* main_bytes_per_line, and so ~4 KB.
for (J=J1; J<=J2; J++) {
/* see comments for I, x1, x2, etc. below */
if (pseudocolor) {
if (constant_weights) {
} else if (scaling_noblend) {
if (J != J1) {
@ -4886,7 +4972,7 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
/* interpolation scheme: */
} else if (!shrink) {
if (J >= Ny) {
continue; /* off edge */
} else if (J == J1) {
wy = 1.0 - ddy;
} else if (J != J1) {
@ -4908,11 +4994,15 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
/* Work out the weight: */
if (pseudocolor) {
if (constant_weights) {
} else if (scaling_noblend) {
* ugh, colormap is bad news, to
* avoid random colors just take
* the first pixel.
* Ugh, PseudoColor colormap is
* bad news, to avoid random
* colors just take the first
* pixel. Or user may have
* specified :nb to fraction.
if (I != I1) {
@ -4958,22 +5048,22 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
* we average the unsigned char value
* We average the unsigned char value
* instead of char value: otherwise
* the minimum (char 0) is right next
* to the maximum (char -1)! This way
* they are spread between 0 and 255.
if (Bpp == 4 || Bpp == 1) {
if (Bpp != 2) {
for (b=0; b<Bpp; b++) {
uc = (unsigned char) *(src + b);
pixave[b] += w * uc;
pixave[b] += w *
((unsigned char) *(src+b));
} else if (Bpp == 2) {
} else {
* trickier with green split over
* two bytes, so we use the masks:
* 16bpp: trickier with green
* split over two bytes, so we
* use the masks:
us = *( (unsigned short *) src );
pixave[0] += w * (us & main_red_mask);
@ -4987,12 +5077,12 @@ static void scale_and_mark_rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2) {
wtot = 1.0/wtot; /* normalization factor */
/* place weighted average pixel in the scaled fb: */
if (Bpp == 4 || Bpp == 1) {
if (Bpp != 2) {
for (b=0; b<Bpp; b++) {
*(dest + b) = (char) (wtot * pixave[b]);
} else if (Bpp == 2) {
/* 16bpp/565 */
} else {
/* 16bpp / 565 case: */
pixave[0] *= wtot;
pixave[1] *= wtot;
pixave[2] *= wtot;
@ -6523,7 +6613,9 @@ static void print_help(void) {
" and response may be slower. If \"fraction\" contains\n"
" a decimal point \".\" it is taken as a floating point\n"
" number, alternatively the notation \"m/n\" may be used\n"
" to denote fractions, e.g. -scale 2/3\n"
" to denote fractions, e.g. -scale 2/3. If you just want\n"
" a quick, rough scaling without blending, append \":nb\"\n"
" to \"fraction\" (e.g. -scale 1/3:nb)\n"
"-visual n Experimental option: probably does not do what you\n"
" think. It simply *forces* the visual used for the\n"
" framebuffer; this may be a bad thing... It is useful for\n"
@ -7010,8 +7102,17 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-scale")) {
int m, n;
char *p;
float f;
if (strchr(argv[++i], '.') != NULL) {
if ( (p = strchr(argv[i], ':')) != NULL) {
/* options */
if (strstr(p+1, "nb") != NULL) {
scaling_noblend = 1;
*p = '\0';
if (strchr(argv[i], '.') != NULL) {
if (sscanf(argv[i], "%f", &f) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "bad -scale arg: %s\n",
@ -7024,7 +7125,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
scale_fac = (double) m / n;
scale_fac = ((double) m)/ n;
if (scale_fac == 1.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "scaling disabled for factor "
