Questions and answers for &konversation; can be discussed on the
<ulink url="">&konversation;-Users</ulink> mailing list. Please subscribe to learn about new features, bug reports and the like. To stay informed of new releases, you can join our
<ulink url="">&konversation;-Announce</ulink> mailing list. This is a low volume mailing list only used to announce new releases or patches.
<para>Developers for &konversation; can often be contacted via &irc; at <ulink url="irc://"> channel #konversation</ulink>.
and <userinput><replaceable>#trinity-desktop</replaceable></userinput> channel are already entered for you. Click on a network to select it.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-first-serverlist-2"><para>Click here to define a new <guilabel>Network</guilabel>, including the server
to connect to, and the <guilabel>Channels</guilabel> to automatically join once connected. See <link linkend="serverlist">Defining new networks, servers, and auto join channels</link> for more information.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-first-serverlist-3"><para>Click here to connect to the selected &irc; network and channel.</para></callout>
<para>When you click the <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button the first time you open
&konversation;, you may see the following message, telling you that your
default <guilabel>identity</guilabel> is not set up correctly.</para>
<para>The first time you open &konversation; it obtains information
about the current user from the operating system and fills in defaults
for the Identity. If the operating system user information is not
complete, for example, no Full Name is defined, you may see the message
above. To correct this problem, click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> and
see <link linkend="identity">Setting your identity</link> for more
The <interface>Main</interface> screen will be displayed showing the messages sent by the server to the client.
(If &konversation; will not connect to the server, see <link linkend="faq">Questions and Answers</link>.) When the server messages have finished scrolling past, &konversation; will join the channel or channels chosen.
<callout arearefs="pt-first-channel-1"><para>This is called the <interface>Input Line</interface>. To send a message to everyone in the channel, type the message here and press &Enter;.
Your message, as well as everyone else's messages appear in the channel scroll above.
Each message is preceded by the time and user's &nickname;.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-first-channel-2"><para>You may join additional servers and channels. Each server, channel, channel list, and other screen gets a separate tab here.
To display a list of available channels, see <link linkend="list-channels">Listing available channels</link>.
To join a channel,
type: <userinput><command>/join</command> <replaceable>#channelname</replaceable></userinput> in
the Input Line. (The <userinput>#</userinput> is required.) You may also type <userinput><command>/j</command></userinput> as a shorthand to <userinput><command>/join</command></userinput>. To leave a channel, just type <userinput><command>/part</command></userinput>. To switch the display to a different server or channel, click the corresponding tab.
<callout arearefs="pt-first-channel-3"><para>This is called the <interface>Nick Panel</interface>. It lists the &nickname;s of all the users who have joined the channel, including yourself.</para></callout>
<para>That's the basics, for more detailed information, read on...</para>
<para>Before you start using &konversation; regularly, you should set how you will be identified on the network.</para>
on the main menu. <action>The <guilabel>Identities</guilabel> screen will appear. You can also display the <guilabel>Identities</guilabel> screen by clicking the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button on the
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-1"><para>Click here to select an <guilabel>Identity</guilabel> to edit.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-2"><para>Use these buttons to add,
duplicate, rename, or remove an <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-3"><para>Enter your real name here. &irc; is not intended to keep you hidden from your friends or enemies. Keep this in mind if you are tempted to behave maliciously. A fake "real name" can be a good way to mask your gender from all the nerds out there, but the PC you use can always be traced so you will never be truly anonymous.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-4"><para>Use these buttons to
<guibutton>Add</guibutton>, <guilabel>Edit</guilabel>, or <guilabel>Delete</guilabel> a &nickname;.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-5"><para>This is your list of &nickname;s.
A &nickname; is the name that other users will know you by.
You may use any name you desire. The first character must be a letter. Other characters may be letters, numbers, or the special characters <literal>-[]\`_^{}|</literal>.</para>
<para>Since &nickname;s must be unique across an entire &irc; network, your desired name may be rejected by the server because someone else is already using that &nickname;. Enter alternate &nickname;s for yourself. If your first choice is rejected by the server, &konversation; will try the alternate &nickname;s.
According to RFC 2812, the maximum &nickname; length is 9, but
this is actually determined by the server. To determine the maximum for a server, connect to the server. In the
<interface>Server Messages</interface> tab, look for a <computeroutput>[Support]</computeroutput> message.
The <computeroutput>NICKLEN</computeroutput> parameter specifies the maximum &nickname; length.
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-6"><para>Use these buttons to change the
order of the &nickname;s. The top &nickname; is tried first, then the next
&nickname;, and so on.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-gen-7"><para>If you have registered your &nickname; with the &irc; network, enter the service and password to authenticate your &nickname;.
When &konversation; connects, it will automatically send
<userinput><command>/msg</command> <replaceable>service</replaceable> <command>IDENTIFY</command> <replaceable>password</replaceable></userinput> to the server.
If you don't know what this is, leave these boxes blank.</para></callout>
<anchor id="identity-away"/>
<para>Click the <guilabel>Away</guilabel> tab.</para>
Enter a &nickname; that indicates you are away. Whenever you perform an
<userinput><command>/away </command><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> command in
any channel joined with this <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>,
&konversation; will automatically change your &nickname; to the <guilabel>Away nickname</guilabel>. Other users will be able to tell you are away
from your computer.
Whenever you perform an <userinput><command>/away</command></userinput> command
in any channel in which
you are away, &konversation; will automatically change your &nickname; back
to the original. If you do not wish to automatically change your
&nickname; when going away, leave blank.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-away-2"><para>If you check this box,
whenever you perform an <userinput><command>/away</command></userinput> command, a horizontal line will appear in the channel, marking the point where you
went away. Other &irc; users do not see this horizontal line.
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-away-3"><para>If you check this box,
&konversation; will automatically send the <guilabel>Away message</guilabel> to all channels joined with this <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>.
<userinput><replaceable>%s</replaceable></userinput> is replaced with
<userinput><command>/away</command></userinput> command, the <guilabel>Return message</guilabel> will be displayed in all channels joined with this <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>.</para>
<note><para>Away messages are often considered annoying by other users.
Use this option carefully, with consideration for your fellow &irc; users.
<anchor id="identity-advanced"/>
<para>Click the <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab.</para>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-1"><para>You can enter a command
here that will be executed before connecting to the server. If this identity
is used for more than one server, the command will be executed for
each server.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-2"><para>This setting affects how
characters you type are encoded for sending to the server. It also affects
how messages are displayed. When you first open &konversation;, it
automatically retrieves this setting from the operating system. If you
seem to be having trouble seeing other user's messages correctly, try
changing this setting.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-3"><para>When you connect, many servers
query your computer for an IDENT response. If you computer is not running
an IDENT server, this response is sent by &konversation;. No spaces
are allowed. Your first name is suggested.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-4"><para>Whenever you leave a channel,
this message is sent to the channel.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-5"><para>Whenever you are kicked from
a channel (usually by an &irc; operator), this message is sent to the
<callout arearefs="pt-identity-adv-6"><para>Click to apply your changes. In order for all the changes to take effect, you must disconnect from the server and re-connect. The easiest way to do that is to quit &konversation; and restart.</para></callout>
The characters allowed in a nick given above comes from RFC 2812. Any special Konversation considerations?
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-3"><para>Choose an existing
<guilabel>Identity</guilabel> or click the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton>
button to add a new Identity or edit an existing one. The
<guilabel>Identity</guilabel> will identify you and determine
your &nickname; when you connect to the network.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-4"><para>Optional. This command will be sent to the server after connecting. Example: <userinput>/msg NickServ IDENTIFY
<replaceable>konvirocks</replaceable></userinput>. This example is for the freenode network, which requires users to register their &nickname;
with a password and login when connecting. <userinput><replaceable>konvirocks</replaceable></userinput>
is the password for the &nickname; given in <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>.
You may enter more than one command by separating them with semicolons.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-5"><para>Check here if you want
&konversation; to automatically connect to this network whenever
you open &konversation;.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-6"><para>This is a list of &irc;
<guilabel>Servers</guilabel> in the network. When connecting to the network,
&konversation; will
attempt to connect to the top server first. If this fails,
it will attempt the second server. If this fails, it will attempt
the third, and so on. At least one server must be specified.
Click a server to highlight it.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-7"><para>Use these buttons to
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> a server, <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> a
highlighted server, or <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> a highlighted
server. You can also adjust the order of the server list and therefore
the order of connection attempts.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-8"><para>Optional. This is a list of the
channels that will be automatically joined once &konversation;
has connected to a server. You may leave this blank if you
wish to not automatically join any channels.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addnetwork-9"><para>Use these buttons to
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> a channel, <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> a
highlighted channel, or <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> a highlighted
channel. You may also change the order the channels are joined.
<note><para>Avoid mixing servers on different &irc; networks under the same
<guilabel>Network</guilabel>. Avoid entering the same server under
two different <guilabel>Network</guilabel>s. Otherwise, &konversation;
<link linkend="linkaddressbook">integration with your address book</link> and
<link linkend="nicksonline">monitoring of online &nickname;s</link> will not function
<anchor id="serverlist-addserver" />
<para>When you click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button in the <guilabel>Servers</guilabel> frame, the Add Server screen appears.</para>
<callout arearefs="pt-addserver-1"><para>The name or IP number of the server. maintains a
<ulink url="">list</ulink> of servers.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addserver-2"><para>Enter the port number required to connect to the server. For most servers, this should be <userinput>6667</userinput>.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addserver-3"><para>If the server requires a password
in order to connect, enter it here, otherwise leave blank.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-addserver-4"><para>Check if you want to use
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to communicate with the server.
This protects the privacy of your communications between your computer
and the &irc; server. The server must
support SSL protocol for this to work. In most cases, if the server
does not support SSL, the connection will fail.</para></callout>
<anchor id="serverlist-addchannel" />
<para>When you click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button in the
<guilabel>Auto Join Channels</guilabel> frame, the <guilabel>Add Channel</guilabel>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-1"><para>Enter a filter string here.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-2"><para>You can limit the channel list to those channels with a minimum or maximum number of users here. Choosing 0 disables the respective criteria.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-3"><para>Click here to retrieve the list of channels from the server and apply the filter.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-4"><para>The filtered list of channels is displayed here. Notice that if you don't use regular expressions, &konversation; lists any channel whose name contains the filter string you entered. The channel name does not have to start with the string you entered.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-5"><para>Select a channel you want to join by clicking on it. Right click on the channel to get a list of all web addresses mentioned in the channel's topic.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channellist-6"><para>Click here to join the channel. A new tab is created for the channel.</para></callout>
<para>You should avoid clicking the <guibutton>Refresh List</guibutton> button. Most servers have thousands
of channels, and performing this puts a high load on the server. Besides, it can require several minutes to complete,
depending upon your network bandwidth. If your client is too slow, the server may even disconnect you.
<para>Sometimes there are "secret" channels on servers. Such channels are not listed in the <guilabel>Channel List</guilabel>.
You can still join these channels if you know their name. In any <interface>Input Line</interface>, type: <userinput><command>/join</command>
<replaceable>#channelname</replaceable></userinput>. (The <userinput>#</userinput> is required.) A new tab is created for the channel. If you join a channel and the Nick Panel lists only your &nickname;, it means that the channel did not exist before. The server created the channel and you are the operator. In this case, you probably want to close the channel by typing: <userinput><command>/part</command></userinput>.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-1"><para>This is called the <interface>Input Line</interface>.
It appears only when the current tab is a channel.
To send a message to everyone in the channel, type the message here and press &Enter;.
Your message, as well as everyone else's messages appear in the channel scroll above.
Each message is preceded by the time and user's &nickname;.</para>
<para>You can also paste text from the clipboard. If the pasted text has more than one line (newlines),
a dialog box appears. Edit the text as desired and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
<para>If the pasted text is longer than 256 characters, or it contains more than one line, a warning message
appears advising you that large postings can cause connection resets and flooding. You can still proceed with
the input, but doing so is a bad idea, as flooding will annoy other users in the channel, or you may
be disconnected from the server. It is better to send the message in shorter chunks.</para>
<!-- Uncomment when this is implemented.
&konversation; will automatically split messages that exceed the 510 character RFC limit into multiple messages.
A convention used in many channels is to precede messages directed at one user with their &nickname;. &konversation;
provides a convenient &nickname; completion feature. Start typing the user's &nickname;, then press <keycap>Tab</keycap>. &konversation; will complete the rest of the user's &nickname; followed by a colon. To customize the completion feature, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> from the main menu, expand <guilabel>Behavior</guilabel>,
click on <guilabel>General</guilabel>, and click the
<guilabel>Completion mode</guilabel> box.
You can also enter an &irc; command here by first typing <userinput><command>/</command></userinput>
followed by a valid &irc; command. See <link linkend="irc-cmds">Frequently-used &irc; commands</link>. On some servers, you can type <userinput><command>/help</command></userinput> for a list of available commands, or type <userinput><command>/help </command><replaceable>command</replaceable></userinput> for help
on a specific command.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-2">
<para>You may join additional servers and channels. Each server and each channel gets a separate tab here.
To display a list of available channels, see <link linkend="list-channels">Listing available channels</link>.
To join a channel, type: <userinput><command>/join</command>
<replaceable>#channelname</replaceable></userinput> in the Input Line. (The <userinput>#</userinput> is required.) To leave a channel, just type <userinput><command>/part</command></userinput>.
Tabs also appear here if you open a <link linkend="list-channels">Channel List</link>, participate in a <link linkend="query">private conversation (query)</link>, open the <link linkend="urlcatcher">&URL; Catcher</link>, or open one or more <guilabel>Konsole</guilabel>s. To switch the display to a different screen, click the corresponding tab,
or use the mouse wheel to cycle through the tabs.
<para> To set other options for tabs, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> from the main menu, expand <guilabel>Behavior</guilabel>,
click on <guilabel>General</guilabel>.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-3"><para>These &led;s will blink when there is something you haven't seen in that tab.
The &led; will blink slower when the only unseen messages are <command>join</command>, <command>part</command>, <command>quit</command>, or &nickname; changes. They blink faster if there are unseen regular messages.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-4"><para>Click here to close the current tab. Closing a <interface>Channel</interface> tab will leave the channel. Closing a <interface>Server Messages</interface> tab will leave all channels you've joined, close all open queries at that server and disconnect from the server.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-5"><para>Click this button to change your own &nickname;. It appears only when the current tab is a channel. To hide this button, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> from the main menu, expand <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel>,
click on <guilabel>Chat Window</guilabel>, and uncheck the
<guilabel>Show box to change own nickname</guilabel> box.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-6"><para>The channel topic is displayed here.
Hover the mouse over the topic to see long topics. You can change the topic by
clicking the button to the left of the topic. To hide channel topics, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> from the main menu, expand <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel>,
click on <guilabel>Chat Window</guilabel>, and uncheck the
<guilabel>Show channel topic</guilabel> box.
<callout arearefs="pt-channeltour-7"><para>These buttons display the current state of channel modes. A button is down if that mode is on. If you have the correct privileges, you can also change channel modes by clicking on these buttons, or click the button to the
left of the topic. To hide channel mode buttons, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> from the main menu, expand <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel>,
click on <guilabel>Chat Window</guilabel>, and uncheck the
This is called the <interface>Nick Panel</interface>. It is displayed whenever the current tab is a channel. It lists the &nickname;s of all the users who have joined the channel, including yourself. Hover the mouse pointer over a &nickname; to display additional information
about the user. You may change how the icons are displayed next to each &nickname; by changing
the &nickname; icon theme. See <link linkend="nickthemes">Configuring &nickname; themes</link>
for more information.
The <guilabel>Big Bullets</guilabel> theme, as shown in the screen above, uses the following icons:
<para>The following is a short list of frequently-used &irc; commands. See <ulink url="">RFC 2812</ulink> for a complete list of all commands, or
visit <ulink url=""></ulink>. For a list of commands
treated specially by &konversation;, see <link linkend="konvi-cmds">&konversation; commands</link>
<listitem><para>Joins <userinput><replaceable>#channel</replaceable></userinput>. If the channel does not already exist, it is created and you are the channel operator.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sends <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> to the channel preceded by your &nickname;. For example, if
your &nickname; were <userinput><replaceable>Tux</replaceable></userinput>, typing <userinput><replaceable>/me brews a cup a tea.</replaceable></userinput> displays the message <interface>Tux brews a cup of tea.</interface> Unless they've filtered against these types of messages, all users see it. This kind of message is typically used to convey non-verbal information, such as your current emotional state, or what you are physically doing. If you are leaving your workstation for a short time, use the /away command instead.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Creates a new tab with the user's <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> for private conversation, commonly known on &irc; as a <link linkend="query">Query</link>. Everything written here is only visible to you and your query partner.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sends <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> to the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput>.
Only <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> sees the message.
Use <userinput><command>/query</command></userinput> for longer conversations.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Invites the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> to join a channel. This command is especially useful if the channel is invite-only.</para></listitem>
A private conversation is one that only you and one other person can see. Private conversations are called "queries" in &konversation;. To initiate a private conversation,
type <userinput><command>/query </command><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> in any input line,
where <replaceable>nick</replaceable> is the &nickname; of the person you want to talk with. You can also
click with the &RMB; on the person's &nickname; in the <guilabel>Nick Panel</guilabel> and choose
<guisubmenu>Open Query</guisubmenu>
<action>A new tab will be created</action>. Announce yourself by sending a message.
Queries are just like channels, except that only you and the other person can participate in the channel.</para>
To leave the query, just close the tab. Note however, that if the other person sends you another message in the query, the tab will open again.</para>
<para>To leave all queries, choose
<guisubmenu>Close All Open Queries</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> on the main menu, or press
press <keycap>F11</keycap>.</para>
When someone else initiates a query with you, &konversation; creates a new tab with their
&nickname;. If you don't wish to talk with the person, close the tab.
<guilabel>Notifications</guilabel> are actions that &konversation; will perform whenever an event occurs. Suppose you have &konversation; running, but minimized or hidden behind other application windows on your desktop. If someone wants to communicate with you, or your buddy joins a channel, you'd like to be alerted. Notifications will accomplish this.
To configure notifications, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Notifications</guisubmenu>
on the main menu. <action>The <guilabel>Notification Settings</guilabel> screen will appear.</action>
<para>Immediately click the <guibutton>More Options</guibutton> button.</para>
<callout arearefs="pt-notification-1"><para>Click here to select an event.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notification-2"><para>Check the types of notifications you'd like to happen when the event occurs. (<guilabel>Mark taskbar entry</guilabel> causes the entry in the taskbar to flash when the event occurs.)</para></callout>
<para>Repeat by selecting another event and checking the notifications desired. When you've configured all the desired notifications, click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button.</para>
<callout arearefs="pt-notification-3"><para>Once you've set up your notifications, you can enable or disable all notification actions here. For example, you can choose to play a sound whenever your &nickname; is mentioned in a message. When you are at your workstation, you can disable the sounds, but while you are away from your workstation but nearby, you can enable the sounds in order to get your attention.</para></callout>
<tip><para>You can also alert yourself when someone mentions your &nickname;
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-1"><para>Check this box to activate the <guilabel>nickname watcher</guilabel> feature.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-2"><para>If you want the
<guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel> screen to automatically display when you
open &konversation;, check this box.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-3"><para>The &nickname;s of the users you want to monitor are listed here. Each &nickname; has an associated &irc; network.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-4"><para>Click these buttons to add or remove &nickname;s from the list.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-5"><para>The <guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel> feature works by periodically polling the server. This box sets how often that occurs. Avoid numbers less than 20 seconds because it places excessive load on the server.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-notifylist-5"><para>In the <guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel>
screen above, you may double click on any &nickname; and this command will be sent to the
server. <userinput><command>%u</command></userinput> will be replaced with the
&nickname;. The <userinput><command>%n</command></userinput> is required at the
end of the command.</para></callout>
<para>Click the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button when you have finished adding or removing &nickname;s.</para>
<para><emphasis>Note: </emphasis>Whenever you display the <guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel> screen, it may take a while before any &nickname;s are displayed until &konversation; has polled the server. Normally, you leave the <guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel> screen running.
<para>&konversation; also displays a message in all the <link linkend="channel-screen-tour">channels</link> whenever a user in
your <guilabel>Watched Nicknames</guilabel> list connects or disconnects from the server. The message looks like this:
<para><computeroutput>[17:52] [Notify] psn is online (</computeroutput></para>
<callout arearefs="pt-osd-1"><para>Click here to expand the <guilabel>Notification</guilabel> item.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-osd-2"><para>Click here to select the <guilabel>On Screen Display</guilabel> screen.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-osd-3"><para>Check this box to activate &osd;.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-osd-4"><para>Click this button to choose a font for &osd;. (<emphasis>Note: </emphasis> Not all fonts work. Luxi Sans 22 and Impact 22 are known to work.)</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-osd-5"><para>Check the boxes here to select the types of messages you'd like to appear on screen, then click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button.</para></callout>
You can add color to the messages you send in any channel. In the <interface>Input Line</interface> of any channel, start typing your message. Click the
<imagedata fileref="colorize.png" format="PNG" />
<phrase>Insert &irc; Color Button</phrase>
Insert &irc; Color button or choose
<guisubmenu>&irc; Color</guisubmenu>
on the main menu. <action>The <guilabel>&irc; Color Chooser</guilabel> screen will appear.</action>
<screeninfo>The &irc; Color Chooser screen.</screeninfo>
<para>You can enable a feature to display <interface>Quick Buttons</interface> on the <link linkend="channel-screen-tour">Main</link> screen, eight <interface>Quick Buttons</interface> appear. To display the Quick Buttons, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
on the main menu. <action>The <guilabel>Edit Preferences</guilabel> screen will appear.</action>
Click <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel> to expand it, then click <guilabel>Chat Window</guilabel>.
Check the <guilabel>Show quick buttons</guilabel> box and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
<para>The buttons may be customized to your liking for performing often-used &irc;
To customize the <interface>Quick Buttons</interface>, choose
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
on the main menu. <action>The <guilabel>Edit Preferences</guilabel> screen will appear.</action>
Click <guilabel>Behavior</guilabel> to expand it, then click <guilabel>Quick Buttons</guilabel>
to display the <guilabel>Quick Buttons</guilabel> screen.
<guilabel>Button Action</guilabel>: <userinput><replaceable>Msg %u </replaceable></userinput> (there is a space after <userinput><replaceable>%u</replaceable></userinput>)
To use this button in the <link linkend="channel-screen-tour">Main</link> screen,
click on a &nickname; in the <interface>Nick Panel</interface>, then click the button.
<computeroutput>/MSG </computeroutput> will appear in the <interface>Input Line</interface>
followed by the chosen &nickname;. Type a message you want to send to that person and press
&Enter;. The message will be sent to the user. Only that user will see the message.
<emphasis>Note: </emphasis>You cannot add or delete <interface>Quick Buttons</interface>.
<callout arearefs="pt-dccstatus-1"><para>The &nickname; of the recipient and file name appear here.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-dccstatus-2">
<para>The <guilabel>Status</guilabel> column indicates the status of the file send or receive as follows:</para>
<para>You are trying to send a file to the recipient. &konversation; is waiting for the recipient to accept the file.
<para>&konversation; is trying to establish a connection with the other end.
<para>&konversation; is sending the file to the other end.
<para>&konversation; is receiving the file from the other end.
<para>The file has been successfully transfered.
<para>The transfer was started but is not currently progressing.
<para>Either you clicked the <guibutton>Abort</guibutton> button, or the other person aborted the transfer.
<para>An error occurred and the transfer was not successful..
<para>The transfer has been accepted and will begin when the software on the receiving end acknowledges.
<para>&konversation; is trying to get the IP number of the sender.
<para>When a transfer begins but the file already exists on the user's system, the user will be prompted <interface>File already exists. Resume transfer?</interface> This status indicates the user resumed the transfer.
<callout arearefs="pt-dccstatus-3">
<para>When someone wants to send you a file, the <guilabel>DCC Status</guilabel> tab will be created (if not already created). Click the <guilabel>DCC Status</guilabel> tab to display it. Click the file to select it, then click this button to accept the file and the transfer will begin. <emphasis>Note: </emphasis>You may configure &konversation; to automatically accept sends from other
people by choosing
<guisubmenu>Configure Konversation</guisubmenu>
<guisubmenu>DCC Settings</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> on the main menu.
If you have trouble sending or receiving files, your firewall or router may be blocking DCC ports.
See <link linkend="faq">Questions and Answers</link>.
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-1"><para>This is the list of &URL;s seen since you started &konversation;. The <guilabel>Nick</guilabel> column is the &nickname; of the person who posted the &URL;. If the &nickname; is blank, the &url; appeared in a <interface>Server Messages</interface> tab. (&URL;s appearing in join and leave messages
are not listed.) Click on a &URL; to select it.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-2"><para>Click here to activate the application associated with the selected &URL;.
The application launched depends upon the &MIME; type of the &URL;. For example, a &URL; beginning with
<interface>http:</interface> will activate your default web browser and display the web page. For web pages, you can
also specify the <link linkend="webbrowser">web browser</link> to use.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-3"><para>Click here to copy the selected &URL; to the &kde; clipboard..</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-4"><para>Click here to delete the selected &URL; from the list.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-5"><para>Click here to save the list of &URL;s to a file.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="pt-urlcatcher-6"><para>Click here to clear the list.</para></callout>
<listitem><para>Sends <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> to the channel preceded by your &nickname;. For example, if
your &nickname; were <userinput><replaceable>Tux</replaceable></userinput>, typing <userinput><replaceable>/me brews a cup a tea.</replaceable></userinput> displays the message <interface>Tux brews a cup of tea.</interface> Unless they've filtered against these types of messages, all users see it. This kind of message is typically used to convey non-verbal information, such as your current emotional state, or what you are physically doing. If you are leaving your workstation for a short time, use the /away command instead.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Joins <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. If the server permits it,
and if the channel does not already exist, it is created and you are the channel operator. If the channel requires a password in order to join, specify as <userinput><replaceable>pwd</replaceable></userinput>. Most channel names begin with <userinput><replaceable>#</replaceable></userinput></para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Leaves <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput> with <userinput><replaceable>reason</replaceable></userinput> and closes the corresponding <interface>channel</interface> tab.
Within a &konversation; channel or query tab, you can just enter <userinput><command>/part</command></userinput> which closes that channel or query with your default reason
as given in the <link linkend="identity">Settings</link>.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sends <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> to the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> or to everyone in <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. The following is an example
of what appears to you in the channel tab</para>
<para><computeroutput>[17:14] [Notice] Sending notice "I think I understand" to #konversation</computeroutput></para>
<para>And this is what the recipients see</para>
<para><computeroutput>[17:15] [Notice] -Eisfuchs- I think I understand</computeroutput></para>
<listitem><para>Creates a new tab with the user's <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> for private conversation, commonly known on &irc; as a <link linkend="query">Query</link>. Everything written here is only visible to you and your query partner. You may enter more than one &nickname; separated by spaces and a query tab will be opened for each &nickname;. Each such query tab will be private between you and the query partner.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Sends a private message to the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> or to all users in <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. Unlike <userinput><command>/query</command></userinput>,
does not open a new tab. If <userinput><replaceable>message</replaceable></userinput> begins with <userinput><command>/me </command></userinput>, the message is formatted in the same manner as a
<listitem><para>Same as <userinput><command>/msg</command></userinput> except the message is not
displayed on your screen. This is useful for preventing passwords and other sensitive information from remaining exposed on your screen or being logged.</para>
<listitem><para>Grants the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> &irc;-Op (Administrator) privilege. This only works if the &nickname; is listed in the server's O: line. &irc;-Ops
have the privilege to <userinput><command>/kill</command></userinput> &nickname;s,
<userinput><command>/connect</command></userinput> servers to the &irc; network, and more.
If <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> is not entered,
attempts to grant yourself &irc;-Op privilege. You will be prompted for your &irc;-Op user name and password in either case.</para>
<listitem><para>Attempts to set the topic of <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput> to
<userinput><replaceable>message</replaceable></userinput>. When entered in a channel tab, <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput> may be omitted and defaults to the channel active in the tab. If <userinput><replaceable>message</replaceable></userinput> is omitted, displays the current
topic of the channel. Changing a channel topic may fail if you lack sufficient privilege.</para>
<listitem><para>If anyone tries to send you a private message or invite you to a channel, they will be told that you are
away from your workstation for <userinput><replaceable>reason</replaceable></userinput>. To change your state back to normal, enter <userinput><command>/away</command></userinput> without a reason.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Invites the user with &nickname; <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> to join <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. This command is especially useful if the channel is invite-only. When entered in a channel tab, <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput> may be omitted.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Adds or removes <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> from
your <link linkend="nicksonline">Watched Nicks Online</link> list. If the &nickname; is already
in the list, it is removed. If it is not in the list, it is added. If <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput> is omitted, displays the current list
<listitem><para>Attempts to ban the <userinput><replaceable>user</replaceable></userinput> or <userinput><replaceable>mask</replaceable></userinput> from <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. When entered in a channel tab,
<userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput> may be omitted. For more information
on hosts, domains, and masks, see the documents at <ulink url=""></ulink>.
<listitem><para>When entered in a channel tab, sends <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput> to the channel. This is the same as entering <userinput><replaceable>msg</replaceable></userinput>
in the channel <interface>Input Line</interface>. Useful for sending &irc; commands when you don't want
to execute the command. Two command characters (//) in a row does the same thing as
<userinput><command>/say</command></userinput>. Also used by <link linkend="scripting">scripts</link> to send messages.
<listitem><para>Places the server log in raw mode (<command>open</command>) or stops raw mode (<command>close</command>). If neither <command>open</command> or <command>close</command> is entered, defaults to <command>open</command>. In raw mode, the log displays every message received from the server in native &irc; format.
<listitem><para>Connects to the server at address <userinput><replaceable>url</replaceable></userinput>. If
<userinput><replaceable>url</replaceable></userinput> is omitted, connects to the server associated
with the tab where you enter the command. This is useful for re-connecting to a server when
disconnected. If the server
requires a password in order to connect to it, enter it for <userinput><replaceable>pwd</replaceable></userinput>. If
the server requires a port number other than the default (6667), enter the <userinput><replaceable>url</replaceable></userinput> like this: <replaceable></replaceable>.
<listitem><para>Sends a message to <userinput><replaceable>nick</replaceable></userinput>
or all users in <userinput><replaceable>channel</replaceable></userinput>. This
is similar to the <userinput><command>/msg</command></userinput> command above, except that
the message is sent using the &CTCP; protocol. The response on the other end
depends on the &irc; client program the user is running. For example, when
conversing with another &konversation; user,
<userinput><replaceable>/ctcp Eisfuchs TIME</replaceable></userinput> will return
the system time on Eisfuch's computer. <userinput><replaceable>/ctcp Eisfuchs VERSION</replaceable></userinput> will return the &konversation; version number
<!-- (OPTIONAL but recommended) This chapter should include all of the silly
(and not-so-silly) newbie questions that fill up your mailbox. This chapter
should be reserved for BRIEF questions and answers! If one question uses more
than a page or so then it should probably be part of the
"Using this Application" chapter instead. You should use links to
cross-reference questions to the parts of your documentation that answer them.
This is also a great place to provide pointers to other FAQ's if your users
must do some complicated configuration on other programs in order for your
application work. -->
<qandaset id="faqlist">
<para>When I start &konversation;, I'd like to connect to a server without joining any channels. How do I do that?</para>
<para>In the <link linkend="serverlist-addnetwork">Edit Server</link> screen, leave the <guilabel>Channels</guilabel> frame empty.</para>
<para>&konversation; won't connect to any servers. What is wrong.?</para>
<para>There are several things that could be wrong.</para>
Make sure that you have entered the correct <guilabel>Server name</guilabel> and the correct <guilabel>Port</guilabel> in the <link linkend="serverlist-addserver">Add Server</link> screen.
Check the output in the <link linkend="channel-screen-tour">Server Messages</link> screen for any error messages. Did the server reject the connection because of a bad password? Did the server reject the connection because it requires <acronym>IDENTD</acronym> and
your computer did not respond to the <acronym>IDENT</acronym> request? Did you check
the SSL protocol box but the server does not support SSL?
If you are behind a firewall, make sure the correct ports are enabled. &konversation; needs the following ports enabled:
<listitem><para>Outgoing TCP 6667 (or the port of the server you connect to)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Incoming TCP 113 (if the server requires IDENTD)</para></listitem>
<!-- <listitem><para>TODO (Incoming port numbers?)</para></listitem> -->
<para>For more information on &irc; connection problems, see <ulink url=""></ulink>.
<para>When I go to
<guisubmenu>Channel List</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice>, I cannot select it. Why is that?</para>
<guisubmenu>Channel List</guisubmenu>
</menuchoice> menu entry will be greyed-out if a non-channel tab, ⪚ <guilabel>Watched Nicks Online</guilabel>, is currently being viewed.
To make it selectable again go back to a channel tab or the server tab.
<chapter id="credits">
<!-- Include credits for the programmers, documentation writers, and
contributors here. The license for your software should then be included below
the credits with a reference to the appropriate license file included in the KDE
distribution. -->
<title>Credits and License</title>
Program copyright 2002-2005 by the &konversation; team.
.Hardware requirements like amount of RAM, disk space, graphics card
capabilities, screen resolution, special expansion cards, etc.
.Operating systems the app will run on. If your app is designed only for a
specific OS, (you wrote a graphical LILO configurator for example) put this
information here.
In order to successfully use &konversation;, you need &kde; 3.2 or later and a network connection.
On earlier &kde; versions some features may be missing.
If you will be running &konversation; from behind a firewall, see <link linkend="faq">Questions and Answers</link>. If you wish to use SSL protocol, you may need OpenSSL.