useComposite=new QCheckBox(i18n("Use XComposite if available"),screenshotsGroupBox);
QString useCompositeHelp=i18n("Making use of the Composite extension of newer X Servers makes the grabbing of screenshots obsolete.\nThe contents of all windows are drawn in back buffers that will be accessed by Komposé\nNote that the Composite implementation of even modern graphic card drivers is still very slow and may make your system pretty unusable.");
useComposite=newTQCheckBox(i18n("Use XComposite if available"),screenshotsGroupBox);
TQString useCompositeHelp=i18n("Making use of the Composite extension of newer X Servers makes the grabbing of screenshots obsolete.\nThe contents of all windows are drawn in back buffers that will be accessed by Komposé\nNote that the Composite implementation of even modern graphic card drivers is still very slow and may make your system pretty unusable.");
QString passiveScreenshotsHelp=i18n("Create a screenshot whenever you raise or active a window.\nWhen selected the amount the annoying popup-effect before every Komposé activation will be minimized to nearly zero.\nThe drawback is that the screenshots are not so recent and may not display the actual content.");
TQString passiveScreenshotsHelp=i18n("Create a screenshot whenever you raise or active a window.\nWhen selected the amount the annoying popup-effect before every Komposé activation will be minimized to nearly zero.\nThe drawback is that the screenshots are not so recent and may not display the actual content.");
QString screenshotGrabDelayHelp=i18n("Specifies the time to wait between the activation of a window and the screenshot taking.\nIncrease it when your windows need more time to draw themselves after activation.\nValues below 300ms are not recommended, but may work in some cases.");
TQString screenshotGrabDelayHelp=i18n("Specifies the time to wait between the activation of a window and the screenshot taking.\nIncrease it when your windows need more time to draw themselves after activation.\nValues below 300ms are not recommended, but may work in some cases.");
QString cacheScaledPixmapsHelp=i18n("This may avoid some scaling operations to be called repeatedly when Komposé has been displayed before and the screenshot's size didn't change.\nIt will however increase memory usage quite a bit.");
TQString cacheScaledPixmapsHelp=i18n("This may avoid some scaling operations to be called repeatedly when Komposé has been displayed before and the screenshot's size didn't change.\nIt will however increase memory usage quite a bit.");
QString imageEffectsHelp=i18n("Lighten windows when the mouse moves over it or gray out minimized windows.\nDepending on your system specs this can be a bit slower.");
TQString imageEffectsHelp=i18n("Lighten windows when the mouse moves over it or gray out minimized windows.\nDepending on your system specs this can be a bit slower.");
showDesktopNum=new QCheckBox(i18n("Show Desktop number on Systray icon"),page2);
QString showDesktopNumHelp=i18n("Displays the number of the currently active Desktop on the Komposé systray icon.");
// windowTitleFontColorLabel = new QLabel(windowTitleFontColor, i18n("Text color: "), gridWindowTitlesColor); // FIXME: How to link to a buddy that doesn't yet exist?
// windowTitleFontColorLabel = new TQLabel(windowTitleFontColor, i18n("Text color: "), gridWindowTitlesColor); // FIXME: How to link to a buddy that doesn't yet exist?
QString dynamicVirtDeskLayoutHelp=i18n("Check this if you want empty virtual desktops to take less space on the screen.\nUncheck it if you want them to be arranged statically, each of the same size.");
TQString dynamicVirtDeskLayoutHelp=i18n("Check this if you want empty virtual desktops to take less space on the screen.\nUncheck it if you want them to be arranged statically, each of the same size.");
QString passiveScreenshotsHelp=i18n(QString::fromUtf8("Create a screenshot whenever you raise or active a window.\nWhen selected the amount the annoying popup-effect before every Komposé activation will be minimized to nearly zero.\nThe drawback is that the screenshots are not so recent and may not display the actual content.").utf8());
TQString passiveScreenshotsHelp=i18n(TQString::fromUtf8("Create a screenshot whenever you raise or active a window.\nWhen selected the amount the annoying popup-effect before every Komposé activation will be minimized to nearly zero.\nThe drawback is that the screenshots are not so recent and may not display the actual content.").utf8());
// onlyOneScreenshot = new QCheckBox(i18n("Only grab a screenshot when none exists"), screenshotsGroupBox);
// QString onlyOneScreenshotHelp = i18n("When disabled new screenshots will be taken whenever possible.\nEnabling will only create a screenshot once the application is first activated and will never update it.");
// onlyOneScreenshot = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Only grab a screenshot when none exists"), screenshotsGroupBox);
// TQString onlyOneScreenshotHelp = i18n("When disabled new screenshots will be taken whenever possible.\nEnabling will only create a screenshot once the application is first activated and will never update it.");
QString screenshotGrabDelayHelp=i18n("Specifies the time to wait between the activation of a window and the screenshot taking.\nIncrease it when your windows need more time to draw themselves after activation.\nValues below 300ms are not recommended, but may work in some cases.");
TQString screenshotGrabDelayHelp=i18n("Specifies the time to wait between the activation of a window and the screenshot taking.\nIncrease it when your windows need more time to draw themselves after activation.\nValues below 300ms are not recommended, but may work in some cases.");
QString imageEffectsHelp=i18n("Lighten windows when the mouse moves over it or gray out minimized windows.\nDepending on your system specs this can be a bit slower.");
TQString imageEffectsHelp=i18n("Lighten windows when the mouse moves over it or gray out minimized windows.\nDepending on your system specs this can be a bit slower.");
// windowTitleFontColorLabel = new QLabel(windowTitleFontColor, i18n("Text color: "), gridWindowTitlesColor); // FIXME: How to link to a buddy that doesn't yet exist?
// windowTitleFontColorLabel = new TQLabel(windowTitleFontColor, i18n("Text color: "), gridWindowTitlesColor); // FIXME: How to link to a buddy that doesn't yet exist?
QString dynamicVirtDeskLayoutHelp=i18n("Check this if you want empty virtual desktops to take less space on the screen.\nUncheck it if you want them to be arranged statically, each of the same size.");
TQString dynamicVirtDeskLayoutHelp=i18n("Check this if you want empty virtual desktops to take less space on the screen.\nUncheck it if you want them to be arranged statically, each of the same size.");
kdDebug()<<"KomposeTaskVisualizer::slotTaskActivated() (WId "<<task->window()<<") - Screenshot already exists, but passive mode on - Grabbing new one."<<endl;
// Use a timer to make task switching feel more responsive