@ -802,10 +810,11 @@ configTempDir.setAutoDelete(false); // RAJA DEBUG ONLY FIXME
// The ldapi:/// socket in /var/run/ldap is world readable/writable
// This means anyone with access to the server running LDAP can dump the KRB5 keys!!!!
// Make sure that the ldapi:/// socket in /var/run/slapd/ldapi is NOT world readable/writable (technically the permissions are for the directory containing the ldapi socket)
// This would mean that anyone with access to the server running LDAP can dump the KRB5 keys!
<string><p>This Wizard will help you create a new LDAP realm in three quick, easy steps.</p>
<p>Please note that this Wizard will overwrite any existing LDAP realms and data.</p>
<p>If you wish to quit the Wizard, click <b>Cancel</b> at any time.</p></string>
<p>If you wish to quit the Wizard, click <b>Cancel</b> at any time.</p>
<p><b>NOTE:</b> Kerberos and LDAP rely heavily on proper DNS resolution in order to function correctly. Therefore, you must have functional forward and reverse DNS entries for this system in order to complete this Wizard.</p></string>