Remove temporary files from source tree
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
#include "tqtglobalsettings.h"
// #ifdef USE_QT4
// #define QT3_SUPPORT
// #endif
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include <Qt/qglobal.h>
#include <Qt/qnamespace.h>
#include <Qt/qobjectdefs.h>
// #define tqqt_cast qobject_cast
// Mark certain Qt3 static variables squarely OFF LIMITS
#define qt_x_time "Usage of the qt_x_time static variable is strongly deprecated in TQt, and is unavailable in TQt for Qt4. Use GET_QT_X_TIME/SET_QT_X_TIME instead"
#define qt_x_user_time "Usage of the qt_x_time static variable is strongly deprecated in TQt, and is unavailable in TQt for Qt4. Use GET_QT_X_USER_TIME/SET_QT_X_USER_TIME instead"
// #define TQT_TQOBJECT(x) (static_cast<TQObject*>(static_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQOBJECT(x) (convertFromTQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAMEPointer(x))
#define TQT_TQWIDGET(x) TQWidget::tqt_ensure_valid_widget_painting(static_cast<TQWidget*>(static_cast<QWidget*>(static_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQSIZEPOLICY(x) (static_cast<TQSizePolicy*>(static_cast<QSizePolicy*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQLAYOUT(x) (static_cast<TQLayout*>(static_cast<QLayout*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQGRIDLAYOUT(x) (static_cast<TQGridLayout*>(static_cast<QGridLayout*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPAINTER(x) (static_cast<TQPainter*>(static_cast<QPainter*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPAINTDEVICE(x) (static_cast<TQPaintDevice*>(static_cast<QPaintDevice*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQLAYOUTITEM(x) (static_cast<TQLayoutItem*>(static_cast<QLayoutItem*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQIODEVICE(x) (static_cast<TQIODevice*>(static_cast<QIODevice*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQCOLOR(x) (static_cast<TQColor*>(static_cast<QColor*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQCHAR(x) TQChar(x)
#define TQT_TQSTRING(x) TQString(x)
#define TQT_TQPOINT(x) (static_cast<TQPoint*>(static_cast<QPoint*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQBUFFER(x) (static_cast<TQBuffer*>(static_cast<QBuffer*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQWMATRIX(x) (static_cast<TQWMatrix*>(static_cast<QMatrix*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQFILE(x) (static_cast<TQFile*>(static_cast<QFile*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQBYTEARRAY(x) (static_cast<TQByteArray*>(static_cast<QByteArray*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQMIMESOURCE(x) (static_cast<TQMimeSource*>(static_cast<QMimeSource*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQWEXTRA(x) (static_cast<TQWExtra*>(static_cast<QWExtra*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPIXMAP(x) (static_cast<TQPixmap*>(static_cast<QPixmap*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQCLIPBOARD(x) (static_cast<TQClipboard*>(static_cast<QClipboard*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPRINTER(x) (static_cast<TQPrinter*>(static_cast<QPrinter*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQVARIANT(x) (static_cast<TQVariant*>(static_cast<QVariant*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQMETAOBJECT(x) (static_cast<TQMetaObject*>(static_cast<QMetaObject*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION(x) (static_cast<TQStyleOption*>(static_cast<TQStyleOption*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQKEYEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>(static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQSHOWEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQShowEvent*>(static_cast<QShowEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQWHEELEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQWheelEvent*>(static_cast<QWheelEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQFOCUSEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQFocusEvent*>(static_cast<QFocusEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQPAINTEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQPaintEvent*>(static_cast<QPaintEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQCHILDEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQChildEvent*>(static_cast<QChildEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQCLOSEEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQCloseEvent*>(static_cast<QCloseEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQTIMEREVENT(x) (static_cast<TQTimerEvent*>(static_cast<QTimerEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQRESIZEEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQResizeEvent*>(static_cast<QResizeEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQCONTEXTMENUEVENT(x) (static_cast<TQContextMenuEvent*>(static_cast<QContextMenuEvent*>(static_cast<QEvent*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQSIZEPOLICY_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQSizePolicy(x))
#define TQT_TQLAYOUT_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQLayout(x))
#define TQT_TQCOLOR_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQColor(x))
#define TQT_TQSTRING_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQString(x))
#define TQT_TQSTRLIST_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQStrList(x))
#define TQT_TQSTRINGLIST_OBJECT(x) (TQStringList::convertFromQStringList(x))
#define TQT_TQWMATRIX_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQMatrix(x))
#define TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(x) TQRect(x)
#define TQT_TQBYTEARRAY_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQByteArray(x))
#define TQT_TQPIXMAP_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQPixmap(x))
#define TQT_TQTIME_OBJECT(x) (TQTime::convertFromQTime(x))
#define TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(x) (TQDate::convertFromQDate(x))
#define TQT_TQDATETIME_OBJECT(x) (TQDateTime::convertFromQDateTime(x))
#define TQT_TQBRUSH_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQBrush(x))
#define TQT_TQPALETTE_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQPalette(x))
#define TQT_TQPOINT_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQPoint(x))
#define TQT_TQREGION_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQRegion(x))
#define TQT_TQIMAGE_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQImage(x))
#define TQT_TQPAINTDEVICE_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQPaintDevice(x))
#define TQT_TQVARIANT_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQVariant(x))
#define TQT_TQIODEVICE_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQIODevice(x))
#define TQT_TQSESSIONMANAGER_OBJECT(x) (convertFromQSessionManager(x))
#define TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION_OBJECT(x) (TQStyleOption(x))
// #define TQT_TQOBJECT_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQObject*>(static_cast<const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQOBJECT_CONST(x) (convertFromTQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAMEPointerConst(x))
#define TQT_TQWIDGET_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQWidget*>(static_cast<const QWidget*>(static_cast<const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x))))
#define TQT_TQMIMESOURCE_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQMimeSource*>(static_cast<const QMimeSource*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPOINT_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQPoint*>(static_cast<const QPoint*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQBRUSH_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQBrush*>(static_cast<const QBrush*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPIXMAP_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQPixmap*>(static_cast<const QPixmap*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPAINTDEVICE_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQPaintDevice*>(static_cast<const QPaintDevice*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQCOLOR_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQColor*>(static_cast<const QColor*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQPRINTER_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQPrinter*>(static_cast<const QPrinter*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQIODEVICE_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQIODevice*>(static_cast<const QIODevice*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQVARIANT_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQVariant*>(static_cast<const QVariant*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQMETAOBJECT_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQMetaObject*>(static_cast<const QMetaObject*>(x)))
#define TQT_TQSTYLEOPTION_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQStyleOption*>(static_cast<const TQStyleOption*>(x)))
// #define tqarrowCursor Qt::ArrowCursor
// #define tqupArrowCursor Qt::UpArrowCursor
// #define tqcrossCursor Qt::CrossCursor
// #define tqwaitCursor Qt::WaitCursor
// #define tqibeamCursor Qt::IBeamCursor
// #define tqsizeVerCursor Qt::SizeVerCursor
// #define tqsizeHorCursor Qt::SizeHorCursor
// #define tqsizeBDiagCursor Qt::SizeBDiagCursor
// #define tqsizeFDiagCursor Qt::SizeFDiagCursor
// #define tqsizeAllCursor Qt::SizeAllCursor
// #define tqblankCursor Qt::BlankCursor
// #define tqsplitVCursor Qt::SplitVCursor
// #define tqsplitHCursor Qt::SplitHCursor
// #define tqpointingHandCursor Qt::PointingHandCursor
// #define tqforbiddenCursor Qt::ForbiddenCursor
// #define tqwhatsThisCursor Qt::WhatsThisCursor
// #define tqbusyCursor Qt::BusyCursor
#define tqarrowCursor TQt::arrowCursor
#define tqupArrowCursor TQt::upArrowCursor
#define tqcrossCursor TQt::crossCursor
#define tqwaitCursor TQt::waitCursor
#define tqibeamCursor TQt::ibeamCursor
#define tqsizeVerCursor TQt::sizeVerCursor
#define tqsizeHorCursor TQt::sizeHorCursor
#define tqsizeBDiagCursor TQt::sizeBDiagCursor
#define tqsizeFDiagCursor TQt::sizeFDiagCursor
#define tqsizeAllCursor TQt::sizeAllCursor
#define tqblankCursor TQt::blankCursor
#define tqsplitVCursor TQt::splitVCursor
#define tqsplitHCursor TQt::splitHCursor
#define tqpointingHandCursor TQt::pointingHandCursor
#define tqforbiddenCursor TQt::forbiddenCursor
#define tqwhatsThisCursor TQt::whatsThisCursor
#define tqbusyCursor TQt::busyCursor
#define tqreadBlock readData
#define tqwriteBlock writeData
#define TQT_TQIO_LONG qint64
#define TQT_TQIO_ULONG qint64
#define TQ_WFlags WFlags
#define SET_QT_X_TIME(x) QX11Info::setAppTime(x)
#define GET_QT_X_TIME(x) QX11Info::appTime()
#define SET_QT_X_USER_TIME(x) QX11Info::setAppUserTime(x)
#define GET_QT_X_USER_TIME(x) QX11Info::appUserTime()
// // [FIXME]
// // This should try a dynamic cast first before resorting to conversion (which entails a create/copy/delete operation)
// // Also, is simply overwriting the origin pointer enough to make this work in all cases???
// template <class T, class U>
// U* tqt_convert_object(T* orig)
// {
// T* orig_ptr = orig;
// U* temp = new U();
// *temp = *orig;
// orig_ptr = temp;
// delete orig;
// return temp;
// }
// #define TQT_TQPIXMAP(x) (tqt_convert_object<QPixmap, TQPixmap>(x))
// #define TQT_TQPIXMAP_CONST(x) (tqt_convert_object<const QPixmap, const TQPixmap>(x))
// [NOTE]
// It is IMPOSSIBLE to downcast an abstract base class [ABC] to a derived type. Period. End of story.
// Think of it this it ever possible to instantiate an ABC on its own (e.g. with new)? No!
// Therefore, it is also impossible to copy an ABC.
// static_cast won't work because an ABC has a completely different structure than a non abstract class.
// Specifically, you will get segmentation faults in typeinfo for the ABC at runtime.
// This is probably due to the complete absence of the abstract method implementations in the static_casted object.
// The only exception that I can think of MIGHT be if NO CHANGES are made to the abstracted methods,
// including addition, modification, or removal of said methods. Don't bet the farm on this however!
// #define TQT_TQLAYOUTITEM_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQLayoutItem*>(static_cast<const QLayoutItem*>(x)))
// // [FIXME]
// // This should try a dynamic cast first before resorting to conversion (which entails a create/copy/delete operation)
// // There is half a chance that this sort of nasty hackery is only required for abstract base classes, such as QStyle and QLayoutItem
// // For other class types a simple static_cast *might* suffice. [???]
// template <class T, class U>
// U* tqt_convert_object(T* orig)
// {
// T* orig_ptr = orig;
// U* temp = new U();
// *temp = *orig;
// orig_ptr = temp;
// delete orig;
// return temp;
// }
// #define TQT_TQLAYOUTITEM_CONST(x) (tqt_convert_object<const QLayoutItem, const TQLayoutItem>(x))
// TQT_BASE_OBJECT is here for equality operators, as pointers will only be considered equal if the top (base) classes are compared
// This is because all widget/extension/etc. classes will have one and only one TQT_BASE_OBJECT class instance in memory
// Thus casting both pointers to TQT_BASE_OBJECT and comparing will reveal if the objects being compared are truly the same
// For TQT 3 TQObject is the real base class, while in TQt 4 QObject is the real base class
#define TQT_BASE_OBJECT(x) (static_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x))
#define TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(x) (static_cast<const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(x))
// This can be used to change any object name within TQt
// x is a QString or TQString
#define TQT_OBJECT_NAME_HANDLER(x) TQString(x)
// Safe casts
template <class T>
T tqt_dynamic_cast(TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME* a) { return dynamic_cast<T>(a); }
template <class T>
T tqt_dynamic_cast(const TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME* a) { return dynamic_cast<T>(a); }
// Interface defines
#define QABS(n) qAbs(n)
#define QMIN(x, y) qMin(x, y)
#define QMAX(x, y) qMax(x, y)
#define tqt_mo_access access()
// [FIXME] The underlying problem in uic creating the need for these defines should probably be fixed sometime in the future...
// See object.cpp e.g. line 571
#define setTqmaximumSize setMaximumSize
#define setTqminimumSize setMinimumSize
#define setTqalignment tqsetAlignment
#define setTqgeometry setGeometry
#define Q_UINT16 quint16
#define ttqqt_cast( x ) tqqt_cast(TQT_TQOBJECT(x))
// TQT for Qt3 compatibility defines
#define tqred red
#define tqgreen green
#define tqblue blue
#define tqcyan cyan
#define tqmagenta magenta
#define tqyellow yellow
#define tqdarkRed darkRed
#define tqdarkGreen darkGreen
#define tqdarkBlue darkBlue
#define tqdarkCyan darkCyan
#define tqdarkMagenta darkMagenta
#define tqdarkYellow darkYellow
#define tqwhite white
#define tqwhiteptr &TQt::white
#define tqlightGray lightGray
#define tqgray gray
#define tqdarkGray darkGray
#define tqblack black
#define tqblackptr &TQt::black
#define tqcolor0 color0
#define tqcolor1 color1
// #define tqaccess access
// #define tqcolorTable colorTable
#define TQSO_Default Default
// #define tqqt_cast ::qt_cast
#define TQ_Alignment Qt::Alignment
#define TQ_Horizontal Horizontal
#define TQ_Vertical Vertical
#define TQImage_ScaleFree ScaleFree
#define TQ_Key_Shift Key_Shift
#define TQ_Key_Control Key_Control
#define TQ_Key_Alt Key_Alt
#define TQ_Key_Meta Key_Meta
#define TQ_Key_Super_L Key_Super_L
#define TQ_Key_Super_R Key_Super_R
#define TQ_Key_Hyper_L Key_Hyper_L
#define TQ_Key_Hyper_R Key_Hyper_R
#define TQ_ButtonState TQt::ButtonState
#define TQ_LeftButton Qt::LeftButton
#define TQ_MidButton Qt::MidButton
#define TQ_RightButton Qt::RightButton
#define TQ_ShiftButton ShiftButton
#define TQ_ControlButton ControlButton
#define TQ_AltButton AltButton
#define TQ_MetaButton MetaButton
#define TQ_ScaleFree ScaleFree
#define TQ_ScaleMin ScaleMin
#define TQ_ScaleMax ScaleMax
#define TQ_ScaleMode ScaleMode
#define TQ_StrongFocus Qt::StrongFocus
#define TQ_NoFocus Qt::NoFocus
#define TQ_WheelFocus Qt::WheelFocus
#define TQ_ClickFocus Qt::ClickFocus
#define TQ_TabFocus Qt::TabFocus
#define TQ_FocusPolicy Qt::FocusPolicy
#define TQ_SPExpandData Qt::Orientations
#define TQIODevice_OpenModeFlag QIODevice::OpenModeFlag
#define TQ_OpenMode OpenMode
// #define Orientation Qt::Orientation
// #define SubRect SubElement
// #define SR_PushButtonContents SE_PushButtonContents
// #define SR_PushButtonFocusRect SE_PushButtonFocusRect
// #define SR_CheckBoxIndicator SE_CheckBoxIndicator
// #define SR_CheckBoxContents SE_CheckBoxContents
// #define SR_CheckBoxFocusRect SE_CheckBoxFocusRect
// #define SR_RadioButtonIndicator SE_RadioButtonIndicator
// #define SR_RadioButtonContents SE_RadioButtonContents
// #define SR_RadioButtonFocusRect SE_RadioButtonFocusRect
// #define SR_ComboBoxFocusRect SE_ComboBoxFocusRect
// #define SR_SliderFocusRect SE_SliderFocusRect
// #define SR_DockWindowHandleRect SE_DockWindowHandleRect
// #define SR_ProgressBarGroove SE_ProgressBarGroove
// #define SR_ProgressBarContents SE_ProgressBarContents
// #define SR_ProgressBarLabel SE_ProgressBarLabel
// #define SR_ToolButtonContents SE_ToolButtonContents
// #define SR_DialogButtonAccept SE_DialogButtonAccept
// #define SR_DialogButtonReject SE_DialogButtonReject
// #define SR_DialogButtonApply SE_DialogButtonApply
// #define SR_DialogButtonHelp SE_DialogButtonHelp
// #define SR_DialogButtonAll SE_DialogButtonAll
// #define SR_DialogButtonAbort SE_DialogButtonAbort
// #define SR_DialogButtonIgnore SE_DialogButtonIgnore
// #define SR_DialogButtonRetry SE_DialogButtonRetry
// #define SR_DialogButtonCustom SE_DialogButtonCustom
// #define SR_ToolBoxTabContents SE_ToolBoxTabContents
// #define SR_CustomBase SE_CustomBase
// #define StylePixmap StandardPixmap
// // #define SP_TitleBarMinButton SC_TitleBarMinButton
// // #define SP_TitleBarMaxButton SC_TitleBarMaxButton
// // #define SP_TitleBarCloseButton SC_TitleBarCloseButton
// // #define SP_TitleBarNormalButton SC_TitleBarNormalButton
// // #define SP_TitleBarShadeButton SC_TitleBarShadeButton
// // #define SP_TitleBarUnshadeButton SC_TitleBarUnshadeButton
// #define SP_DockWindowCloseButton SP_DockWidgetCloseButton
// // #define SP_MessageBoxInformation SC_MessageBoxInformation
// // #define SP_MessageBoxWarning SC_MessageBoxWarning
// // #define SP_MessageBoxCritical SC_MessageBoxCritical
// // #define SP_MessageBoxQuestion SC_MessageBoxQuestion
// // #define SP_CustomBase SC_CustomBase
// #define StyleFlags StateFlags
// #define Style_Default QStyle::State_Default
// #define Style_Enabled QStyle::State_Enabled
// #define Style_Raised QStyle::State_Raised
// #define Style_Sunken QStyle::State_Sunken
// #define Style_Off QStyle::State_Off
// #define Style_NoChange QStyle::State_NoChange
// #define Style_On QStyle::State_On
// #define Style_Down QStyle::State_DownArrow
// #define Style_Horizontal QStyle::State_Horizontal
// #define Style_HasFocus QStyle::State_HasFocus
// #define Style_To QStyle::State_To
// #define Style_Bottom QStyle::State_Bottom
// #define Style_FocusAtBorder QStyle::State_FocusAtBorder
// #define Style_AutoRaise QStyle::State_AutoRaise
// #define Style_MouseOver QStyle::State_MouseOver
// #define Style_Up QStyle::State_UpArrow
// #define Style_Selected QStyle::State_Selected
// #define Style_Active QStyle::State_Active
// #define Style_ButtonDefault QStyle::State_ButtonDefault
// #define PE_ArrowDown PE_IndicatorArrowDown
// #define PE_ArrowUp PE_IndicatorArrowUp
// #define PE_ButtonTool PE_PanelButtonTool
// #define PE_DockWindowHandle PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle
// #define PE_DockWindowSeparator PE_Q3DockWindowSeparator
// // Verify this one -------------v
// #define PE_FocusRect PE_FrameFocusRect
// #define PE_Panel PE_Frame
// #define PE_RubberBand CE_RubberBand
// #define PE_ScrollBarAddLine CE_ScrollBarAddLine
// #define PE_ScrollBarAddPage CE_ScrollBarAddPage
// #define PE_ScrollBarFirst CE_ScrollBarFirst
// #define PE_ScrollBarLast CE_ScrollBarLast
// #define PE_ScrollBarSlider CE_ScrollBarSlider
// #define PE_ScrollBarSubLine CE_ScrollBarSubLine
// #define PE_ScrollBarSubPage CE_ScrollBarSubPage
// #define SC_ListView SC_Q3ListView
// #define SC_ListViewBranch SC_Q3ListViewBranch
// #define SC_ListViewExpand SC_Q3ListViewExpand
// #define CC_ListView CC_Q3ListView
// #define WState Qt::WidgetAttribute
// #define WState_Polished Qt::WA_WState_Polished
// //#define WState_ForceHide Qt::WA_WState_ForceHide
// #define WState_ForceHide Qt::WA_WState_Hidden
// #define SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable SH_Menu_Scrollable
// #define SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus SH_Menu_SloppySubMenus
// #define SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay SH_Menu_SubMenuPopupDelay
// #define SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled
// #define SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking SH_Menu_MouseTracking
// #define CE_PopupMenuScroller CE_MenuScroller
// #define PM_DockWindowHandleExtent PM_DockWidgetHandleExtent
// #define PM_MenuBarFrameWidth PM_ToolBarFrameWidth
// #define PM_DockWindowFrameWidth PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth
// #define PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight PM_MenuScrollerHeight
// // #define WFlags Qt::WindowFlags
#endif // USE_QT4
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Load Diff
@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQApplication class
** Created : 931107
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqdesktopwidget.h"
#include "tqasciidict.h"
#include "tqpalette.h"
#include "tqtranslator.h"
#include "tqstrlist.h"
#include "tqstringlist.h"
#include "tqwidgetlist.h"
#include "tqclipboard.h"
#include "tqcursor.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include "private/qt4_qapplication_p.h"
#include <Qt/qapplication.h>
#include <Qt/qstyle.h>
#endif // USE_QT4
class TQSessionManager;
class TQStyle;
class TQTranslator;
class TQEventLoop;
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
class TQWSDecoration;
class TQMutex;
#ifdef USE_QT4
#define TQAPPLICATION_GUI_VAR_INIT if (( QApplication::type() != QApplication::GuiClient ) && ( QApplication::type() != QApplication::GuiServer )) { qt_is_gui_used = FALSE; } else { qt_is_gui_used = TRUE; } tqAppReal = static_cast<TQApplication*>(qApp);
#define TQAPPLICATION_GUI_CONDITIONAL_VAR_INIT if (GUIenabled == false) { qt_is_gui_used = FALSE; } else { qt_is_gui_used = TRUE; } tqAppReal = static_cast<TQApplication*>(qApp);
#define TQAPPLICATION_XORG_FULL_INIT if (qt_is_gui_used == true) { qt_init( dpy, visual, cmap ); }
#define TQAPPLICATION_XORG_PARTIAL_INIT qt_init( &argc, argv, t );
#define TQAPPLICATION_XORG_CONDITIONAL_INIT if (GUIenabled == true) { qt_init( &argc, argv, QApplication::GuiClient ); }
#define TQAPPLICATION_REGISTER_TQ_DATATYPES qRegisterMetaType<TQChar>("TQChar"); \
qRegisterMetaType<TQString>("TQString"); \
class TQApplication;
extern TQ_EXPORT TQApplication *tqAppReal; // global application object
#define tqApp tqAppReal
class TQ_EXPORT TQApplication : public QApplication, virtual public TQt
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv );
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv, bool GUIenabled );
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv, Type t );
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
TQApplication( Display* dpy, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE cmap = 0 );
TQApplication( Display *dpy, int argc, char **argv, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE cmap= 0 );
#ifndef Q_QDOC
enum ColorMode { NormalColors, CustomColors };
static ColorMode colorMode();
static void setColorMode( TQApplication::ColorMode );
int exec();
const char *tqname() const;
const char *name() const;
const char *name(const char *defaultName) const;
void setName(const char *aName);
virtual void commitData( TQSessionManager& sm );
virtual void saveState( TQSessionManager& sm );
// Qt4 session manager interconnect
virtual void commitData( QSessionManager& sm );
virtual void saveState( QSessionManager& sm );
static void exit_loop();
static int enter_loop();
static void processOneEvent();
void tqprocessEvents();
void tqprocessEvents( int maxtime );
int loopLevel() const;
static void flushX();
TQWidget *tqfocusWidget() const;
static TQWidget *widgetAt( const TQPoint &p, bool child=FALSE );
static TQWidget *widgetAt( int x, int y, bool child=FALSE );
static int horizontalAlignment( int align );
inline static void sendPostedEvents( QObject *receiver, int event_type );
inline static void sendPostedEvents();
// static void setOverrideCursor( const QCursor &cur, bool tqreplace=FALSE );
static void setOverrideCursor( const QCursor &cur, bool tqreplace=FALSE );
static void setReverseLayout(bool b);
static bool reverseLayout();
static TQPalette tqpalette( const TQWidget*w = 0 );
static TQWidgetList *tqtopLevelWidgets();
static TQEventLoop *eventLoop();
static TQStyle &tqstyle();
static void setStyle( TQStyle* );
static TQStyle* setStyle( const TQString& );
static TQDesktopWidget *desktop();
static const QColor &winStyleHighlightColor();
static void tqsetPalette(const QPalette &pal, bool informWidgets=FALSE, const char* className = 0);
static void tqsetFont(const QFont &font, bool informWidgets=FALSE, const char* className = 0);
static void setWinStyleHighlightColor( const QColor c );
// static inline TQClipboard *tqclipboard() { return TQT_TQCLIPBOARD(clipboard()); }
static TQClipboard *tqclipboard();
static TQStringList libraryPaths();
static void tqsetLibraryPaths( const QStringList &qsl );
// inline static void tqsetLibraryPaths( const TQStringList &tqsl ) { setLibraryPaths(static_cast<const QStringList*>(&tqsl)); }
static TQWidgetList *tqallWidgets();
virtual void polish( QWidget * );
TQMetaObject *tqmetaObject() const;
static bool hasGlobalMouseTracking();
static void setGlobalMouseTracking( bool enable );
void guiThreadAwake(); // Does not exist in Qt4; therefore will never be triggered
TQWidget *mainWidget();
void setMainWidget(QWidget *);
// [FIXME]
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
static void create_xim();
static void close_xim();
static bool x11_apply_settings();
void setDefaultCodec( TQTextCodec * );
TQTextCodec* defaultCodec() const;
// void installTranslator( TQTranslator * );
// void removeTranslator( TQTranslator * );
void wakeUpGuiThread();
void lock();
void unlock(bool wakeUpGui = TRUE);
bool locked();
bool tryLock();
public slots:
void aboutTQt();
static TQEventLoop* eventloop; // Will this work as-is or do I need code behind it?
static int app_cspec;
static TQStyle *app_style;
static TQPalette *app_pal;
static TQPtrList<QEventLoop> tqt_event_loop_stack;
static TQWidgetList tqt_all_widgets_list;
static QWidget* current_app_main_widget;
mutable TQString static_object_name;
friend class TQWidget;
friend class TQETWidget;
friend class TQDialog;
friend class TQAccelManager;
friend class TQEvent;
friend class TQTranslator;
friend class TQEventLoop;
friend TQ_EXPORT void qt_ucm_initialize( TQApplication * );
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
friend bool qt_sendSpontaneousEvent( TQObject*, TQEvent* );
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
friend class TQInputContext;
friend void qt_init(int *, char **, TQApplication::Type);
static TQMutex *qt_mutex;
static int composedUnicode; // Value, meta-composed character
static bool metaComposeUnicode;
inline bool event(QEvent *e) { TQT_TQOBJECT_CHILDEVENT_REQUIRED_HANDLER(e) return QApplication::event(e); }
#else // USE_QT4
class TQApplication;
extern TQ_EXPORT TQApplication *tqApp; // global application object
class TQ_EXPORT TQApplication : public TQObject
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv );
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv, bool GUIenabled );
enum Type { Tty, GuiClient, GuiServer };
TQApplication( int &argc, char **argv, Type );
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
TQApplication( Display* dpy, HANDLE visual = 0, HANDLE cmap = 0 );
TQApplication( Display *dpy, int argc, char **argv,
HANDLE visual = 0, HANDLE cmap= 0 );
virtual ~TQApplication();
int argc() const;
char **argv() const;
Type type() const;
#ifndef TQT_NO_STYLE
static TQStyle &tqstyle();
static void setStyle( TQStyle* );
static TQStyle* setStyle( const TQString& );
#ifndef TQ_TQDOC
enum ColorMode { NormalColors, CustomColors };
static ColorMode colorMode();
static void setColorMode( TQApplication::ColorMode );
enum ColorSpec { NormalColor=0, CustomColor=1, ManyColor=2 };
static int colorSpec();
static void setColorSpec( int );
static TQCursor *overrideCursor();
static void setOverrideCursor( const TQCursor &, bool tqreplace=FALSE );
static void restoreOverrideCursor();
static bool hasGlobalMouseTracking();
static void setGlobalMouseTracking( bool enable );
static TQPalette palette( const TQWidget* = 0 );
static void setPalette( const TQPalette &, bool informWidgets=FALSE,
const char* className = 0 );
static TQFont font( const TQWidget* = 0 );
static void setFont( const TQFont &, bool informWidgets=FALSE,
const char* className = 0 );
static TQFontMetrics fontMetrics();
TQWidget *mainWidget() const;
virtual void setMainWidget( TQWidget * );
virtual void polish( TQWidget * );
static TQWidgetList *allWidgets();
static TQWidgetList *tqtopLevelWidgets();
static TQDesktopWidget *desktop();
static TQWidget *activePopupWidget();
static TQWidget *activeModalWidget();
static TQClipboard *clipboard();
TQWidget *tqfocusWidget() const;
TQWidget *activeWindow() const;
static TQWidget *widgetAt( int x, int y, bool child=FALSE );
static TQWidget *widgetAt( const TQPoint &, bool child=FALSE );
static TQEventLoop *eventLoop();
int exec();
void processEvents();
void processEvents( int maxtime );
void processOneEvent();
bool hasPendingEvents();
int enter_loop();
void exit_loop();
int loopLevel() const;
static void exit( int retcode=0 );
static bool sendEvent( TQObject *receiver, TQEvent *event );
static void postEvent( TQObject *receiver, TQEvent *event );
static void sendPostedEvents( TQObject *receiver, int event_type );
static void sendPostedEvents();
static void removePostedEvents( TQObject *receiver );
virtual bool notify( TQObject *, TQEvent * );
static bool startingUp();
static bool closingDown();
static void flushX();
static void flush();
static void syncX();
static void beep();
void setDefaultCodec( TQTextCodec * );
TQTextCodec* defaultCodec() const;
# endif
void installTranslator( TQTranslator * );
void removeTranslator( TQTranslator * );
enum Encoding { DefaultCodec, UnicodeUTF8 };
TQString translate( const char * context,
const char * key,
const char * comment = 0,
Encoding encoding = DefaultCodec ) const;
#ifndef TQT_NO_DIR
TQString applicationDirPath();
TQString applicationFilePath();
// obsolete functions
static void setWinStyleHighlightColor( const TQColor &c ) {
TQPalette p( palette() );
p.setColor( TQColorGroup::Highlight, c );
setPalette( p, TRUE);
static const TQColor &winStyleHighlightColor() {
return palette().active().highlight();
static void setDesktopSettingsAware( bool );
static bool desktopSettingsAware();
static void setCursorFlashTime( int );
static int cursorFlashTime();
static void setDoubleClickInterval( int );
static int doubleClickInterval();
static void setWheelScrollLines( int );
static int wheelScrollLines();
static void setGlobalStrut( const TQSize & );
static TQSize globalStrut();
static void tqsetLibraryPaths( const TQStringList & );
static TQStringList libraryPaths();
static void addLibraryPath( const TQString & );
static void removeLibraryPath( const TQString & );
static void setStartDragTime( int ms );
static int startDragTime();
static void setStartDragDistance( int l );
static int startDragDistance();
static void setReverseLayout( bool b );
static bool reverseLayout();
static int horizontalAlignment( int align );
static bool isEffectEnabled( TQt::UIEffect );
static void setEffectEnabled( TQt::UIEffect, bool enable = TRUE );
#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
virtual bool macEventFilter( EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef );
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
virtual bool winEventFilter( MSG * );
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
virtual bool x11EventFilter( XEvent * );
virtual int x11ClientMessage( TQWidget*, XEvent*, bool passive_only);
int x11ProcessEvent( XEvent* );
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
virtual bool qwsEventFilter( TQWSEvent * );
int qwsProcessEvent( TQWSEvent* );
void qwsSetCustomColors( TQRgb *colortable, int start, int numColors );
Returns true if the process is GUI server
bool qwsIsGUIServer();
static TQWSDecoration &qwsDecoration();
static void qwsSetDecoration( TQWSDecoration *);
#if defined(TQ_OS_WIN32) || defined(TQ_OS_CYGWIN)
static WindowsVersion winVersion();
#elif defined(TQ_OS_MAC)
static MacintoshVersion macVersion();
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
void winFocus( TQWidget *, bool );
static void winMouseButtonUp();
// session management
bool isSessionRestored() const;
TQString sessionId() const;
TQString sessionKey() const;
virtual void commitData( TQSessionManager& sm );
virtual void saveState( TQSessionManager& sm );
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11)
static void create_xim();
static void close_xim();
static bool x11_apply_settings();
void wakeUpGuiThread();
void lock();
void unlock(bool wakeUpGui = TRUE);
bool locked();
bool tryLock();
void lastWindowClosed();
void aboutToQuit();
void guiThreadAwake();
public Q_SLOTS:
void quit();
void closeAllWindows();
void aboutTQt();
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
void setArgs(int, char **);
bool event(TQEvent *);
void construct( int &argc, char **argv, Type );
void initialize( int, char ** );
void init_precmdline();
void process_cmdline( int* argcptr, char ** argv );
bool internalNotify( TQObject *, TQEvent * );
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
static TQWidget *tqfindChildWidget( const TQWidget *p, const TQPoint &pos );
static TQWidget *tqfindWidget( const TQObjectList&, const TQPoint &, bool rec );
#if defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
bool do_mouse_down(Point *, bool *);
static TQMAC_PASCAL OStqStatus globalEventProcessor(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *);
static TQMAC_PASCAL OStqStatus globalAppleEventProcessor(const AppleEvent *, AppleEvent *, long);
static TQMAC_PASCAL void qt_context_timer_callbk(EventLoopTimerRef, void *);
static TQMAC_PASCAL void qt_select_timer_callbk(EventLoopTimerRef, void *);
static bool qt_mac_apply_settings();
friend class TQMacInputMethod;
friend TQMAC_PASCAL OStqStatus qt_window_event(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef, void *);
friend void qt_mac_update_os_settings();
friend bool qt_set_socket_handler( int, int, TQObject *, bool);
friend void qt_mac_destroy_widget(TQWidget *);
friend void qt_init(int *, char **, TQApplication::Type);
static TQMutex *qt_mutex;
int app_argc;
char **app_argv;
bool quit_now;
int quit_code;
static TQStyle *app_style;
static int app_cspec;
static TQPalette *app_pal;
static TQFont *app_font;
static TQCursor *app_cursor;
static TQEventLoop* eventloop;
static int app_tracking;
static bool is_app_running;
static bool is_app_closing;
static bool app_exit_loop;
static int loop_level;
static TQWidget *main_widget;
static TQWidget *focus_widget;
static TQWidget *active_window;
static bool obey_desktop_settings;
static int cursor_flash_time;
static int mouse_double_click_time;
static int wheel_scroll_lines;
static int composedUnicode; // Value, meta-composed character
static bool animate_ui;
static bool animate_menu;
static bool animate_tooltip;
static bool animate_combo;
static bool fade_menu;
static bool fade_tooltip;
static bool animate_toolbox;
static bool widgetCount; // Coupled with -widgetcount switch
static bool metaComposeUnicode;
TQValueList<TQTranslator*> *translators;
TQSessionManager *session_manager;
TQString session_id;
static TQString* session_key;
bool is_session_restored;
#if defined(TQ_WS_X11) && !defined (TQT_NO_STYLE )
static void x11_initialize_style();
static TQSize app_strut;
static TQStringList *app_libpaths;
static TQAsciiDict<TQPalette> *app_palettes;
static TQAsciiDict<TQFont> *app_fonts;
static TQWidgetList *popupWidgets;
bool inPopupMode() const;
void closePopup( TQWidget *popup );
void openPopup( TQWidget *popup );
void setActiveWindow( TQWidget* act );
static bool sendSpontaneousEvent( TQObject *receiver, TQEvent *event );
static void removePostedEvent( TQEvent * );
friend class TQWidget;
friend class TQETWidget;
friend class TQDialog;
friend class TQAccelManager;
friend class TQEvent;
friend class TQTranslator;
friend class TQEventLoop;
friend TQ_EXPORT void qt_ucm_initialize( TQApplication * );
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
friend bool qt_sendSpontaneousEvent( TQObject*, TQEvent* );
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
friend class TQInputContext;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
TQApplication( const TQApplication & );
TQApplication &operator=( const TQApplication & );
inline int TQApplication::argc() const
return app_argc;
inline char **TQApplication::argv() const
return app_argv;
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
inline void TQApplication::setArgs(int c, char **v)
app_argc = c;
app_argv = v;
inline TQCursor *TQApplication::overrideCursor()
return app_cursor;
inline bool TQApplication::hasGlobalMouseTracking()
return app_tracking > 0;
inline TQWidget *TQApplication::mainWidget() const
return main_widget;
inline TQWidget *TQApplication::tqfocusWidget() const
return focus_widget;
inline TQWidget *TQApplication::activeWindow() const
return active_window;
inline TQWidget *TQApplication::widgetAt( const TQPoint &p, bool child )
return widgetAt( p.x(), p.y(), child );
inline bool TQApplication::inPopupMode() const
return popupWidgets != 0;
inline bool TQApplication::isSessionRestored() const
return is_session_restored;
inline TQString TQApplication::sessionId() const
return session_id;
inline TQString TQApplication::sessionKey() const
return session_key ? *session_key : TQString::null;
inline TQSize TQApplication::globalStrut()
return app_strut;
inline bool TQApplication::sendEvent( TQObject *receiver, TQEvent *event )
{ if ( event ) event->spont = FALSE; return tqApp ? tqApp->notify( receiver, event ) : FALSE; }
inline bool TQApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent( TQObject *receiver, TQEvent *event )
{ if ( event ) event->spont = TRUE; return tqApp ? tqApp->notify( receiver, event ) : FALSE; }
// Simple versions
inline TQString TQApplication::translate( const char *, const char *sourceText,
const char *, Encoding encoding ) const
if ( encoding == UnicodeUTF8 )
return TQString::fromUtf8( sourceText );
return TQString::tqfromLatin1( sourceText );
inline int TQApplication::horizontalAlignment( int align )
align &= AlignHorizontal_Mask;
if ( align == AlignAuto ) {
if ( reverseLayout() )
align = AlignRight;
align = AlignLeft;
return align;
#endif // USE_QT4
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQMetaObject class
** Created : 930419
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqconnection.h"
#include "tqstrlist.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include <Qt/qmetaobject.h>
#endif // USE_QT4
#ifdef USE_QT4
struct TQUMethod;
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaEnum : public QMetaEnum, virtual public TQt
struct Item // - a name/value pair
const char *key;
int value;
uint count() const;
Item* items() const;
mutable Item* internal_item_list;
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaData : public QMetaMethod, virtual public TQt
const char *name() const;
const TQUMethod* method() const;
mutable TQUMethod* internal_method_information;
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaProperty : public QMetaProperty, virtual public TQt
bool isSetType() const;
int keyToValue( const char* key ) const;
const char* valueToKey( int value ) const;
int keysToValue( const TQStrList& keys_in ) const;
TQStrList valueToKeys( int value ) const;
bool writable() const;
const char* type() const;
TQStrList enumKeys() const;
bool designable( TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *o = 0 ) const;
bool scriptable( TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *o = 0 ) const;
bool stored( TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *o = 0 ) const;
bool stdSet() const; // internal
// inline bool reset( TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME *o ) const { return isResettable(o); }
class TQ_EXPORT TQClassInfo : public QMetaClassInfo, virtual public TQt
TQClassInfo() : QMetaClassInfo() {}
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaObject : public QMetaObject, virtual public TQt
TQMetaObject( const char * const class_name, TQMetaObject *superclass, const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_Q_SLOTS, const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_Q_SIGNALS,
const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props, const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
TQMetaObject( const char * const class_name, TQMetaObject *superclass, const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_Q_SLOTS, const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_Q_SIGNALS, const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props, const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums, bool (*qt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*), const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
TQStrList slotNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
TQStrList signalNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindProperty( const char *name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
TQMetaObject *tqsuperClass() const;
const char *tqsuperClassName() const;
TQStrList propertyNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numSlots( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numSignals( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numClassInfo( bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaData *slot( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaData *signal( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindSlot( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindSignal( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numProperties( bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaProperty *property( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaEnum *enumerator( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
TQStrList enumeratorNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQClassInfo *classInfo( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const char *classInfo( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
#else // USE_QT4
class TQObject;
struct TQUMethod;
class TQMetaObjectPrivate;
struct TQMetaData // - member function meta data
{ // for signal and Q_SLOTS
const char *name; // - member name
const TQUMethod* method; // - detailed method description
enum Access { Private, Protected, Public };
Access access; // - access permission
struct TQMetaEnum // enumerator meta data
{ // for properties
const char *name; // - enumerator name
uint count; // - number of values
struct Item // - a name/value pair
const char *key;
int value;
const Item *items; // - the name/value pairs
bool set; // whether enum has to be treated as a set
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaProperty // property meta data
const char* type() const { return t; } // type of the property
const char* name() const { return n; } // name of the property
bool writable() const;
bool isValid() const;
bool isSetType() const;
bool isEnumType() const;
TQStrList enumKeys() const; // enumeration names
int keyToValue( const char* key ) const; // enum and set conversion functions
const char* valueToKey( int value ) const;
int keysToValue( const TQStrList& keys ) const;
TQStrList valueToKeys( int value ) const;
bool designable( TQObject* = 0 ) const;
bool scriptable( TQObject* = 0 ) const;
bool stored( TQObject* = 0 ) const;
bool reset( TQObject* ) const;
const char* t; // internal
const char* n; // internal
enum Flags {
Invalid = 0x00000000,
Readable = 0x00000001,
Writable = 0x00000002,
EnumOrSet = 0x00000004,
UnresolvedEnum = 0x00000008,
StdSet = 0x00000100,
Override = 0x00000200
uint flags; // internal
bool testFlags( uint f ) const; // internal
bool stdSet() const; // internal
int id() const; // internal
TQMetaObject** meta; // internal
const TQMetaEnum* enumData; // internal
int _id; // internal
void clear(); // internal
inline bool TQMetaProperty::testFlags( uint f ) const
{ return (flags & (uint)f) != (uint)0; }
struct TQClassInfo // class info meta data
const char* name; // - name of the info
const char* value; // - value of the info
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaObject // meta object class
TQMetaObject( const char * const class_name, TQMetaObject *superclass,
const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_Q_SLOTS,
const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_Q_SIGNALS,
const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
TQMetaObject( const char * const class_name, TQMetaObject *superclass,
const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_Q_SLOTS,
const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_Q_SIGNALS,
const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
bool (*qt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*),
const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
virtual ~TQMetaObject();
const char *className() const { return classname; }
const char *superClassName() const { return superclassname; }
TQMetaObject *superClass() const { return superclass; }
bool inherits( const char* clname ) const;
int numSlots( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numSignals( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindSlot( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindSignal( const char *, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaData *slot( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaData *signal( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
TQStrList slotNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
TQStrList signalNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int slotOffset() const;
int signalOffset() const;
int propertyOffset() const;
int numClassInfo( bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQClassInfo *classInfo( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const char *classInfo( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaProperty *property( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int tqfindProperty( const char *name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
int indexOfProperty( const TQMetaProperty*, bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaProperty* resolveProperty( const TQMetaProperty* ) const;
int resolveProperty( int ) const;
TQStrList propertyNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numProperties( bool super = FALSE ) const;
// static wrappers around constructors, necessary to work around a
// Windows-DLL limitation: objects can only be deleted within a
// DLL if they were actually created within that DLL.
static TQMetaObject *new_metaobject( const char *, TQMetaObject *,
const TQMetaData *const, int,
const TQMetaData *const, int,
const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
static TQMetaObject *new_metaobject( const char *, TQMetaObject *,
const TQMetaData *const, int,
const TQMetaData *const, int,
const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
bool (*qt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*),
const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info );
TQStrList enumeratorNames( bool super = FALSE ) const;
int numEnumerators( bool super = FALSE ) const;
const TQMetaEnum *enumerator( const char* name, bool super = FALSE ) const;
static TQMetaObject *tqmetaObject( const char *class_name );
static bool hasMetaObject( const char *class_name );
TQMemberDict *init( const TQMetaData *, int );
const char *classname; // class name
const char *superclassname; // super class name
TQMetaObject *superclass; // super class meta object
TQMetaObjectPrivate *d; // private data for...
void *reserved; // ...binary compatibility
const TQMetaData *slotData; // slot meta data
TQMemberDict *slotDict; // slot dictionary
const TQMetaData *signalData; // signal meta data
TQMemberDict *signalDict; // signal dictionary
int signaloffset;
int slotoffset;
int propertyoffset;
bool qt_static_property( TQObject* o, int id, int f, TQVariant* v);
friend class TQMetaProperty;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
TQMetaObject( const TQMetaObject & );
TQMetaObject &operator=( const TQMetaObject & );
inline int TQMetaObject::slotOffset() const
{ return slotoffset; }
inline int TQMetaObject::signalOffset() const
{ return signaloffset; }
inline int TQMetaObject::propertyOffset() const
{ return propertyoffset; }
typedef TQMetaObject *(*TQtStaticMetaObjectFunction)();
class TQ_EXPORT TQMetaObjectCleanUp
TQMetaObjectCleanUp( const char *mo_name, TQtStaticMetaObjectFunction );
void setMetaObject( TQMetaObject *&mo );
TQMetaObject **tqmetaObject;
#endif // USE_QT4
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQPainter class
** Created : 940112
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqcolor.h"
#include "tqfontmetrics.h"
#include "tqfontinfo.h"
#include "tqregion.h"
#include "tqpen.h"
#include "tqbrush.h"
#include "tqpointarray.h"
#include "tqwmatrix.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
** This file is part of the Qt3Support module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial Usage
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met:
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met:
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at
#include "tqwidget.h"
#include "tqpaintdevice.h"
#include <QtGui/qpainter.h>
class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT TQPainter : public QPainter, virtual public TQt
enum TextDirection {
enum CoordinateMode { CoordDevice, CoordPainter };
TQPainter( const QWidget *pdev, bool unclipped = FALSE);
TQPainter( QPaintDevice *pdev, bool unclipped = FALSE);
TQPainter( QWidget *pdev, const QWidget *w, bool unclipped = FALSE );
TQPainter( QPaintDevice *pdev, const QWidget *w, bool unclipped = FALSE );
void flush();
void flush( const TQRegion ®ion, CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice );
void drawRect(const QRect &rect);
inline void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int w, int h)
{ drawRect(QRect(x1, y1, w, h)); }
void drawRoundRect(const QRect &r, int xround = 25, int yround = 25);
inline void drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int xround = 25, int yround = 25)
{ drawRoundRect(QRect(x, y, w, h), xround, yround); }
void drawEllipse(const QRect &r);
inline void drawEllipse(int x, int y, int w, int h)
{ drawEllipse(QRect(x, y, w, h)); }
void drawArc(const QRect &r, int a, int alen);
inline void drawArc(int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen)
{ drawArc(QRect(x, y, w, h), a, alen); }
void drawPie(const QRect &r, int a, int alen);
inline void drawPie(int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen)
{ drawPie(QRect(x, y, w, h), a, alen); }
void drawChord(const QRect &r, int a, int alen);
inline void drawChord(int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen)
{ drawChord(QRect(x, y, w, h), a, alen); }
void drawImage( int x, int y, const TQImage image, int sx = 0, int sy = 0, int sw = -1, int sh = -1, int conversionFlags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQPoint &p, const TQImage image, const TQRect &sr, int conversionFlags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQPoint &p, const TQImage image, int conversion_flags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQRect &r, const TQImage image );
void drawLineSegments(const QPolygon &points, int index = 0, int nlines = -1);
void setBrush(const QBrush &brush);
void setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle style);
void setBrush(TQt::BrushStyle style);
inline void tqdrawPixmap( int x, int y, const TQPixmap &tqpm, int sx=0, int sy=0, int sw=-1, int sh=-1 ) { drawPixmap(x, y, tqpm, sx, sy, sw, sh); }
TQPoint pos() const;
// Qt4 requires the QPainter to have a valid QPaintDevice (engine) for boundingRect() to work
// So, we create one off-screen!
bool neededEngine = FALSE; \
if (QPainter::isActive() == 0) { \
printf("[WARNING] Painter was inactive when TQPainter::boundingRect was called; this indicates a likely problem in painting within your application (check Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent == true)\n\r"); \
QImage image(1,1,QImage::Format_RGB32); \
neededEngine = TRUE; \
QPainter::begin(&image); \
if (neededEngine == TRUE) { \
QPainter::end(); \
QRectF boundingRect(const QRectF &rect, int flags, const QString &text);
QRect boundingRect(const QRect &rect, int flags, const QString &text);
QRect boundingRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &text);
QRectF boundingRect(const QRectF &rect, const QString &text, const QTextOption &o = QTextOption());
TQRect boundingRect(const QRect &rect, int flags, const QString &text, int len);
TQRect boundingRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &text, int len);
void drawText(const QPointF &p, const QString &s);
void drawText(const QPoint &p, const QString &s);
void drawText(int x, int y, const QString &s);
void drawText(const QPointF &p, const QString &str, int tf, int justificationPadding);
void drawText(const QRectF &r, int flags, const QString &text, QRectF *br=0);
void drawText(const QRect &r, int flags, const QString &text, QRect *br=0);
void drawText(int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &text, QRect *br=0);
void drawText(const QRectF &r, const QString &text, const QTextOption &o = QTextOption());
void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &s, int len = -1, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s, int len = -1, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &s, int pos, int len, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s, int pos, int len, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText(int x, int y, const QString &s, int pos, int len);
void drawText(const QPoint &p, const QString &s, int pos, int len);
void drawText(int x, int y, const QString &s, int len);
void drawText(const QPoint &p, const QString &s, int len);
void drawText(const QRect &r, int flags, const QString &str, int len, QRect *br=0);
void drawText(int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString &text, int len, QRect *br=0);
void map(int x, int y, int *rx, int *ry) const;
void map( int, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * ) const;
TQPoint xForm(const QPoint &) const; // map virtual -> deviceb
TQRect xForm(const QRect &) const;
// TQPolygon xForm(const QPolygon &) const;
// TQPolygon xForm(const QPolygon &, int index, int npoints) const;
TQPoint xFormDev(const QPoint &) const; // map device -> virtual
TQRect xFormDev(const QRect &) const;
// TQPolygon xFormDev(const QPolygon &) const;
// TQPolygon xFormDev(const QPolygon &, int index, int npoints) const;
qreal translationX() const;
qreal translationY() const;
void resetXForm();
// [FIXME] The drawWinFocusRect methods below probably need tweaking to exactly match the old Qt3 behaviour
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, const TQColor &bgColor );
void drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect &tqr );
void drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect &tqr, const TQColor &bgColor );
// inline const TQWMatrix &tqworldMatrix() const { return (*(static_cast<const TQWMatrix*>(&worldMatrix()))); }
const TQWMatrix &tqworldMatrix() const;
inline TQPaintDevice *tqdevice() const { return static_cast<TQPaintDevice*>(device()); }
TQRegion clipRegion( CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice ) const;
void setClipRegion( const QRegion &qr, CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice );
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color);
const QColor &backgroundColor() const;
void setClipRect(const QRectF &qrf, Qt::ClipOperation op = Qt::ReplaceClip);
void setClipRect(const QRect &qr, Qt::ClipOperation op = Qt::ReplaceClip);
void setClipRect( const TQRect &qr, CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice );
void setClipRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice );
inline double m11() const { return deviceTransform().m11(); }
inline double m12() const { return deviceTransform().m12(); }
inline double m21() const { return deviceTransform().m21(); }
inline double m22() const { return deviceTransform().m22(); }
inline double dx() const { return deviceTransform().dx(); }
inline double dy() const { return deviceTransform().dy(); }
inline double im11() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().m11(); }
inline double im12() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().m12(); }
inline double im21() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().m21(); }
inline double im22() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().m22(); }
inline double idx() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().dx(); }
inline double idy() const { return deviceTransform().inverted().dy(); }
void moveTo( int x, int y );
void moveTo( const TQPoint & );
void lineTo( int x, int y );
void lineTo( const TQPoint & );
void tqdrawTextItem( int x, int y, const TQTextItem &ti, int textflags = 0 );
void tqdrawTextItem( const TQPoint& p, const TQTextItem &ti, int textflags = 0 );
static void redirect(QPaintDevice *pdev, QPaintDevice *replacement);
static TQPaintDevice *redirect(QPaintDevice *pdev);
TQt::RasterOp rasterOp() const;
void setRasterOp( TQt::RasterOp );
bool tqbegin( QPaintDevice *pdev, bool unclipped = FALSE );
bool tqbegin( QPaintDevice *pdev, const QWidget *init, bool unclipped = FALSE );
inline void tqdrawPolyline(const QPolygon &pa, int index, int npoints = -1) { drawPolyline(pa.constData() + index, npoints == -1 ? pa.size() - index : npoints); }
inline void tqdrawPolygon(const QPolygon &pa, bool winding, int index = 0, int npoints = -1) { drawPolygon(pa.constData() + index, npoints == -1 ? pa.size() - index : npoints, winding ? Qt::WindingFill : Qt::OddEvenFill); }
inline void tqdrawPolygon(const QPolygonF &polygon, bool winding, int index = 0, int npoints = -1) { drawPolygon(polygon.constData() + index, npoints == -1 ? polygon.size() - index : npoints, winding ? Qt::WindingFill : Qt::OddEvenFill); }
inline void tqdrawConvexPolygon(const QPolygonF &polygon, int index, int npoints = -1) { drawConvexPolygon(polygon.constData() + index, npoints == -1 ? polygon.size() - index : npoints); }
inline void tqdrawConvexPolygon(const QPolygon &pa, int index, int npoints = -1) { drawConvexPolygon(pa.constData() + index, npoints == -1 ? pa.size() - index : npoints); }
// static inline void redirect(QPaintDevice *pdev, QPaintDevice *replacement) { setRedirected(pdev, replacement); }
// static inline TQPaintDevice *redirect(QPaintDevice *pdev) { return const_cast<QPaintDevice*>(redirected(pdev)); }
void setWorldXForm(bool enabled);
bool hasWorldXForm() const;
// inline void resetXForm() { resetTransform(); }
void setViewXForm(bool enabled);
bool hasViewXForm() const;
// [FIXME]
static void initialize();
static void cleanup();
bool has_qwidget;
mutable QWidget* qwidget_ptr;
QRect adjustedRectangle(const QRect &r);
int rectSubtraction() const;
uchar rop;
enum { IsActive=0x01, ExtDev=0x02, IsStartingUp=0x04, NoCache=0x08,
VxF=0x10, WxF=0x20, ClipOn=0x40, SafePolygon=0x80, MonoDev=0x100,
DirtyFont=0x200, DirtyPen=0x400, DirtyBrush=0x800,
RGBColor=0x1000, FontMet=0x2000, FontInf=0x4000, CtorBegin=0x8000,
UsePrivateCx = 0x10000, VolatileDC = 0x20000, TQt2Compat = 0x40000 };
// uint flags;
// bool testf( uint b ) const { return (flags&b)!=0; }
bool testf( uint b ) const;
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool xorPaint, const QColor &penColor );
void fix_neg_rect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h );
TQPoint current_penpos;
#else // USE_QT4
class TQGfx;
class TQTextCodec;
class TQTextParag;
class TQPaintDevice;
class TQTextItem;
#if defined( TQ_WS_MAC )
class TQMacSavedPortInfo;
class TQPainterPrivate;
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
class TQScreen;
class TQ_EXPORT TQPainter : public TQt
enum CoordinateMode { CoordDevice, CoordPainter };
TQPainter( const TQPaintDevice *, bool unclipped = FALSE );
TQPainter( const TQPaintDevice *, const TQWidget *, bool unclipped = FALSE );
bool begin( const TQPaintDevice *, bool unclipped = FALSE );
bool begin( const TQPaintDevice *, const TQWidget *, bool unclipped = FALSE );
bool end();
TQPaintDevice *tqdevice() const;
#ifdef TQ_WS_TQWS
TQGfx * internalGfx();
bool begin(TQScreen *screen);
static void redirect( TQPaintDevice *pdev, TQPaintDevice *tqreplacement );
static TQPaintDevice *redirect( TQPaintDevice *pdev );
bool isActive() const;
void flush( const TQRegion ®ion, CoordinateMode cm = CoordDevice );
void flush();
void save();
void restore();
// Drawing tools
TQFontMetrics fontMetrics() const;
TQFontInfo fontInfo() const;
const TQFont &font() const;
void setFont( const TQFont & );
const TQPen &pen() const;
void setPen( const TQPen & );
void setPen( PenStyle );
void setPen( const TQColor & );
const TQBrush &brush() const;
void setBrush( const TQBrush & );
void setBrush( BrushStyle );
void setBrush( const TQColor & );
TQPoint pos() const;
// Drawing attributes/modes
const TQColor &backgroundColor() const;
void setBackgroundColor( const TQColor & );
BGMode backgroundMode() const;
void setBackgroundMode( BGMode );
RasterOp rasterOp() const;
void setRasterOp( RasterOp );
const TQPoint &brushOrigin() const;
void setBrushOrigin( int x, int y );
void setBrushOrigin( const TQPoint & );
// Scaling and transformations
// PaintUnit unit() const; // get set painter unit
// void setUnit( PaintUnit ); // NOT IMPLEMENTED!!!
bool hasViewXForm() const;
bool hasWorldXForm() const;
void setViewXForm( bool ); // set xform on/off
TQRect window() const; // get window
void setWindow( const TQRect & ); // set window
void setWindow( int x, int y, int w, int h );
TQRect viewport() const; // get viewport
void setViewport( const TQRect & ); // set viewport
void setViewport( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void setWorldXForm( bool ); // set world xform on/off
const TQWMatrix &tqworldMatrix() const; // get/set world xform matrix
void setWorldMatrix( const TQWMatrix &, bool combine=FALSE );
void saveWorldMatrix();
void restoreWorldMatrix();
void scale( double sx, double sy );
void shear( double sh, double sv );
void rotate( double a );
void translate( double dx, double dy );
void resetXForm();
double translationX() const;
double translationY() const;
TQPoint xForm( const TQPoint & ) const; // map virtual -> tqdevice
TQRect xForm( const TQRect & ) const;
TQPointArray xForm( const TQPointArray & ) const;
TQPointArray xForm( const TQPointArray &, int index, int npoints ) const;
TQPoint xFormDev( const TQPoint & ) const; // map tqdevice -> virtual
TQRect xFormDev( const TQRect & ) const;
TQPointArray xFormDev( const TQPointArray & ) const;
TQPointArray xFormDev( const TQPointArray &, int index, int npoints ) const;
// Clipping
void setClipping( bool ); // set clipping on/off
bool hasClipping() const;
TQRegion clipRegion( CoordinateMode = CoordDevice ) const;
void setClipRect( const TQRect &, CoordinateMode = CoordDevice ); // set clip rectangle
void setClipRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, CoordinateMode = CoordDevice );
void setClipRegion( const TQRegion &, CoordinateMode = CoordDevice );// set clip region
// Graphics drawing functions
void drawPoint( int x, int y );
void drawPoint( const TQPoint & );
void drawPoints( const TQPointArray& a,
int index=0, int npoints=-1 );
void moveTo( int x, int y );
void moveTo( const TQPoint & );
void lineTo( int x, int y );
void lineTo( const TQPoint & );
void drawLine( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
void drawLine( const TQPoint &, const TQPoint & );
void drawRect( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void drawRect( const TQRect & );
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h,
const TQColor &bgColor );
void drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect & );
void drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect &,
const TQColor &bgColor );
void drawRoundRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int = 25, int = 25 );
void drawRoundRect( const TQRect &, int = 25, int = 25 );
void drawEllipse( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void drawEllipse( const TQRect & );
void drawArc( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen );
void drawArc( const TQRect &, int a, int alen );
void drawPie( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen );
void drawPie( const TQRect &, int a, int alen );
void drawChord( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a, int alen );
void drawChord( const TQRect &, int a, int alen );
void drawLineSegments( const TQPointArray &,
int index=0, int nlines=-1 );
void drawPolyline( const TQPointArray &,
int index=0, int npoints=-1 );
void drawPolygon( const TQPointArray &, bool winding=FALSE,
int index=0, int npoints=-1 );
void drawConvexPolygon( const TQPointArray &,
int index=0, int npoints=-1 );
void drawCubicBezier( const TQPointArray &, int index=0 );
void drawPixmap( int x, int y, const TQPixmap &,
int sx=0, int sy=0, int sw=-1, int sh=-1 );
void drawPixmap( const TQPoint &, const TQPixmap &,
const TQRect &sr );
void drawPixmap( const TQPoint &, const TQPixmap & );
void drawPixmap( const TQRect &, const TQPixmap & );
void drawImage( int x, int y, const TQImage &,
int sx = 0, int sy = 0, int sw = -1, int sh = -1,
int conversionFlags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQPoint &, const TQImage &,
const TQRect &sr, int conversionFlags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQPoint &, const TQImage &,
int conversion_flags = 0 );
void drawImage( const TQRect &, const TQImage & );
void drawTiledPixmap( int x, int y, int w, int h, const TQPixmap &,
int sx=0, int sy=0 );
void drawTiledPixmap( const TQRect &, const TQPixmap &,
const TQPoint & );
void drawTiledPixmap( const TQRect &, const TQPixmap & );
void drawPicture( const TQPicture & );
void drawPicture( int x, int y, const TQPicture & );
void drawPicture( const TQPoint &, const TQPicture & );
void fillRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, const TQBrush & );
void fillRect( const TQRect &, const TQBrush & );
void eraseRect( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void eraseRect( const TQRect & );
// Text drawing functions
enum TextDirection {
void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &, int len = -1, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( const TQPoint &, const TQString &, int len = -1, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( int x, int y, const TQString &, int pos, int len, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &, int pos, int len, TextDirection dir = Auto );
void drawText( int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags,
const TQString&, int len = -1, TQRect *br=0,
TQTextParag **intern=0 );
void drawText( const TQRect &, int flags,
const TQString&, int len = -1, TQRect *br=0,
TQTextParag **intern=0 );
void tqdrawTextItem( int x, int y, const TQTextItem &ti, int textflags = 0 );
void tqdrawTextItem( const TQPoint& p, const TQTextItem &ti, int textflags = 0 );
TQRect boundingRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags,
const TQString&, int len = -1, TQTextParag **intern=0 );
TQRect boundingRect( const TQRect &, int flags,
const TQString&, int len = -1, TQTextParag **intern=0 );
int tabStops() const;
void setTabStops( int );
int *tabArray() const;
void setTabArray( int * );
// Other functions
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
HDC handle() const;
#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11) || defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
HANDLE handle() const;
static void initialize();
static void cleanup();
void init();
void destroy();
void updateFont();
void updatePen();
void updateBrush();
void updateXForm();
void updateInvXForm();
void map( int, int, int *rx, int *ry ) const;
void map( int, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * ) const;
void mapInv( int, int, int *, int * ) const;
void mapInv( int, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * ) const;
void drawPolyInternal( const TQPointArray &, bool close=TRUE );
void drawWinFocusRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool xorPaint,
const TQColor &penColor );
enum { IsActive=0x01, ExtDev=0x02, IsStartingUp=0x04, NoCache=0x08,
VxF=0x10, WxF=0x20, ClipOn=0x40, SafePolygon=0x80, MonoDev=0x100,
DirtyFont=0x200, DirtyPen=0x400, DirtyBrush=0x800,
RGBColor=0x1000, FontMet=0x2000, FontInf=0x4000, CtorBegin=0x8000,
UsePrivateCx = 0x10000, VolatileDC = 0x20000, TQt2Compat = 0x40000 };
uint flags;
bool testf( uint b ) const { return (flags&b)!=0; }
void setf( uint b ) { flags |= b; }
void setf( uint b, bool v );
void clearf( uint b ) { flags &= (uint)(~b); }
void fix_neg_rect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h );
TQPainterPrivate *d;
TQPaintDevice *pdev;
TQColor bg_col;
uchar bg_mode;
uchar rop;
uchar pu;
TQPoint bro;
TQFont cfont;
TQFont *pfont; // font used for metrics (might be different for printers)
TQPen cpen;
TQBrush cbrush;
TQRegion crgn;
int tabstops;
int *tabarray;
int tabarraylen;
bool block_ext; // for temporary blocking of external tqdevices
// Transformations
TQCOORD wx, wy, ww, wh;
TQCOORD vx, vy, vw, vh;
TQWMatrix wxmat;
// Cached composition (and inverse) of transformations
TQWMatrix xmat;
TQWMatrix ixmat;
double m11() const { return xmat.m11(); }
double m12() const { return xmat.m12(); }
double m21() const { return xmat.m21(); }
double m22() const { return xmat.m22(); }
double dx() const { return xmat.dx(); }
double dy() const { return xmat.dy(); }
double im11() const { return ixmat.m11(); }
double im12() const { return ixmat.m12(); }
double im21() const { return ixmat.m21(); }
double im22() const { return ixmat.m22(); }
double idx() const { return ixmat.dx(); }
double idy() const { return ixmat.dy(); }
int txop;
bool txinv;
// even without transformations we still have translations
int xlatex;
int xlatey;
void *penRef; // pen cache ref
void *brushRef; // brush cache ref
void *ps_stack;
void *wm_stack;
void killPStack();
#ifdef TQ_OS_TEMP
TQPoint internalCurrentPos;
uint old_pix; // ### All win platforms in 4.0
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
friend class TQFontEngineWin;
friend class TQFontEngineBox;
#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11)
friend class TQFontEngineXLFD;
friend class TQFontEngineXft;
friend class TQFontEngineBox;
Display *dpy; // current display
int scrn; // current screen
TQt::HANDLE hd; // handle to drawable
TQt::HANDLE rendhd; // handle to Xft draw
GC gc; // graphics context (standard)
GC gc_brush; // graphics contect for brush
TQPoint curPt; // current point
uint clip_serial; // clipping serial number
#elif defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
TQt::HANDLE hd; // handle to drawable
void initPaintDevice(bool force=FALSE, TQPoint *off=NULL, TQRegion *rgn=NULL);
friend const TQRegion &qt_mac_update_painter(TQPainter *, bool);
friend class TQFontEngineMac;
friend class TQMacPainter;
#elif defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
friend class TQFontEngine;
TQGfx * gfx;
friend void qwsUpdateActivePainters();
friend class TQFontMetrics;
friend class TQFontInfo;
friend class TQTextLayout;
friend void qt_format_text( const TQFont &, const TQRect &r,
int tf, const TQString& str, int len, TQRect *brect,
int tabstops, int* tabarray, int tabarraylen,
TQTextParag **internal, TQPainter* painter );
friend void qt_draw_background( TQPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h );
friend void qt_draw_transformed_rect( TQPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool fill );
friend class TQPrinter;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
TQPainter( const TQPainter & );
TQPainter &operator=( const TQPainter & );
enum TransformationCodes {
TxNone = 0, // transformation codes
TxTranslate = 1, // copy in qpainter_*.cpp
TxScale = 2,
TxRotShear = 3
TQPainter member functions
inline TQPaintDevice *TQPainter::tqdevice() const
return pdev;
inline bool TQPainter::isActive() const
return testf(IsActive);
inline const TQFont &TQPainter::font() const
return cfont;
inline const TQPen &TQPainter::pen() const
return cpen;
inline const TQBrush &TQPainter::brush() const
return cbrush;
inline PaintUnit TQPainter::unit() const
return (PaintUnit)pu;
inline const TQColor &TQPainter::backgroundColor() const
return bg_col;
inline TQt::BGMode TQPainter::backgroundMode() const
return (BGMode)bg_mode;
inline TQt::RasterOp TQPainter::rasterOp() const
return (RasterOp)rop;
inline const TQPoint &TQPainter::brushOrigin() const
return bro;
inline bool TQPainter::hasViewXForm() const
return testf(VxF);
return xlatex || xlatey;
inline bool TQPainter::hasWorldXForm() const
return testf(WxF);
return xlatex || xlatey;
inline double TQPainter::translationX() const
return tqworldMatrix().dx();
return xlatex;
inline double TQPainter::translationY() const
return tqworldMatrix().dy();
return xlatey;
inline bool TQPainter::hasClipping() const
return testf(ClipOn);
inline int TQPainter::tabStops() const
return tabstops;
inline int *TQPainter::tabArray() const
return tabarray;
#if defined(TQ_WS_WIN)
inline HDC TQPainter::handle() const
return hdc;
#elif defined(TQ_WS_X11) || defined(TQ_WS_MAC)
inline TQt::HANDLE TQPainter::handle() const
return hd;
inline void TQPainter::setBrushOrigin( const TQPoint &p )
setBrushOrigin( p.x(), p.y() );
inline void TQPainter::setWindow( const TQRect &r )
setWindow( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
inline void TQPainter::setViewport( const TQRect &r )
setViewport( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
inline void TQPainter::setClipRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, CoordinateMode m )
setClipRect( TQRect(x,y,w,h), m );
inline void TQPainter::drawPoint( const TQPoint &p )
drawPoint( p.x(), p.y() );
inline void TQPainter::moveTo( const TQPoint &p )
moveTo( p.x(), p.y() );
inline void TQPainter::lineTo( const TQPoint &p )
lineTo( p.x(), p.y() );
inline void TQPainter::drawLine( const TQPoint &p1, const TQPoint &p2 )
drawLine( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y() );
inline void TQPainter::drawRect( const TQRect &r )
drawRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
inline void TQPainter::drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect &r )
drawWinFocusRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
inline void TQPainter::drawWinFocusRect( const TQRect &r,const TQColor &penColor )
drawWinFocusRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), penColor );
inline void TQPainter::drawRoundRect( const TQRect &r, int xRnd, int yRnd )
drawRoundRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), xRnd, yRnd );
inline void TQPainter::drawEllipse( const TQRect &r )
drawEllipse( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
inline void TQPainter::drawArc( const TQRect &r, int a, int alen )
drawArc( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), a, alen );
inline void TQPainter::drawPie( const TQRect &r, int a, int alen )
drawPie( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), a, alen );
inline void TQPainter::drawChord( const TQRect &r, int a, int alen )
drawChord( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), a, alen );
inline void TQPainter::drawPixmap( const TQPoint &p, const TQPixmap &pm,
const TQRect &sr )
drawPixmap( p.x(), p.y(), pm, sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height() );
inline void TQPainter::drawImage( const TQPoint &p, const TQImage &pm,
const TQRect &sr, int conversionFlags )
drawImage( p.x(), p.y(), pm,
sr.x(), sr.y(), sr.width(), sr.height(), conversionFlags );
inline void TQPainter::drawTiledPixmap( const TQRect &r, const TQPixmap &pm,
const TQPoint &sp )
drawTiledPixmap( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), pm, sp.x(), sp.y() );
inline void TQPainter::drawTiledPixmap( const TQRect &r, const TQPixmap &pm )
drawTiledPixmap( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), pm, 0, 0 );
inline void TQPainter::fillRect( const TQRect &r, const TQBrush &brush )
fillRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), brush );
inline void TQPainter::eraseRect( int x, int y, int w, int h )
fillRect( x, y, w, h, backgroundColor() );
inline void TQPainter::eraseRect( const TQRect &r )
fillRect( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), backgroundColor() );
inline void TQPainter::drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s, int len, TextDirection dir )
drawText( p.x(), p.y(), s, 0, len, dir );
inline void TQPainter::drawText( const TQPoint &p, const TQString &s, int pos, int len, TextDirection dir )
drawText( p.x(), p.y(), s, pos, len, dir );
inline void TQPainter::drawText( int x, int y, int w, int h, int tf,
const TQString& str, int len, TQRect *br, TQTextParag **i )
TQRect r(x, y, w, h);
drawText( r, tf, str, len, br, i );
inline void TQPainter::tqdrawTextItem( const TQPoint& p, const TQTextItem &ti, int textflags )
tqdrawTextItem( p.x(), p.y(), ti, textflags );
inline TQRect TQPainter::boundingRect( int x, int y, int w, int h, int tf,
const TQString& str, int len, TQTextParag **i )
TQRect r(x, y, w, h);
return boundingRect( r, tf, str, len, i );
#if defined(TQ_WS_TQWS)
inline TQGfx * TQPainter::internalGfx()
return gfx;
#endif // USE_QT4
#endif // TQPAINTER_H
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQWMatrix class
** Created : 941020
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqwindowdefs.h"
#include "tqpointarray.h"
#include "tqrect.h"
#include "tqregion.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include <Qt/qpixmap.h>
#include <Qt/qbitmap.h>
// #include "tqimage.h"
#endif // USE_QT4
#ifdef USE_QT4
class TQ_EXPORT TQWMatrix : public QMatrix, virtual public TQt
TQWMatrix() : QMatrix() {}
TQWMatrix( double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22, double dx, double dy ) : QMatrix( m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy ) {}
//TQWMatrix invert(bool *invertible=0);
inline TQWMatrix invert(bool *invertible=0) const { const QMatrix &ref = inverted(invertible); return (*static_cast<const TQWMatrix*>(&ref)); }
inline TQRect map(const QRect &r) const { return mapRect(r); }
inline void map( int x, int y, int *tx, int *ty ) const { return QMatrix::map(x, y, tx, ty); }
inline void map( double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty ) const { return QMatrix::map(x, y, tx, ty); }
inline TQPoint map( const QPoint &p ) const { return QMatrix::map(p); }
inline TQRegion map( const QRegion &r ) const { return QMatrix::map(r); }
TQPointArray map( const TQPointArray &a ) const;
TQRegion mapToRegion(const QRect &r) const;
enum TransformationMode {
Points, Areas
static void setTransformationMode( TQWMatrix::TransformationMode m );
static TransformationMode transformationMode();
TQPointArray operator * ( const TQPointArray &a ) const;
TQWMatrix &operator*=( const TQWMatrix & );
// Interoperability
inline TQWMatrix &operator=( const QMatrix &qm ) { return *this = qm; }
// TQWMatrix(QMatrix a) {
// setMatrix(a.m11(), a.m12()
// }
// inline operator QMatrix() const { return *this; }
// Interoperability
static const TQWMatrix& convertFromQMatrix( QMatrix& qs );
// Interoperability
inline static const TQWMatrix& convertFromQMatrix( const QMatrix& qs ) {
return (*static_cast<const TQWMatrix*>(&qs));
TQ_EXPORT TQWMatrix operator*( const TQWMatrix &, const TQWMatrix & );
#else // USE_QT4
class TQ_EXPORT TQWMatrix // 2D transform matrix
TQWMatrix( double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22,
double dx, double dy );
void setMatrix( double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22,
double dx, double dy );
double m11() const { return _m11; }
double m12() const { return _m12; }
double m21() const { return _m21; }
double m22() const { return _m22; }
double dx() const { return _dx; }
double dy() const { return _dy; }
void map( int x, int y, int *tx, int *ty ) const;
void map( double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty ) const;
TQRect mapRect( const TQRect & ) const;
TQPoint map( const TQPoint &p ) const { return operator *( p ); }
TQRect map( const TQRect &r ) const { return mapRect ( r ); }
TQPointArray map( const TQPointArray &a ) const { return operator * ( a ); }
TQRegion map( const TQRegion &r ) const { return operator *( r ); }
TQRegion mapToRegion( const TQRect &r ) const { return operator *( r ); }
TQPointArray mapToPolygon( const TQRect &r ) const;
void reset();
bool isIdentity() const;
TQWMatrix &translate( double dx, double dy );
TQWMatrix &scale( double sx, double sy );
TQWMatrix &shear( double sh, double sv );
TQWMatrix &rotate( double a );
bool isInvertible() const { return (_m11*_m22 - _m12*_m21) != 0; }
double det() const { return _m11*_m22 - _m12*_m21; }
TQWMatrix invert( bool * = 0 ) const;
bool operator==( const TQWMatrix & ) const;
bool operator!=( const TQWMatrix & ) const;
TQWMatrix &operator*=( const TQWMatrix & );
/* we use matrix multiplication semantics here */
TQPoint operator * (const TQPoint & ) const;
TQRegion operator * (const TQRect & ) const;
TQRegion operator * (const TQRegion & ) const;
TQPointArray operator * ( const TQPointArray &a ) const;
enum TransformationMode {
Points, Areas
static void setTransformationMode( TQWMatrix::TransformationMode m );
static TransformationMode transformationMode();
double _m11, _m12;
double _m21, _m22;
double _dx, _dy;
TQ_EXPORT TQWMatrix operator*( const TQWMatrix &, const TQWMatrix & );
TQWMatrix stream functions
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &, const TQWMatrix & );
TQ_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &, TQWMatrix & );
#endif // USE_QT4
#endif // TQT_NO_WMATRIX
#endif // TQWMATRIX_H
@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQBuffer class
** Created : 930812
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#ifndef TQBUFFER_H
#define TQBUFFER_H
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqiodevice.h"
#include "tqstring.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include <Qt/qbuffer.h>
#endif // USE_QT4
#ifdef USE_QT4
class TQ_EXPORT TQBuffer : public QBuffer
#if defined(TQT_ABI_QT4)
typedef TQ_LLONG Offset;
typedef TQ_ULONG Offset;
#warning Please remember that TQByteArray is no longer explicitly shared. If you get weird crashes while using TQt stream objects please see tqbuffer.h line 69
// NOTE:
// QByteArray was explicitly shared in Qt3
// This is no longer the case in Qt4
// If you get weird crashes inside TQBuffer, it probably means you did something like this:
// main() {
// aFunction();
// otherFunction();
// }
// aFunction() {
// TQBuffer m_Buffer(QByteArray());
// }
// otherFunction() {
// m_Buffer.putch('H');
// }
// The QByteArray object was created within aFunction, but as it went out of scope it was destroyed before otherFunction was called
// Therefore, the TQBuffer's internal reference to the TQByteArray was invalid at the time putch() was called
// You could do this instead:
// aFunction() {
// TQBuffer m_Buffer();
// m_Buffer.tqsetBufferFromCopy(QByteArray());
// }
TQBuffer() : QBuffer() {}
TQBuffer( TQByteArray &ba ) : QBuffer( &ba, 0 ) {}
TQBuffer( const TQByteArray &ba ) : QBuffer( const_cast<TQByteArray*>(&ba), 0 ) {}
// TQBuffer( TQByteArray ba ) : QBuffer(), internal_ba_copy(ba) { QBuffer::setBuffer(&internal_ba_copy); } // Make a copy of ba
inline int state() const { return isOpen() ? 0x1000 : 0; }
inline int mode() const { return (int) openMode(); }
inline int flags() const { return (int) openMode(); }
inline bool tqopen( int mode ) { return open((OpenModeFlag)mode); }
inline Offset at() const { return pos(); }
inline bool at(Offset offset) { return seek(offset); }
inline Offset tqat() const { return pos(); }
inline bool tqat(Offset offset) { return seek(offset); }
// virtual inline qint64 readBlock(char *data, quint64 maxlen) { return read(data, maxlen); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeBlock(const char *data, quint64 len) { return write(data, len); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeBlock(const QByteArray &data) { return write(data); }
inline qint64 readBlock(char *data, quint64 maxlen) { return read(data, maxlen); }
inline qint64 writeBlock(const char *data, quint64 len) { return write(data, len); }
inline qint64 writeBlock(const QByteArray &data) { return write(data); }
// virtual inline qint64 readData ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { return readBlock(data, maxSize); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeData ( const char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { return writeBlock(data, maxSize); }
inline int getch() { char c; return getChar(&c) ? int(uchar(c)) : -1; }
inline int putch(int c) { return putChar(char(c)) ? int(uchar(c)) : -1; }
inline int ungetch(int c) { ungetChar(uchar(c)); return c; }
inline bool isDirectAccess() const { return !isSequential(); }
inline bool isSequentialAccess() const { return isSequential(); }
inline bool isCombinedAccess() const { return false; }
inline bool isBuffered() const { return true; }
inline bool isRaw() const { return false; }
inline bool isSynchronous() const { return true; }
inline bool isAsynchronous() const { return false; }
inline bool isTranslated() const { return (openMode() & Text) != 0; }
inline bool isInactive() const { return !isOpen(); }
inline TQByteArray &buffer() { return static_cast<TQByteArray&>(QBuffer::buffer()); }
inline bool setBuffer( TQByteArray &tqba ) { if (isOpen() == TRUE) return FALSE; QBuffer::setBuffer(&tqba); return TRUE; }
inline bool tqsetBufferFromCopy( TQByteArray tqba ) { if (isOpen() == TRUE) return FALSE; internal_ba_copy = tqba; QBuffer::setBuffer(&internal_ba_copy); return TRUE; }
// inline bool setBuffer( TQByteArray tqba ) { if (isOpen() == TRUE) return FALSE; internal_ba_copy = tqba; QBuffer::setBuffer(&internal_ba_copy); return TRUE; }
typedef int Status;
Status status() const {
#if !defined(QT_NO_QOBJECT)
const QFile *f = qobject_cast<const QFile *>(this);
if (f) return (int) f->error();
return isOpen() ? 0 /* IO_Ok */ : 8 /* IO_UnspecifiedError */;
void resetStatus() {
#if !defined(QT_NO_QOBJECT)
QFile *f = qobject_cast<QFile *>(this);
if (f) f->unsetError();
void setqStatus( int ) { std::cout << "[WARNING] TQBuffer::setqStatus() UNIMPLEMENTED\n\r"; }
void resetqStatus() { resetStatus(); }
TQByteArray internal_ba_copy;
#else // USE_QT4
class TQ_EXPORT TQBuffer : public TQIODevice
TQBuffer( TQByteArray );
TQByteArray buffer() const;
bool setBuffer( TQByteArray );
bool open( int );
void close();
void flush();
Offset size() const;
Offset at() const;
bool at( Offset );
TQ_LONG readBlock( char *p, TQ_ULONG );
TQ_LONG writeBlock( const char *p, TQ_ULONG );
TQ_LONG writeBlock( const TQByteArray& data )
{ return TQIODevice::writeBlock(data); }
TQ_LONG readLine( char *p, TQ_ULONG );
int getch();
int putch( int );
int ungetch( int );
TQByteArray a;
uint a_len;
uint a_inc;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
TQBuffer( const TQBuffer & );
TQBuffer &operator=( const TQBuffer & );
inline TQByteArray TQBuffer::buffer() const
{ return a; }
inline TQIODevice::Offset TQBuffer::size() const
{ return (Offset)a.size(); }
inline TQIODevice::Offset TQBuffer::at() const
{ return ioIndex; }
#endif // USE_QT4
#endif // TQBUFFER_H
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
** Definition of TQIODevice class
** Created : 940913
** Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson and (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** or contact the sales department at
** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#include "tqtglobaldefines.h"
#ifndef TQT_H
#include "tqglobal.h"
#include "tqcstring.h"
#endif // TQT_H
#ifdef USE_QT4
#include <Qt/qiodevice.h>
#include <Qt/qfile.h>
#include <iostream>
#endif // USE_QT4
#ifdef USE_QT4
#define IO_Direct 0x0100 // direct access tqdevice
#define IO_Sequential 0x0200 // sequential access tqdevice
#define IO_Combined 0x0300 // combined direct/sequential
#define IO_TypeMask 0x0f00
// IO handling modes
#define IO_Raw 0x0040 // raw access (not buffered)
#define IO_Async 0x0080 // asynchronous mode
// IO tqdevice open modes
#define IO_ReadOnly (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0001 // readable tqdevice
#define IO_WriteOnly (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0002 // writable tqdevice
#define IO_ReadWrite (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0003 // read+write tqdevice
#define IO_Append (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0004 // append
#define IO_Truncate (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0008 // truncate tqdevice
#define IO_Translate (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x0010 // translate CR+LF
#define IO_ModeMask (QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)0x00ff
// IO tqdevice state
#define IO_Open 0x1000 // tqdevice is open
#define IO_StateMask 0xf000
// IO tqdevice status
#define IO_Ok 0
#define IO_ReadError 1 // read error
#define IO_WriteError 2 // write error
#define IO_FatalError 3 // fatal unrecoverable error
#define IO_ResourceError 4 // resource limitation
#define IO_OpenError 5 // cannot open tqdevice
#define IO_ConnectError 5 // cannot connect to tqdevice
#define IO_AbortError 6 // abort error
#define IO_TimeOutError 7 // time out
#define IO_UnspecifiedError 8 // unspecified error
class TQ_EXPORT TQIODevice : public QIODevice
#if defined(TQT_ABI_QT4)
typedef TQ_LLONG Offset;
typedef TQ_ULONG Offset;
TQIODevice() : QIODevice() {}
inline int state() const { return isOpen() ? 0x1000 : 0; }
inline int mode() const { return (int) openMode(); }
inline int flags() const { return (int) openMode(); }
inline bool tqopen( int mode ) { return open((OpenModeFlag)mode); }
inline Offset at() const { return pos(); }
inline bool at(Offset offset) { return seek(offset); }
inline Offset tqat() const { return pos(); }
inline bool tqat(Offset offset) { return seek(offset); }
// virtual inline qint64 readBlock(char *data, quint64 maxlen) { return read(data, maxlen); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeBlock(const char *data, quint64 len) { return write(data, len); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeBlock(const QByteArray &data) { return write(data); }
inline qint64 readBlock(char *data, quint64 maxlen) { return read(data, maxlen); }
inline qint64 writeBlock(const char *data, quint64 len) { return write(data, len); }
inline qint64 writeBlock(const QByteArray &data) { return write(data); }
// virtual inline qint64 readData ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { return readBlock(data, maxSize); }
// virtual inline qint64 writeData ( const char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { return writeBlock(data, maxSize); }
inline int getch() { char c; return getChar(&c) ? int(uchar(c)) : -1; }
inline int putch(int c) { return putChar(char(c)) ? int(uchar(c)) : -1; }
inline int ungetch(int c) { ungetChar(uchar(c)); return c; }
virtual void flush() = 0;
inline bool isDirectAccess() const { return !isSequential(); }
inline bool isSequentialAccess() const { return isSequential(); }
inline bool isCombinedAccess() const { return false; }
inline bool isBuffered() const { return true; }
inline bool isRaw() const { return false; }
inline bool isSynchronous() const { return true; }
inline bool isAsynchronous() const { return false; }
inline bool isTranslated() const { return (openMode() & Text) != 0; }
inline bool isInactive() const { return !isOpen(); }
// inline bool open( int mode ) = 0;
void setFlags( int f ) { setOpenMode((QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)f); }
void setType( int ) { printf("[WARNING] TQIODevice::setType() unimplemented\n\r"); }
void setMode( int f ) { setOpenMode((QIODevice::OpenModeFlag)f); }
void setState( int state ) {
switch (state) {
case (IO_Open):
typedef int Status;
Status status() const {
#if !defined(QT_NO_QOBJECT)
const QFile *f = qobject_cast<const QFile *>(this);
if (f) return (int) f->error();
return isOpen() ? 0 /* IO_Ok */ : 8 /* IO_UnspecifiedError */;
void resetStatus() {
#if !defined(QT_NO_QOBJECT)
QFile *f = qobject_cast<QFile *>(this);
if (f) f->unsetError();
void setqStatus( int ) { std::cout << "[WARNING] TQIODevice::setqStatus() UNIMPLEMENTED\n\r"; }
void resetqStatus() { resetStatus(); }
friend class TQFile;
friend class TQIODeviceSource;
friend class TQImageIO;
// Interoperability
static TQIODevice& convertFromQIODevice( QIODevice& qiod );
// Interoperability
inline static TQIODevice& convertFromQIODevice( QIODevice& qiod ) {
return (*static_cast<TQIODevice*>(&qiod));
#else // USE_QT4
// IO tqdevice access types
#define IO_Direct 0x0100 // direct access tqdevice
#define IO_Sequential 0x0200 // sequential access tqdevice
#define IO_Combined 0x0300 // combined direct/sequential
#define IO_TypeMask 0x0f00
// IO handling modes
#define IO_Raw 0x0040 // raw access (not buffered)
#define IO_Async 0x0080 // asynchronous mode
// IO tqdevice open modes
#define IO_ReadOnly 0x0001 // readable tqdevice
#define IO_WriteOnly 0x0002 // writable tqdevice
#define IO_ReadWrite 0x0003 // read+write tqdevice
#define IO_Append 0x0004 // append
#define IO_Truncate 0x0008 // truncate tqdevice
#define IO_Translate 0x0010 // translate CR+LF
#define IO_ModeMask 0x00ff
// IO tqdevice state
#define IO_Open 0x1000 // tqdevice is open
#define IO_StateMask 0xf000
// IO tqdevice status
#define IO_Ok 0
#define IO_ReadError 1 // read error
#define IO_WriteError 2 // write error
#define IO_FatalError 3 // fatal unrecoverable error
#define IO_ResourceError 4 // resource limitation
#define IO_OpenError 5 // cannot open tqdevice
#define IO_ConnectError 5 // cannot connect to tqdevice
#define IO_AbortError 6 // abort error
#define IO_TimeOutError 7 // time out
#define IO_UnspecifiedError 8 // unspecified error
class TQ_EXPORT TQIODevice
#if defined(TQT_ABI_QT4)
typedef TQ_LLONG Offset;
typedef TQ_ULONG Offset;
virtual ~TQIODevice();
int flags() const { return ioMode; }
int mode() const { return ioMode & IO_ModeMask; }
int state() const { return ioMode & IO_StateMask; }
bool isDirectAccess() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Direct) == IO_Direct); }
bool isSequentialAccess() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Sequential) == IO_Sequential); }
bool isCombinedAccess() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Combined) == IO_Combined); }
bool isBuffered() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Raw) != IO_Raw); }
bool isRaw() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Raw) == IO_Raw); }
bool isSynchronous() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Async) != IO_Async); }
bool isAsynchronous() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Async) == IO_Async); }
bool isTranslated() const { return ((ioMode & IO_Translate) == IO_Translate); }
bool isReadable() const { return ((ioMode & IO_ReadOnly) == IO_ReadOnly); }
bool isWritable() const { return ((ioMode & IO_WriteOnly) == IO_WriteOnly); }
bool isReadWrite() const { return ((ioMode & IO_ReadWrite) == IO_ReadWrite); }
bool isInactive() const { return state() == 0; }
bool isOpen() const { return state() == IO_Open; }
int status() const { return ioSt; }
void resetqStatus() { ioSt = IO_Ok; }
virtual bool open( int mode ) = 0;
virtual void close() = 0;
virtual void flush() = 0;
virtual Offset size() const = 0;
virtual Offset at() const;
virtual bool at( Offset );
virtual bool atEnd() const;
bool reset() { return at(0); }
virtual TQ_LONG readBlock( char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen ) = 0;
virtual TQ_LONG writeBlock( const char *data, TQ_ULONG len ) = 0;
virtual TQ_LONG readLine( char *data, TQ_ULONG maxlen );
TQ_LONG writeBlock( const TQByteArray& data );
virtual TQByteArray readAll();
virtual int getch() = 0;
virtual int putch( int ) = 0;
virtual int ungetch( int ) = 0;
void setFlags( int f ) { ioMode = f; }
void setType( int );
void setMode( int );
void setState( int );
void setqStatus( int );
Offset ioIndex;
int ioMode;
int ioSt;
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(TQ_DISABLE_COPY)
TQIODevice( const TQIODevice & );
TQIODevice &operator=( const TQIODevice & );
#endif // USE_QT4
#endif // TQIODEVICE_H
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