#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PCSC_API typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef BYTE *LPBYTE; typedef unsigned int LONG; typedef unsigned int DWORD; typedef DWORD *LPDWORD; typedef const void *LPCVOID; typedef const char *LPCSTR; typedef char *LPSTR; typedef void *LPVOID; typedef const BYTE *LPCBYTE; typedef LONG SCARDCONTEXT; typedef SCARDCONTEXT *LPSCARDCONTEXT; typedef LONG SCARDHANDLE; typedef SCARDHANDLE *LPSCARDHANDLE; #define MAX_ATR_SIZE 33 typedef struct _SCARD_READERSTATE { const char *szReader; void *pvUserData; DWORD dwCurrentState; DWORD dwEventState; DWORD cbAtr; unsigned char rgbAtr[MAX_ATR_SIZE]; } SCARD_READERSTATE, *LPSCARD_READERSTATE; typedef struct _SCARD_IO_REQUEST { unsigned long dwProtocol; unsigned long cbPciLength; } SCARD_IO_REQUEST, *PSCARD_IO_REQUEST, *LPSCARD_IO_REQUEST; #define LLOG_LEVEL 5 #define LLOGLN(_level, _args) \ do { if (_level < LLOG_LEVEL) { printf _args ; printf("\n"); } } while (0) #define SCARD_ESTABLISH_CONTEXT 0x01 #define SCARD_RELEASE_CONTEXT 0x02 #define SCARD_LIST_READERS 0x03 #define SCARD_CONNECT 0x04 #define SCARD_GET_STATUS_CHANGE 0x0C #define SCARD_S_SUCCESS 0x00000000 #define SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR ((LONG)0x80100001) #define SET_UINT32(_data, _offset, _val) do { \ (((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[0] = ((_val) >> 0) & 0xff; \ (((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[1] = ((_val) >> 8) & 0xff; \ (((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[2] = ((_val) >> 16) & 0xff; \ (((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[3] = ((_val) >> 24) & 0xff; } while (0) #define GET_UINT32(_data, _offset) \ ((((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[0] << 0) | \ ((((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[1] << 8) | \ ((((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[2] << 16) | \ ((((BYTE*)(_data)) + (_offset))[3] << 24) #define LMIN(_val1, _val2) (_val1) < (_val2) ? (_val1) : (_val2) #define LMAX(_val1, _val2) (_val1) > (_val2) ? (_val1) : (_val2) static int g_sck = -1; /* unix domain socket */ static pthread_mutex_t g_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* for pcsc_stringify_error */ static char g_error_str[512]; /*****************************************************************************/ static int get_display_num_from_display(const char *display_text) { int rv; int index; int mode; int host_index; int disp_index; int scre_index; char host[256]; char disp[256]; char scre[256]; memset(host, 0, 256); memset(disp, 0, 256); memset(scre, 0, 256); index = 0; host_index = 0; disp_index = 0; scre_index = 0; mode = 0; while (display_text[index] != 0) { if (display_text[index] == ':') { mode = 1; } else if (display_text[index] == '.') { mode = 2; } else if (mode == 0) { host[host_index] = display_text[index]; host_index++; } else if (mode == 1) { disp[disp_index] = display_text[index]; disp_index++; } else if (mode == 2) { scre[scre_index] = display_text[index]; scre_index++; } index++; } host[host_index] = 0; disp[disp_index] = 0; scre[scre_index] = 0; LLOGLN(0, ("get_display_num_from_display: host [%s] disp [%s] scre [%s]", host, disp, scre)); rv = atoi(disp); return rv; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int connect_to_chansrv(void) { int bytes; int dis; int error; char *xrdp_session; char *xrdp_display; char *home_str; struct sockaddr_un saddr; struct sockaddr *psaddr; if (g_sck != -1) { /* already connected */ return 0; } xrdp_session = getenv("XRDP_SESSION"); if (xrdp_session == NULL) { /* XRDP_SESSION must be set */ LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, not xrdp session")); return 1; } xrdp_display = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (xrdp_display == NULL) { /* DISPLAY must be set */ LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, display not set")); return 1; } home_str = getenv("HOME"); if (home_str == NULL) { /* HOME must be set */ LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, home not set")); return 1; } dis = get_display_num_from_display(xrdp_display); if (dis < 10) { /* DISPLAY must be > 9 */ LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, display not > 9 %d", dis)); return 1; } g_sck = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, socket failed")); return 1; } memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); saddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; bytes = sizeof(saddr.sun_path); snprintf(saddr.sun_path, bytes, "%s/.pcsc%d/pcscd.comm", home_str, dis); saddr.sun_path[bytes - 1] = 0; LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: connecting to %s", saddr.sun_path)); psaddr = (struct sockaddr *) &saddr; bytes = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); error = connect(g_sck, psaddr, bytes); if (error == 0) { } else { perror("connect_to_chansrv"); close(g_sck); g_sck = -1; LLOGLN(0, ("connect_to_chansrv: error, open %s", saddr.sun_path)); return 1; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int send_message(int code, char *data, int bytes) { char header[8]; SET_UINT32(header, 0, bytes); SET_UINT32(header, 4, code); if (send(g_sck, header, 8, 0) != 8) { return 1; } if (send(g_sck, data, bytes, 0) != bytes) { return 1; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int get_message(int *code, char *data, int *bytes) { char header[8]; int max_bytes; if (recv(g_sck, header, 8, 0) != 8) { return 1; } max_bytes = *bytes; *bytes = GET_UINT32(header, 0); *code = GET_UINT32(header, 4); if (*bytes > max_bytes) { return 1; } if (recv(g_sck, data, *bytes, 0) != *bytes) { return 1; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardEstablishContext(DWORD dwScope, LPCVOID pvReserved1, LPCVOID pvReserved2, LPSCARDCONTEXT phContext) { char msg[256]; DWORD context; int code; int bytes; int status; LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEstablishContext:")); if (g_sck == -1) { if (connect_to_chansrv() != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEstablishContext: error, can not connect " "to chansrv")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); SET_UINT32(msg, 0, dwScope); if (send_message(SCARD_ESTABLISH_CONTEXT, msg, 4) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEstablishContext: error, send_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } bytes = 256; if (get_message(&code, msg, &bytes) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEstablishContext: error, get_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if ((code != SCARD_ESTABLISH_CONTEXT) || (bytes != 8)) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEstablishContext: error, bad code")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); context = GET_UINT32(msg, 0); status = GET_UINT32(msg, 4); LLOGLN(10, ("SCardEstablishContext: got context 0x%8.8x", context)); *phContext = context; return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardReleaseContext(SCARDCONTEXT hContext) { char msg[256]; int code; int bytes; int status; LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReleaseContext:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReleaseContext: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); SET_UINT32(msg, 0, hContext); if (send_message(SCARD_RELEASE_CONTEXT, msg, 4) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReleaseContext: error, send_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } bytes = 256; if (get_message(&code, msg, &bytes) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReleaseContext: error, get_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if ((code != SCARD_RELEASE_CONTEXT) || (bytes != 4)) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReleaseContext: error, bad code")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); status = GET_UINT32(msg, 0); LLOGLN(10, ("SCardReleaseContext: got status 0x%8.8x", status)); return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardIsValidContext(SCARDCONTEXT hContext) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardIsValidContext:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardIsValidContext: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardConnect(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, LPCSTR szReader, DWORD dwShareMode, DWORD dwPreferredProtocols, LPSCARDHANDLE phCard, LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol) { char msg[256]; int code; int bytes; int status; int offset; LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); offset = 0; SET_UINT32(msg, offset, hContext); offset += 4; bytes = strlen(szReader); if (bytes > 99) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect: error, name too long")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } memcpy(msg + offset, szReader, bytes); memset(msg + bytes, 0, 100 - bytes); offset += 100; SET_UINT32(msg, offset, dwShareMode); offset += 4; SET_UINT32(msg, offset, dwPreferredProtocols); offset += 4; if (send_message(SCARD_CONNECT, msg, offset) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect: error, send_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } bytes = 256; if (get_message(&code, msg, &bytes) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect: error, get_message")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (code != SCARD_RELEASE_CONTEXT) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardConnect: error, bad code")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); *phCard = GET_UINT32(msg, 0); *pdwActiveProtocol = GET_UINT32(msg, 4); status = GET_UINT32(msg, 8); LLOGLN(10, ("SCardReleaseContext: got status 0x%8.8x", status)); return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardReconnect(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwShareMode, DWORD dwPreferredProtocols, DWORD dwInitialization, LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReconnect:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardReconnect: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardDisconnect(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwDisposition) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardDisconnect:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardDisconnect: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardBeginTransaction(SCARDHANDLE hCard) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardBeginTransaction:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardBeginTransaction: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardEndTransaction(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwDisposition) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEndTransaction:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardEndTransaction: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardStatus(SCARDHANDLE hCard, LPSTR mszReaderName, LPDWORD pcchReaderLen, LPDWORD pdwState, LPDWORD pdwProtocol, LPBYTE pbAtr, LPDWORD pcbAtrLen) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardStatus:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardStatus: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardGetStatusChange(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, DWORD dwTimeout, LPSCARD_READERSTATE rgReaderStates, DWORD cReaders) { char *msg; int bytes; int code; int index; int offset; int str_len; int status; LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetStatusChange:")); LLOGLN(10, (" dwTimeout %d cReaders %d", dwTimeout, cReaders)); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetStatusChange: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } msg = (char *) malloc(8192); SET_UINT32(msg, 0, hContext); SET_UINT32(msg, 4, dwTimeout); SET_UINT32(msg, 8, cReaders); offset = 12; for (index = 0; index < cReaders; index++) { str_len = strlen(rgReaderStates[index].szReader); str_len = LMIN(str_len, 99); memset(msg + offset, 0, 100); memcpy(msg + offset, rgReaderStates[index].szReader, str_len); offset += 100; LLOGLN(10, (" in dwCurrentState %d", rgReaderStates[index].dwCurrentState)); SET_UINT32(msg, offset, rgReaderStates[index].dwCurrentState); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, (" in dwEventState %d", rgReaderStates[index].dwEventState)); SET_UINT32(msg, offset, rgReaderStates[index].dwEventState); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, (" in cbAtr %d", rgReaderStates[index].cbAtr)); SET_UINT32(msg, offset, rgReaderStates[index].cbAtr); offset += 4; memset(msg + offset, 0, 36); memcpy(msg + offset, rgReaderStates[index].rgbAtr, 33); offset += 36; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); if (send_message(SCARD_GET_STATUS_CHANGE, msg, offset) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetStatusChange: error, send_message")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } bytes = 8192; if (get_message(&code, msg, &bytes) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetStatusChange: error, get_message")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (code != SCARD_GET_STATUS_CHANGE) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetStatusChange: error, bad code")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); cReaders = GET_UINT32(msg, 0); offset = 4; LLOGLN(10, ("SCardGetStatusChange: got back cReaders %d", cReaders)); for (index = 0; index < cReaders; index++) { rgReaderStates[index].dwCurrentState = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, (" out dwCurrentState %d", rgReaderStates[index].dwCurrentState)); rgReaderStates[index].dwEventState = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, (" out dwEventState %d", rgReaderStates[index].dwEventState)); rgReaderStates[index].cbAtr = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, (" out cbAtr %d", rgReaderStates[index].cbAtr)); memcpy(rgReaderStates[index].rgbAtr, msg + offset, 33); offset += 36; } status = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; free(msg); return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardControl(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwControlCode, LPCVOID pbSendBuffer, DWORD cbSendLength, LPVOID pbRecvBuffer, DWORD cbRecvLength, LPDWORD lpBytesReturned) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardControl:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardControl: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardTransmit(SCARDHANDLE hCard, const SCARD_IO_REQUEST *pioSendPci, LPCBYTE pbSendBuffer, DWORD cbSendLength, SCARD_IO_REQUEST *pioRecvPci, LPBYTE pbRecvBuffer, LPDWORD pcbRecvLength) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardTransmit:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardTransmit: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardListReaderGroups(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, LPSTR mszGroups, LPDWORD pcchGroups) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaderGroups:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaderGroups: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardListReaders(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, LPCSTR mszGroups, LPSTR mszReaders, LPDWORD pcchReaders) { char* msg; char* reader_names; int reader_names_index; int code; int bytes; int num_readers; int status; int offset; int index; char reader[100]; LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaders:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaders: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } msg = (char *) malloc(8192); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); SET_UINT32(msg, 0, hContext); if (send_message(SCARD_LIST_READERS, msg, 4) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaders: error, send_message")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } bytes = 8192; if (get_message(&code, msg, &bytes) != 0) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaders: error, get_message")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (code != SCARD_LIST_READERS) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardListReaders: error, bad code")); free(msg); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); offset = 0; num_readers = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; LLOGLN(10, ("hi - mszReaders %p pcchReaders %p num_readers %d", mszReaders, pcchReaders, num_readers)); reader_names = (char *) malloc(8192); reader_names_index = 0; for (index = 0; index < num_readers; index++) { memcpy(reader, msg + offset, 100); bytes = strlen(reader); memcpy(reader_names + reader_names_index, reader, bytes); reader_names_index += bytes; reader_names[reader_names_index] = 0; reader_names_index++; offset += 100; LLOGLN(10, ("SCardListReaders: readername %s", reader)); } reader_names[reader_names_index] = 0; reader_names_index++; status = GET_UINT32(msg, offset); offset += 4; if (pcchReaders != 0) { *pcchReaders = reader_names_index; } if (mszReaders != 0) { memcpy(mszReaders, reader_names, reader_names_index); } free(msg); free(reader_names); return status; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardFreeMemory(SCARDCONTEXT hContext, LPCVOID pvMem) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardFreeMemory:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardFreeMemory: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardCancel(SCARDCONTEXT hContext) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardCancel:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardCancel: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardGetAttrib(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwAttrId, LPBYTE pbAttr, LPDWORD pcbAttrLen) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetAttrib:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardGetAttrib: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ PCSC_API LONG SCardSetAttrib(SCARDHANDLE hCard, DWORD dwAttrId, LPCBYTE pbAttr, DWORD cbAttrLen) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardSetAttrib:")); if (g_sck == -1) { LLOGLN(0, ("SCardSetAttrib: error, not connected")); return SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex); return SCARD_S_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ char * pcsc_stringify_error(const long code) { switch (code) { case SCARD_S_SUCCESS: snprintf(g_error_str, 511, "Command successful."); break; case SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR: snprintf(g_error_str, 511, "Internal error."); break; default: snprintf(g_error_str, 511, "error 0x%8.8x", (int)code); break; } g_error_str[511] = 0; return g_error_str; }