# borland windows makefile # # this assumes openssl and borland free command line tools are installed # this assumes c:\windows is windows directory # # run 'set PATH=c:\borland\bcc55\bin' and run 'make all' # XRDPOBJ = xrdp.obj os_calls.obj xrdp_tcp.obj xrdp_iso.obj xrdp_mcs.obj \ xrdp_sec.obj xrdp_rdp.obj xrdp_process.obj xrdp_listen.obj \ xrdp_orders.obj xrdp_bitmap.obj xrdp_wm.obj xrdp_painter.obj \ xrdp_list.obj xrdp_region.obj xrdp_cache.obj xrdp_font.obj \ funcs.obj CFLAGS = -w- -O2 -Ic:\borland\bcc55\include -Ic:\openssl\include LDFLAGS = -Lc:\borland\bcc55\lib xrdp: $(XRDPOBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) libeay32.lib $(XRDPOBJ) all: lib xrdp clean: del *.obj *.o xrdp.exe lib: implib -a -w libeay32.lib c:\windows\system32\libeay32.dll