/** * xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. * * Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2015 * * BSD process grouping by: * Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen , Espoo, Finland. * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Markus Friedl. * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Koichiro Iwao, Kyushu Institute of Technology. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * * @file session.c * @brief Session management code * @author Jay Sorg, Simone Fedele * */ #include "sesman.h" #include "libscp_types.h" #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libraptorsmiface.h" extern unsigned char g_fixedkey[8]; extern struct config_sesman *g_cfg; /* in sesman.c */ extern int g_sck; /* in sesman.c */ struct session_chain *g_sessions; int g_session_count; extern tbus g_term_event; /* in sesman.c */ /** * Creates a string consisting of all parameters that is hosted in the param list * @param self * @param outstr, allocate this buffer before you use this function * @param len the allocated len for outstr * @return */ char *APP_CC dumpItemsToString(struct list *self, char *outstr, int len) { int index; int totalLen = 0; g_memset(outstr, 0, len); if (self->count == 0) { g_writeln("List is empty"); } for (index = 0; index < self->count; index++) { /* +1 = one space*/ totalLen = totalLen + g_strlen((char *)list_get_item(self, index)) + 1; if (len > totalLen) { g_strcat(outstr, (char *)list_get_item(self, index)); g_strcat(outstr, " "); } } return outstr ; } /******************************************************************************/ struct session_item *DEFAULT_CC session_get_bydata(char *name, int width, int height, int bpp, int type, char *client_ip) { struct session_chain *tmp; enum SESMAN_CFG_SESS_POLICY policy = g_cfg->sess.policy; tmp = g_sessions; /* convert from SCP_SESSION_TYPE namespace to SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE namespace */ switch (type) { case SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC: /* 0 */ type = SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC; /* 2 */ policy |= SESMAN_CFG_SESS_POLICY_D; /* Xvnc cannot resize */ break; case SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP: /* 1 */ type = SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP; /* 1 */ break; case SCP_SESSION_TYPE_XORG: type = SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XORG; break; default: return 0; } #if 0 log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "session_get_bydata: search policy %d U %s W %d H %d bpp %d T %d IP %s", policy, name, width, height, bpp, type, client_ip); #endif while (tmp != 0) { #if 0 log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "session_get_bydata: try %p U %s W %d H %d bpp %d T %d IP %s", tmp->item, tmp->item->name, tmp->item->width, tmp->item->height, tmp->item->bpp, tmp->item->type, tmp->item->client_ip); #endif if (g_strncmp(name, tmp->item->name, 255) == 0 && (!(policy & SESMAN_CFG_SESS_POLICY_D) || (tmp->item->width == width && tmp->item->height == height)) && (!(policy & SESMAN_CFG_SESS_POLICY_I) || (g_strncmp_d(client_ip, tmp->item->client_ip, ':', 255) == 0)) && (!(policy & SESMAN_CFG_SESS_POLICY_C) || (g_strncmp(client_ip, tmp->item->client_ip, 255) == 0)) && tmp->item->bpp == bpp && tmp->item->type == type) { return tmp->item; } tmp = tmp->next; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * @brief checks if there's a server running on a host and port * @param display the display to check * @return 0 if the port is closed, 1 if it is open * */ static int DEFAULT_CC check_port_status(const char* host, const char* port) { char text[256]; int x_running; int sck; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; int soc = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); g_memset( &servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); struct hostent* hostaddr; hostaddr = gethostbyname(host); g_memcpy(&servaddr.sin_addr, hostaddr->h_addr, hostaddr->h_length); int res = connect(soc, (struct sockaddr*)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); close(soc); if (res == -1) { // Port is closed, no server there! return 0; } else { // Port is open return 1; } } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * @brief checks if there's a server running on a remote display * @param display the display to check * @return 0 if there isn't a display running, nonzero otherwise * */ static int DEFAULT_CC x_server_running_check_remote_ports(const char* host, int display) { char text[256]; int x_running; int sck; x_running = 0; /* check 59xx */ { g_sprintf(text, "59%2.2d", display); x_running += check_port_status(host, text); } /* check 60xx */ { g_sprintf(text, "60%2.2d", display); x_running += check_port_status(host, text); } /* check 62xx */ { g_sprintf(text, "62%2.2d", display); x_running += check_port_status(host, text); } return x_running; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * @brief checks if there's a server running on a display * @param display the display to check * @return 0 if there isn't a display running, nonzero otherwise * */ static int DEFAULT_CC x_server_running_check_ports(int display) { char text[256]; int x_running; int sck; g_sprintf(text, "/tmp/.X11-unix/X%d", display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, "/tmp/.X%d-lock", display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } if (!x_running) /* check 59xx */ { if ((sck = g_tcp_socket()) != -1) { g_sprintf(text, "59%2.2d", display); x_running = g_tcp_bind(sck, text); g_tcp_close(sck); } } if (!x_running) /* check 60xx */ { if ((sck = g_tcp_socket()) != -1) { g_sprintf(text, "60%2.2d", display); x_running = g_tcp_bind(sck, text); g_tcp_close(sck); } } if (!x_running) /* check 62xx */ { if ((sck = g_tcp_socket()) != -1) { g_sprintf(text, "62%2.2d", display); x_running = g_tcp_bind(sck, text); g_tcp_close(sck); } } if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, XRDP_CHANSRV_STR, display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, CHANSRV_PORT_OUT_STR, display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, CHANSRV_PORT_IN_STR, display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, CHANSRV_API_STR, display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, XRDP_X11RDP_STR, display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } return x_running; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * @brief checks if there's a server running on a display * @param display the display to check * @return 0 if there isn't a display running, nonzero otherwise * */ static int DEFAULT_CC x_server_running(int display) { char text[256]; int x_running; g_sprintf(text, "/tmp/.X11-unix/X%d", display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); if (!x_running) { g_sprintf(text, "/tmp/.X%d-lock", display); x_running = g_file_exist(text); } return x_running; } /******************************************************************************/ static void DEFAULT_CC session_start_sessvc(int xpid, int wmpid, long data, char *username, int display) { struct list *sessvc_params = (struct list *)NULL; char wmpid_str[25]; char xpid_str[25]; char exe_path[262]; int i = 0; /* initialize (zero out) local variables: */ g_memset(wmpid_str, 0, sizeof(char) * 25); g_memset(xpid_str, 0, sizeof(char) * 25); g_memset(exe_path, 0, sizeof(char) * 262); /* new style waiting for clients */ g_sprintf(wmpid_str, "%d", wmpid); g_sprintf(xpid_str, "%d", xpid); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "starting xrdp-sessvc - xpid=%s - wmpid=%s", xpid_str, wmpid_str); sessvc_params = list_create(); sessvc_params->auto_free = 1; /* building parameters */ g_snprintf(exe_path, 261, "%s/xrdp-sessvc", XRDP_SBIN_PATH); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(exe_path)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(xpid_str)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(wmpid_str)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, 0); /* mandatory */ env_set_user(username, 0, display, g_cfg->session_variables1, g_cfg->session_variables2); /* executing sessvc */ g_execvp(exe_path, ((char **)sessvc_params->items)); /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting xrdp-sessvc - pid %d - xpid=%s - wmpid=%s", g_getpid(), xpid_str, wmpid_str); /* logging parameters */ /* no problem calling strerror for thread safety: other threads are blocked */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: %s", g_get_errno(), g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execve parameter list:"); for (i = 0; i < (sessvc_params->count); i++) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[%d] = %s", i, (char *)list_get_item(sessvc_params, i)); } list_delete(sessvc_params); /* keep the old waitpid if some error occurs during execlp */ g_waitpid(wmpid); g_sigterm(xpid); g_sigterm(wmpid); g_sleep(1000); auth_end(data); g_exit(0); } /******************************************************************************/ /* called with the main thread returns boolean */ static int APP_CC session_is_display_in_chain(int display) { struct session_chain *chain; struct session_item *item; chain = g_sessions; while (chain != 0) { item = chain->item; if (item->display == display) { return 1; } chain = chain->next; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* called with the main thread */ static int APP_CC session_get_avail_display_from_chain(void) { int display; display = g_cfg->sess.x11_display_offset; while ((display - g_cfg->sess.x11_display_offset) <= g_cfg->sess.max_sessions) { if (!session_is_display_in_chain(display)) { if (!x_server_running_check_ports(display)) { return display; } } display++; } log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "X server -- no display in range is available"); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC wait_for_xserver(int display) { int i; /* give X a bit to start */ /* wait up to 15 secs for x server to start */ i = 0; while (!x_server_running_check_ports(display)) { i++; if (i > 60) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "X server for display %d startup timeout", display); break; } g_sleep(250); } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ static int APP_CC wait_for_remote_xserver(const char* host, int display) { int i; /* give X a bit to start */ /* wait up to 15 secs for x server to start */ i = 0; //while (!x_server_running(display)) while (!x_server_running_check_remote_ports(host, display)) { i++; if (i > 60) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "X server for host %s and display %d startup timeout", host, display); break; } g_sleep(250); } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ static const char * APP_CC wait_for_remote_hostname(char* username) { int i; /* wait up to 5 secs for hostname to appear */ i = 0; const char * hostname = raptor_sm_get_hostname_for_username(username, false); while (strcmp(hostname, "") == 0) { g_free(hostname); hostname = raptor_sm_get_hostname_for_username(username, false); i++; if (i > 20) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Hostname allocation timeout"); break; } g_sleep(250); } return hostname; } /******************************************************************************/ /* called with the main thread */ static int APP_CC session_start_fork(int width, int height, int bpp, char *username, char *password, tbus data, tui8 type, char *domain, char *program, char *directory, char *client_ip) { int display = 0; int pid = 0; int wmpid = 0; int pampid = 0; int xpid = 0; int i = 0; char *xserver; /* absolute/relative path to Xorg/X11rdp/Xvnc */ char geometry[32]; char depth[32]; char screen[32]; /* display number */ char text[256]; char passwd_file[256]; char *pfile; char **pp1 = (char **)NULL; struct session_chain *temp = (struct session_chain *)NULL; struct list *xserver_params = (struct list *)NULL; time_t ltime; struct tm stime; char execvpparams[2048]; /* initialize (zero out) local variables: */ g_memset(<ime, 0, sizeof(time_t)); g_memset(&stime, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); g_memset(geometry, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(depth, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(screen, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(text, 0, sizeof(char) * 256); g_memset(passwd_file, 0, sizeof(char) * 256); /* check to limit concurrent sessions */ if (g_session_count >= g_cfg->sess.max_sessions) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "max concurrent session limit " "exceeded. login for user %s denied", username); return 0; } temp = (struct session_chain *)g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_chain), 0); if (temp == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "cannot create new chain " "element - user %s", username); return 0; } temp->item = (struct session_item *)g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_item), 0); if (temp->item == 0) { g_free(temp); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "cannot create new session " "item - user %s", username); return 0; } char session_was_already_running = 0; int allocdisplay = raptor_sm_get_display_for_username(username); if (allocdisplay >= 0) { session_was_already_running = 1; display = allocdisplay; } else { int allocdisplay = raptor_sm_get_new_unique_display(g_cfg->sess.x11_display_offset, g_cfg->sess.max_sessions); if (allocdisplay < 0) { display = 0; } else { display = allocdisplay; } } if (display == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "Unable to allocate display for user %s", username); g_free(temp->item); g_free(temp); return 0; } pid = g_fork(); /* parent is fork from tcp accept, child forks X and wm, then becomes scp */ if (pid == -1) { } else if (pid == 0) { g_tcp_close(g_term_event); g_tcp_close(g_sck); g_sprintf(geometry, "%dx%d", width, height); g_sprintf(depth, "%d", bpp); g_sprintf(screen, ":%d", display); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /* * FreeBSD bug * ports/157282: effective login name is not set by xrdp-sesman * http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=157282 * * from: * $OpenBSD: session.c,v 1.252 2010/03/07 11:57:13 dtucker Exp $ * with some ideas about BSD process grouping to xrdp */ pid_t bsdsespid = g_fork(); if (bsdsespid == -1) { } else if (bsdsespid == 0) /* BSD session leader */ { /** * Create a new session and process group since the 4.4BSD * setlogin() affects the entire process group */ if (g_setsid() < 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "setsid failed - pid %d", g_getpid()); } if (g_setlogin(username) < 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "setlogin failed for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); } } g_waitpid(bsdsespid); #endif wmpid = g_fork(); /* parent becomes X, child forks wm, and waits, todo */ if (wmpid == -1) { } else if (wmpid == 0) { auth_start_session(data, display); pampid = g_fork(); /* parent waits, todo child becomes wm */ if (pampid == -1) { } else if (pampid == 0) { char* remote_server = wait_for_remote_hostname(username); wait_for_remote_xserver(remote_server, display); env_set_user(username, 0, display, g_cfg->session_variables1, g_cfg->session_variables2); //if (x_server_running(display)) if (x_server_running_check_remote_ports(remote_server, display)) { g_free(remote_server); // // RAPTOR session management // raptor_sm_run_remote_desktop(username, display, "/opt/trinity/bin/starttde"); // g_exit(0); struct list * wm_params = (struct list *)NULL; char ** pp2 = (char **)NULL; wm_params = list_create(); wm_params->auto_free = 1; /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(wm_params, (long)g_strdup("/opt/trinity/bin/starttde")); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(wm_params, 0); pp2 = (char**)wm_params->items; pid_t wmpid; wmpid = raptor_sm_run_remote_server(username, pp2, RAPTOR_SM_WM_PID_FIELD, display); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "new window manager pid code was %d for user %s", wmpid, username); if (wmpid >= 0) { raptor_sm_wm_started(username, wmpid, RAPTOR_SM_WM_PID_FIELD); // Wait for PID exit and remove information from the session database raptor_sm_wait_for_pid_exit(username, wmpid); raptor_sm_wm_terminated(username); raptor_sm_terminate_server(username); } g_exit(0); auth_set_env(data); if (directory != 0) { if (directory[0] != 0) { g_set_current_dir(directory); } } if (program != 0) { if (program[0] != 0) { g_execlp3(program, program, 0); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting program %s for user %s - pid %d", program, username, g_getpid()); } } /* try to execute user window manager if enabled */ if (g_cfg->enable_user_wm) { g_sprintf(text, "%s/%s", g_getenv("HOME"), g_cfg->user_wm); if (g_file_exist(text)) { g_execlp3(text, g_cfg->user_wm, 0); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting user " "wm for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, " "description: %s", g_get_errno(), g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execlp3 parameter " "list:"); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[0] = %s", text); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[1] = %s", g_cfg->user_wm); } } /* if we're here something happened to g_execlp3 so we try running the default window manager */ g_sprintf(text, "%s/%s", XRDP_CFG_PATH, g_cfg->default_wm); g_execlp3(text, g_cfg->default_wm, 0); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting default " "wm for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", g_get_errno(), g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execlp3 parameter list:"); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[0] = %s", text); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[1] = %s", g_cfg->default_wm); /* still a problem starting window manager just start xterm */ g_execlp3("xterm", "xterm", 0); /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting xterm " "for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", g_get_errno(), g_get_strerror()); } else { g_free(remote_server); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "another Xserver might " "already be active on display %d - see log", display); } log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "aborting connection..."); g_exit(0); } else { g_waitpid(pampid); auth_stop_session(data); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } } else { xpid = g_fork(); /* parent becomes scp, child becomes X */ if (xpid == -1) { } else if (xpid == 0) /* child */ { pfile = 0; if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC) { pfile = passwd_file; } env_set_user(username, pfile, display, g_cfg->session_variables1, g_cfg->session_variables2); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%d", g_cfg->sess.max_idle_time); g_setenv("XRDP_SESMAN_MAX_IDLE_TIME", text, 1); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%d", g_cfg->sess.max_disc_time); g_setenv("XRDP_SESMAN_MAX_DISC_TIME", text, 1); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%d", g_cfg->sess.kill_disconnected); g_setenv("XRDP_SESMAN_KILL_DISCONNECTED", text, 1); if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XORG) { xserver_params = list_create(); xserver_params->auto_free = 1; /* get path of Xorg from config */ xserver = g_strdup((const char *)list_get_item(g_cfg->xorg_params, 0)); list_remove_item(g_cfg->xorg_params, 0); /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr) g_strdup(xserver)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr) g_strdup(screen)); /* additional parameters from sesman.ini file */ list_append_list_strdup(g_cfg->xorg_params, xserver_params, 0); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(xserver_params, 0); pp1 = (char **) xserver_params->items; log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s", dumpItemsToString(xserver_params, execvpparams, 2048)); /* some args are passed via env vars */ g_sprintf(geometry, "%d", width); g_setenv("XRDP_START_WIDTH", geometry, 1); g_sprintf(geometry, "%d", height); g_setenv("XRDP_START_HEIGHT", geometry, 1); /* fire up Xorg */ g_execvp(xserver, pp1); } else if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC) { env_check_password_file(passwd_file, password); xserver_params = list_create(); xserver_params->auto_free = 1; /* get path of Xvnc from config */ xserver = g_strdup((const char *)list_get_item(g_cfg->vnc_params, 0)); list_remove_item(g_cfg->vnc_params, 0); /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(xserver)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(screen)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-geometry")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(geometry)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-depth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(depth)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-rfbauth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(passwd_file)); /* additional parameters from sesman.ini file */ //config_read_xserver_params(SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC, // xserver_params); list_append_list_strdup(g_cfg->vnc_params, xserver_params, 0); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(xserver_params, 0); pp1 = (char **)xserver_params->items; log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s", dumpItemsToString(xserver_params, execvpparams, 2048)); g_execvp(xserver, pp1); } else if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP) { xserver_params = list_create(); xserver_params->auto_free = 1; /* get path of X11rdp from config */ xserver = g_strdup((const char *)list_get_item(g_cfg->rdp_params, 0)); list_remove_item(g_cfg->rdp_params, 0); /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(xserver)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(screen)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-geometry")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(geometry)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-depth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup(depth)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-reset")); // list_add_item(xserver_params, (tintptr)g_strdup("-terminate")); /* additional parameters from sesman.ini file */ //config_read_xserver_params(SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP, // xserver_params); list_append_list_strdup(g_cfg->rdp_params, xserver_params, 0); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(xserver_params, 0); pp1 = (char **)xserver_params->items; log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s", dumpItemsToString(xserver_params, execvpparams, 2048)); pid_t serverpid; serverpid = raptor_sm_run_remote_server(username, pp1, RAPTOR_SM_SERVER_PID_FIELD, -1); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "new server pid code was %d during login for user %s", serverpid, username); if (serverpid >= 0) { if (!session_was_already_running) { char *friendlyscreen = g_strdup(screen); friendlyscreen[0] = ' '; raptor_sm_server_started(username, serverpid, atoi(friendlyscreen), RAPTOR_SM_SERVER_PID_FIELD); g_free(friendlyscreen); // Wait for PID exit and remove information from the session database raptor_sm_wait_for_pid_exit(username, serverpid); raptor_sm_session_terminated(username); } } else { raptor_sm_session_terminated(username); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "max concurrent session limit " "exceeded in group. login for user %s denied", username); g_exit(1); } g_exit(0); } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "bad session type - " "user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); g_exit(1); } /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting X server " "- user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", g_get_errno(), g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execve parameter list size: " "%d", (xserver_params)->count); for (i = 0; i < (xserver_params->count); i++) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[%d] = %s", i, (char *)list_get_item(xserver_params, i)); } list_delete(xserver_params); g_exit(1); } else { //wait_for_xserver(display); char* remote_server = wait_for_remote_hostname(username); wait_for_remote_xserver(remote_server, display); free(remote_server); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%d", display); g_setenv("XRDP_SESSVC_DISPLAY", text, 1); g_snprintf(text, 255, ":%d.0", display); g_setenv("DISPLAY", text, 1); /* new style waiting for clients */ session_start_sessvc(xpid, wmpid, data, username, display); } } } else { temp->item->pid = pid; temp->item->display = display; temp->item->width = width; temp->item->height = height; temp->item->bpp = bpp; temp->item->data = data; g_strncpy(temp->item->client_ip, client_ip, 255); /* store client ip data */ g_strncpy(temp->item->name, username, 255); ltime = g_time1(); localtime_r(<ime, &stime); temp->item->connect_time.year = (tui16)(stime.tm_year + 1900); temp->item->connect_time.month = (tui8)(stime.tm_mon + 1); temp->item->connect_time.day = (tui8)stime.tm_mday; temp->item->connect_time.hour = (tui8)stime.tm_hour; temp->item->connect_time.minute = (tui8)stime.tm_min; zero_time(&(temp->item->disconnect_time)); zero_time(&(temp->item->idle_time)); temp->item->type = type; temp->item->status = SESMAN_SESSION_STATUS_ACTIVE; temp->next = g_sessions; g_sessions = temp; g_session_count++; return display; } g_free(temp->item); g_free(temp); return display; } /******************************************************************************/ /* called with the main thread */ static int APP_CC session_reconnect_fork(int display, char *username) { int pid; char text[256]; pid = g_fork(); if (pid == -1) { } else if (pid == 0) { env_set_user(username, 0, display, g_cfg->session_variables1, g_cfg->session_variables2); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%s/%s", XRDP_CFG_PATH, "reconnectwm.sh"); if (g_file_exist(text)) { g_execlp3(text, g_cfg->default_wm, 0); } g_exit(0); } return display; } /******************************************************************************/ /* called by a worker thread, ask the main thread to call session_sync_start and wait till done */ int DEFAULT_CC session_start(int width, int height, int bpp, char *username, char *password, long data, tui8 type, char *domain, char *program, char *directory, char *client_ip) { return session_start_fork(width, height, bpp, username, password, data, type, domain, program, directory, client_ip); } /******************************************************************************/ /* called by a worker thread, ask the main thread to call session_sync_start and wait till done */ int DEFAULT_CC session_reconnect(int display, char *username) { return session_reconnect_fork(display, username); } /******************************************************************************/ int DEFAULT_CC session_kill(int pid) { struct session_chain *tmp; struct session_chain *prev; tmp = g_sessions; prev = 0; while (tmp != 0) { if (tmp->item == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "session descriptor for " "pid %d is null!", pid); if (prev == 0) { /* prev does no exist, so it's the first element - so we set g_sessions */ g_sessions = tmp->next; } else { prev->next = tmp->next; } return SESMAN_SESSION_KILL_NULLITEM; } if (tmp->item->pid == pid) { /* deleting the session */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "++ terminated session: username %s, display :%d.0, session_pid %d, ip %s", tmp->item->name, tmp->item->display, tmp->item->pid, tmp->item->client_ip); g_free(tmp->item); if (prev == 0) { /* prev does no exist, so it's the first element - so we set g_sessions */ g_sessions = tmp->next; } else { prev->next = tmp->next; } g_free(tmp); g_session_count--; return SESMAN_SESSION_KILL_OK; } /* go on */ prev = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } return SESMAN_SESSION_KILL_NOTFOUND; } /******************************************************************************/ void DEFAULT_CC session_sigkill_all() { struct session_chain *tmp; tmp = g_sessions; while (tmp != 0) { if (tmp->item == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "found null session " "descriptor!"); } else { g_sigterm(tmp->item->pid); } /* go on */ tmp = tmp->next; } } /******************************************************************************/ struct session_item *DEFAULT_CC session_get_bypid(int pid) { struct session_chain *tmp; struct session_item *dummy; dummy = g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_item), 1); if (0 == dummy) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "internal error", pid); return 0; } tmp = g_sessions; while (tmp != 0) { if (tmp->item == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "session descriptor for " "pid %d is null!", pid); g_free(dummy); return 0; } if (tmp->item->pid == pid) { g_memcpy(dummy, tmp->item, sizeof(struct session_item)); return dummy; } /* go on */ tmp = tmp->next; } g_free(dummy); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ struct SCP_DISCONNECTED_SESSION * session_get_byuser(char *user, int *cnt, unsigned char flags) { struct session_chain *tmp; struct SCP_DISCONNECTED_SESSION *sess; int count; int index; count = 0; tmp = g_sessions; while (tmp != 0) { LOG_DBG("user: %s", user); if ((NULL == user) || (!g_strncasecmp(user, tmp->item->name, 256))) { LOG_DBG("session_get_byuser: status=%d, flags=%d, " "result=%d", (tmp->item->status), flags, ((tmp->item->status) & flags)); if ((tmp->item->status) & flags) { count++; } } /* go on */ tmp = tmp->next; } if (count == 0) { (*cnt) = 0; return 0; } /* malloc() an array of disconnected sessions */ sess = g_malloc(count *sizeof(struct SCP_DISCONNECTED_SESSION), 1); if (sess == 0) { (*cnt) = 0; return 0; } tmp = g_sessions; index = 0; while (tmp != 0) { /* #warning FIXME: we should get only disconnected sessions! */ if ((NULL == user) || (!g_strncasecmp(user, tmp->item->name, 256))) { if ((tmp->item->status) & flags) { (sess[index]).SID = tmp->item->pid; (sess[index]).type = tmp->item->type; (sess[index]).height = tmp->item->height; (sess[index]).width = tmp->item->width; (sess[index]).bpp = tmp->item->bpp; /* #warning FIXME: setting idle times and such */ /*(sess[index]).connect_time.year = tmp->item->connect_time.year; (sess[index]).connect_time.month = tmp->item->connect_time.month; (sess[index]).connect_time.day = tmp->item->connect_time.day; (sess[index]).connect_time.hour = tmp->item->connect_time.hour; (sess[index]).connect_time.minute = tmp->item->connect_time.minute; (sess[index]).disconnect_time.year = tmp->item->disconnect_time.year; (sess[index]).disconnect_time.month = tmp->item->disconnect_time.month; (sess[index]).disconnect_time.day = tmp->item->disconnect_time.day; (sess[index]).disconnect_time.hour = tmp->item->disconnect_time.hour; (sess[index]).disconnect_time.minute = tmp->item->disconnect_time.minute; (sess[index]).idle_time.year = tmp->item->idle_time.year; (sess[index]).idle_time.month = tmp->item->idle_time.month; (sess[index]).idle_time.day = tmp->item->idle_time.day; (sess[index]).idle_time.hour = tmp->item->idle_time.hour; (sess[index]).idle_time.minute = tmp->item->idle_time.minute;*/ (sess[index]).conn_year = tmp->item->connect_time.year; (sess[index]).conn_month = tmp->item->connect_time.month; (sess[index]).conn_day = tmp->item->connect_time.day; (sess[index]).conn_hour = tmp->item->connect_time.hour; (sess[index]).conn_minute = tmp->item->connect_time.minute; (sess[index]).idle_days = tmp->item->idle_time.day; (sess[index]).idle_hours = tmp->item->idle_time.hour; (sess[index]).idle_minutes = tmp->item->idle_time.minute; index++; } } /* go on */ tmp = tmp->next; } (*cnt) = count; return sess; }