You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

969 lines
27 KiB

* Remote Laboratory Instrumentation Server
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* (c) 2009 Timothy Pearson
* Raptor Engineering
#include <stdio.h> /* perror() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi() */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* read() */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <gpib/ib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "parameters.h"
#include "scope_functions.h"
#include "signal_functions.h"
// Server variables
char *serverAddress;
unsigned short serverPort = 4000;
char *serialportDescription;
char *gpibServerString;
// Scope parameters
char *scopeBoard;
char *scopeDevice;
char *scopeType;
char scopeFound = 0;
int scope_board_device;
// Function generator parameters
char *funcgenBoard;
char *funcgenDevice;
char *funcgenType;
char funcgenFound = 0;
int funcgen_board_device;
// Serial port parameters
char *serialDevice;
long serialBaud = 0;
// Serial stuff
int tty;
struct termios oldtio, newtio; //place for old and new port settings for serial port
struct termios oldkey, newkey; //place tor old and new port settings for keyboard teletype
struct sigaction saio; //definition of signal action
char buf[256]; //buffer for where data is put
int fd_tty;
int wait_flag=TRUE; //TRUE while no signal received
int server_fd_with_serial = -1;
// Network variables
int clientSocket;
int status = 0;
int last_command_acked = 0;
struct hostent *hostPtr = NULL;
struct sockaddr_in serverName = { 0 };
int authentication_timer_check(void);
long optval;
int return_status;
// Timing variables
unsigned int authentication_timer;
unsigned char enable_authentication_timer;
unsigned char buffer[100000];
// Generic server stuff
#define QLEN 100000
u_short portbase = 0;
struct timeval server_multiplexer;
// Query server stuff
char *queryservice_port = "4003";
struct sockaddr_in fsin_query;
int msock_query;
fd_set rfds_query;
fd_set afds_query;
int alen_query;
int fd_query;
int nfds_query;
// Main server stuff
char *mainservice_port = "4002";
struct sockaddr_in fsin_mainserver;
int msock_mainserver;
fd_set rfds_mainserver;
fd_set afds_mainserver;
int alen_mainserver;
int fd_mainserver;
int nfds_mainserver;
int ssock_mainserver;
//char main_server_in_use;
//char main_server_fd;
char main_server_state[65535];
char auth_char_pos;
char auth_string[40];
int k;
int m;
// Configuration stuff
static const char filename[] = "remotefpga_gpib.conf";
char linedata [256];
void getMyIP (void)
char Buf [256];
struct hostent* Host;
gethostname (Buf, 256);
Host=(struct hostent *) gethostbyname (Buf);
serverAddress=strdup(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)Host->h_addr)));
int msleep(unsigned long milisec) {
struct timespec req={0};
time_t sec=(int)(milisec/1000);
return 1;
int musleep(unsigned long milisec) {
struct timespec req={0};
time_t sec=(int)(milisec/1000);
return 1;
void signal_handler_IO (int status) {
wait_flag = FALSE;
int setupSerial(void) {
struct termios oldtio,newtio;
fd_tty = open(serialDevice, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK | O_APPEND);
if (fd_tty < 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Unable to open serial device %s\n\r", serialDevice);
return 1;
tcgetattr(fd_tty,&oldtio); // Save current port settings
bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));
newtio.c_cflag = serialBaud | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
newtio.c_oflag = 0;
// Set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,...)
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // Inter-character timer unused
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // Blocking read unused
tcflush(fd_tty, TCIFLUSH);
return 0;
int getConfig(char *parameter, char *line) {
int i;
if (strstr(line, parameter) != NULL) {
for (i=0; i<(strlen(line)-strlen(parameter));i++) {
linedata[i] = line[i+strlen(parameter)];
return 0;
else {
return 1;
void concatenateStrings(char * str1, char * str2) {
char *str3;
str3 = (char *)calloc(strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 1, sizeof(char));
strcpy(str3, str1);
strcat(str3, str2);
str1 = (char *)calloc(strlen(str3) + 1, sizeof(char));
strcpy(str1, str3);
/* returns a device descriptor after prompting user for primary address */
int open_gpib_device(int minor, int pad)
int ud;
const int sad = 0;
const int send_eoi = 1;
const int eos_mode = 0;
const int timeout = T1s;
printf("[INFO] Trying to open GPIB device %i on board /dev/gpib%i...\n\r", pad, minor);
ud = ibdev(minor, pad, sad, timeout, send_eoi, eos_mode);
if(ud < 0)
printf("[WARN] GPIB interface error\n\r");
return -1;
return ud;
char * scopeLongDescription (char * scopeType) {
if (strcmp("HP54600OS", scopeType) == 0) {
return "Hewlett Packard 54600 series";
else if (strcmp("TDS744AOS", scopeType) == 0) {
return "Tektronix 744A series";
else {
return "UNKNOWN";
char * funcgenLongDescription (char * funcgenType) {
if (strcmp("AG33250A", funcgenType) == 0) {
return "Agilent AG33250A";
else {
return "UNKNOWN";
int readConfig(void) {
int i;
FILE *file = fopen ( filename, "r" );
if ( file != NULL ) {
char line [256]; // or other suitable maximum line size
// read a line
while ( fgets ( line, sizeof line, file ) != NULL ) {
// Parse the line and update global variables (current line in variable "line")
if (getConfig("SERVER_DESCRIPTION:", line) == 0) {
gpibServerString = strdup(linedata);
printf("[INFO] Server Description: %s\n\r", gpibServerString);
if (getConfig("SERIAL_PORT:", line) == 0) {
serialDevice = strdup(linedata);
printf("[INFO] Serial Port: %s\n\r", serialDevice);
if (getConfig("BAUD_RATE:", line) == 0) {
if (strcmp(linedata, "9600") == 0) serialBaud = B9600;
if (strcmp(linedata, "115200") == 0) serialBaud = B115200;
//serialBaud = B9600;
printf("[INFO] Baud Rate: %s [%d]\n\r", linedata, serialBaud);
serialportDescription = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("SCOPE_BOARD:", line) == 0) {
scopeBoard = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("SCOPE_DEVICE:", line) == 0) {
scopeDevice = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("SCOPE_TYPE:", line) == 0) {
scopeType = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("FUNCTION_GENERATOR_BOARD:", line) == 0) {
funcgenBoard = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("FUNCTION_GENERATOR_DEVICE:", line) == 0) {
funcgenDevice = strdup(linedata);
if (getConfig("FUNCTION_GENERATOR_TYPE:", line) == 0) {
funcgenType = strdup(linedata);
fclose ( file );
if (scopeFound == 3) {
printf("[INFO] Oscilloscope conjectured to be on GPIB address %s:%s\n\r", scopeBoard, scopeDevice);
scope_board_device = open_gpib_device(atoi(scopeBoard), atoi(scopeDevice));
if (scope_board_device < 0) {
//return 1;
else {
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
char datebuffer [80];
char timebuffer [80];
time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
strftime(timebuffer,80,"TIME \"%H:%M:%S\"",timeinfo);
strftime(datebuffer,80,"DATE \"%Y-%m-%d\"",timeinfo);
printf("[INFO] Configuring %s oscilloscope\n\r", scopeLongDescription(scopeType));
printf("[INFO] %s\n\r", datebuffer);
printf("[INFO] %s\n\r", timebuffer);
if (gpib_write(scope_board_device, timebuffer) == 0) {
gpib_write(scope_board_device, datebuffer);
printf("[INFO] Communication verified\n\r");
else {
printf("[WARN] Communication failed!\n\r");
if (funcgenFound == 3) {
printf("[INFO] Function generator conjectured to be on GPIB address %s:%s\n\r", funcgenBoard, funcgenDevice);
funcgen_board_device = open_gpib_device(atoi(funcgenBoard), atoi(funcgenDevice));
if (funcgen_board_device < 0) {
//return 1;
else {
printf("[INFO] Configuring %s function generator\n\r", funcgenLongDescription(funcgenType));
if (gpib_write(funcgen_board_device, "RESET") == 0) {
printf("[INFO] Communication verified\n\r");
else {
printf("[WARN] Communication failed!\n\r");
printf("[WARN] Unable to open configuration file %s\n\r", filename);
return 1;
return 0;
int authentication_timer_check(void) {
return enable_authentication_timer;
int passivesock(const char *service, const char *transport, int qlen) {
struct servent *pse;
struct protoent *ppe;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
int s;
int type;
memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// Map service name to port number
if(pse = getservbyname(service, transport)) {
sin.sin_port = htons(ntohs((u_short)pse->s_port) + portbase);
else if((sin.sin_port = htons((u_short)atoi(service))) == 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Query Server Service Entry %s\n\r", service);
return -1;
// Map protocol name to protocol number
if((ppe = getprotobyname(transport)) == 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Query Server Protocol Entry %s\n\r", transport);
return -1;
// Use protocol to choose a socket type
if(strcmp(transport, "udp") == 0) {
type = SOCK_DGRAM;
else {
// Allocate a socket
s = socket(PF_INET, type, ppe->p_proto);
if(s < 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Socket Error\n\r");
return -1;
// Bind the socket
if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Cannot bind to port %s\n\r", service);
return -1;
if(type == SOCK_STREAM && listen(s, qlen) < 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Cannot bind to port %s\n\r", service);
return -1;
return s;
int passiveTCP(const char *service, int qlen) {
return passivesock(service, "tcp", qlen);
int queryserver(int fd) {
return 0;
void buffer_lookfor_two_termdegree (unsigned char * array, unsigned char * array2, int termination_count) {
int i;
int k;
char degree_found;
degree_found = 0;
for (i=0;i<termination_count;i++) {
if (array[i+1] == 176) {
if (degree_found == 0) {
degree_found = 1;
else {
degree_found = 3;
if (degree_found == 2) {
array2[k] = array[i+1];
if (degree_found == 1) {
array[i] = 0;
degree_found = 2;
else {
array[i] = array[i+1];
array[i] = 0;
array2[k] = 0;
void buffer_lookfor_termdegree (unsigned char * array, int termination_count) {
int i;
char degree_found;
degree_found = 0;
for (i=0;i<termination_count;i++) {
if (array[i+1] == 176) {
degree_found = 1;
if (degree_found == 1) {
array[i] = 0;
else {
array[i] = array[i+1];
array[i] = 0;
int mainserver(int fd) {
char readbuf[100000];
char readbuf2[100000];
char writebuf[100000];
int cc;
int z;
long bytestosend;
char errorbuf[1000];
cc = 1;
switch (main_server_state[fd]) {
case 1: // Check the command code
cc = read(fd, readbuf, 1);
if (cc > 0) {
// Got one!
printf("[DEBG] Got command %d on server fd %d\n\r", readbuf[0], fd);
// What is it?
if (readbuf[0] == 31) {
// Serial channel open request
// Open the serial port
printf("[INFO] Opening serial port for fd %d...\n\r", fd);
if (serialBaud != 0) {
if (setupSerial() != 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Cannot open serial port\n\r");
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
main_server_state[fd] = 4;
server_fd_with_serial = fd;
printf("[INFO] Entering state 4 on server fd %d\n\r", fd);
else {
printf("[FAIL] Serial port not set up!\n\r");
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
else if (readbuf[0] == 21) {
// Scope request
if (scope_board_device < 0) {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
else {
if (strcmp("HP54600OS", scopeType) == 0) {
write(fd, "546\r", strlen("546\r"));
main_server_state[fd] = 5;
else if (strcmp("TDS744AOS", scopeType) == 0) {
write(fd, "744\r", strlen("744\r"));
main_server_state[fd] = 5;
else {
// Scope not recognized, apparently
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
printf("[INFO] Entering state %d on server fd %d\n\r", main_server_state[fd], fd);
else if (readbuf[0] == 40) {
// Function generator request
if (funcgen_board_device < 0) {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
else {
if (strcmp("AG33250A", funcgenType) == 0) {
//if (signal_reset(funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
main_server_state[fd] = 6;
// Function generator seems to have failed
//write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
else {
// Function generator not recognized, apparently
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
printf("[INFO] Entering state %d on server fd %d\n\r", main_server_state[fd], fd);
case 4: // Process serial port transfers
cc = read(fd_tty, readbuf, 100000);
if (cc > 0) {
write(fd, readbuf, cc);
printf("[DEBG] Got %d bytes from the serial port\n\r", cc);
cc = read(fd, writebuf, 100000);
if (cc > 0) {
write(fd_tty, writebuf, cc);
printf("[DEBG] Got %d bytes from the network interface\n\r", cc);
case 5: // Process scope interface commands
cc = read(fd, readbuf, 25);
if (cc > 0) {
// Got one!
printf("[DEBG] Got command %d on server fd %d\n\r", readbuf[0], fd);
if ((readbuf[0] == 20) || (readbuf[0] == 29)) { // Want scope screenshot!
write(fd, "ACK", strlen("ACK"));
if (scope_get_screenshot(scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
sleep (5);
scope_board_device = open_gpib_device(atoi(scopeBoard), atoi(scopeDevice));
if (scope_get_screenshot_stage2(scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
// Send the data, all of it!
write(fd, "ACK", strlen("ACK"));
bytestosend = scopeScreenSize(scopeType);
while (bytestosend > 0) {
return_status = write(fd, scope_raw_screenshot_data+k, 1);
if (return_status > 0) {
bytestosend = bytestosend - return_status;
else {
write(fd, "NCK", strlen("NCK"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK", strlen("NCK"));
if (readbuf[0] == 22) { // Want to change horizontal timebase
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (scope_set_timebase(atof(readbuf), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 23) { // Want to change volts per division
buffer_lookfor_two_termdegree(readbuf, readbuf2, 25);
if (scope_set_volts_div(atoi(readbuf), atof(readbuf2), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 24) { // Want to change run status
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (scope_set_acquisition(atoi(readbuf), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 25) { // Want to change channel enable
buffer_lookfor_two_termdegree(readbuf, readbuf2, 25);
if (scope_set_channel_state(atoi(readbuf), atoi(readbuf2), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 26) { // Want to change trigger channel
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (scope_set_trigger_channel(atoi(readbuf), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 27) { // Want to change trigger level
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (scope_set_trigger_level(atof(readbuf), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 28) { // Want to change channel vertical position
buffer_lookfor_two_termdegree(readbuf, readbuf2, 25);
if (scope_set_channel_position(atoi(readbuf), atof(readbuf2), scopeType, scope_board_device) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, "NCK\r", strlen("NCK\r"));
case 6: // Process function generator interface commands
cc = read(fd, readbuf, 25);
if (cc > 0) {
// Got one!
printf("[DEBG] Got command %d on server fd %d\n\r", readbuf[0], fd);
if (readbuf[0] == 40) { // Want to reset function generator
if (signal_reset(funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 41) { // Is function generator configured?
// If I'm in state 6 it had *better* be available!!!
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
if (readbuf[0] == 42) { // Want to change frequency
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (signal_set_frequency(atof(readbuf), funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 43) { // Want to change duty cycle
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (signal_set_duty_cycle(atof(readbuf), funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 44) { // Want to set square wave
if (signal_set_waveform("SQUARE", funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 45) { // Want to set sine wave
if (signal_set_waveform("SINUSOID", funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 46) { // Want to set triangle wave
if (signal_set_waveform("RAMP", funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 47) { // Want to set noise wave
if (signal_set_waveform("NOISE", funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 48) { // Want to change P-P voltage
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (signal_set_peak_peak_voltage(atof(readbuf), funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
if (readbuf[0] == 49) { // Want to change offset voltage
buffer_lookfor_termdegree(readbuf, 25);
if (signal_set_offset_voltage(atof(readbuf), funcgenType, funcgen_board_device, errorbuf) == 0) {
write(fd, "ACK\r", strlen("ACK\r"));
else {
write(fd, errorbuf, strlen(errorbuf));
case 2: // Open the serial port
printf("[INFO] Opening serial port...\n\r");
if (setupSerial() != 0) {
printf("[FAIL] Cannot open serial port\n\r");
cc = 0;
main_server_state[fd] = 1;
case 127: sleep(1);
cc = 0;
return cc;
int RunQueryServer() {
msock_query = passiveTCP(queryservice_port, QLEN);
if (msock_query == -1) {
return -1;
nfds_query = getdtablesize();
FD_SET(msock_query, &afds_query);
int RunMainServer() {
//main_server_in_use = 0;
//main_server_fd = -1;
msock_mainserver = passiveTCP(mainservice_port, QLEN);
if (msock_mainserver == -1) {
return -1;
nfds_mainserver = getdtablesize();;
FD_SET(msock_mainserver, &afds_mainserver);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char successful = 1;
server_multiplexer.tv_sec = 0;
server_multiplexer.tv_usec = 10;
printf("(c) %s Timothy Pearson\n\r", COPYRIGHT_DATE);
printf("[INFO] Reading configuration from %s...\n\r", filename);
if (serialBaud != 0) {
printf("[INFO] Opening serial port...\n\r");
if (setupSerial() != 0) {
successful = 0;
printf("[INFO] Closing serial port...\n\r");
if (successful == 1) {
// Open query port 4001
if (RunQueryServer() == -1) {
successful = 0;
else {
printf("[INFO] Query process started on %s:%s\n\r", serverAddress, queryservice_port);
if (successful == 1) {
// Open main port 4000
if (RunMainServer() == -1) {
successful = 0;
else {
printf("[INFO] Main port opened on %s:%s\n\r", serverAddress, mainservice_port);
if (successful == 1) {
while (1) {
// Execute Query Server
memcpy(&rfds_query, &afds_query, sizeof(rfds_query));
if (select(nfds_query, &rfds_query, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &server_multiplexer) < 0) {
//errexit("select: %s\n\r", strerror(errno));
if (FD_ISSET(msock_query, &rfds_query)) {
int ssock_query;
alen_query = sizeof(fsin_query);
ssock_query = accept(msock_query, (struct sockaddr *)&fsin_query, &alen_query);
if (ssock_query >= 0) {
printf("[INFO] Query received from %s\n\r", inet_ntoa(fsin_query.sin_addr));
FD_SET(ssock_query, &afds_query);
if (strlen(gpibServerString) > 0) {
write(ssock_query, gpibServerString, strlen(gpibServerString));
write(ssock_query, "\r", strlen("\r"));
if (serialBaud != 0) {
write(ssock_query, "Auxiliary serial port: ", strlen("Auxiliary serial port: "));
write(ssock_query, serialportDescription, strlen(serialportDescription));
write(ssock_query, " baud\r", strlen(" baud\r"));
if (scopeFound == 3) {
write(ssock_query, scopeLongDescription(scopeType), strlen(scopeLongDescription(scopeType)));
write(ssock_query, " oscilloscope\r", strlen(" oscilloscope\r"));
if (funcgenFound == 3) {
write(ssock_query, funcgenLongDescription(funcgenType), strlen(funcgenLongDescription(funcgenType)));
write(ssock_query, " signal generator\r", strlen(" signal generator\r"));
else {
printf("[WARN] Unable to accept query connection\n\r");
for (fd_query=0; fd_query < nfds_query; fd_query++) {
if(fd_query != msock_query && FD_ISSET(fd_query, &rfds_query)) {
if(queryserver(fd_query) == 0) {
(void) close(fd_query);
FD_CLR(fd_query, &afds_query);
// Execute Main Server
memcpy(&rfds_mainserver, &afds_mainserver, sizeof(rfds_mainserver));
if (select(nfds_mainserver, &rfds_mainserver, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &server_multiplexer) < 0) {
//errexit("select: %s\n\r", strerror(errno));
if (FD_ISSET(msock_mainserver, &rfds_mainserver)) {
int ssock_mainserver;
alen_mainserver = sizeof(fsin_mainserver);
ssock_mainserver = accept(msock_mainserver, (struct sockaddr *)&fsin_mainserver, &alen_mainserver);
optval = 4194304;
status = setsockopt(ssock_mainserver, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &optval, sizeof(optval));
printf("[INFO] Socket send buffer size set to %d bytes\n", optval, status);
if (ssock_mainserver >= 0) {
//printf("[INFO] Connection established with %s\n\r", &fsin_mainserver.sin_addr);
FD_SET(ssock_mainserver, &afds_mainserver);
fcntl(ssock_mainserver, F_SETFL, (fcntl(ssock_mainserver, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK));
//int sockbufsize = 0;
//int size = sizeof(int);
//getsockopt(ssock_mainserver, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&sockbufsize, &size);
//printf("[DEBG] SO_RCVBUF: %d\n\r", sockbufsize);
main_server_state[ssock_mainserver] = 1;
//write(ssock_mainserver, "OPENA", strlen("OPENA"));
printf("[INFO] Connection established with client %s\n\r", inet_ntoa(fsin_mainserver.sin_addr));
for (fd_mainserver=0; fd_mainserver < nfds_mainserver; ++fd_mainserver) {
if (fd_mainserver != msock_mainserver && FD_ISSET(fd_mainserver, &rfds_mainserver)) {
if (mainserver(fd_mainserver) == 0) {
(void) close(fd_mainserver);
FD_CLR(fd_mainserver, &afds_mainserver);
if (server_fd_with_serial != -1) {
printf("[INFO] Closing serial port...\n\r");
printf("[INFO] Connection with client terminated\n\r");
if (server_fd_with_serial != -1) {