You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#ifndef __PLANE_H__
#define __PLANE_H__
#include "qwt3d_global.h"
#include "qwt3d_drawable.h"
#include "qwt3d_axis.h"
#include "qwt3d_color.h"
namespace Qwt3D
//! A flat color legend
The class visualizes a ColorVector together with a scale (axis) and a caption. ColorLegends are vertical
or horizontal
class QWT3D_EXPORT ColorLegend : public Drawable
//! Possible anchor points for caption and axis
Top, //!< scale on top
Bottom, //!< scale on bottom
Left, //!< scale left
Right //!< scale right
//! Orientation of the legend
BottomTop, //!< Positionate the legend vertically, the lowest color index is on the bottom
LeftRight //!< Positionate the legend horizontally, the lowest color index is on left side
ColorLegend(); //!< Standard constructor
void draw(); //!< Draws the object. You should not use this explicitely - the function is called by updateGL().
void setRelPosition(Qwt3D::Tuple relMin, Qwt3D::Tuple relMax); //!< Sets the relative position of the legend inside widget
void setOrientation(ORIENTATION, SCALEPOSITION); //!< Sets legend orientation and scale position
void setLimits(double start, double stop); //!< Sets the limit of the scale.
void setMajors(int); //!< Sets scale major tics.
void setMinors(int); //!< Sets scale minor tics.
void drawScale(bool val) { showaxis_ = val; } //!< Sets whether a scale will be drawn.
void drawNumbers(bool val) { axis_.setNumbers(val); } //!< Sets whether the scale will have scale numbers.
void setAutoScale(bool val); //!< Sets, whether the axis is autoscaled or not.
void setScale(Qwt3D::Scale *scale); //!< Sets another scale
void setScale(Qwt3D::SCALETYPE); //!< Sets one of the predefined scale types
void setTitleString(QString const& s); //!< Sets the legends caption string.
//! Sets the legends caption font.
void setTitleFont(QString const& family, int pointSize, int weight = QFont::Normal, bool italic = false);
Qwt3D::ColorVector colors; //!< The color vector
Qwt3D::Label caption_;
Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped geometry() const { return pe_;}
void setGeometryInternal();
Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped pe_;
Qwt3D::Tuple relMin_, relMax_;
Qwt3D::Axis axis_;
SCALEPOSITION axisposition_;
ORIENTATION orientation_;
bool showaxis_;
} // ns