/* * Analog and Digital Trace Viewing Widget * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * (c) 2012-2014 Timothy Pearson * Raptor Engineering * http://www.raptorengineeringinc.com */ #include #include #include #include #include class TQPixmap; class TQLabel; class TQVBoxLayout; class TQGridLayout; class TraceWidgetPushButton; class TQToolButton; class TraceWidget; class TraceLabelLayout; class TraceCursorLabelLayout; class TQRectF { public: TQRectF(); TQRectF(double x, double y, double w, double h); double x() const; double y() const; double width() const; double height() const; bool isNull() const; bool operator!() const; bool operator==(const TQRectF &r1); bool operator!=(const TQRectF &r1); void setX(double); void setY(double); void setWidth(double); void setHeight(double); private: bool m_valid; double m_x; double m_y; double m_w; double m_h; }; class TraceWidgetPushButton : public TQPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: TraceWidgetPushButton(TQWidget *parent, const char* name=0); TraceWidgetPushButton(const TQString &text, TQWidget *parent, const char* name=0); TraceWidgetPushButton(const TQIconSet& icon, const TQString &text, TQWidget *parent, const char* name=0); ~TraceWidgetPushButton(); public: TQSize sizeHint() const; }; typedef TQValueList TraceNumberList; class TraceData : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: TraceData(TraceWidget* parent, TQWidget* labelParent=0); ~TraceData(); void drawTrace(TQPainter* p, int graticule_width, int graticule_height, int virtual_width, int virtual_height); public slots: void movePosOneTick(); void moveNegOneTick(); void resetVPosition(); void setVPosition(); signals: void offsetChanged(double offset); private: TQDoubleArray sampleArray; TQDoubleArray positionArray; unsigned int numberOfSamples; double sampleMax; double sampleMin; double sampleAverage; double minIndex; double maxIndex; long leftEdgeIndex; long rightEdgeIndex; double offset; double textOffset; TQColor color; bool enabled; double leftEdge; double rightEdge; double topEdge; double bottomEdge; TQString traceName; TQString horizontalUnits; TQString verticalUnits; bool m_digitalTraceDrawing; unsigned int m_digitalShaderDarkness; bool m_suppressNameInCursorText; TQLabel* paramLabel; TQLabel* leftLabel; TQLabel* leftCursorLabel; TQLabel* graphStatusLabel; TQLabel* graphStatusLabelInner; TQToolButton* singleIncrBtn; TQToolButton* singleDecrBtn; TQToolButton* posResetBtn; TQToolButton* posSetBtn; TraceWidget* parentWidget; friend class TraceWidget; friend class GraticuleWidget; friend class TraceLabelLayout; friend class TraceCursorLabelLayout; }; typedef TQMemArray TraceList; class CursorData : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: CursorData(TraceWidget* parent, TQWidget* labelParent=0); ~CursorData(); void drawCursor(TQPainter* p, int graticule_width, int graticule_height, int virtual_width, int virtual_height, int offset); public slots: void movePosOneTick(); void moveNegOneTick(); void movePosMultiTicks(); void moveNegMultiTicks(); protected: virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *e); signals: void positionChanged(double newPosition); private: TQColor color; TQColor highlightColor; bool highlighted; bool enabled; TQt::Orientation orientation; double position; TraceNumberList activeTraceLabelList; TQString cursorName; TQLabel* paramLabel; TraceWidgetPushButton* singleIncrBtn; TraceWidgetPushButton* singleDecrBtn; TraceWidgetPushButton* multiIncrBtn; TraceWidgetPushButton* multiDecrBtn; TraceWidget* parentWidget; friend class TraceWidget; friend class GraticuleWidget; }; typedef TQMemArray CursorList; class GraticuleWidget : public TQWidget { Q_OBJECT public: GraticuleWidget(TraceWidget*, const char* = 0); ~GraticuleWidget(); public: virtual TQSizePolicy sizePolicy() const; int virtualWidth(); bool userIsInteractingWithCursor(); protected: virtual void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent*); virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *); virtual void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *); virtual void enterEvent(TQEvent *); virtual void leaveEvent(TQEvent *); signals: void cursorPositionChanged(uint cursorNumber, double newPosition); private slots: void updateGraticule(); void horizScrollValueChanged(int value); private: TraceWidget* m_base; TQPixmap* m_graticulePixmap; int m_prevWidgetWidth; int m_virtualWidth; bool m_leftMouseDown; bool m_middleMouseDown; int m_closestCursor; unsigned int m_closestCursorDistance; int m_movingCursor; double m_prevCursorPos; TQPoint m_prevDownPos; TQRectF m_prevCursorRect; friend class TraceWidget; friend class TraceData; friend class CursorData; }; class TraceWidget : public TQWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum TextDisplayType { FullText, SummaryText, NoText }; public: TraceWidget(TQWidget* = 0, const char* = 0); ~TraceWidget(); void setNumberOfSamples(uint traceNumber, unsigned int samples, bool deferUpdate=false); void setNumberOfHorizontalDivisions(unsigned int divisions); void setNumberOfVerticalDivisions(unsigned int divisions); void setDisplayLimits(uint traceNumber, TQRectF limits, bool deferUpdate=false); TQRectF displayLimits(uint traceNumber); void setNumberOfTraces(uint traceNumber); void setNumberOfCursors(uint traceNumber); TQDoubleArray& samples(uint traceNumber); void setSamples(uint traceNumber, TQDoubleArray&, bool deferUpdate=false); TQDoubleArray& positions(uint traceNumber); void setPositions(uint traceNumber, TQDoubleArray&, bool deferUpdate=false); TQColor traceColor(uint traceNumber); void setTraceColor(uint traceNumber, TQColor); bool traceEnabled(uint traceNumber); void setTraceEnabled(uint traceNumber, bool enabled, TextDisplayType showText=FullText, bool deferUpdate=false); TQString traceName(uint traceNumber); void setTraceName(uint traceNumber, TQString name, bool deferUpdate=false); TQString traceHorizontalUnits(uint traceNumber); void setTraceHorizontalUnits(uint traceNumber, TQString units, bool deferUpdate=false); TQString traceVerticalUnits(uint traceNumber); void setTraceVerticalUnits(uint traceNumber, TQString units, bool deferUpdate=false); void setDigitalTraceMode(uint traceNumber, bool enabled, bool deferUpdate=false); void suppressNameInCursorText(uint traceNumber, bool suppress, bool deferUpdate=false); double cursorPosition(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorPosition(uint cursorNumber, double position); TQColor cursorColor(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorColor(uint cursorNumber, TQColor); TQColor cursorHighlightColor(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorHighlightColor(uint cursorNumber, TQColor); void setCursorActiveTraceList(uint cursorNumber, TraceNumberList list); bool cursorEnabled(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorEnabled(uint cursorNumber, bool enabled); TQString cursorName(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorName(uint cursorNumber, TQString name); TQt::Orientation cursorOrientation(uint cursorNumber); void setCursorOrientation(uint cursorNumber, TQt::Orientation orient); void setTraceInfoCursor(uint cursorNumber); void setHoverCursor(uint cursorNumber); void setForegroundColor(const TQColor color); void setBackgroundColor(const TQColor color); TQRectF zoomBox(); void setZoomBoxEnabled(bool enabled); TQRectF zoomCursorBox(); void setZoomCursorBox(const TQRectF rect); unsigned int zoomCursorStartIndex(); void setZoomCursorStartIndex(unsigned int index); void showLeftTraceInfoArea(bool show); void showLeftCursorTraceInfoArea(bool show); void fitLeftTraceInfoArea(bool fit); void setLeftTraceInfoAreaFitSpacing(int spacing); void showLeftCursorInfoArea(bool show); void setMinimumPixelsPerHorizDiv(unsigned int pixels); void setHorizCursorDirectClickEnabled(bool enabled); double traceOffset(uint traceNumber); void setTraceOffset(uint traceNumber, double offset, bool deferUpdate); double traceTextOffset(uint traceNumber); void setTraceTextOffset(uint traceNumber, double offset, bool deferUpdate); bool userIsInteractingWithCursor(); static TQString prettyFormat(double value, double rangeDetectValue, TQString baseUnits, unsigned int precision=3); virtual TQSize sizeHint() const; virtual TQSize minimumSizeHint() const; public slots: void setTraceOffset(uint traceNumber, double offset); void setTraceTextOffset(uint traceNumber, double offset); private slots: void updateTraceText(); void updateCursorText(); void processChangedOffset(double offset); void processChangedCursor(uint cursorNumber, double newPosition); void processChangedCusorPosition(double position); signals: void zoomBoxChanged(const TQRectF&); void offsetChanged(uint traceNumber, double offset); void cursorPositionChanged(uint cursorNumber, double newPosition); void cursorDragged(uint cursorNumber, double newPosition); private: void resizeTraceArray(uint newsize); void resizeCursorArray(uint newsize); int horizScrollOffset(); private: unsigned int m_horizDivs; unsigned int m_vertDivs; unsigned int m_cursorDarkness; unsigned int m_zoomBoxDarkness; unsigned int m_zoomCursorStartIndex; bool m_zoomBoxEnabled; bool m_horizCursorDirectClickEnabled; TQRectF m_zoomBoxPrev; TraceList m_traceArray; CursorList m_cursorArray; TQGridLayout* m_primaryLayout; TQGridLayout* m_rightPaneLayout; TQGridLayout* m_leftPaneLayout; TQGridLayout* m_traceLabelLayout; TQGridLayout* m_infoLabelLayout; TQGridLayout* m_cursorLabelLayout; TraceLabelLayout* m_traceLeftLabelLayout; TraceCursorLabelLayout* m_traceLeftCursorLabelLayout; TQVBoxLayout* m_statusLabelLayout; TQVBoxLayout* m_statusLabelLayoutInner; GraticuleWidget* m_graticuleWidget; TQScrollBar* m_horizScrollBar; bool m_useAbsoluteHorizontalRange; bool m_showLeftTraceInfoArea; bool m_showLeftCursorInfoArea; unsigned int m_traceInfoCursor; int m_hoverCursor; bool m_leftTraceInfoLabelsFit; int m_leftTraceInfoAreaFitSpacing; unsigned int m_minimumPixelsPerHorizDiv; friend class GraticuleWidget; friend class TraceData; friend class CursorData; friend class TraceLabelLayout; friend class TraceCursorLabelLayout; friend class TraceScrollView; friend class TraceScrollWidget; }; class TraceScrollView : public TQScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: TraceScrollView(TQWidget* = 0, const char* = 0); ~TraceScrollView(); TraceWidget* traceWidget(); virtual TQSize sizeHint() const; virtual TQSize minimumSizeHint() const; private: TraceWidget* m_traceWidget; friend class TraceScrollWidget; }; class TraceScrollWidget : public TQVBox { Q_OBJECT public: TraceScrollWidget(TQWidget* = 0, const char* = 0); ~TraceScrollWidget(); void setHScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::ScrollBarMode); void setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::ScrollBarMode); void setResizePolicy(TQScrollView::ResizePolicy); TQScrollView::ResizePolicy resizePolicy() const; TraceWidget* traceWidget(); private: TraceScrollView* m_traceScrollView; TQScrollBar* m_horizScrollBar; TQScrollView::ScrollBarMode m_horizScrollBarMode; };