# pro file for building the makefile for qwtplot3d # TARGET = qwtplot3d TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += qt warn_on opengl thread zlib debug MOC_DIR = tmp OBJECTS_DIR = tmp INCLUDEPATH = include DEPENDPATH = include src DESTDIR = lib #DESTDIR = ../../../lib QT += opengl win32:TEMPLATE = vclib win32:CONFIG += dll exceptions win32:dll:DEFINES += QT_DLL QWT3D_DLL QWT3D_MAKEDLL win32:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$QMAKE_CFLAGS_STL # Comment the next line, if you have zlib on your windows system win32:CONFIG -= zlib linux-g++:TMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions unix:VERSION = 0.2.6 # Input SOURCES += src/qwt3d_axis.cpp \ src/qwt3d_color.cpp \ src/qwt3d_coordsys.cpp \ src/qwt3d_drawable.cpp \ src/qwt3d_mousekeyboard.cpp \ src/qwt3d_movements.cpp \ src/qwt3d_lighting.cpp \ src/qwt3d_colorlegend.cpp \ src/qwt3d_plot.cpp \ src/qwt3d_label.cpp \ src/qwt3d_types.cpp \ src/qwt3d_enrichment_std.cpp \ src/qwt3d_autoscaler.cpp \ src/qwt3d_io_reader.cpp \ src/qwt3d_io.cpp \ src/qwt3d_scale.cpp SOURCES += src/qwt3d_gridmapping.cpp \ src/qwt3d_parametricsurface.cpp \ src/qwt3d_function.cpp SOURCES += src/qwt3d_surfaceplot.cpp \ src/qwt3d_gridplot.cpp \ src/qwt3d_meshplot.cpp HEADERS += include/qwt3d_color.h \ include/qwt3d_global.h \ include/qwt3d_types.h \ include/qwt3d_axis.h \ include/qwt3d_coordsys.h \ include/qwt3d_drawable.h \ include/qwt3d_helper.h \ include/qwt3d_label.h \ include/qwt3d_openglhelper.h \ include/qwt3d_colorlegend.h \ include/qwt3d_plot.h \ include/qwt3d_enrichment.h \ include/qwt3d_enrichment_std.h \ include/qwt3d_autoscaler.h \ include/qwt3d_autoptr.h \ include/qwt3d_io.h \ include/qwt3d_io_reader.h \ include/qwt3d_scale.h \ include/qwt3d_portability.h HEADERS += include/qwt3d_mapping.h \ include/qwt3d_gridmapping.h \ include/qwt3d_parametricsurface.h \ include/qwt3d_function.h HEADERS += include/qwt3d_surfaceplot.h \ include/qwt3d_volumeplot.h \ include/qwt3d_graphplot.h \ include/qwt3d_multiplot.h # gl2ps support HEADERS+=3rdparty/gl2ps/gl2ps.h \ include/qwt3d_io_gl2ps.h SOURCES+=src/qwt3d_io_gl2ps.cpp \ 3rdparty/gl2ps/gl2ps.c # zlib support for gl2ps zlib { DEFINES += GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB win32:LIBS += zlib.lib unix:LIBS += -lz }