/* * Remote Laboratory Communications Analyzer Part * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * (c) 2012-2014 Timothy Pearson * Raptor Engineering * http://www.raptorengineeringinc.com */ #include "define.h" #include "part.h" #include //::createAboutData() #include #include #include //::start() #include #include #include #include //encodeName() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //access() #include #include #include "tracewidget.h" #include "floatspinbox.h" #include "layout.h" #define NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS 15000 /* exception handling */ struct exit_exception { int c; exit_exception(int c):c(c) { } }; namespace RemoteLab { typedef KParts::GenericFactory Factory; #define CLIENT_LIBRARY "libremotelab_commanalyzer" K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libremotelab_commanalyzer, RemoteLab::Factory ) CommAnalyzerPart::CommAnalyzerPart( TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& ) : RemoteInstrumentPart( parent, name ), m_traceWidget(0), m_commHandlerState(-1), m_commHandlerMode(0), m_commHandlerCommandState(0), m_connectionActiveAndValid(false), m_base(0), stopTraceUpdate(false) { // Initialize important base class variables m_clientLibraryName = CLIENT_LIBRARY; // Initialize mutex m_instrumentMutex = new TQMutex(false); // Initialize kpart setInstance(Factory::instance()); setWidget(new TQVBox(parentWidget, widgetName)); // Create timers m_forcedUpdateTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(m_forcedUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mainEventLoop())); m_updateTimeoutTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(m_updateTimeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mainEventLoop())); // Create widgets m_base = new CommAnalyzerBase(widget()); m_traceWidget = m_base->traceWidget; m_traceWidget->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding)); m_traceWidget->setTraceEnabled(0, true); m_traceWidget->setTraceName(0, "Trace 1"); m_traceWidget->setTraceHorizontalUnits(0, "Hz"); m_traceWidget->setTraceVerticalUnits(0, "dBm"); m_traceWidget->setNumberOfCursors(4); m_traceWidget->setCursorOrientation(0, TQt::Horizontal); m_traceWidget->setCursorOrientation(1, TQt::Horizontal); m_traceWidget->setCursorOrientation(2, TQt::Vertical); m_traceWidget->setCursorOrientation(3, TQt::Vertical); m_traceWidget->setCursorEnabled(0, true); m_traceWidget->setCursorEnabled(1, true); m_traceWidget->setCursorEnabled(2, true); m_traceWidget->setCursorEnabled(3, true); m_traceWidget->setCursorName(0, "Cursor H1"); m_traceWidget->setCursorName(1, "Cursor H2"); m_traceWidget->setCursorName(2, "Cursor V1"); m_traceWidget->setCursorName(3, "Cursor V2"); m_traceWidget->setCursorPosition(0, 25); m_traceWidget->setCursorPosition(1, 75); m_traceWidget->setCursorPosition(2, 25); m_traceWidget->setCursorPosition(3, 75); m_traceWidget->setZoomBoxEnabled(true); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding)); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setTraceEnabled(0, true, TraceWidget::SummaryText); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setTraceName(0, "Trace 1"); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setTraceHorizontalUnits(0, "Hz"); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setTraceVerticalUnits(0, "dBm"); connect(m_traceWidget, SIGNAL(zoomBoxChanged(const TQRectF&)), this, SLOT(updateZoomWidgetLimits(const TQRectF&))); connect(m_traceWidget, SIGNAL(offsetChanged(uint, double)), m_base->traceZoomWidget, SLOT(setTraceOffset(uint, double))); m_base->saRefLevel->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Fixed)); m_base->saRefLevel->setFloatMin(-128); m_base->saRefLevel->setFloatMax(128); m_base->saRefLevel->setLineStep(1); connect(m_base->saRefLevel, SIGNAL(floatValueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(saRefLevelChanged(double))); TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(postInit())); } CommAnalyzerPart::~CommAnalyzerPart() { if (m_instrumentMutex->locked()) { printf("[WARNING] Exiting when data transfer still in progress!\n\r"); fflush(stdout); } disconnectFromServer(); delete m_instrumentMutex; } void CommAnalyzerPart::postInit() { setUsingFixedSize(false); } bool CommAnalyzerPart::openURL(const KURL &url) { int ret; m_connectionActiveAndValid = false; ret = connectToServer(url.url()); processLockouts(); return (ret != 0); } bool CommAnalyzerPart::closeURL() { disconnectFromServer(); m_url = KURL(); return true; } void CommAnalyzerPart::processLockouts() { if (m_connectionActiveAndValid) { m_base->setEnabled(true); } else { m_base->setEnabled(false); } } void CommAnalyzerPart::disconnectFromServerCallback() { m_forcedUpdateTimer->stop(); m_updateTimeoutTimer->stop(); m_connectionActiveAndValid = false; } void CommAnalyzerPart::connectionFinishedCallback() { connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), m_socket, SLOT(processPendingData())); m_socket->processPendingData(); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(newDataReceived()), this, SLOT(mainEventLoop())); m_tickerState = 0; m_commHandlerState = 0; m_commHandlerMode = 0; m_socket->setDataTimeout(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS); m_updateTimeoutTimer->start(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE); processLockouts(); mainEventLoop(); return; } void CommAnalyzerPart::connectionStatusChangedCallback() { processLockouts(); } void CommAnalyzerPart::setTickerMessage(TQString message) { m_connectionActiveAndValid = true; TQString tickerChar; switch (m_tickerState) { case 0: tickerChar = "-"; break; case 1: tickerChar = "\\"; break; case 2: tickerChar = "|"; break; case 3: tickerChar = "/"; break; } setStatusMessage(message + TQString("... %1").arg(tickerChar)); m_tickerState++; if (m_tickerState > 3) { m_tickerState = 0; } } #define UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT m_connectionActiveAndValid = false; \ m_tickerState = 0; \ m_commHandlerState = 2; \ m_commHandlerMode = 0; \ m_socket->clearIncomingData(); \ setStatusMessage(i18n("Server ping timeout. Please verify the status of your network connection.")); \ m_updateTimeoutTimer->start(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE); \ m_instrumentMutex->unlock(); \ return; #define COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED m_connectionActiveAndValid = false; \ m_tickerState = 0; \ m_commHandlerState = 2; \ m_commHandlerMode = 0; \ m_socket->clearIncomingData(); \ setStatusMessage(i18n("Instrument communication failure. Please verify the status of your network connection.")); \ m_updateTimeoutTimer->start(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE); \ m_instrumentMutex->unlock(); \ return; #define SET_WATCHDOG_TIMER if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) m_updateTimeoutTimer->start(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE); #define PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER m_updateTimeoutTimer->stop(); m_updateTimeoutTimer->start(NETWORK_COMM_TIMEOUT_MS, TRUE); \ setTickerMessage(i18n("Connected")); #define SET_NEXT_STATE(x) if (m_commHandlerMode == 0) { \ m_commHandlerState = x; \ } \ else { \ m_commHandlerState = 255; \ } #define EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY m_forcedUpdateTimer->start(0, TRUE); void CommAnalyzerPart::mainEventLoop() { TQDataStream ds(m_socket); ds.setPrintableData(true); if (!m_instrumentMutex->tryLock()) { EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY return; } if (m_socket) { if ((m_commHandlerMode == 0) || (m_commHandlerMode == 1)) { if (m_commHandlerState == 0) { // Request communications analyzer access ds << TQString("COMMUNICATIONS ANALYZER"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); m_commHandlerState = 1; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 1) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get command status TQString result; ds >> result; m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(2) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 2) { // Set spectrum analyzer mode ds << TQString("SETMODESPECTRUMANALYZER"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(3) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 3) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get command status TQString result; ds >> result; m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(4) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 4) { // Get number of samples in trace, step 1 ds << TQString("GETTRACESAMPLECOUNT"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(5) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 5) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get number of samples in trace, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_samplesInTrace; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(6) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 6) { // Get number of horizontal divisions, step 1 ds << TQString("GETHORIZONTALDIVCOUNT"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(7) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 7) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get number of horizontal divisions, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_hdivs; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(8) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 8) { // Get number of vertical divisions, step 1 ds << TQString("GETVERTICALDIVCOUNT"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(9) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 9) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get number of vertical divisions, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_vdivs; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(10) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 10) { // Get reference power level, step 1 ds << TQString("GETREFERENCEPOWERLEVEL"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(11) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 11) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get reference power level, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_rpower; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(12) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 12) { // Get vertical division scale, step 1 ds << TQString("GETVERTDIVSCALE"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(13) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 13) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get vertical division scale, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_vscale; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(14) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 14) { // Get center frequency, step 1 ds << TQString("GETCENTERFREQUENCY"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(15) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 15) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get center frequency, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_centerfreq; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(16) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 16) { // Get frequency span, step 1 ds << TQString("GETFREQUENCYSPAN"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(17) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 17) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get frequency span, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_spanfreq; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { // Update display widget(s) updateGraticule(); } if (result == "ACK") { SET_NEXT_STATE(18) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 18) { // Get trace, step 1 ds << TQString("GETSPECTRUMTRACE"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); SET_NEXT_STATE(19) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerState == 19) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get trace, step 2 TQDoubleArray trace; TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> trace; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { #if 1 // Trace grab is slow on most instruments // Put in the next trace request before processing the trace we just got so as to increase the overall update rate if (m_commHandlerMode == 0) { // Get trace, step 1 ds << TQString("GETSPECTRUMTRACE"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); } #endif // Update display widget(s) m_traceWidget->setSamples(0, trace); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setSamples(0, trace); postProcessTrace(); m_traceWidget->repaint(false); m_base->traceZoomWidget->repaint(false); } if (result == "ACK") { #if 0 //SET_NEXT_STATE(2) SET_NEXT_STATE(18) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY #else SET_NEXT_STATE(19) EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY #endif } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerState == 255) { // Execute pending command m_commHandlerMode = 2; m_socket->clearIncomingData(); EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } SET_WATCHDOG_TIMER } else if (m_commHandlerMode == 2) { if (m_commHandlerCommandState == 0) { m_commHandlerMode = 0; m_commHandlerState = 10; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerCommandState == 1) { // Set reference power level ds << TQString("SETREFERENCEPOWERLEVEL"); ds << m_rpower; m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); m_commHandlerCommandState = 2; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerCommandState == 2) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Set reference power level, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; m_socket->clearFrameTail(); if (result == "ACK") { m_commHandlerCommandState = 3; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } else if (m_commHandlerCommandState == 3) { // Get reference power level, step 1 ds << TQString("GETREFERENCEPOWERLEVEL"); m_socket->writeEndOfFrame(); m_commHandlerCommandState = 4; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else if (m_commHandlerCommandState == 4) { // Get response data if (m_socket->canReadFrame()) { PAT_WATCHDOG_TIMER // Get reference power level, step 2 TQString result; ds >> result; if (result == "ACK") { ds >> m_rpower; } m_socket->clearFrameTail(); // Update display as needed updateGraticule(); if (result == "ACK") { m_commHandlerCommandState = 0; EXEC_NEXT_STATE_IMMEDIATELY } else { COMMUNICATIONS_FAILED } } else { if (!m_updateTimeoutTimer->isActive()) { UPDATEDISPLAY_TIMEOUT } } } } } else { m_commHandlerState = 0; m_commHandlerCommandState = 0; } processLockouts(); m_instrumentMutex->unlock(); } void CommAnalyzerPart::postProcessTrace() { return; } void CommAnalyzerPart::updateZoomWidgetLimits(const TQRectF& zoomRect) { TQRectF fullZoomRect = m_traceWidget->displayLimits(0); double widthSpan = fullZoomRect.width()-fullZoomRect.x(); double heightSpan = fullZoomRect.height()-fullZoomRect.y(); TQRectF zoomLimitsRect((fullZoomRect.x()+(widthSpan*(zoomRect.x()/100.0))), (fullZoomRect.y()+(heightSpan*(zoomRect.y()/100.0))), (fullZoomRect.x()+(widthSpan*((zoomRect.x()/100.0)+(zoomRect.width()/100.0)))), (fullZoomRect.y()+(heightSpan*((zoomRect.y()/100.0)+(zoomRect.height()/100.0))))); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setDisplayLimits(0, zoomLimitsRect); } void CommAnalyzerPart::updateGraticule() { m_traceWidget->setNumberOfSamples(0, m_samplesInTrace); m_traceWidget->setNumberOfHorizontalDivisions(m_hdivs); m_traceWidget->setNumberOfVerticalDivisions(m_vdivs); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setNumberOfSamples(0, m_samplesInTrace); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setNumberOfHorizontalDivisions(m_hdivs); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setNumberOfVerticalDivisions(m_vdivs); m_leftFrequency = m_centerfreq - (m_spanfreq/2.0); m_rightFrequency = m_centerfreq + (m_spanfreq/2.0); double freqincr = (m_rightFrequency-m_leftFrequency)/m_samplesInTrace; double freqpos = m_leftFrequency; TQDoubleArray tracepositions; tracepositions.resize(m_samplesInTrace); for (int i=0; isetPositions(0, tracepositions); m_traceWidget->setDisplayLimits(0, TQRectF(m_leftFrequency, m_rpower, m_rightFrequency, m_rpower-(m_vscale*m_vdivs))); m_base->traceZoomWidget->setPositions(0, tracepositions); updateZoomWidgetLimits(m_traceWidget->zoomBox()); // Also update controls m_base->saRefLevel->blockSignals(true); m_base->saRefLevel->setFloatValue(m_rpower); m_base->saRefLevel->blockSignals(false); } void CommAnalyzerPart::saRefLevelChanged(double newval) { if (m_commHandlerMode < 2) { m_rpower = newval; m_commHandlerMode = 1; m_commHandlerCommandState = 1; mainEventLoop(); } } TDEAboutData* CommAnalyzerPart::createAboutData() { return new TDEAboutData( APP_NAME, I18N_NOOP( APP_PRETTYNAME ), APP_VERSION ); } } //namespace RemoteLab #include "part.moc"