Timothy Pearson kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net 0.1 KDevAutoProject C C Code auth_server_lin . false src/auth_server_lin debug /large_disk/remotefpga_linux/auth_server_lin/auth_server_lin/debug/src/auth_server_lin true server /large_disk/remotefpga_linux/auth_server_lin/auth_server_lin/debug true true false false optimized kdevgccoptions kdevgppoptions kdevg77options -O2 -g0 --enable-debug=full debug kdevgccoptions kdevgppoptions kdevg77options -O0 -g3 true false 1 false 0 ada ada_bugs_gcc bash bash_bugs clanlib w3c-dom-level2-html fortran_bugs_gcc gnome1 gnustep gtk gtk_bugs haskell haskell_bugs_ghc java_bugs_gcc java_bugs_sun kde2book libstdc++ opengl pascal_bugs_fp php php_bugs perl perl_bugs python python_bugs qt-kdev3 ruby ruby_bugs sdl stl w3c-svg sw w3c-uaag10 wxwidgets_bugs Guide to the Qt Translation Tools Qt Assistant Manual Qt Designer Manual Qt Reference Documentation qmake User Guide KDE Libraries (Doxygen) false false *.o,*.lo,CVS false Doxygen Documentation Collection auth_server_lin.tag auth_server_lin auth_server_lin Auth_server_lin AUTH_SERVER_LIN Timothy Pearson kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net Custom -I/usr/include -lm 0.1 2009 /large_disk/remotefpga_linux/auth_server_lin/auth_server_lin false 3 3 /usr/share/qt3 EmbeddedKDevDesigner /usr/bin/qmake-qt3 /usr/bin/designer-qt3 false true true 250 400 250 false 0 true true false std=_GLIBCXX_STD;__gnu_cxx=std true false false false false true true false .; set m_,_ theValue true true false true Vertical .h .cpp libtool true false false false false true 10