@ -273,6 +273,55 @@ int scope_set_timebase(float desired_timebase,const char * scopeType, int gpibDe
int scope_get_timebase(double * retval, const char * scopeType, int gpibDevice) {
char floatstring[1024];
long ai;
int max_num_bytes = 0;
if (strcmp("HP54600OS", scopeType) == 0) {
// Not supported (yet)
return -1;
else if (strcmp("TDS744AOS", scopeType) == 0) {
// Send request
printf("[INFO] Getting scope timebase\n\r");
printf("[DEBG] Writing: %s\n\r", falpha);
if (gpib_write(gpibDevice, falpha) == 0) {
max_num_bytes = 24; // Request more bytes than are possible to ensure no bytes are left behind
else {
return 2;
// Read response
printf("[DEBG] Trying to read %i bytes from GPIB device...\n", max_num_bytes);
ai = gpib_read_array(gpibDevice, max_num_bytes, floatstring);
if (ai == -1) {
return 1;
else {
*retval = atof(floatstring)*10;
printf("[DEBG] Read %li bytes from GPIB device\n", ai);
return 0;
else {
return -1;
int scope_set_volts_div(int desired_channel, double desired_volts, const char * scopeType, int gpibDevice) {
if ((strcmp("HP54600OS", scopeType) == 0) || (strcmp("TDS744AOS", scopeType) == 0)) {
printf("[INFO] Setting scope volts/div on channel %d to %E\n\r", desired_channel, desired_volts);