mainWindow mainWindow 0 0 588 324 Wireless Assistant unnamed buttonOptions 0 0 &Options Alt+O true Toggle network list/options <p><b>Options Button</b></p> <p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</p> <p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p> buttonClose &Quit Alt+Q true Quit the application <p><b>Quit Button</b></p> <p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p> buttonConnect false 120 0 Co&nnect Alt+N Connect to the selected network <p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p> <p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network currently selected in the network list.</p> buttonScan false Refresh false Refresh network list <p><b>Scan Button</b></p> <p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the network list.</p> spacer14 Vertical Expanding 21 120 tqlayout16 unnamed 0 frameDevice 5 1 0 0 NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 devLabel 1 0 0 0 0 20 Device: devCombo false 3 0 0 0 60 0 Pick a network device to use <p><b>Device Selection</b></p> <p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p> <p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p> widgetStack 7 7 0 0 PopupPanel Sunken 2 netPage 0 unnamed 0 0 ESSID true true Channel true true Link Quality true false WEP/WPA true false AP true true netList NoFrame Plain 1 <p><b>Network List</b></p> <p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p> <p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p> statusLabel 7 0 0 0 0 20 5 Ready WordBreak|AlignVCenter <p><b>tqStatus Bar</b></p> <p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p> optionsPage 1 unnamed tqlayout20 unnamed checkAutoConnect Automatically connect on startup <p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p> <p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will be taken into account.</p> checkAutoReconnect Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost Alt+Y <p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p> <p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the connection is lost.</p> checkAutoQuit Quit upon successful connection <p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p> <p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p> checkGroupAPs &Group access points with the same ESSID Alt+G <p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p> <p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear as one item in the network list.</p> tqlayout17 unnamed tqlayout12 unnamed textLabel2_2 Delay before scanning: Specify how long to wait for an IP <p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p> <p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p> <p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p> textLabel2 DHCP client timeout: Specify how long to wait for an IP <p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p> <p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p> <p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p> tqlayout13 unnamed spacer24_2 Horizontal Fixed 21 20 spacer24 Horizontal Fixed 21 20 tqlayout14 unnamed spinDelayBeforeScanning s 20 0 0 Specify how long to wait before scanning <p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p> <p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the interface up and performing a scan.</p> <p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list manually to see all the available networks.</i></p> spinDhcpTimeout s 60 5 15 Specify how long to wait for an IP <p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p> <p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p> <p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p> tqlayout15 unnamed spacer25_2 Horizontal Expanding 101 21 spacer25 Horizontal Expanding 118 21 textLabel1 <i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i> tqlayout19 unnamed spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 201 21 buttonEnableAllMessages E&nable All Messages Alt+N <p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p> <p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p> spacer16 Vertical Expanding 20 31 devCombo netList buttonScan buttonConnect buttonOptions buttonClose checkAutoQuit spinDhcpTimeout buttonEnableAllMessages netScan() netConnect() showCfgDlg() setDeviceList() updatetqStatus(char sts) kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klistview.h