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/* Install paths from configure */
#include "ntqglobal.h"
// might use nameless namespace as storage class here instead of static keyword specifier
static const char QT_INSTALL_PREFIX[] = "qt_nstpath=@QT_INSTALL_PREFIX@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_BINS[] = "qt_binpath=@QT_INSTALL_BINS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_DOCS[] = "qt_docpath=@QT_INSTALL_DOCS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_HEADERS[] = "qt_hdrpath=@QT_INSTALL_HEADERS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_LIBS[] = "qt_libpath=@QT_INSTALL_LIBS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS[] = "qt_plgpath=@QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_DATA[] = "qt_datpath=@QT_INSTALL_DATA@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS[] = "qt_trnpath=@QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_SYSCONF[] = "qt_cnfpath=@QT_INSTALL_SYSCONF@";
static const char QT_INSTALL_SHARE[] = "qt_shapath=@QT_INSTALL_SHARE@";
/* strlen( "qt_xxxpath=" ) == 11 */
const char *tqInstallPath() { return QT_INSTALL_PREFIX + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathDocs() { return QT_INSTALL_DOCS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathHeaders() { return QT_INSTALL_HEADERS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathLibs() { return QT_INSTALL_LIBS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathBins() { return QT_INSTALL_BINS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathPlugins() { return QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathData() { return QT_INSTALL_DATA + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathTranslations() { return QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathSysconf() { return QT_INSTALL_SYSCONF + 11; }
const char *tqInstallPathShare() { return QT_INSTALL_SHARE + 11; }