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<title>chart/chartform.h Example File</title>
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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>chart/chartform.h Example File</h1>
<pre>#ifndef CHARTFORM_H
#include "element.h"
#include &lt;<a href="tqmainwindow-h.html">tqmainwindow.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="tqstringlist-h.html">tqstringlist.h</a>&gt;
class CanvasView;
class TQAction;
class TQCanvas;
class TQFont;
class TQPrinter;
class TQString;
class ChartForm: public <a href="tqmainwindow.html">TQMainWindow</a>
enum { MAX_ELEMENTS = 100 };
enum { MAX_RECENTFILES = 9 }; // Must not exceed 9
enum AddValuesType { NO, YES, AS_PERCENTAGE };
ChartForm( const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; filename );
int chartType() { return m_chartType; }
void setChanged( bool changed = TRUE ) { m_changed = changed; }
void drawElements();
<a href="tqpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> *optionsMenu; // Why public? See canvasview.cpp
virtual void closeEvent( <a href="qcloseevent.html">TQCloseEvent</a> * );
private slots:
void fileNew();
void fileOpen();
void fileOpenRecent( int index );
void fileSave();
void fileSaveAs();
void fileSaveAsPixmap();
void filePrint();
void fileQuit();
void optionsSetData();
void updateChartType( <a href="tqaction.html">TQAction</a> *action );
void optionsSetFont();
void optionsSetOptions();
void helpHelp();
void helpAbout();
void helpAboutTQt();
void saveOptions();
void init();
void load( const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; filename );
bool okToClear();
void drawPieChart( const double scales[], double total, int count );
void drawVerticalBarChart( const double scales[], double total, int count );
void drawHorizontalBarChart( const double scales[], double total, int count );
<a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a> valueLabel( const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; label, double value, double total );
void updateRecentFiles( const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp; filename );
void updateRecentFilesMenu();
void setChartType( ChartType chartType );
<a href="tqpopupmenu.html">TQPopupMenu</a> *fileMenu;
<a href="tqaction.html">TQAction</a> *optionsPieChartAction;
<a href="tqaction.html">TQAction</a> *optionsHorizontalBarChartAction;
<a href="tqaction.html">TQAction</a> *optionsVerticalBarChartAction;
<a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a> m_filename;
<a href="tqstringlist.html">TQStringList</a> m_recentFiles;
<a href="tqcanvas.html">TQCanvas</a> *m_canvas;
CanvasView *m_canvasView;
bool m_changed;
ElementVector m_elements;
<a href="tqprinter.html">TQPrinter</a> *m_printer;
ChartType m_chartType;
AddValuesType m_addValues;
int m_decimalPlaces;
<a href="tqfont.html">TQFont</a> m_font;
</pre><!-- eof -->
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