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# #
# Auxiliary macros for TQt #
# #
include( TDEMacros )
##### tqt_requires
##### Asserts that if opt1 is set opt2 is set also
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_requires( opt1 opt2 )
macro( tqt_requires _opt1 _opt2 )
if( ${_opt1} AND NOT ${_opt2} )
tde_message_fatal( "${_opt1}=ON requires ${_opt2}=ON to build" )
endif( )
endmacro( tqt_requires )
##### tqt_install_includes
##### The macro is used to determine the headers that are installed,
##### while the symlinks in the binary include directory are created.
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_install_includes(
##### [FILES] include_name [include_name]
##### [DESTINATION subdir]
##### )
macro( tqt_install_includes )
unset( _files )
unset( _dest )
unset( _only_symlink )
set( _var _files )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
# found directive "FILES"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" )
unset( _files )
set( _var _files )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "DESTINATION"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
unset( _dest )
set( _var _dest )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "ONLY_SYMLINK"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ONLY_SYMLINK" )
unset( _var )
set( _only_symlink 1 )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# collect data
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
elseif( _var )
list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
endif( )
endforeach( )
# determine destination directory
if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE( "${_dest}" ) )
set( _dest "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}/${_dest}" )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _dest_sub "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}" "${_dest}" )
file( MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_dest_sub}" )
# process files
foreach( _file IN LISTS _files )
if( NOT TARGET tqt-includes )
add_custom_target( tqt-includes
COMMENT "Prepare includes..." )
get_filename_component( _source_name "${_file}" NAME )
get_filename_component( _source_file "${_file}" ABSOLUTE )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _target_name "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${_source_file}" )
string( REPLACE "/" "+" _target_name "${_target_name}" )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _link_source "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_dest_sub}" ${_source_file} )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _link_dest "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}" "${_dest}/${_source_name}" )
if( NOT TARGET ${_target_name} )
OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest}
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
${_link_source} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest}
COMMENT "Include file ${_link_dest}"
add_custom_target( ${_target_name}
DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest}
add_dependencies( tqt-includes ${_target_name} )
if( NOT "${_only_symlink}" )
install( FILES ${_file} DESTINATION ${_dest} )
endforeach( _file )
endmacro( tqt_install_includes )
##### tqt_header_for_source
##### The macro search appropriate header files for the given list of sources and
##### append them to the list specified by _include_out
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_header_for_source ( header_list source [source ...] )
macro( tqt_header_for_source _include_out )
foreach( _src ${ARGN} )
# As for now tqt has an "nt" prefix before filenames, so in order to handle all the casses
# we will have to do some pattern matching
get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src}" ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_path}" PATH )
get_filename_component( _src_filename "${_src}" NAME_WE )
file( GLOB _header_candidates RELATIVE "${_src_path}/" "${_src_path}/*${_src_filename}*.h*" )
# filter out headers without TQ_OBJECT
unset( _filtered_header_candidates )
foreach( _header IN LISTS _header_candidates )
if( NOT _header MATCHES "^(n?t)?${_src_filename}(_p)?\\.(h|hpp)$" )
file( STRINGS "${_src_path}/${_header}" _has_tq_object REGEX "T?Q_OBJECT" )
if( _has_tq_object )
list( APPEND _filtered_header_candidates "${_header}" )
endif( _has_tq_object )
endforeach( )
set( _header_candidates "${_filtered_header_candidates}" )
list( LENGTH _header_candidates _header_candidates_num )
if( ${_header_candidates_num} EQUAL 1 )
list( APPEND "${_include_out}" "${_src_path}/${_header_candidates}" )
elseif( "${_header_candidates_num}" GREATER 1 )
tde_message_fatal( "More than one candidates to automoc for ${_src_file}:"
" ${_header_candidates}" )
else( )
# do nothing, skip the file
endif( )
endforeach( _src )
endmacro( tqt_header_for_source )
##### tqt_automoc
##### The macro is used for 'moc' processing specifically for TQt as such
##### and adding them to an existing target.
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_automoc(
##### [TARGET] target
##### [INCLUDES (AUTO|include_name) [include_name ...]]
##### )
macro( tqt_automoc )
unset( _target )
unset( _includes )
unset( _auto_includes )
set( _var _target )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
# found directive "TARGET"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
unset( _target )
set( _var _target )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "INCLUDES"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+INCLUDES" )
unset( _includes )
set( _var _includes )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# collect data
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
elseif( _var )
list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
endif( )
endforeach( )
# handle AUTO includes
if( NOT _includes )
set( _auto_includes 1 )
elseif( AUTO IN_LIST _includes )
set( _auto_includes 1 )
list( REMOVE_ITEM _includes AUTO )
# target must already exist
if( NOT TARGET ${_target} )
tde_message_fatal( "The specified target does not exists." )
# check tmoc executable
tde_message_fatal( "tmoc is required but not found" )
# get list of sources of specified target
get_target_property( _sources "${_target}" SOURCES )
# automoc source files
foreach( _src_file IN LISTS _sources )
get_filename_component( _src_file "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE )
if( EXISTS "${_src_file}" )
# get some essential variables
get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_path}" PATH )
get_filename_component( _src_filename "${_src_file}" NAME_WE )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _src_path_relative "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${_src_path}" )
# read source file and check if it has a moc include
file( STRINGS "${_src_file}" _moc_includes REGEX
"^#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[\"<]${_src_filename}\\.moc[\">]" )
# found included moc(s)?
if( _moc_includes ) # file has a moc include; we should moc src file itself
set( _moc_file_relative "${_src_path_relative}/${_src_filename}.moc" )
set( _moc_file "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_moc_file_relative}" )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_moc_file}"
COMMAND "${TMOC_EXECUTABLE}" "${_src_file}" -o "${_moc_file}"
COMMENT "Generating ${_moc_file_relative}"
DEPENDS "${_src_file}" )
set_property( SOURCE "${_src_file}" APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS "${_moc_file}" )
endif( )
endif( )
endforeach( _src_file )
# Get list of headers associated with sources
if( _auto_includes )
tqt_header_for_source( _includes ${_sources} )
endif( )
# processing headers
foreach( _inc IN LISTS _includes )
get_filename_component( _inc "${_inc}" ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _inc_name "${_inc}" NAME_WE )
file( RELATIVE_PATH _inc_path_relative "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${_inc}" )
get_filename_component( _inc_path_relative "${_inc_path}" PATH )
set( _moc_file_relative "${_inc_path_relative}/moc_${_inc_name}.cpp" )
set( _moc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_moc_file_relative}" )
# moc-ing source
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file}
COMMAND "${TMOC_EXECUTABLE}" "${_inc}" -o "${_moc_file}"
COMMENT "Generating ${_moc_file_relative}"
DEPENDS "${_inc}"
set_property( TARGET ${_target} APPEND PROPERTY SOURCES ${_moc_file} )
endforeach( _inc )
endmacro( tqt_automoc )
##### tqt_create_translation
##### The macro is used for create binary files for translations
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_create_translation(
##### )
macro( tqt_create_translation )
list( SORT _srcs )
# generate *.qm files
foreach( _src ${_srcs} )
get_filename_component( _src ${_src} ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component( _out ${_src} NAME_WE )
string( REPLACE "@" "_" _target ${_out} )
set( _out_filename "${_out}.qm" )
set( _install_filename "${_out}.qm" )
OUTPUT ${_out_filename}
COMMAND tqlrelease ${_src} -qm ${_out_filename}
COMMENT "Build translation ${_out}"
DEPENDS ${_src}
add_custom_target( "${_target}-translation" ALL DEPENDS ${_out_filename} )
RENAME ${_install_filename}
endforeach( )
endmacro( tqt_create_translation )