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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQMovie Class Reference</h1>
<p>The TQMovie class provides incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses.
<a href="#details">More...</a>
<p><tt>#include <<a href="tqmovie-h.html">tqmovie.h</a>></tt>
<p><a href="tqmovie-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
<h2>Public Members</h2>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie-2"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ( int bufsize )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie-3"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ( TQDataSource * src, int bufsize = 1024 )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie-4"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ( const TQString & fileName, int bufsize = 1024 )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie-5"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ( TQByteArray data, int bufsize = 1024 )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#TQMovie-6"><b>TQMovie</b></a> ( const TQMovie & movie )</li>
<li class=fn><a href="#~TQMovie"><b>~TQMovie</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>TQMovie & <a href="#operator-eq"><b>operator=</b></a> ( const TQMovie & movie )</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#pushSpace"><b>pushSpace</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#pushData"><b>pushData</b></a> ( const uchar * data, int length )</li>
<li class=fn>const TQColor & <a href="#backgroundColor"><b>backgroundColor</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#setBackgroundColor"><b>setBackgroundColor</b></a> ( const TQColor & c )</li>
<li class=fn>const TQRect & <a href="#getValidRect"><b>getValidRect</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>const TQPixmap & <a href="#framePixmap"><b>framePixmap</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>const TQImage & <a href="#frameImage"><b>frameImage</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>bool <a href="#isNull"><b>isNull</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#frameNumber"><b>frameNumber</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#steps"><b>steps</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>bool <a href="#paused"><b>paused</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>bool <a href="#finished"><b>finished</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>bool <a href="#running"><b>running</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#unpause"><b>unpause</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#pause"><b>pause</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#step"><b>step</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#step-2"><b>step</b></a> ( int steps )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#restart"><b>restart</b></a> ()</li>
<li class=fn>int <a href="#speed"><b>speed</b></a> () const</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#setSpeed"><b>setSpeed</b></a> ( int percent )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#connectResize"><b>connectResize</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#disconnectResize"><b>disconnectResize</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member = 0 )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#connectUpdate"><b>connectUpdate</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#disconnectUpdate"><b>disconnectUpdate</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member = 0 )</li>
<li class=fn>enum <a href="#Status-enum"><b>Status</b></a> { SourceEmpty = -2, UnrecognizedFormat = -1, Paused = 1, EndOfFrame = 2, EndOfLoop = 3, EndOfMovie = 4, SpeedChanged = 5 }</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#connectStatus"><b>connectStatus</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member )</li>
<li class=fn>void <a href="#disconnectStatus"><b>disconnectStatus</b></a> ( TQObject * receiver, const char * member = 0 )</li>
<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
The TQMovie class provides incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses.
<p> The simplest way to display a TQMovie is to use a <a href="tqlabel.html">TQLabel</a> and
<a href="tqlabel.html#setMovie">TQLabel::setMovie</a>().
<p> A TQMovie provides a <a href="tqpixmap.html">TQPixmap</a> as the <a href="#framePixmap">framePixmap</a>(); connections can
be made via <a href="#connectResize">connectResize</a>() and <a href="#connectUpdate">connectUpdate</a>() to receive
notification of size and pixmap changes. All decoding is driven
by the normal event-processing mechanisms.
<p> The movie begins playing as soon as the TQMovie is created
(actually, once control returns to the event loop). When the last
frame in the movie has been played, it may loop back to the start
if such looping is defined in the input source.
<p> TQMovie objects are <a href="shclass.html#explicitly-shared">explicitly shared</a>. This means that a TQMovie
copied from another TQMovie will be displaying the same frame at
all times. If one shared movie pauses, all pause. To make <em>independent</em> movies, they must be constructed separately.
<p> The set of data formats supported by TQMovie is determined by the
decoder factories that have been installed; the format of the
input is determined as the input is decoded.
<p> The supported formats are MNG (if TQt is configured with MNG
support enabled) and GIF (if TQt is configured with GIF support
enabled, see tqgif.h).
<p> If TQt is configured to support GIF reading, we are required to
state that "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright
property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark
property of CompuServe Incorporated.
<p> <b>Warning:</b> If you are in a country that recognizes software patents
and in which Unisys holds a patent on LZW compression and/or
decompression and you want to use GIF, Unisys may require you to
license that technology. Such countries include Canada, Japan,
the USA, France, Germany, Italy and the UK.
<p> GIF support may be removed completely in a future version of TQt.
We recommend using the MNG or PNG format.
<p> <center><img src="tqmovie.png" alt="TQMovie"></center>
<p> <p>See also <a href="tqlabel.html#setMovie">TQLabel::setMovie</a>(), <a href="graphics.html">Graphics Classes</a>, <a href="images.html">Image Processing Classes</a>, and <a href="multimedia.html">Multimedia Classes</a>.
<hr><h2>Member Type Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="Status-enum"></a>TQMovie::Status</h3>
<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ()
Constructs a null TQMovie. The only interesting thing to do with
such a movie is to assign another movie to it.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#isNull">isNull</a>().
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie-2"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ( int bufsize )
Constructs a TQMovie with an external data source. You should later
call <a href="#pushData">pushData</a>() to send incoming animation data to the movie.
<p> The <em>bufsize</em> argument sets the maximum amount of data the movie
will transfer from the data source per event loop. The lower this
value, the better interleaved the movie playback will be with
other event processing, but the slower the overall processing will
<p> <p>See also <a href="#pushData">pushData</a>().
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie-3"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ( <a href="tqdatasource.html">TQDataSource</a> * src, int bufsize = 1024 )
Constructs a TQMovie that reads an image sequence from the given
data source, <em>src</em>. The source must be allocated dynamically,
because TQMovie will take ownership of it and will destroy it when
the movie is destroyed. The movie starts playing as soon as event
processing continues.
<p> The <em>bufsize</em> argument sets the maximum amount of data the movie
will transfer from the data source per event loop. The lower this
value, the better interleaved the movie playback will be with
other event processing, but the slower the overall processing will
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie-4"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ( const <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a> & fileName, int bufsize = 1024 )
Constructs a TQMovie that reads an image sequence from the file, <em>fileName</em>.
<p> The <em>bufsize</em> argument sets the maximum amount of data the movie
will transfer from the data source per event loop. The lower this
value, the better interleaved the movie playback will be with
other event processing, but the slower the overall processing will
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie-5"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ( <a href="tqbytearray.html">TQByteArray</a> data, int bufsize = 1024 )
Constructs a TQMovie that reads an image sequence from the byte
array, <em>data</em>.
<p> The <em>bufsize</em> argument sets the maximum amount of data the movie
will transfer from the data source per event loop. The lower this
value, the better interleaved the movie playback will be with
other event processing, but the slower the overall processing will
<h3 class=fn><a name="TQMovie-6"></a>TQMovie::TQMovie ( const <a href="tqmovie.html">TQMovie</a> & movie )
Constructs a movie that uses the same data as movie <em>movie</em>.
TQMovies use <a href="shclass.html#explicit-sharing">explicit sharing</a>, so operations on the copy will
affect both.
<h3 class=fn><a name="~TQMovie"></a>TQMovie::~TQMovie ()
Destroys the TQMovie. If this is the last reference to the data of
the movie, the data is deallocated.
<h3 class=fn>const <a href="tqcolor.html">TQColor</a> & <a name="backgroundColor"></a>TQMovie::backgroundColor () const
Returns the background color of the movie set by
<a href="#setBackgroundColor">setBackgroundColor</a>().
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="connectResize"></a>TQMovie::connectResize ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member )
Connects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em> of type <tt>void member(const TQSize&)</tt> so that it is signalled when the movie changes size.
<p> Note that due to the <a href="shclass.html#explicit-sharing">explicit sharing</a> of TQMovie objects, these
connections persist until they are explicitly disconnected with
<a href="#disconnectResize">disconnectResize</a>() or until <em>every</em> shared copy of the movie is
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x498">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="connectStatus"></a>TQMovie::connectStatus ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member )
Connects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em>, of type <tt>void member(int)</tt> so that it is signalled when the movie changes
status. The status codes are negative for errors and positive for
<p> <center><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#a2c511"> <th valign="top">Status Code <th valign="top">Meaning
<tr bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::SourceEmpty
<td valign="top">signalled if the input cannot be read.
<tr bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::UnrecognizedFormat
<td valign="top">signalled if the input data is unrecognized.
<tr bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::Paused
<td valign="top">signalled when the movie is paused by a call to <a href="#paused">paused</a>()
or by after <a href="#step">stepping</a> pauses.
<tr bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::EndOfFrame
<td valign="top">signalled at end-of-frame after any update and Paused signals.
<tr bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::EndOfLoop
<td valign="top">signalled at end-of-loop, after any update signals,
EndOfFrame - but before EndOfMovie.
<tr bgcolor="#d0d0d0"> <td valign="top">TQMovie::EndOfMovie
<td valign="top">signalled when the movie completes and is not about to loop.
<p> More status messages may be added in the future, so a general test
for errors would test for negative.
<p> Note that due to the <a href="shclass.html#explicit-sharing">explicit sharing</a> of TQMovie objects, these
connections persist until they are explicitly disconnected with
<a href="#disconnectStatus">disconnectStatus</a>() or until <em>every</em> shared copy of the movie is
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x499">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="connectUpdate"></a>TQMovie::connectUpdate ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member )
Connects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em> of type <tt>void member(const TQRect&)</tt> so that it is signalled when an area of the <a href="#framePixmap">framePixmap</a>()
has changed since the previous frame.
<p> Note that due to the <a href="shclass.html#explicit-sharing">explicit sharing</a> of TQMovie objects, these
connections persist until they are explicitly disconnected with
<a href="#disconnectUpdate">disconnectUpdate</a>() or until <em>every</em> shared copy of the movie is
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x500">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="disconnectResize"></a>TQMovie::disconnectResize ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member = 0 )
Disconnects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em> (or all members if <em>member</em> is zero) that were previously connected by <a href="#connectResize">connectResize</a>().
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="disconnectStatus"></a>TQMovie::disconnectStatus ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member = 0 )
Disconnects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em> (or all members if <em>member</em> is zero) that were previously connected by <a href="#connectStatus">connectStatus</a>().
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="disconnectUpdate"></a>TQMovie::disconnectUpdate ( <a href="tqobject.html">TQObject</a> * receiver, const char * member = 0 )
Disconnects the <em>receiver</em>'s <em>member</em> (or all members if \q
member is zero) that were previously connected by <a href="#connectUpdate">connectUpdate</a>().
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="finished"></a>TQMovie::finished () const
Returns TRUE if the image is no longer playing: this happens when
all loops of all frames are complete; otherwise returns FALSE.
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x501">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>const <a href="tqimage.html">TQImage</a> & <a name="frameImage"></a>TQMovie::frameImage () const
Returns the current frame of the movie, as a <a href="tqimage.html">TQImage</a>. It is not
generally useful to keep a copy of this image. Also note that you
must not call this function if the movie is <a href="#finished">finished</a>(), since by
then the image will not be available.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#framePixmap">framePixmap</a>().
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="frameNumber"></a>TQMovie::frameNumber () const
Returns the number of times EndOfFrame has been emitted since the
start of the current loop of the movie. Thus, before any
EndOfFrame has been emitted the value will be 0; within slots
processing the first signal, <a href="#frameNumber">frameNumber</a>() will be 1, and so on.
<h3 class=fn>const <a href="tqpixmap.html">TQPixmap</a> & <a name="framePixmap"></a>TQMovie::framePixmap () const
Returns the current frame of the movie, as a <a href="tqpixmap.html">TQPixmap</a>. It is not
generally useful to keep a copy of this pixmap. It is better to
keep a copy of the TQMovie and get the <a href="#framePixmap">framePixmap</a>() only when
needed for drawing.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#frameImage">frameImage</a>().
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x502">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>const <a href="tqrect.html">TQRect</a> & <a name="getValidRect"></a>TQMovie::getValidRect () const
Returns the area of the pixmap for which pixels have been
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="isNull"></a>TQMovie::isNull () const
Returns TRUE if the movie is null; otherwise returns FALSE.
<h3 class=fn><a href="tqmovie.html">TQMovie</a> & <a name="operator-eq"></a>TQMovie::operator= ( const <a href="tqmovie.html">TQMovie</a> & movie )
Makes this movie use the same data as movie <em>movie</em>. TQMovies use
<a href="shclass.html#explicit-sharing">explicit sharing</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="pause"></a>TQMovie::pause ()
Pauses the progress of the animation.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#unpause">unpause</a>().
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x503">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="paused"></a>TQMovie::paused () const
Returns TRUE if the image is paused; otherwise returns FALSE.
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x504">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="pushData"></a>TQMovie::pushData ( const uchar * data, int length )
Pushes <em>length</em> bytes from <em>data</em> into the movie. <em>length</em> must
be no more than the amount returned by <a href="#pushSpace">pushSpace</a>() since the
previous call to <a href="#pushData">pushData</a>().
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="pushSpace"></a>TQMovie::pushSpace () const
Returns the maximum amount of data that can currently be pushed
into the movie by a call to <a href="#pushData">pushData</a>(). This is affected by the
initial buffer size, but varies as the movie plays and data is
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="restart"></a>TQMovie::restart ()
Rewinds the movie to the beginning. If the movie has not been
paused, it begins playing again.
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x505">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>bool <a name="running"></a>TQMovie::running () const
Returns TRUE if the image is not single-stepping, not paused, and
not finished; otherwise returns FALSE.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setBackgroundColor"></a>TQMovie::setBackgroundColor ( const <a href="tqcolor.html">TQColor</a> & c )
Sets the background color of the pixmap to <em>c</em>. If the background
color isValid(), the pixmap will never have a mask because the
background color will be used in transparent regions of the image.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#backgroundColor">backgroundColor</a>().
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="setSpeed"></a>TQMovie::setSpeed ( int percent )
Sets the movie's play speed as a percentage, to <em>percent</em>. This
is a percentage of the speed dictated by the input data format.
The default is 100 percent.
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="speed"></a>TQMovie::speed () const
Returns the movie's play speed as a percentage. The default is 100
<p> <p>See also <a href="#setSpeed">setSpeed</a>().
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="step"></a>TQMovie::step ()
Steps forward 1 frame and then pauses.
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x506">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="step-2"></a>TQMovie::step ( int steps )
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
<p> Steps forward, showing <em>steps</em> frames, and then pauses.
<h3 class=fn>int <a name="steps"></a>TQMovie::steps () const
Returns the number of steps remaining after a call to <a href="#step">step</a>(). If
the movie is paused, <a href="#steps">steps</a>() returns 0. If it's running normally
or is finished, steps() returns a negative number.
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x507">movies/main.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="unpause"></a>TQMovie::unpause ()
Unpauses the progress of the animation.
<p> <p>See also <a href="#pause">pause</a>().
<p>Example: <a href="movies-example.html#x508">movies/main.cpp</a>.
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