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144 lines
3.9 KiB
** Implementation of GameBoard class, TQt tutorial 14
#include "gamebrd.h"
#include <ntqfont.h>
#include <ntqapplication.h>
#include <ntqlabel.h>
#include <ntqaccel.h>
#include <ntqpushbutton.h>
#include <ntqlcdnumber.h>
#include <ntqlayout.h>
#include <ntqvbox.h>
#include "lcdrange.h"
#include "cannon.h"
GameBoard::GameBoard( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: TQWidget( parent, name )
TQPushButton *quit = new TQPushButton( "&Quit", this, "quit" );
quit->setFont( TQFont( "Times", 18, TQFont::Bold ) );
connect( quit, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), tqApp, TQ_SLOT(quit()) );
LCDRange *angle = new LCDRange( "ANGLE", this, "angle" );
angle->setRange( 5, 70 );
LCDRange *force = new LCDRange( "FORCE", this, "force" );
force->setRange( 10, 50 );
TQVBox *box = new TQVBox( this, "cannonFrame" );
box->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::WinPanel | TQFrame::Sunken );
cannonField = new CannonField( box, "cannonField" );
connect( angle, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
cannonField, TQ_SLOT(setAngle(int)) );
connect( cannonField, TQ_SIGNAL(angleChanged(int)),
angle, TQ_SLOT(setValue(int)) );
connect( force, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
cannonField, TQ_SLOT(setForce(int)) );
connect( cannonField, TQ_SIGNAL(forceChanged(int)),
force, TQ_SLOT(setValue(int)) );
connect( cannonField, TQ_SIGNAL(hit()),
this, TQ_SLOT(hit()) );
connect( cannonField, TQ_SIGNAL(missed()),
this, TQ_SLOT(missed()) );
TQPushButton *shoot = new TQPushButton( "&Shoot", this, "shoot" );
shoot->setFont( TQFont( "Times", 18, TQFont::Bold ) );
connect( shoot, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(fire()) );
connect( cannonField, TQ_SIGNAL(canShoot(bool)),
shoot, TQ_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
TQPushButton *restart
= new TQPushButton( "&New Game", this, "newgame" );
restart->setFont( TQFont( "Times", 18, TQFont::Bold ) );
connect( restart, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(newGame()) );
hits = new TQLCDNumber( 2, this, "hits" );
shotsLeft = new TQLCDNumber( 2, this, "shotsleft" );
TQLabel *hitsL = new TQLabel( "HITS", this, "hitsLabel" );
TQLabel *shotsLeftL
= new TQLabel( "SHOTS LEFT", this, "shotsleftLabel" );
TQAccel *accel = new TQAccel( this );
accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( Key_Enter ),
this, TQ_SLOT(fire()) );
accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( Key_Return ),
this, TQ_SLOT(fire()) );
accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( CTRL+Key_Q ),
tqApp, TQ_SLOT(quit()) );
TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( this, 2, 2, 10 );
grid->addWidget( quit, 0, 0 );
grid->addWidget( box, 1, 1 );
grid->setColStretch( 1, 10 );
TQVBoxLayout *leftBox = new TQVBoxLayout;
grid->addLayout( leftBox, 1, 0 );
leftBox->addWidget( angle );
leftBox->addWidget( force );
TQHBoxLayout *topBox = new TQHBoxLayout;
grid->addLayout( topBox, 0, 1 );
topBox->addWidget( shoot );
topBox->addWidget( hits );
topBox->addWidget( hitsL );
topBox->addWidget( shotsLeft );
topBox->addWidget( shotsLeftL );
topBox->addStretch( 1 );
topBox->addWidget( restart );
angle->setValue( 60 );
force->setValue( 25 );
void GameBoard::fire()
if ( cannonField->gameOver() || cannonField->isShooting() )
shotsLeft->display( shotsLeft->intValue() - 1 );
void GameBoard::hit()
hits->display( hits->intValue() + 1 );
if ( shotsLeft->intValue() == 0 )
void GameBoard::missed()
if ( shotsLeft->intValue() == 0 )
void GameBoard::newGame()
shotsLeft->display( 15 );
hits->display( 0 );