You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
3.1 KiB

#include <ntqassistantclient.h>
#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
#include <ntqlineedit.h>
#include <tqaction.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <ntqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqprocess.h>
#include <ntqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include "helpdemo.h"
HelpDemo::HelpDemo( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: HelpDemoBase( parent, name )
leFileName->setText( "./doc/index.html" );
assistant = new TQAssistantClient( TQDir( "../../bin" ).absPath(), this );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)openTQAButton, "./doc/manual.html#openqabutton" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)closeTQAButton, "./doc/manual.html#closeqabutton" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)checkOnlyExampleDoc, "./doc/manual.html#onlydoc" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)checkHide, "./doc/manual.html#hide" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)leFileName, "./doc/manual.html#lineedit" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)displayButton, "./doc/manual.html#displaybutton" );
widgets.insert( (TQWidget*)closeButton, "./doc/manual.html#closebutton" );
menu = new TQPopupMenu( this );
TQAction *helpAction = new TQAction( "Show Help", TQKeySequence(tr("F1")), this );
helpAction->addTo( menu );
connect( helpAction, TQ_SIGNAL(activated()), this, TQ_SLOT(showHelp()) );
connect( assistant, TQ_SIGNAL(assistantOpened()), this, TQ_SLOT(assistantOpened()) );
connect( assistant, TQ_SIGNAL(assistantClosed()), this, TQ_SLOT(assistantClosed()));
connect( assistant, TQ_SIGNAL(error(const TQString&)),
this, TQ_SLOT(showAssistantErrors(const TQString&)) );
void HelpDemo::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e )
TQWidget *w = lookForWidget();
if ( menu->exec( e->globalPos() ) != -1 )
showHelp( w );
TQWidget* HelpDemo::lookForWidget()
TQPtrDictIterator<char> it( widgets );
TQWidget *w;
while ( (w = (TQWidget*)(it.currentKey())) != 0 ) {
if ( w->hasMouse() )
return w;
return 0;
void HelpDemo::showHelp()
showHelp( lookForWidget() );
void HelpDemo::showHelp( TQWidget *w )
if ( w )
assistant->showPage( TQString( widgets[w] ) );
assistant->showPage( "./doc/index.html" );
void HelpDemo::setAssistantArguments()
TQStringList cmdLst;
if ( checkHide->isChecked() )
cmdLst << "-hideSidebar";
if ( checkOnlyExampleDoc->isChecked() )
cmdLst << "-profile"
<< TQString("doc") + TQDir::separator() + TQString("helpdemo.adp");
assistant->setArguments( cmdLst );
void HelpDemo::openAssistant()
if ( !assistant->isOpen() )
void HelpDemo::closeAssistant()
if ( assistant->isOpen() )
void HelpDemo::displayPage()
assistant->showPage( leFileName->text() );
void HelpDemo::showAssistantErrors( const TQString &err )
TQMessageBox::critical( this, "Assistant Error", err );
void HelpDemo::assistantOpened()
closeTQAButton->setEnabled( TRUE );
openTQAButton->setEnabled( FALSE );
void HelpDemo::assistantClosed()
closeTQAButton->setEnabled( FALSE );
openTQAButton->setEnabled( TRUE );