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** Implementation of TQPaintDeviceMetrics class
** Created : 941109
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
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#include "ntqpaintdevicemetrics.h"
\class TQPaintDeviceMetrics ntqpaintdevicemetrics.h
\brief The TQPaintDeviceMetrics class provides information about a
paint device.
\ingroup graphics
\ingroup images
Sometimes when drawing graphics it is necessary to obtain
information about the physical characteristics of a paint device.
This class provides the information. For example, to compute the
aspect ratio of a paint device:
TQPaintDeviceMetrics pdm( myWidget );
double aspect = (double)pdm.widthMM() / (double)pdm.heightMM();
TQPaintDeviceMetrics contains methods to provide the width and
height of a device in both pixels (width() and height()) and
millimeters (widthMM() and heightMM()), the number of colors the
device supports (numColors()), the number of bit planes (depth()),
and the resolution of the device (logicalDpiX() and
It is not always possible for TQPaintDeviceMetrics to compute the
values you ask for, particularly for external devices. The
ultimate example is asking for the resolution of of a TQPrinter
that is set to "print to file": who knows what printer that file
will end up on?
Constructs a metric for the paint device \a pd.
TQPaintDeviceMetrics::TQPaintDeviceMetrics( const TQPaintDevice *pd )
pdev = (TQPaintDevice *)pd;
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::width() const
Returns the width of the paint device in default coordinate system
units (e.g. pixels for TQPixmap and TQWidget).
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::height() const
Returns the height of the paint device in default coordinate
system units (e.g. pixels for TQPixmap and TQWidget).
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::widthMM() const
Returns the width of the paint device, measured in millimeters.
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::heightMM() const
Returns the height of the paint device, measured in millimeters.
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::numColors() const
Returns the number of different colors available for the paint
device. Since this value is an int will not be sufficient to represent
the number of colors on 32 bit displays, in which case INT_MAX is
returned instead.
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::depth() const
Returns the bit depth (number of bit planes) of the paint device.
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::logicalDpiX() const
Returns the horizontal resolution of the device in dots per inch,
which is used when computing font sizes. For X, this is usually
the same as could be computed from widthMM(), but it varies on
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::logicalDpiY() const
Returns the vertical resolution of the device in dots per inch,
which is used when computing font sizes. For X, this is usually
the same as could be computed from heightMM(), but it varies on
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::physicalDpiX() const
\fn int TQPaintDeviceMetrics::physicalDpiY() const