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<title>A simple ActiveTQt control (executable)</title>
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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>A simple ActiveTQt control (executable)</h1>


The ActiveX control in this example is a layouted <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>
with a <a href="ntqslider.html">TQSlider</a>, a <a href="ntqlcdnumber.html">TQLCDNumber</a> and a <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>.
It provides a signal/slot/property interface to change the
values of the slider and the line edit, and to get notified
of any property changes.
<p> It demonstrates the use of <a href="qaxbindable.html#requestPropertyChange">TQAxBindable::requestPropertyChange</a>()
and <a href="qaxbindable.html#propertyChanged">TQAxBindable::propertyChanged</a>(), and the use of the default
<a href="qaxfactory.html">TQAxFactory</a> through the <a href="qaxfactory.html#TQAXFACTORY_DEFAULT">TQAXFACTORY_DEFAULT</a> macro.

<p> The TQt implementation of the ActiveX for this example is
<pre>    class TQSimpleAX : public <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>, public TQAxBindable
        <a href="metaobjects.html#TQ_OBJECT">TQ_OBJECT</a>
        TQ_PROPERTY( TQString text READ text WRITE setText )
        TQ_PROPERTY( int value READ value WRITE setValue )
        TQSimpleAX( <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 )
        : <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>( parent, name )
            <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a> *vbox = new <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a>( this );

            slider = new <a href="ntqslider.html">TQSlider</a>( 0, 100, 1, 0, TQSlider::Horizontal, this );
            LCD = new <a href="ntqlcdnumber.html">TQLCDNumber</a>( 3, this );
            edit = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );

    <a name="x2528"></a>        connect( slider, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqslider.html#valueChanged">valueChanged</a>( int ) ), this, SLOT( setValue(int) ) );
    <a name="x2523"></a>        connect( edit, SIGNAL(<a href="ntqlineedit.html#textChanged">textChanged</a>(const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp;)), this, SLOT(setText(const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp;)) );

            vbox-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( slider );
            vbox-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( LCD );
            vbox-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( edit );

        <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> text() const
    <a name="x2522"></a>        return edit-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#text">text</a>();
        int value() const
    <a name="x2527"></a>        return slider-&gt;<a href="ntqslider.html#value">value</a>();

        void someSignal();
        void valueChanged(int);
        void textChanged(const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a>&amp;);

    public slots:
        void setText( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> &amp;string )
            if ( !requestPropertyChange( "text" ) )

    <a name="x2525"></a>        edit-&gt;<a href="ntqobject.html#blockSignals">blockSignals</a>( TRUE );
    <a name="x2521"></a>        edit-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setText">setText</a>( string );
            edit-&gt;<a href="ntqobject.html#blockSignals">blockSignals</a>( FALSE );
            emit someSignal();
            emit textChanged( string );

            propertyChanged( "text" );
        void about()
    <a name="x2524"></a>        TQMessageBox::<a href="ntqmessagebox.html#information">information</a>( this, "About TQSimpleAX", "This is a TQt widget, and this slot has been\n"
                                                              "called through ActiveX/OLE automation!" );
        void setValue( int i )
            if ( !requestPropertyChange( "value" ) )
            slider-&gt;<a href="ntqobject.html#blockSignals">blockSignals</a>( TRUE );
    <a name="x2526"></a>        slider-&gt;<a href="ntqslider.html#setValue">setValue</a>( i );
            slider-&gt;<a href="ntqobject.html#blockSignals">blockSignals</a>( FALSE );
            LCD-&gt;<a href="ntqlcdnumber.html#display">display</a>( i );
            emit valueChanged( i );

            propertyChanged( "value" );

        <a href="ntqslider.html">TQSlider</a> *slider;
        <a href="ntqlcdnumber.html">TQLCDNumber</a> *LCD;
        <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a> *edit;
<p> The control is exported using the default <a href="qaxfactory.html">TQAxFactory</a>
<p> To build the example you must first build the <a href="qaxserver.html">TQAxServer</a> library. Then run qmake and your make tool in 
<p> <hr>
<p> The <a href="qaxserver-demo-simple.html">demonstration</a> requires your
WebBrowser to support ActiveX controls, and scripting to be enabled.
<p> The simple ActiveX control is embedded using the <tt>&lt;object&gt;</tt> tag.

<pre>    &lt;object ID="TQSimpleAX" CLASSID="CLSID:DF16845C-92CD-4AAB-A982-EB9840E74669"
        &lt;PARAM NAME="text" VALUE="A simple control"&gt;
        &lt;PARAM NAME="value" VALUE="1"&gt;
    [Object not available! Did you forget to build and register the server?]
<p> A simple HTML button is connected to the <a href="activentqt.html#ActiveTQt">ActiveTQt</a>'s about() slot.
<pre>    &lt;FORM&gt;
        &lt;INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="About..." onClick="TQSimpleAX.about()"&gt;
<p> A second ActiveX control - the standard Calendar Control - is instantiated
<pre>    &lt;object ID="Calendar" CLASSID="CLSID:8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02"&gt;
    [Standard Calendar control not available!]
        &lt;PARAM NAME="day" VALUE="1"&gt;
<p> Events from the ActiveX controls are handled using both Visual Basic Script
and JavaScript.
<pre>    &lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript&gt;
    Sub Calendar_Click()
        MsgBox( "Calendar Clicked!" )
    End Sub

    Sub TQSimpleAX_TextChanged( str )
        document.title = str
    End Sub
    &lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript&gt;
    function TQSimpleAX::ValueChanged( Newvalue )
        Calendar.Day = Newvalue;
</pre><p>See also <a href="qaxserver-examples.html">The TQAxServer Examples</a>.

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