/*! \class TQObjectList tqobjectlist.h \brief The TQObjectList class is a TQPtrList of TQObjects. \ingroup collection \ingroup tools A TQObjectList is a \link ntqptrlist.html TQPtrList\\endlink. The list can be traversed using inherited functions, e.g. getFirst(), next(), etc., or using a TQObjectListIterator iterator. See \l TQObject::queryList() for an example of use. \sa TQObjectListIterator TQObject */ /*! \fn TQObjectList::TQObjectList() Constructs an empty TQObject list. */ /*! \fn TQObjectList::TQObjectList( const TQObjectList &list ) Constructs a copy of \a list. Each item in \a list is \link append() appended\endlink to this list. Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy). */ /*! \fn TQObjectList::~TQObjectList() Removes all the object pointers from the list and destroys the list. All list iterators that access this list will be reset. \sa setAutoDelete() */ /*! \fn TQObjectList &TQObjectList::operator=(const TQObjectList &list) Assigns \a list to this list and returns a reference to this list. This list is first cleared and then each item in \a list is \link append() appended\endlink to this list. Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy) unless newItem() has been reimplemented(). */ /*! \class TQObjectListIterator tqobjectlist.h \brief The TQObjectListIterator class provides an iterator for TQObjectLists. \ingroup collection \ingroup tools A TQObjectListIterator iterator is a \link qptrlistiterator.html TQPtrListIterator\\endlink. See \l TQObject::queryList() for an example of use. \sa TQObjectList */ /*! \fn TQObjectListIterator::TQObjectListIterator( const TQObjectList &list ) Constructs an iterator for \a list. The current iterator item is set to point on the first item in the \a list. */ /*! \fn TQObjectListIterator& TQObjectListIterator::operator=( const TQObjectListIterator &it ) Assignment. Makes a copy of the iterator \a it and returns a reference to this iterator. */