#include #include static inline int blendComponent( int v, int av, int s, int as ) { //shadow gets a color inversely proportional to the //alpha value s = (s*(255-as))/255; //then do standard blending return as*s + av*v -(av*as*s)/255; } static inline TQRgb blendShade( TQRgb v, TQRgb s ) { //pick a number: shadow is 1/3 of object int as = tqAlpha(s)/3; int av = tqAlpha(v); if ( as == 0 || av == 255 ) return v; int a = as + av -(as*av)/255; int r = blendComponent( tqRed(v),av, tqRed(s), as)/a; int g = blendComponent( tqGreen(v),av, tqGreen(s), as)/a; int b = blendComponent( tqBlue(v),av, tqBlue(s), as)/a; return tqRgba(r,g,b,a); } int main( int*, char**) { TQImage *img; img = new TQImage( "in.png" ); int w,h; int y; img->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); *img = img->convertDepth( 32 ); w = img->width(); h = img->height(); #if 0 for ( y = 0; y < h; y ++ ) { uint *line = (uint*)img->scanLine( y ); for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) { uint pixel = line[x]; int r = tqRed(pixel); int g = tqGreen(pixel); int b = tqBlue(pixel); int min = TQMIN( r, TQMIN( g, b ) ); int max = TQMAX( r, TQMAX( g, b ) ); r -= min; g -= min; b -= min; if ( max !=min ) { r = (r*255)/(max-min); g = (g*255)/(max-min); b = (b*255)/(max-min); } int a = 255-min; a -= (max-min)/3; //hack more transparency for colors. line[x] = tqRgba( r, g, b, a ); } } #endif *img = img->smoothScale( w/2, h/2 ); qDebug( "saving out.png"); img->save( "out.png", "PNG" ); w = img->width(); h = img->height(); TQImage *img2 = new TQImage( w, h, 32 ); img2->setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); for ( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) { TQRgb shader = img->pixel( x, y ); int as = tqAlpha(shader)/3; int r = (tqRed(shader)*(255-as))/255; int g = (tqGreen(shader)*(255-as))/255; int b = (tqBlue(shader)*(255-as))/255; img2->setPixel( x, y, tqRgba(r,g,b,as) ); } } img2->save( "outshade.png", "PNG" ); }