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This example program modifies the hard-coded paths that are compiled into the TQt library.
When distributing the TQt library, the final installation prefix is very rarely the same as the prefix used when doing development. You can use the code from this example to modify the following hard-coded paths in TQt library:
/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the tquic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use ** TQt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an ** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in ** place of a destructor. *****************************************************************************/ #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqeventloop.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqfiledialog.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqtimer.h> void Distributor::init() { timer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( timer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQ_SLOT(checkLibData()) ); cancelButton()->setAutoDefault( FALSE ); backButton()->setAutoDefault( FALSE ); setNextEnabled( selectLibrary, FALSE ); setHelpEnabled( selectLibrary, FALSE ); setHelpEnabled( modifyPaths, FALSE ); setHelpEnabled( verifyMods, FALSE ); setFinishEnabled( verifyMods, TRUE ); } void Distributor::showPage( TQWidget *page ) { if ( page == selectLibrary ) { nextButton()->setDefault( TRUE ); libFilename->setFocus(); } else if ( page == modifyPaths ) { nextButton()->setDefault( TRUE ); prefixPath->selectAll(); prefixPath->setFocus(); } else if ( page == verifyMods ) { finishButton()->setDefault( TRUE ); finishButton()->setFocus(); TQString labeltext = tr("<p><b>Current Library File:</b> %1</p>" "<table border=0>" "<tr><td><b>New Installation Prefix:</b></td><td>%2</td></tr>" "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Binaries Path:</b></td><td>%3</td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Documentation Path:</b></td><td>%4</td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Headers Path:</b></td><td>%5</td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Libraries Path:</b></td><td>%6</td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Plugins Path:</b></td><td>%7</td></tr>" "<tr><td><b>Data Path:</b></td><td>%8</td></tr>" "</table>" "<p>Please verify that these options are correct. Press the " "<i>Finish</i> button to apply these modifications to the TQt " "library. Use the <i>Back</i> button to make corrections. Use " "the <i>Cancel</i> button to abort.</p>") .arg( libFilename->text() ) .arg( prefixPath->text() ) .arg( binPath->text() ) .arg( docPath->text() ) .arg( hdrPath->text() ) .arg( libPath->text() ) .arg( plgPath->text() ) .arg( datPath->text() ); textLabel4->setText( labeltext ); } TQWizard::showPage( page ); } void Distributor::checkLibFilename( const TQString &filename ) { setNextEnabled( selectLibrary, FALSE ); TQFileInfo fileinfo( filename ); if ( ! filename.isEmpty() && fileinfo.exists() && fileinfo.isReadable() && fileinfo.isWritable() && fileinfo.isFile() && !fileinfo.isSymLink() ) timer->start( 500, TRUE ); } void Distributor::browseLibFilename() { TQString filename = TQFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString::null, TQString::null, this ); libFilename->setText( filename ); } static char *find_pattern( char *h, const char *n, ulong hlen ) { if ( ! h || ! n || hlen == 0 ) return 0; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX size_t nlen; #else ulong nlen; #endif char nc = *n++; nlen = strlen( n ); char hc; do { do { hc = *h++; if ( hlen-- < 1 ) return 0; } while ( hc != nc ); if ( nlen > hlen ) return 0; } while ( tqstrncmp( h, n, nlen ) != 0 ); return h + nlen; } void Distributor::checkLibData() { struct step { const char *key; TQCString value; bool done; } steps[7]; steps[0].key = "qt_nstpath="; steps[0].done = FALSE; steps[1].key = "qt_binpath="; steps[1].done = FALSE; steps[2].key = "qt_docpath="; steps[2].done = FALSE; steps[3].key = "qt_hdrpath="; steps[3].done = FALSE; steps[4].key = "qt_libpath="; steps[4].done = FALSE; steps[5].key = "qt_plgpath="; steps[5].done = FALSE; steps[6].key = "qt_datpath="; steps[6].done = FALSE; uint completed = 0; uint total_steps = sizeof(steps) / sizeof(step); TQFile file( libFilename->text() ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( WaitCursor ); // instead of reading in the entire file, do the search in chunks char data[60000]; ulong offset = 0; while ( ! file.atEnd() && completed < total_steps ) { TQApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents( TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput ); ulong len = file.readBlock( data, sizeof(data) ); if ( len < 267 ) { // not enough room to make any modifications... stop break; } for ( uint x = 0; x < total_steps; ++x ) { if ( steps[x].done ) continue; char *s = find_pattern( data, steps[x].key, len ); if ( s ) { ulong where = s - data; if ( len - where < 256 ) { // not enough space left to write the full // path... move the file pointer back to just // before the pattern and continue offset += where - 11; file.at( offset ); len = file.readBlock( data, sizeof(data) ); --x; // retry the current step continue; } steps[x].value = s; steps[x].done = TRUE; ++completed; } } // move to the new read position offset += len - 11; file.at( offset ); } file.close(); TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } if ( completed == total_steps ) { setNextEnabled( selectLibrary, TRUE ); TQString prefix = TQFile::decodeName( steps[0].value ); prefixPath->setText( prefix ); TQString def_bin = prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/bin" ); TQString def_doc = prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/doc" ); TQString def_hdr = prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/include" ); TQString def_lib = prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/lib" ); TQString def_plg = prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/plugins" ); TQString def_dat = prefix; TQString bin = TQFile::decodeName( steps[1].value ); TQString doc = TQFile::decodeName( steps[2].value ); TQString hdr = TQFile::decodeName( steps[3].value ); TQString lib = TQFile::decodeName( steps[4].value ); TQString plg = TQFile::decodeName( steps[5].value ); TQString dat = TQFile::decodeName( steps[6].value ); autoSet->setChecked( def_bin == bin && def_doc == doc && def_hdr == hdr && def_lib == lib && def_plg == plg && def_dat == dat ); if ( ! autoSet->isChecked() ) { binPath->setText( bin ); docPath->setText( doc ); hdrPath->setText( hdr ); libPath->setText( lib ); plgPath->setText( plg ); datPath->setText( dat ); } } } void Distributor::checkInstallationPrefix( const TQString &prefix ) { if ( autoSet->isChecked() ) { binPath->setText( prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/bin" ) ); docPath->setText( prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/doc" ) ); hdrPath->setText( prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/include" ) ); libPath->setText( prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/lib" ) ); plgPath->setText( prefix + TQString::fromLatin1( "/plugins" ) ); datPath->setText( prefix ); } } void Distributor::browseInstallationPrefix() { TQString prefix = TQFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString::null, TQString::null, this ); prefixPath->setText( prefix ); } void Distributor::toggleAutoSet( bool autoset ) { if ( autoset ) checkInstallationPrefix( prefixPath->text() ); } void Distributor::accept() { struct step { const char *key; TQCString value; bool done; } steps[7]; steps[0].key = "qt_nstpath="; steps[0].value = TQFile::encodeName( prefixPath->text() ); steps[0].done = FALSE; steps[1].key = "qt_binpath="; steps[1].value = TQFile::encodeName( binPath->text() ); steps[1].done = FALSE; steps[2].key = "qt_docpath="; steps[2].value = TQFile::encodeName( docPath->text() ); steps[2].done = FALSE; steps[3].key = "qt_hdrpath="; steps[3].value = TQFile::encodeName( hdrPath->text() ); steps[3].done = FALSE; steps[4].key = "qt_libpath="; steps[4].value = TQFile::encodeName( libPath->text() ); steps[4].done = FALSE; steps[5].key = "qt_plgpath="; steps[5].value = TQFile::encodeName( plgPath->text() ); steps[5].done = FALSE; steps[6].key = "qt_datpath="; steps[6].value = TQFile::encodeName( datPath->text() ); steps[6].done = FALSE; uint completed = 0; uint total_steps = sizeof(steps) / sizeof(step); TQFile file( libFilename->text() ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadWrite ) ) { TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( WaitCursor ); // instead of reading in the entire file, do the search in chunks char data[60000]; ulong offset = 0; while ( ! file.atEnd() && completed < total_steps ) { TQApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents( TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput ); ulong len = file.readBlock( data, sizeof(data) ); if ( len < 267 ) { // not enough room to make any modifications... stop break; } uint completed_save = completed; for ( uint x = 0; x < total_steps; ++x ) { if ( steps[x].done ) continue; char *s = find_pattern( data, steps[x].key, len ); if ( s ) { ulong where = s - data; if ( len - where < 256 ) { // not enough space left to write the full // path... move the file pointer back to just // before the pattern and continue offset += where - 11; file.at( offset ); len = file.readBlock( data, sizeof(data) ); --x; // retry the current step continue; } qstrcpy( s, steps[x].value ); steps[x].done = TRUE; ++completed; } } if ( completed != completed_save ) { // something changed... move file pointer back to // where the data was read and write the new data file.at( offset ); file.writeBlock( data, len ); } // move to the new read position offset += len - 11; file.at( offset ); } file.close(); TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } if ( completed != total_steps ) { TQMessageBox::information( this, tr("TQt Distribution Wizard"), tr("<p><h3>Modifications failed.</h3></p>" "<p>Please make sure that you have permission " "to write the selected file, and that the library " "is properly built.</p>") ); return; } TQWizard::accept(); }
See also Examples.
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