################################################# # # # Auxiliary macros for TQt # # # ################################################# include( TDEMacros ) ################################################# ##### ##### tqt_install_includes ##### ##### The macro is used to determine the headers that are installed, ##### while the symlinks in the binary include directory are created. ##### ##### Syntax: ##### tqt_install_includes( ##### [FILES] include_name [include_name] ##### [DESTINATION subdir] ##### [ONLY_SYMLINK] ##### ) macro( tqt_install_includes ) unset( _files ) unset( _dest ) unset( _only_symlink ) set( _var _files ) foreach( _arg ${ARGN} ) # found directive "FILES" if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" ) unset( _files ) set( _var _files ) set( _directive 1 ) endif( ) # found directive "DESTINATION" if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" ) unset( _dest ) set( _var _dest ) set( _directive 1 ) endif( ) # found directive "ONLY_SYMLINK" if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ONLY_SYMLINK" ) unset( _var ) set( _only_symlink 1 ) set( _directive 1 ) endif( ) # collect data if( _directive ) unset( _directive ) elseif( _var ) list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} ) endif( ) endforeach( ) # determine destination directory if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE( "${_dest}" ) ) set( _dest "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}/${_dest}" ) endif() file( RELATIVE_PATH _dest_sub "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}" "${_dest}" ) file( MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_dest_sub}" ) # process files foreach( _file IN LISTS _files ) if( NOT TARGET tqt-includes ) add_custom_target( tqt-includes WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" COMMENT "Prepare includes..." ) endif() get_filename_component( _source_name "${_file}" NAME ) get_filename_component( _source_file "${_file}" ABSOLUTE ) file( RELATIVE_PATH _target_name "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${_source_file}" ) string( REPLACE "/" "+" _target_name "${_target_name}" ) file( RELATIVE_PATH _link_source "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_dest_sub}" ${_source_file} ) file( RELATIVE_PATH _link_dest "${QT_INSTALL_HEADERS}" "${_dest}/${_source_name}" ) if( NOT TARGET ${_target_name} ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${_link_source} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest} COMMENT "Include file ${_link_dest}" ) add_custom_target( ${_target_name} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/${_link_dest} ) add_dependencies( tqt-includes ${_target_name} ) endif() if( NOT "${_only_symlink}" ) install( FILES ${_file} DESTINATION ${_dest} ) endif() endforeach( _file ) endmacro( tqt_install_includes ) ################################################# ##### ##### tqt_automoc ##### ##### The macro is used for 'moc' processing specifically for TQt as such ##### and adding them to an existing target. ##### ##### Syntax: ##### tqt_moc( ##### [TARGET] target ##### [INCLUDES include_name [include_name]] ##### ) macro( tqt_automoc ) unset( _target ) set( _includes AUTO ) set( _var _target ) foreach( _arg ${ARGN} ) # found directive "TARGET" if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" ) unset( _target ) set( _var _target ) set( _directive 1 ) endif( ) # found directive "INCLUDES" if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+INCLUDES" ) unset( _includes ) set( _var _includes ) set( _directive 1 ) endif( ) # collect data if( _directive ) unset( _directive ) elseif( _var ) list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} ) endif( ) endforeach( ) # target must already exist if( NOT TARGET ${_target} ) tde_message_fatal( "The specified target does not exists." ) endif() # search include files suitable for processing if( _includes STREQUAL "AUTO" ) file( GLOB _includes RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.h ) foreach( _include IN LISTS _includes ) file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_include}" _src_content ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)[\t ]*#[^\n]*" "" _src_content "${_src_content}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(//|/\\*)[^\n]*T?Q_OBJECT[^\n]*" "" _src_content "${_src_content}" ) if( NOT _src_content MATCHES "[\n\t ]+T?Q_OBJECT[\n\t ]+" ) list( REMOVE_ITEM _includes "${_include}" ) endif() endforeach() elseif( _includes STREQUAL "-" ) set( _includes "" ) endif() # check tmoc executable if( NOT DEFINED TMOC_EXECUTABLE ) find_program( TMOC_EXECUTABLE NAMES tmoc HINT ${QT_INSTALL_BINS} ) if( "${TMOC_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "TMOC_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND" ) tde_message_fatal( "tmoc is required but not found" ) endif( ) endif() # processing sources of specified target get_property( _sources TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY SOURCES ) foreach( _src_file IN LISTS _sources ) get_filename_component( _src_file "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE ) if( EXISTS "${_src_file}" ) # read source file and check if have moc include file( READ "${_src_file}" _src_content ) string( REGEX MATCHALL "#include +[^ ]+\\.moc[\">]" _moc_includes "${_src_content}" ) # found included moc(s)? if( _moc_includes ) foreach( _moc_file ${_moc_includes} ) # extracting moc filename string( REGEX MATCH "[^ <\"]+\\.moc" _moc_file "${_moc_file}" ) set( _moc_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_moc_file}" ) # create source filename get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_file}" ABSOLUTE ) get_filename_component( _src_path "${_src_path}" PATH ) get_filename_component( _src_header "${_moc_file}" NAME_WE ) if( NOT TQT_FOUND ) set( _moc_source "${_src_path}/${_src_header}.cpp" ) else() set( _moc_source "${_src_path}/${_src_header}.h" ) endif() # if header doesn't exists, check in META_INCLUDES if( NOT EXISTS "${_moc_source}" ) unset( _found ) foreach( _src_path ${_meta_includes} ) set( _moc_source "${_src_path}/${_src_header}.h" ) if( EXISTS "${_moc_source}" ) set( _found 1 ) break( ) endif( ) endforeach( ) if( NOT _found ) get_filename_component( _moc_file "${_moc_file}" NAME ) tde_message_fatal( "AUTOMOC error: '${_moc_file}' cannot be generated.\n Reason: '${_src_file}.h' not found." ) endif( ) endif( ) # moc-ing source add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file} COMMAND ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_moc_source} -o ${_moc_file} DEPENDS ${_moc_source} ) # create dependency between source file and moc file set_property( SOURCE ${_src_file} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS ${_moc_file} ) # remove from includes for processing file( RELATIVE_PATH _moc_source ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${_moc_source} ) list( REMOVE_ITEM _includes "${_moc_source}" ) endforeach( _moc_file ) endif( _moc_includes ) endif( EXISTS "${_src_file}" ) endforeach( _src_file ) # processing headers foreach( _include_file IN LISTS _includes ) get_filename_component( _include_name "${_include_file}" NAME_WE ) set( _moc_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/moc_${_include_name}.cpp ) # moc-ing source add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_moc_file} COMMAND ${TMOC_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_include_file} -o ${_moc_file} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_include_file} ) set_property( TARGET ${_target} APPEND PROPERTY SOURCES ${_moc_file} ) endforeach( _include_file ) endmacro( tqt_automoc ) ################################################# ##### ##### tqt_create_translation ##### ##### The macro is used for create binary files for translations ##### ##### Syntax: ##### tqt_create_translation( ##### ) macro( tqt_create_translation ) file( GLOB _srcs RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*_*.ts ) list( SORT _srcs ) # generate *.qm files foreach( _src ${_srcs} ) get_filename_component( _src ${_src} ABSOLUTE ) get_filename_component( _out ${_src} NAME_WE ) string( REPLACE "@" "_" _target ${_out} ) set( _out_filename "${_out}.qm" ) set( _install_filename "${_out}.qm" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_out_filename} COMMAND tqlrelease ${_src} -qm ${_out_filename} COMMENT "Build translation ${_out}" DEPENDS ${_src} ) add_custom_target( "${_target}-translation" ALL DEPENDS ${_out_filename} ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_out_filename} RENAME ${_install_filename} DESTINATION ${QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS} ) endforeach( ) endmacro( tqt_create_translation )