@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static const char *appBTNCol = 0; // application btn color
static const char *mwGeometry = 0; // main widget geometry
static const char *mwTitle = 0; // main widget title
//Ming-Che 10/10
char *qt_ximServer = 0; // XIM Server will connect to
Q_EXPORT char *qt_ximServer = 0; // XIM Server will connect to
static bool mwIconic = FALSE; // main widget iconified
//Ming-Che 10/10
static Display *appDpy = 0; // X11 application display
@ -428,13 +428,13 @@ static bool qt_x11EventFilter( XEvent* ev )
#if !defined(QT_NO_XIM)
//XIM qt_xim = 0;
XIMStyle qt_xim_style = 0;
XIMStyle qt_xim_preferred_style = 0;
static XIMStyle xim_default_style = XIMPreeditCallbacks | XIMStatusNothing;
Q_EXPORT XIMStyle qt_xim_style = 0;
Q_EXPORT XIMStyle qt_xim_preferred_style = 0;
Q_EXPORT static XIMStyle xim_default_style = XIMPreeditCallbacks | XIMStatusNothing;
int qt_ximComposingKeycode=0;
TQTextCodec * qt_input_mapper = 0;
Q_EXPORT int qt_ximComposingKeycode=0;
Q_EXPORT TQTextCodec * qt_input_mapper = 0;
Q_EXPORT Time tqt_x_time = CurrentTime;
Q_EXPORT Time tqt_x_user_time = CurrentTime;