@ -281,6 +281,116 @@ macro( tqt_automoc )
endmacro( tqt_automoc )
##### tqt_uic_embed
##### The macro embeds given list of FILES into cpp source file OUTPUT and then adds
##### sad file to the dependencies of the TARGET (if specified). Either TARGET or
##### PROJECT and OUTPUT must be specified.
##### Syntax:
##### tqt_uic_embed (
##### [[TARGET] target]
##### [OUTPUT out]
##### [PROJECT project]
##### FILES file [file ...]
##### )
##### @arg TARGET a name of the target the giles should be add as a dependencies to
##### @arg OUTPUT a fileneme the resulting cpp file will be writen to. If not
##### specified the name will be autoselected based on TARGET.
##### @arg PROJECT a suffix of a classname which will be used to access the
##### files from source code, if not specified TARGET is used.
##### @arg FILES a list of files to embed.
unset( _target )
unset( _project )
unset( _output )
unset( _files )
unset( _directive )
set( _var _target )
foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
# found directive "TARGET"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
unset( _target )
set( _var _target )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "OUTPUT"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+OUTPUT" )
unset( _output )
set( _var _output )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "PROJECT"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PROJECT" )
unset( _project )
set( _var _project )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# found directive "FILES"
if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+FILES" )
unset( _files )
set( _var _files )
set( _directive 1 )
endif( )
# collect data
if( _directive )
unset( _directive )
elseif( _var )
list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
endif( )
endforeach( )
# check argument sanity
if( NOT _output AND NOT _target )
tde_message_fatal( "tqt_uic_embed() requires either TARGET or OUTPUT to be specified" )
elseif( _target AND NOT TARGET ${_target} )
tde_message_fatal( "The specified target does not exists." )
elseif( NOT _files )
tde_message_fatal( "At least one file to embed must be specified" )
tde_message_fatal( "tmoc is required but not found" )
endif( )
# default for _project
if( NOT _project )
set( _project "${_target}" )
endif( )
# choose output name if not specified
if( NOT _output )
set( _output "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}_embedded_files.cpp" )
endif( )
# sanitize output to be an absolute path
get_filename_component( _output ${_output} ABSOLUTE )
add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${_output}"
-embed "${_project}" ${_files}
-o "${_output}"
COMMENT "Generating embed images for ${_project}"
if( _target )
set_property( TARGET "${_target}" APPEND PROPERTY SOURCES ${_output} )
endif( )
##### tqt_create_translation