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#define CHAR_VAL 257
#define INT_VAL 258
#define DOUBLE_VAL 259
#define STRING 260
#define IDENTIFIER 261
#define FRIEND 262
#define TYPEDEF 263
#define AUTO 264
#define REGISTER 265
#define STATIC 266
#define EXTERN 267
#define INLINE 268
#define VIRTUAL 269
#define CONST 270
#define VOLATILE 271
#define CHAR 272
#define SHORT 273
#define INT 274
#define LONG 275
#define SIGNED 276
#define UNSIGNED 277
#define FLOAT 278
#define DOUBLE 279
#define VOID 280
#define ENUM 281
#define CLASS 282
#define STRUCT 283
#define UNION 284
#define ASM 285
#define PRIVATE 286
#define PROTECTED 287
#define PUBLIC 288
#define OPERATOR 289
#define DBL_COLON 290
#define TRIPLE_DOT 291
#define TEMPLATE 292
#define NAMESPACE 293
#define USING 294
#define MUTABLE 295
#define THROW 296
#define SIGNALS 297
#define SLOTS 298
#define Q_OBJECT 299
#define Q_PROPERTY 300
#define Q_OVERRIDE 301
#define Q_CLASSINFO 302
#define Q_ENUMS 303
#define Q_SETS 304
#define READ 305
#define WRITE 306
#define STORED 307
#define DESIGNABLE 308
#define SCRIPTABLE 309
#define RESET 310
typedef union {
char char_val;
int int_val;
double double_val;
char *string;
Access access;
Function *function;
ArgList *arg_list;
Argument *arg;
extern YYSTYPE yylval;