You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4815 lines
145 KiB

#ifndef lint
static char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar 1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93";
#define YYBYACC 1
#define YYMAJOR 1
#define YYMINOR 9
#define yyclearin (yychar=(-1))
#define yyerrok (yyerrflag=0)
#define YYRECOVERING (yyerrflag!=0)
#define YYPREFIX "yy"
#line 55 "moc.y"
void yyerror( const char *msg );
#include "qplatformdefs.h"
#include "ntqasciidict.h"
#include "ntqdatetime.h"
#include "ntqdict.h"
#include "ntqfile.h"
#include "ntqdir.h"
#include "ntqptrlist.h"
#include "ntqregexp.h"
#include "ntqstrlist.h"
# ifdef Q_OS_MACX
# undef OLD_DEBUG
# ifdef DEBUG
# undef DEBUG
# endif
# define DEBUG 0
# ifndef __IMAGECAPTURE__
# define __IMAGECAPTURE__
# endif
# include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
# endif
# include "mwerks_mac.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined CONST
#undef CONST
#if defined VOID
#undef VOID
bool isEnumType( const char* type );
int enumIndex( const char* type );
bool isVariantType( const char* type );
int qvariant_nameToType( const char* name );
static void init(); /* initialize*/
static void initClass(); /* prepare for new class*/
static void generateClass(); /* generate C++ code for class*/
static void initExpression(); /* prepare for new expression*/
static void enterNameSpace( const char *name = 0 );
static void leaveNameSpace();
static void selectOutsideClassState();
static void registerClassInNamespace();
static bool suppress_func_warn = FALSE;
static void func_warn( const char *msg );
static void moc_warn( const char *msg );
static void moc_err( const char *s );
static void moc_err( const char *s1, const char *s2 );
static void operatorError();
static void checkPropertyName( const char* ident );
static const char* const utype_map[] =
inline bool isIdentChar( char x )
{ /* Avoid bug in isalnum*/
return x == '_' || (x >= '0' && x <= '9') ||
(x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z');
bool validUType( TQCString ctype )
if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " )
ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 );
if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" )
ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
else if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" )
return TRUE;
int i = -1;
while ( utype_map[++i] )
if ( ctype == utype_map[i] )
return TRUE;
return isEnumType( ctype );
TQCString castToUType( TQCString ctype )
if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" )
ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
if( ctype.right(1) == "]") {
int lb = ctype.findRev('[');
if(lb != -1)
ctype = ctype.left(lb) + "*";
return ctype;
TQCString rawUType( TQCString ctype )
ctype = castToUType( ctype );
if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " )
ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 );
return ctype;
TQCString uType( TQCString ctype )
if ( !validUType( ctype ) ) {
if ( isVariantType( rawUType(ctype) ) )
return "varptr";
return "ptr";
if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " )
ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 );
if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) {
ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
} else if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" ) {
TQCString raw = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
ctype = "ptr";
if ( raw == "char" )
ctype = "charstar";
else if ( raw == "TQUnknownInterface" )
ctype = "iface";
else if ( raw == "TQDispatchInterface" )
ctype = "idisp";
else if ( isVariantType( raw ) )
ctype = "varptr";
if ( isEnumType( ctype ) )
ctype = "enum";
return ctype;
bool isInOut( TQCString ctype )
if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " )
return FALSE;
if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" )
return TRUE;
if ( ctype.right(2) == "**" )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
TQCString uTypeExtra( TQCString ctype )
TQCString typeExtra = "0";
if ( !validUType( ctype ) ) {
if ( isVariantType( rawUType(ctype) ) )
typeExtra.sprintf("\"\\x%02x\"", qvariant_nameToType( rawUType(ctype) ) );
typeExtra.sprintf( "\"%s\"", rawUType(ctype).data() );
return typeExtra;
if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " )
ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 );
if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" )
ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" ) {
TQCString raw = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 );
ctype = "ptr";
if ( raw == "char" )
else if ( isVariantType( raw ) )
typeExtra.sprintf("\"\\x%02x\"", qvariant_nameToType( raw ) );
typeExtra.sprintf( "\"%s\"", raw.stripWhiteSpace().data() );
} else if ( isEnumType( ctype ) ) {
int idx = enumIndex( ctype );
if ( idx >= 0 ) {
typeExtra.sprintf( "&enum_tbl[%d]", enumIndex( ctype ) );
} else {
typeExtra.sprintf( "parentObject->enumerator(\"%s\", TRUE )", );
typeExtra =
"\n#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n\t " + typeExtra +
"\n\t 0"
"\n#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n\t ";
return typeExtra;
This table is copied from qvariant.cpp. If you change
one, change both.
static const int ntypes = 35;
static const char* const type_map[ntypes] =
int qvariant_nameToType( const char* name )
for ( int i = 0; i < ntypes; i++ ) {
if ( !qstrcmp( type_map[i], name ) )
return i;
return 0;
Returns TRUE if the type is a TQVariant types.
bool isVariantType( const char* type )
return qvariant_nameToType( type ) != 0;
Replaces '>>' with '> >' (as in 'TQValueList<TQValueList<double> >').
This function must be called to produce valid C++ code. However,
the string representation still uses '>>'.
void fixRightAngles( TQCString *str )
str->replace( TQRegExp(">>"), "> >" );
static TQCString rmWS( const char * );
enum Access { Private, Protected, Public };
class Argument /* single arg meta data*/
Argument( const char *left, const char *right, const char* argName = 0, bool isDefaultArgument = FALSE )
leftType = rmWS( left );
rightType = rmWS( right );
if ( leftType == "void" && rightType.isEmpty() )
leftType = "";
int len = leftType.length();
Convert 'char const *' into 'const char *'. Start at index 1,
not 0, because 'const char *' is already OK.
for ( int i = 1; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( leftType[i] == 'c' &&
strncmp( + i + 1, "onst", 4) == 0
&& (i + 5 >= len || !isIdentChar(leftType[i + 5]))
&& !isIdentChar(i-1)
) {
leftType.remove( i, 5 );
if ( leftType[i - 1] == ' ' )
leftType.remove( i - 1, 1 );
leftType.prepend( "const " );
We musn't convert 'char * const *' into 'const char **'
and we must beware of 'Bar<const Bla>'.
if ( leftType[i] == '&' || leftType[i] == '*' ||
leftType[i] == '<' )
name = argName;
isDefault = isDefaultArgument;
TQCString leftType;
TQCString rightType;
TQCString name;
bool isDefault;
class ArgList : public TQPtrList<Argument> { /* member function arg list*/
ArgList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); }
~ArgList() { clear(); }
/* the clone has one default argument less, the orignal has all default arguments removed */
ArgList* magicClone() {
ArgList* l = new ArgList;
bool firstDefault = FALSE;
for ( first(); current(); next() ) {
bool isDefault = current()->isDefault;
if ( !firstDefault && isDefault ) {
isDefault = FALSE;
firstDefault = TRUE;
l->append( new Argument( current()->leftType, current()->rightType, current()->name, isDefault ) );
for ( first(); current(); ) {
if ( current()->isDefault )
return l;
bool hasDefaultArguments() {
for ( Argument* a = first(); a; a = next() ) {
if ( a->isDefault )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
struct Function /* member function meta data*/
Access access;
TQCString qualifier; /* const or volatile*/
TQCString name;
TQCString type;
TQCString signature;
int lineNo;
ArgList *args;
Function() { args=0;}
~Function() { delete args; }
const char* accessAsString() {
switch ( access ) {
case Private: return "Private";
case Protected: return "Protected";
default: return "Public";
class FuncList : public TQPtrList<Function> { /* list of member functions*/
FuncList( bool autoDelete = FALSE ) { setAutoDelete( autoDelete ); }
FuncList find( const char* name )
FuncList result;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Function> it(*this); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->name == name )
result.append( it.current() );
return result;
class Enum : public TQStrList
TQCString name;
bool set;
class EnumList : public TQPtrList<Enum> { /* list of property enums*/
EnumList() { setAutoDelete(TRUE); }
struct Property
Property( int l, const char* t, const char* n, const char* s, const char* g, const char* r,
const TQCString& st, const TQCString& d, const TQCString& sc, bool ov )
: lineNo(l), type(t), name(n), set(s), get(g), reset(r), setfunc(0), getfunc(0),
sspec(Unspecified), gspec(Unspecified), stored( st ),
designable( d ), scriptable( sc ), override( ov ), oredEnum( -1 )
The Q_PROPERTY construct cannot contain any commas, since
commas separate macro arguments. We therefore expect users
to type "TQMap" instead of "TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>". For
coherence, we also expect the same for
TQValueList<TQVariant>, the other template class supported by
if ( type == "TQMap" ) {
type = "TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>";
} else if ( type == "TQValueList" ) {
type = "TQValueList<TQVariant>";
} else if ( type == "LongLong" ) {
type = "Q_LLONG";
} else if ( type == "ULongLong" ) {
type = "Q_ULLONG";
int lineNo;
TQCString type;
TQCString name;
TQCString set;
TQCString get;
TQCString reset;
TQCString stored;
TQCString designable;
TQCString scriptable;
bool override;
Function* setfunc;
Function* getfunc;
int oredEnum; /* If the enums item may be ored. That means the data type is int.*/
/* Allowed values are 1 (True), 0 (False), and -1 (Unset)*/
TQCString enumsettype; /* contains the set function type in case of oredEnum*/
TQCString enumgettype; /* contains the get function type in case of oredEnum*/
enum Specification { Unspecified, Class, Reference, Pointer, ConstCharStar };
Specification sspec;
Specification gspec;
bool stdSet() {
TQCString s = "set";
s += toupper( name[0] );
s += name.mid( 1 );
return s == set;
static const char* specToString( Specification s )
switch ( s ) {
case Class:
return "Class";
case Reference:
return "Reference";
case Pointer:
return "Pointer";
case ConstCharStar:
return "ConstCharStar";
return "Unspecified";
class PropList : public TQPtrList<Property> { /* list of properties*/
PropList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); }
struct ClassInfo
ClassInfo( const char* n, const char* v )
: name(n), value(v)
TQCString name;
TQCString value;
class ClassInfoList : public TQPtrList<ClassInfo> { /* list of class infos*/
ClassInfoList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); }
class parser_reg {
/* some temporary values*/
TQCString tmpExpression; /* Used to store the characters the lexer*/
/* is currently skipping (see addExpressionChar and friends)*/
TQCString fileName; /* file name*/
TQCString outputFile; /* output file name*/
TQCString pchFile; /* name of PCH file (used on Windows)*/
TQStrList includeFiles; /* name of #include files*/
TQCString includePath; /* #include file path*/
TQCString qtPath; /* #include qt file path*/
int gen_count; /*number of classes generated*/
bool noInclude; /* no #include <filename>*/
bool generatedCode; /* no code generated*/
bool mocError; /* moc parsing error occurred*/
bool hasVariantIncluded; /*whether or not ntqvariant.h was included yet*/
TQCString className; /* name of parsed class*/
TQCString superClassName; /* name of first super class*/
TQStrList multipleSuperClasses; /* other superclasses*/
FuncList signals; /* signal interface*/
FuncList slots; /* slots interface*/
FuncList propfuncs; /* all possible property access functions*/
FuncList funcs; /* all parsed functions, including signals*/
EnumList enums; /* enums used in properties*/
PropList props; /* list of all properties*/
ClassInfoList infos; /* list of all class infos*/
/* Used to store the values in the Q_PROPERTY macro*/
TQCString propWrite; /* set function*/
TQCString propRead; /* get function*/
TQCString propReset; /* reset function*/
TQCString propStored; /**/
TQCString propDesignable; /* "true", "false" or function or empty if not specified*/
TQCString propScriptable; /* "true", "false" or function or empty if not specified*/
bool propOverride; /* Wether OVERRIDE was detected*/
TQStrList qtEnums; /* Used to store the contents of Q_ENUMS*/
TQStrList qtSets; /* Used to store the contents of Q_SETS*/
static parser_reg *g = 0;
ArgList *addArg( Argument * ); /* add arg to tmpArgList*/
enum Member { SignalMember,
void addMember( Member ); /* add tmpFunc to current class*/
void addEnum(); /* add tmpEnum to current class*/
char *stradd( const char *, const char * ); /* add two strings*/
char *stradd( const char *, const char *, /* add three strings*/
const char * );
char *stradd( const char *, const char *, /* adds 4 strings*/
const char *, const char * );
char *straddSpc( const char *, const char * );
char *straddSpc( const char *, const char *,
const char * );
char *straddSpc( const char *, const char *,
const char *, const char * );
extern int yydebug;
bool lexDebug = FALSE;
int lineNo; /* current line number*/
bool errorControl = FALSE; /* controled errors*/
bool displayWarnings = TRUE;
bool skipClass; /* don't generate for class*/
bool skipFunc; /* don't generate for func*/
bool templateClass; /* class is a template*/
bool templateClassOld; /* previous class is a template*/
ArgList *tmpArgList; /* current argument list*/
Function *tmpFunc; /* current member function*/
Enum *tmpEnum; /* current enum*/
Access tmpAccess; /* current access permission*/
Access subClassPerm; /* current access permission*/
bool Q_OBJECTdetected; /* TRUE if current class*/
/* contains the Q_OBJECT macro*/
bool Q_PROPERTYdetected; /* TRUE if current class*/
/* contains at least one Q_PROPERTY,*/
/* Q_OVERRIDE, Q_SETS or Q_ENUMS macro*/
bool tmpPropOverride; /* current property override setting*/
int tmpYYStart; /* Used to store the lexers current mode*/
int tmpYYStart2; /* Used to store the lexers current mode*/
/* (if tmpYYStart is already used)*/
/* if the format revision changes, you MUST change it in ntqmetaobject.h too*/
const int formatRevision = 26; /* moc output format revision*/
/* if the flags change, you HAVE to change it in ntqmetaobject.h too*/
enum Flags {
Invalid = 0x00000000,
Readable = 0x00000001,
Writable = 0x00000002,
EnumOrSet = 0x00000004,
UnresolvedEnum = 0x00000008,
StdSet = 0x00000100,
Override = 0x00000200,
NotDesignable = 0x00001000,
DesignableOverride = 0x00002000,
NotScriptable = 0x00004000,
ScriptableOverride = 0x00008000,
NotStored = 0x00010000,
StoredOverride = 0x00020000
#ifdef YYBISON
# if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
# include <io.h>
# undef isatty
extern "C" int hack_isatty( int )
return 0;
# define isatty hack_isatty
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# define YYDEBUG 1
# include "moc_yacc.h"
# include "moc_lex.cpp"
#endif /*YYBISON*/
#line 689 "moc.y"
typedef union {
char char_val;
int int_val;
double double_val;
char *string;
Access access;
Function *function;
ArgList *arg_list;
Argument *arg;
#line 653 ""
#define CHAR_VAL 257
#define INT_VAL 258
#define DOUBLE_VAL 259
#define STRING 260
#define IDENTIFIER 261
#define FRIEND 262
#define TYPEDEF 263
#define AUTO 264
#define REGISTER 265
#define STATIC 266
#define EXTERN 267
#define INLINE 268
#define VIRTUAL 269
#define CONST 270
#define VOLATILE 271
#define CHAR 272
#define SHORT 273
#define INT 274
#define LONG 275
#define SIGNED 276
#define UNSIGNED 277
#define FLOAT 278
#define DOUBLE 279
#define VOID 280
#define ENUM 281
#define CLASS 282
#define STRUCT 283
#define UNION 284
#define ASM 285
#define PRIVATE 286
#define PROTECTED 287
#define PUBLIC 288
#define OPERATOR 289
#define DBL_COLON 290
#define TRIPLE_DOT 291
#define TEMPLATE 292
#define NAMESPACE 293
#define USING 294
#define MUTABLE 295
#define THROW 296
#define SIGNALS 297
#define SLOTS 298
#define Q_OBJECT 299
#define Q_PROPERTY 300
#define Q_OVERRIDE 301
#define Q_CLASSINFO 302
#define Q_ENUMS 303
#define Q_SETS 304
#define READ 305
#define WRITE 306
#define STORED 307
#define DESIGNABLE 308
#define SCRIPTABLE 309
#define RESET 310
#define YYERRCODE 256
short yylhs[] = { -1,
0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 42, 42, 48,
50, 46, 51, 52, 47, 49, 43, 45, 44, 44,
54, 41, 1, 1, 2, 55, 56, 57, 58, 30,
30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 31, 31, 32, 32, 59,
59, 59, 59, 34, 34, 33, 33, 11, 11, 11,
12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 3, 60, 60, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16,
17, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21, 25, 25, 61,
61, 20, 20, 24, 62, 24, 24, 63, 24, 22,
22, 23, 64, 23, 65, 23, 23, 23, 35, 35,
66, 35, 35, 39, 67, 10, 10, 73, 10, 74,
10, 75, 72, 76, 72, 38, 38, 37, 37, 36,
36, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 71, 71, 71,
78, 77, 81, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 18,
18, 18, 18, 18, 82, 82, 79, 83, 69, 69,
84, 68, 68, 85, 86, 86, 88, 87, 4, 4,
80, 80, 89, 89, 91, 91, 93, 90, 94, 90,
90, 96, 99, 90, 100, 101, 90, 102, 103, 90,
104, 106, 90, 107, 109, 90, 92, 92, 111, 92,
92, 98, 98, 112, 112, 113, 95, 95, 115, 115,
116, 110, 110, 117, 117, 118, 119, 119, 5, 6,
6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 120, 120, 120, 120,
120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120,
120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120,
120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120,
120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 121, 121, 122,
122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122,
122, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 126,
127, 114, 124, 124, 128, 129, 128, 130, 128, 123,
131, 123, 125, 133, 133, 132, 132, 70, 70, 134,
134, 134, 135, 136, 135, 138, 97, 137, 137, 137,
137, 137, 137, 137, 105, 105, 108, 108,
short yylen[] = { 2,
0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
0, 7, 0, 0, 6, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2,
0, 3, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 4, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 3, 1, 2, 0, 5, 4, 0, 7, 0,
1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 5, 1, 3, 1, 2,
0, 5, 3, 1, 8, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0,
5, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2,
2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3,
0, 3, 0, 5, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1,
4, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 0, 1,
0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4,
1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 9,
0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 7, 2, 3, 0, 3,
1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1,
1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3,
1, 4, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3,
2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2,
2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2,
1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 6, 4,
5, 3, 4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 0,
0, 7, 1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0,
0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 0,
1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2,
short yydefred[] = { 1,
0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 18, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 26, 140, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 141, 139, 142, 144,
143, 0, 70, 24, 0, 22, 65, 66, 133, 0,
0, 0, 0, 147, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11,
1, 0, 26, 146, 0, 0, 0, 136, 137, 0,
0, 224, 225, 226, 0, 219, 211, 0, 214, 0,
17, 1, 0, 0, 62, 0, 69, 169, 166, 171,
172, 175, 178, 181, 184, 165, 0, 0, 164, 167,
138, 0, 221, 0, 216, 0, 0, 223, 218, 0,
15, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 163,
0, 0, 0, 220, 215, 210, 222, 217, 12, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 191, 0, 0, 189, 168,
212, 213, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 64, 271, 0, 0, 52, 0, 49, 48, 38,
0, 31, 32, 30, 0, 170, 201, 0, 200, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
187, 0, 0, 108, 112, 0, 0, 0, 303, 73,
0, 0, 0, 263, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 278, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 270, 0, 118, 0,
51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 290, 207, 199,
0, 0, 301, 207, 0, 309, 0, 316, 173, 176,
0, 326, 182, 328, 185, 188, 206, 0, 205, 190,
0, 195, 196, 27, 27, 110, 114, 0, 0, 0,
311, 252, 253, 0, 254, 0, 267, 266, 244, 248,
259, 242, 261, 243, 0, 262, 245, 246, 247, 249,
260, 250, 251, 0, 0, 288, 0, 207, 277, 126,
127, 120, 0, 124, 121, 0, 0, 0, 275, 119,
148, 72, 0, 71, 0, 0, 272, 0, 0, 0,
83, 0, 0, 27, 0, 207, 0, 207, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 204, 194, 109, 0, 27, 27,
0, 314, 0, 0, 257, 258, 264, 227, 228, 207,
0, 125, 0, 276, 280, 0, 291, 208, 0, 0,
81, 74, 93, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 302, 0,
0, 0, 298, 0, 99, 0, 293, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 317, 174, 177, 179, 183, 186,
113, 111, 0, 0, 29, 312, 307, 0, 281, 0,
273, 0, 0, 75, 82, 27, 0, 104, 85, 0,
95, 92, 35, 296, 0, 27, 101, 100, 207, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 306, 315,
279, 207, 0, 0, 153, 0, 98, 28, 0, 27,
27, 103, 299, 27, 0, 294, 319, 320, 322, 323,
324, 321, 180, 0, 0, 154, 0, 0, 0, 150,
94, 86, 88, 0, 297, 0, 157, 0, 0, 0,
28, 96, 102, 27, 156, 79, 0, 131, 0, 128,
105, 129, 89, 0, 151, 0, 0, 158, 132, 130,
short yydgoto[] = { 93,
53, 54, 162, 64, 65, 85, 86, 87, 88, 163,
164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 69, 169, 48, 318, 319,
320, 365, 366, 321, 477, 302, 303, 304, 322, 170,
217, 171, 172, 173, 374, 229, 306, 307, 375, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 94, 92,
14, 71, 21, 12, 72, 337, 462, 430, 174, 22,
362, 438, 471, 406, 440, 444, 244, 434, 459, 247,
481, 196, 264, 339, 265, 340, 482, 486, 23, 107,
76, 24, 175, 460, 435, 456, 457, 474, 108, 109,
110, 150, 131, 123, 176, 124, 184, 260, 330, 125,
331, 126, 427, 127, 188, 333, 128, 190, 334, 256,
193, 261, 262, 263, 178, 179, 258, 259, 316, 219,
180, 181, 245, 376, 182, 315, 402, 377, 441, 416,
324, 199, 344, 270, 271, 395, 385, 329,
short yysindex[] = { 0,
70, -206, -111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -220, 41, 10, 0, 0, 0, 67, 912, -96,
152, 124, 91, 559, -81, 98, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 11, 0, 0, -54, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14,
-3, 59, 354, 0, 0, 201, 61, 233, -54, 0,
0, 266, 0, 0, 61, 1186, 329, 0, 0, 206,
245, 0, 0, 0, 328, 0, 0, -83, 0, -54,
0, 0, 70, 287, 0, 348, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 295, 1186, 0, 0,
0, 438, 0, -66, 0, 354, -66, 0, 0, 303,
0, 0, 384, 406, 411, 457, 468, 480, 0, 0,
-42, 434, 481, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1064,
265, 265, 291, 292, 306, 0, 506, 515, 0, 0,
0, 0, 353, 0, 0, 0, -71, 315, 467, 337,
-48, 0, 0, 276, 1230, 0, 374, 0, 0, 0,
1098, 0, 0, 0, -26, 0, 0, 1064, 0, 436,
119, 375, 377, 568, 575, 545, 292, 604, 306, 607,
0, 1064, 1064, 0, 0, -30, 520, 389, 0, 0,
596, 393, 394, 0, 570, 624, 600, 177, 355, 379,
605, 606, 609, 22, 612, 613, 986, 1229, 0, 572,
-81, 635, 13, 467, 349, 349, 0, 363, 0, -36,
0, 201, -53, 440, 1229, 441, 0, 0, 0, 0,
443, 1229, 0, 0, 204, 0, 649, 0, 0, 0,
463, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1064, 0, 0,
1064, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 389, 664, 665,
0, 0, 0, 702, 0, 708, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 626, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 285, 285, 0, 667, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 349, 0, 0, 285, -201, 467, 0, 0,
0, 0, 285, 0, 599, 724, 0, 743, 742, 494,
0, 277, 1119, 0, 724, 0, -21, 0, 764, 1064,
1064, 746, 1064, 1064, 0, 0, 0, 719, 0, 0,
665, 0, 389, 693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
724, 0, 467, 0, 0, -38, 0, 0, 349, 784,
0, 0, 0, 277, -22, 178, 0, 1229, 0, 724,
798, 29, 0, 407, 0, 458, 0, 724, 601, 617,
622, 625, 646, 647, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 786, 762, 0, 0, 0, 724, 0, 467,
0, 874, 881, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 277,
0, 0, 0, 0, 385, 0, 0, 0, 0, -21,
764, 764, 764, 764, 764, 764, 1064, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -81, 657, 0, 861, 0, 0, 894, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 724, 916, 0, 913, 948, 375, 0,
0, 0, 0, 889, 0, 933, 0, -81, 1229, 26,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 991, 0, 799, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1015, 0, 936, 1004, 0, 0, 0,
short yyrindex[] = { 0,
330, 941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 199, 943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 373, 0,
0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 76, 0, 0, 327, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 71, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 940, 0, 0, 0, 31,
0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 82,
0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 953, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 594,
0, 0, 0, 1062, 1068, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 113, 0, 0, 1032, 0, 0, 1140, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 602, 0, 0,
504, 1065, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1062, 0, 1068, 0,
0, 911, 934, 0, 0, 516, 316, 33, 0, 0,
548, 618, 620, 0, 0, 0, 663, 1018, 1160, 1209,
1364, 1366, 1386, 1388, 1391, 1393, 0, 4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1396, 1140, -18, -18, 0, 37, 0, 0,
0, 168, 80, 0, 191, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 187, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 942, 0, 0,
988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 49, 998,
0, 0, 0, 1398, 0, 1418, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1420, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1423, 1423, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -29, 0, 0, 360, 0, 1140, 0, 0,
0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 478, 0, 0, -37, 1084,
0, -27, 199, 0, 527, 0, 0, 0, 1085, 934,
934, 0, 934, 934, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
998, 0, 1002, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
571, 0, 1140, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 298, 408,
0, 0, 0, 0, -23, 64, 0, 9, 0, 648,
477, 0, 0, 510, 0, 0, 0, 697, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 741, 0, 1140,
0, 0, 238, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -34,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1085, 1085, 1085, 1085, 1085, 1085, 934, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -16, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 818, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 867, 0, 0, 350, 0, 58, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 211, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
short yygindex[] = { 1152,
347, 0, 1150, 930, 0, 0, 435, 1056, 449, 283,
-135, 0, 57, -11, -25, 122, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 765, 810, -294, 0, -159, 0, 892, 0, -10,
-44, -156, 1177, 1182, 830, 244, 1039, 301, 840, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1114, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1134, 231, 752, 0, 1207, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 768,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 780, 0, 0, 0, 1142,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1109, -186, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1067, 0, 0, 1063, 0, 0,
0, 0, 994, -82, 0, 1078, 0, 999, 274, -170,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 849, 0, 0,
0, 0, 931, 1005, 974, 0, 856, 0,
#define YYTABLESIZE 1510
short yytable[] = { 68,
20, 226, 218, 77, 63, 225, 90, 228, 123, 90,
123, 123, 123, 90, 123, 149, 90, 84, 372, 122,
84, 122, 122, 122, 87, 122, 90, 87, 123, 123,
266, 123, 239, 90, 16, 235, 373, 89, 409, 122,
122, 37, 122, 37, 37, 37, 36, 37, 36, 36,
36, 198, 36, 299, 13, 115, 149, 177, 149, 223,
267, 123, 119, 135, 37, 405, 305, 218, 372, 36,
73, 18, 122, 194, 23, 47, 310, 23, 218, 23,
23, 23, 290, 23, 480, 218, 479, 353, 135, 23,
89, 138, 313, 123, 37, 177, 238, 23, 23, 36,
23, 25, 226, 195, 91, 437, 225, 91, 67, 257,
67, 67, 67, 23, 67, 23, 308, 23, 308, 68,
149, 68, 68, 68, 91, 68, 28, 159, 67, 67,
23, 67, 27, 23, 23, 222, 209, 355, 159, 68,
68, 55, 68, 386, 387, 291, 389, 390, 478, 15,
23, 218, 106, 23, 23, 411, 106, 310, 242, 236,
237, 67, 23, 50, 52, 50, 50, 50, 133, 50,
106, 106, 68, 313, 476, 257, 243, 80, 16, 66,
308, 17, 399, 50, 50, 117, 50, 368, 90, 197,
313, 21, 21, 67, 80, 297, 218, 323, 23, 403,
209, 21, 159, 218, 68, 71, 67, 237, 67, 71,
56, 218, 66, 59, 281, 226, 50, 237, 146, 225,
70, 231, 223, 67, 223, 23, 23, 76, 36, 431,
274, 123, 36, 90, 274, 75, 75, 280, 408, 371,
453, 67, 122, 218, 221, 112, 77, 327, 274, 274,
400, 78, 308, 77, 147, 148, 90, 78, 149, 123,
73, 123, 326, 90, 37, 73, 123, 84, 411, 36,
122, 66, 122, 295, 87, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 233, 408,
23, 91, 37, 37, 37, 37, 152, 116, 152, 36,
23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 236, 218, 226, 226, 323, 364, 225, 225, 79,
23, 66, 226, 413, 91, 116, 225, 95, 23, 23,
23, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67, 67,
67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68,
68, 68, 68, 72, 91, 122, 122, 72, 122, 67,
152, 67, 2, 3, 145, 23, 145, 363, 145, 111,
68, 116, 68, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 23, 23, 23, 145, 145, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 283, 74, 117,
226, 23, 23, 117, 225, 57, 58, 455, 155, 122,
155, 121, 73, 194, 50, 282, 50, 117, 117, 129,
122, 97, 226, 286, 323, 442, 225, 139, 71, 71,
71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 284,
285, 140, 455, 195, 226, 141, 227, 36, 225, 145,
142, 36, 274, 273, 275, 276, 71, 23, 36, 36,
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
36, 36, 155, 310, 151, 417, 36, 76, 36, 36,
63, 63, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 338, 143, 417, 152, 216,
36, 420, 36, 212, 208, 80, 206, 144, 207, 209,
204, 210, 309, 211, 104, 113, 419, 325, 104, 145,
104, 152, 118, 317, 106, 183, 202, 201, 203, 114,
82, 83, 84, 152, 67, 104, 223, 154, 155, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 300, 134, 310,
186, 137, 187, 295, 369, 107, 106, 205, 122, 107,
213, 241, 300, 191, 224, 367, 189, 104, 295, 392,
393, 351, 192, 107, 107, 200, 72, 72, 72, 72,
72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 239, 251, 354,
214, 239, 215, 122, 348, 349, 62, 220, 60, 370,
61, 378, 289, 289, 72, 239, 239, 367, 249, 412,
155, 21, 21, 356, 80, 250, 63, 418, 300, 301,
117, 21, 81, 398, 154, 155, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 232, 246, 436, 248, 401, 82,
83, 84, 268, 67, 253, 155, 443, 255, 117, 269,
412, 282, 282, 367, 64, 64, 272, 240, 418, 241,
279, 240, 277, 241, 278, 287, 288, 347, 36, 289,
464, 465, 292, 293, 466, 240, 240, 241, 241, 36,
36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
36, 36, 445, 298, 296, 286, 286, 36, 132, 36,
312, 314, 231, 223, 484, 454, 231, 328, 343, 38,
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 197, 268,
231, 231, 332, 357, 342, 350, 198, 268, 154, 155,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 289, 289,
289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
289, 289, 345, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 346, 289,
289, 289, 283, 283, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289,
289, 289, 358, 359, 361, 360, 388, 282, 282, 282,
282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282,
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282, 391, 282, 282, 282, 282, 282, 397, 282, 282,
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286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 414, 286, 286, 286, 286,
286, 421, 286, 286, 286, 287, 287, 286, 286, 286,
286, 286, 286, 286, 286, 63, 63, 422, 428, 197,
197, 197, 423, 63, 63, 424, 429, 198, 198, 198,
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198, 198, 198, 198, 198, 198, 425, 426, 283, 283,
283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283,
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283, 283, 432, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 433, 283,
283, 283, 284, 284, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283, 283,
283, 283, 458, 461, 463, 467, 468, 285, 285, 285,
285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285,
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285, 472, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 469, 285, 285,
285, 292, 292, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285,
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287, 287, 287, 287, 287, 473, 287, 287, 287, 287,
287, 485, 287, 287, 287, 202, 268, 287, 287, 287,
287, 287, 287, 287, 287, 154, 155, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 488, 487, 235, 192, 268,
489, 235, 490, 13, 161, 10, 203, 268, 379, 380,
381, 382, 383, 384, 404, 235, 235, 162, 284, 284,
284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284,
284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284,
284, 284, 325, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 327, 284,
284, 284, 193, 268, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284, 284,
284, 284, 304, 308, 80, 318, 305, 292, 292, 292,
292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292,
292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292,
292, 1, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 269, 292, 292,
292, 19, 311, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292, 292,
292, 136, 29, 407, 439, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
45, 46, 63, 63, 352, 49, 202, 202, 202, 229,
50, 415, 230, 229, 410, 120, 96, 202, 202, 202,
202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 63, 63, 229, 229, 192,
192, 192, 483, 63, 63, 51, 470, 203, 203, 203,
192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 203, 203,
203, 203, 203, 203, 203, 203, 294, 475, 230, 130,
185, 254, 230, 252, 336, 240, 335, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 230, 230, 446, 63,
63, 394, 341, 193, 193, 193, 447, 448, 449, 450,
451, 452, 0, 0, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193,
193, 193, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45,
45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45,
45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 396, 0, 0, 0,
0, 45, 0, 45, 153, 154, 155, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 156, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 157, 0, 0, 158, 0, 0,
0, 0, 159, 67, 0, 18, 160, 161, 66, 154,
155, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 234, 66,
0, 158, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 0, 18,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 234,
36, 0, 158, 232, 0, 233, 0, 232, 67, 233,
18, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
0, 232, 232, 233, 233, 234, 0, 236, 0, 234,
237, 236, 238, 0, 237, 106, 238, 255, 0, 106,
0, 255, 0, 234, 234, 236, 236, 0, 237, 237,
238, 238, 0, 106, 106, 255, 255, 256, 0, 265,
0, 256, 116, 265, 0, 0, 116, 0, 0, 0,
0, 82, 83, 84, 0, 256, 256, 265, 265, 0,
116, 116, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
154, 155, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
0, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
short yycheck[] = { 25,
12, 38, 159, 41, 58, 42, 41, 164, 38, 44,
40, 41, 42, 41, 44, 58, 44, 41, 40, 38,
44, 40, 41, 42, 41, 44, 61, 44, 58, 59,
61, 61, 59, 61, 125, 171, 58, 63, 61, 58,
59, 38, 61, 40, 41, 42, 38, 44, 40, 41,
42, 123, 44, 224, 261, 81, 59, 140, 61, 261,
91, 91, 88, 59, 61, 360, 226, 224, 40, 61,
60, 292, 91, 61, 44, 19, 44, 38, 235, 40,
41, 42, 61, 44, 59, 242, 61, 289, 114, 59,
116, 117, 44, 123, 91, 178, 123, 58, 59, 91,
61, 61, 38, 91, 41, 41, 42, 44, 38, 192,
40, 41, 42, 38, 44, 40, 59, 42, 61, 38,
123, 40, 41, 42, 61, 44, 60, 123, 58, 59,
91, 61, 123, 58, 59, 161, 59, 308, 59, 58,
59, 20, 61, 330, 331, 124, 333, 334, 123, 261,
38, 308, 40, 123, 42, 91, 44, 125, 40, 171,
171, 91, 123, 38, 261, 40, 41, 42, 112, 44,
58, 59, 91, 125, 469, 258, 58, 261, 290, 261,
123, 293, 353, 58, 59, 269, 61, 323, 67, 261,
235, 282, 283, 123, 261, 221, 353, 242, 123, 359,
123, 292, 123, 360, 123, 38, 290, 218, 290, 42,
59, 368, 261, 123, 38, 38, 91, 228, 261, 42,
123, 165, 261, 290, 261, 58, 59, 41, 38, 400,
40, 261, 42, 261, 44, 290, 290, 61, 261, 261,
427, 290, 261, 400, 293, 40, 261, 44, 58, 59,
289, 41, 289, 291, 297, 298, 291, 261, 261, 289,
60, 291, 59, 291, 261, 60, 296, 291, 91, 261,
289, 261, 291, 217, 291, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276,
277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 167, 261,
123, 59, 289, 290, 291, 292, 59, 261, 61, 291,
261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270,
271, 323, 469, 38, 38, 360, 40, 42, 42, 261,
290, 261, 38, 368, 261, 289, 42, 62, 289, 290,
291, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
270, 271, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268,
269, 270, 271, 38, 291, 58, 59, 42, 61, 289,
123, 291, 293, 294, 38, 290, 40, 91, 42, 41,
289, 44, 291, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267,
268, 269, 270, 271, 58, 59, 261, 262, 263, 264,
265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 43, 52, 40,
38, 289, 290, 44, 42, 282, 283, 433, 59, 62,
61, 125, 60, 61, 289, 61, 291, 58, 59, 125,
123, 75, 38, 45, 469, 41, 42, 125, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 61,
62, 58, 468, 91, 38, 40, 164, 261, 42, 123,
40, 261, 60, 61, 61, 62, 289, 290, 272, 273,
274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283,
284, 261, 123, 230, 41, 91, 290, 291, 292, 289,
282, 283, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,
280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 265, 40, 91, 261, 33,
290, 44, 292, 37, 38, 261, 40, 40, 42, 43,
44, 45, 230, 47, 38, 81, 59, 244, 42, 40,
44, 41, 88, 241, 76, 261, 60, 61, 62, 81,
286, 287, 288, 296, 290, 59, 261, 262, 263, 264,
265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 44, 114, 306,
260, 117, 261, 44, 324, 40, 108, 91, 261, 44,
94, 126, 59, 58, 289, 322, 261, 91, 59, 339,
340, 298, 58, 58, 59, 261, 261, 262, 263, 264,
265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 40, 44, 307,
124, 44, 126, 296, 294, 295, 38, 261, 40, 326,
42, 328, 125, 126, 289, 58, 59, 364, 41, 366,
261, 282, 283, 313, 261, 41, 58, 374, 270, 271,
261, 292, 269, 350, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267,
268, 269, 270, 271, 261, 261, 406, 261, 356, 286,
287, 288, 123, 290, 41, 296, 416, 41, 289, 261,
407, 125, 126, 410, 282, 283, 61, 40, 415, 40,
61, 44, 93, 44, 41, 61, 61, 42, 261, 61,
440, 441, 61, 61, 444, 58, 59, 58, 59, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 419, 59, 123, 125, 126, 290, 261, 292,
261, 261, 40, 261, 474, 432, 44, 59, 44, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 125, 126,
58, 59, 260, 125, 61, 59, 125, 126, 262, 263,
264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 61, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 61, 292,
293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 59, 41, 291, 44, 41, 261, 262, 263,
264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283,
284, 93, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 125, 292, 293,
294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303,
304, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,
280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 58, 286, 287, 288, 289,
290, 261, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299,
300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 282, 283, 261, 93, 286,
287, 288, 261, 282, 283, 261, 125, 286, 287, 288,
297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 261, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 59, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 58, 292,
293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 296, 93, 61, 40, 44, 261, 262, 263,
264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283,
284, 93, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 40, 292, 293,
294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303,
304, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,
280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 93, 286, 287, 288, 289,
290, 41, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299,
300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266,
267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 41, 258, 40, 125, 126,
125, 44, 59, 123, 125, 123, 125, 126, 305, 306,
307, 308, 309, 310, 291, 58, 59, 125, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282,
283, 284, 41, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 41, 292,
293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 125, 59, 41, 41, 125, 261, 262, 263,
264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283,
284, 0, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 126, 292, 293,
294, 12, 233, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303,
304, 116, 261, 364, 410, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268,
269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278,
279, 280, 282, 283, 303, 19, 286, 287, 288, 40,
19, 372, 164, 44, 365, 92, 73, 297, 298, 299,
300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 282, 283, 58, 59, 286,
287, 288, 471, 282, 283, 19, 459, 286, 287, 288,
297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 297, 298,
299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 468, 40, 108,
142, 189, 44, 187, 261, 178, 258, 272, 273, 274,
275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 58, 59, 420, 282,
283, 341, 268, 286, 287, 288, 421, 422, 423, 424,
425, 426, -1, -1, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
303, 304, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268,
269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278,
279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 343, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 290, -1, 292, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266,
267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276,
277, 278, 279, 280, 281, -1, -1, 284, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 289, 290, -1, 292, 293, 294, 261, 262,
263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 261,
-1, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, 292,
272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281,
261, -1, 284, 40, -1, 40, -1, 44, 290, 44,
292, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
-1, 58, 59, 58, 59, 40, -1, 40, -1, 44,
40, 44, 40, -1, 44, 40, 44, 40, -1, 44,
-1, 44, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, -1, 58, 59,
58, 59, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, 40, -1, 40,
-1, 44, 40, 44, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 286, 287, 288, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, -1,
58, 59, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304,
262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271,
-1, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
#define YYFINAL 1
#ifndef YYDEBUG
#define YYDEBUG 0
#define YYMAXTOKEN 310
char *yyname[] = {
char *yyrule[] = {
"$accept : declaration_seq",
"declaration_seq :",
"declaration_seq : declaration_seq declaration",
"declaration : class_def",
"declaration : namespace_def",
"declaration : namespace_alias_def",
"declaration : using_declaration",
"declaration : using_directive",
"namespace_def : named_namespace_def",
"namespace_def : unnamed_namespace_def",
"$$1 :",
"$$2 :",
"named_namespace_def : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER $$1 '{' $$2 namespace_body '}'",
"$$3 :",
"$$4 :",
"unnamed_namespace_def : NAMESPACE $$3 '{' $$4 namespace_body '}'",
"namespace_body : declaration_seq",
"namespace_alias_def : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER '=' complete_class_name ';'",
"using_directive : USING NAMESPACE",
"using_declaration : USING IDENTIFIER",
"using_declaration : USING DBL_COLON",
"$$5 :",
"class_def : $$5 class_specifier ';'",
"class_name : IDENTIFIER",
"class_name : template_class_name",
"template_class_name : IDENTIFIER '<' template_args '>'",
"template_args :",
"const_expression :",
"def_argument :",
"enumerator_expression :",
"decl_specifier : storage_class_specifier",
"decl_specifier : type_specifier",
"decl_specifier : fct_specifier",
"decl_specifier : FRIEND",
"decl_specifier : TYPEDEF",
"decl_specifiers : decl_specs_opt type_name decl_specs_opt",
"decl_specs_opt :",
"decl_specs_opt : decl_specs",
"decl_specs : decl_specifier",
"decl_specs : decl_specs decl_specifier",
"storage_class_specifier : AUTO",
"storage_class_specifier : REGISTER",
"storage_class_specifier : STATIC",
"storage_class_specifier : EXTERN",
"fct_specifier : INLINE",
"fct_specifier : VIRTUAL",
"type_specifier : CONST",
"type_specifier : VOLATILE",
"type_name : elaborated_type_specifier",
"type_name : complete_class_name",
"type_name : simple_type_names",
"simple_type_names : simple_type_names simple_type_name",
"simple_type_names : simple_type_name",
"simple_type_name : CHAR",
"simple_type_name : SHORT",
"simple_type_name : INT",
"simple_type_name : LONG",
"simple_type_name : SIGNED",
"simple_type_name : UNSIGNED",
"simple_type_name : FLOAT",
"simple_type_name : DOUBLE",
"simple_type_name : VOID",
"template_spec : TEMPLATE '<' template_args '>'",
"opt_template_spec :",
"opt_template_spec : template_spec",
"class_key : opt_template_spec CLASS",
"class_key : opt_template_spec STRUCT",
"complete_class_name : qualified_class_name",
"complete_class_name : DBL_COLON qualified_class_name",
"qualified_class_name : qualified_class_name DBL_COLON class_name",
"qualified_class_name : class_name",
"elaborated_type_specifier : class_key IDENTIFIER",
"elaborated_type_specifier : ENUM IDENTIFIER",
"elaborated_type_specifier : UNION IDENTIFIER",
"argument_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list_opt triple_dot_opt",
"argument_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list ',' TRIPLE_DOT",
"arg_declaration_list_opt :",
"arg_declaration_list_opt : arg_declaration_list",
"opt_exception_argument :",
"opt_exception_argument : argument_declaration",
"triple_dot_opt :",
"triple_dot_opt : TRIPLE_DOT",
"arg_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list ',' argument_declaration",
"arg_declaration_list : argument_declaration",
"argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt",
"$$6 :",
"argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt '=' $$6 def_argument",
"argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt dname abstract_decl_opt",
"$$7 :",
"argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt dname abstract_decl_opt '=' $$7 def_argument",
"abstract_decl_opt :",
"abstract_decl_opt : abstract_decl",
"abstract_decl : abstract_decl ptr_operator",
"$$8 :",
"abstract_decl : '[' $$8 const_expression ']'",
"$$9 :",
"abstract_decl : abstract_decl '[' $$9 const_expression ']'",
"abstract_decl : ptr_operator",
"abstract_decl : '(' abstract_decl ')'",
"declarator : dname",
"declarator : declarator ptr_operator",
"$$10 :",
"declarator : declarator '[' $$10 const_expression ']'",
"declarator : '(' declarator ')'",
"dname : IDENTIFIER",
"fct_decl : '(' argument_declaration_list ')' cv_qualifier_list_opt ctor_initializer_opt exception_spec_opt opt_identifier fct_body_or_semicolon",
"fct_name : IDENTIFIER",
"fct_name : IDENTIFIER array_decls",
"$$11 :",
"fct_name : IDENTIFIER '=' $$11 const_expression",
"$$12 :",
"fct_name : IDENTIFIER array_decls '=' $$12 const_expression",
"$$13 :",
"array_decls : '[' $$13 const_expression ']'",
"$$14 :",
"array_decls : array_decls '[' $$14 const_expression ']'",
"ptr_operators_opt :",
"ptr_operators_opt : ptr_operators",
"ptr_operators : ptr_operator",
"ptr_operators : ptr_operators ptr_operator",
"ptr_operator : '*' cv_qualifier_list_opt",
"ptr_operator : '&' cv_qualifier_list_opt",
"cv_qualifier_list_opt :",
"cv_qualifier_list_opt : cv_qualifier_list",
"cv_qualifier_list : cv_qualifier",
"cv_qualifier_list : cv_qualifier_list cv_qualifier",
"cv_qualifier : CONST",
"cv_qualifier : VOLATILE",
"fct_body_or_semicolon : ';'",
"fct_body_or_semicolon : fct_body",
"fct_body_or_semicolon : '=' INT_VAL ';'",
"$$15 :",
"fct_body : '{' $$15 '}'",
"$$16 :",
"class_specifier : full_class_head '{' $$16 opt_obj_member_list '}'",
"class_specifier : class_head",
"class_specifier : class_head '*' IDENTIFIER",
"class_specifier : class_head '&' IDENTIFIER",
"class_specifier : class_head '(' IDENTIFIER ')'",
"class_specifier : template_spec whatever",
"whatever : IDENTIFIER",
"whatever : simple_type_name",
"whatever : type_specifier",
"whatever : storage_class_specifier",
"whatever : fct_specifier",
"class_head : class_key qualified_class_name",
"class_head : class_key IDENTIFIER class_name",
"full_class_head : class_head opt_base_spec",
"nested_class_head : class_key qualified_class_name opt_base_spec",
"exception_spec_opt :",
"exception_spec_opt : exception_spec",
"exception_spec : THROW '(' opt_exception_argument ')'",
"ctor_initializer_opt :",
"ctor_initializer_opt : ctor_initializer",
"ctor_initializer : ':' mem_initializer_list",
"mem_initializer_list : mem_initializer",
"mem_initializer_list : mem_initializer ',' mem_initializer_list",
"$$17 :",
"mem_initializer : complete_class_name '(' $$17 const_expression ')'",
"opt_base_spec :",
"opt_base_spec : base_spec",
"opt_obj_member_list :",
"opt_obj_member_list : obj_member_list",
"obj_member_list : obj_member_list obj_member_area",
"obj_member_list : obj_member_area",
"qt_access_specifier : access_specifier",
"qt_access_specifier : SLOTS",
"$$18 :",
"obj_member_area : qt_access_specifier $$18 slot_area",
"$$19 :",
"obj_member_area : SIGNALS $$19 ':' opt_signal_declarations",
"obj_member_area : Q_OBJECT",
"$$20 :",
"$$21 :",
"obj_member_area : Q_PROPERTY $$20 '(' property ')' $$21 opt_property_candidates",
"$$22 :",
"$$23 :",
"obj_member_area : Q_OVERRIDE $$22 '(' property ')' $$23 opt_property_candidates",
"$$24 :",
"$$25 :",
"obj_member_area : Q_CLASSINFO $$24 '(' STRING ',' STRING ')' $$25 opt_property_candidates",
"$$26 :",
"$$27 :",
"obj_member_area : Q_ENUMS $$26 '(' qt_enums ')' $$27 opt_property_candidates",
"$$28 :",
"$$29 :",
"obj_member_area : Q_SETS $$28 '(' qt_sets ')' $$29 opt_property_candidates",
"slot_area : SIGNALS ':'",
"slot_area : SLOTS ':' opt_slot_declarations",
"$$30 :",
"slot_area : ':' $$30 opt_property_candidates",
"slot_area : IDENTIFIER",
"opt_property_candidates :",
"opt_property_candidates : property_candidate_declarations",
"property_candidate_declarations : property_candidate_declarations property_candidate_declaration",
"property_candidate_declarations : property_candidate_declaration",
"property_candidate_declaration : signal_or_slot",
"opt_signal_declarations :",
"opt_signal_declarations : signal_declarations",
"signal_declarations : signal_declarations signal_declaration",
"signal_declarations : signal_declaration",
"signal_declaration : signal_or_slot",
"opt_slot_declarations :",
"opt_slot_declarations : slot_declarations",
"slot_declarations : slot_declarations slot_declaration",
"slot_declarations : slot_declaration",
"slot_declaration : signal_or_slot",
"opt_semicolons :",
"opt_semicolons : opt_semicolons ';'",
"base_spec : ':' base_list",
"base_list : base_list ',' base_specifier",
"base_list : base_specifier",
"qt_macro_name : IDENTIFIER '(' IDENTIFIER ')'",
"qt_macro_name : IDENTIFIER '(' simple_type_name ')'",
"base_specifier : complete_class_name",
"base_specifier : VIRTUAL access_specifier complete_class_name",
"base_specifier : VIRTUAL complete_class_name",
"base_specifier : access_specifier VIRTUAL complete_class_name",
"base_specifier : access_specifier complete_class_name",
"base_specifier : qt_macro_name",
"base_specifier : VIRTUAL access_specifier qt_macro_name",
"base_specifier : VIRTUAL qt_macro_name",
"base_specifier : access_specifier VIRTUAL qt_macro_name",
"base_specifier : access_specifier qt_macro_name",
"access_specifier : PRIVATE",
"access_specifier : PROTECTED",
"access_specifier : PUBLIC",
"operator_name : decl_specs_opt IDENTIFIER ptr_operators_opt",
"operator_name : decl_specs_opt simple_type_name ptr_operators_opt",
"operator_name : '+'",
"operator_name : '-'",
"operator_name : '*'",
"operator_name : '/'",
"operator_name : '%'",
"operator_name : '^'",
"operator_name : '&'",
"operator_name : '|'",
"operator_name : '~'",
"operator_name : '!'",
"operator_name : '='",
"operator_name : '<'",
"operator_name : '>'",
"operator_name : '+' '='",
"operator_name : '-' '='",
"operator_name : '*' '='",
"operator_name : '/' '='",
"operator_name : '%' '='",
"operator_name : '^' '='",
"operator_name : '&' '='",
"operator_name : '|' '='",
"operator_name : '~' '='",
"operator_name : '!' '='",
"operator_name : '=' '='",
"operator_name : '<' '='",
"operator_name : '>' '='",
"operator_name : '<' '<'",
"operator_name : '>' '>'",
"operator_name : '<' '<' '='",
"operator_name : '>' '>' '='",
"operator_name : '&' '&'",
"operator_name : '|' '|'",
"operator_name : '+' '+'",
"operator_name : '-' '-'",
"operator_name : ','",
"operator_name : '-' '>' '*'",
"operator_name : '-' '>'",
"operator_name : '(' ')'",
"operator_name : '[' ']'",
"opt_virtual :",
"opt_virtual : VIRTUAL",
"type_and_name : type_name fct_name",
"type_and_name : fct_name",
"type_and_name : opt_virtual '~' fct_name",
"type_and_name : decl_specs type_name decl_specs_opt ptr_operators_opt fct_name",
"type_and_name : decl_specs type_name",
"type_and_name : type_name ptr_operators fct_name",
"type_and_name : type_name decl_specs ptr_operators_opt fct_name",
"type_and_name : type_name OPERATOR operator_name",
"type_and_name : OPERATOR operator_name",
"type_and_name : decl_specs type_name decl_specs_opt ptr_operators_opt OPERATOR operator_name",
"type_and_name : type_name ptr_operators OPERATOR operator_name",
"type_and_name : type_name decl_specs ptr_operators_opt OPERATOR operator_name",
"signal_or_slot : type_and_name fct_decl opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : type_and_name opt_bitfield ';' opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : type_and_name opt_bitfield ',' member_declarator_list ';' opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : enum_specifier opt_identifier ';' opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : USING complete_class_name ';' opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : USING NAMESPACE complete_class_name ';' opt_semicolons",
"signal_or_slot : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER '{'",
"signal_or_slot : nested_class_head ';' opt_semicolons",
"$$31 :",
"$$32 :",
"signal_or_slot : nested_class_head '{' $$31 '}' $$32 ';' opt_semicolons",
"member_declarator_list : member_declarator",
"member_declarator_list : member_declarator_list ',' member_declarator",
"member_declarator : declarator",
"$$33 :",
"member_declarator : IDENTIFIER ':' $$33 const_expression",
"$$34 :",
"member_declarator : ':' $$34 const_expression",
"opt_bitfield :",
"$$35 :",
"opt_bitfield : ':' $$35 const_expression",
"enum_specifier : ENUM enum_tail",
"opt_komma :",
"opt_komma : ','",
"enum_tail : IDENTIFIER '{' enum_list opt_komma '}'",
"enum_tail : '{' enum_list opt_komma '}'",
"opt_identifier :",
"opt_identifier : IDENTIFIER",
"enum_list :",
"enum_list : enumerator",
"enum_list : enum_list ',' enumerator",
"enumerator : IDENTIFIER",
"$$36 :",
"enumerator : IDENTIFIER '=' $$36 enumerator_expression",
"$$37 :",
"property : IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER $$37 prop_statements",
"prop_statements :",
"prop_statements : READ IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"prop_statements : WRITE IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"prop_statements : RESET IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"prop_statements : STORED IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"prop_statements : DESIGNABLE IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"prop_statements : SCRIPTABLE IDENTIFIER prop_statements",
"qt_enums :",
"qt_enums : IDENTIFIER qt_enums",
"qt_sets :",
"qt_sets : IDENTIFIER qt_sets",
#define YYSTACKSIZE 500
#define YYMAXDEPTH 500
int yydebug;
int yynerrs;
int yyerrflag;
int yychar;
short *yyssp;
YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
YYSTYPE yyval;
YYSTYPE yylval;
short yyss[YYSTACKSIZE];
#define yystacksize YYSTACKSIZE
#line 1606 "moc.y"
#ifndef YYBISON
# if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
# include <io.h>
# undef isatty
extern "C" int hack_isatty( int )
return 0;
# define isatty hack_isatty
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# include "moc_lex.cpp"
#endif //YYBISON
void cleanup();
TQCString combinePath( const char *, const char * );
FILE *out; // output file
parser_reg::parser_reg() : funcs(TRUE)
gen_count = 0;
noInclude = FALSE; // no #include <filename>
generatedCode = FALSE; // no code generated
mocError = FALSE; // moc parsing error occurred
hasVariantIncluded = FALSE;
int yyparse();
void replace( char *s, char c1, char c2 );
void setDefaultIncludeFile()
if ( g->includeFiles.isEmpty() ) {
if ( g->includePath.isEmpty() ) {
if ( !g->fileName.isEmpty() && !g->outputFile.isEmpty() ) {
g->includeFiles.append( combinePath(g->fileName, g->outputFile) );
} else {
g->includeFiles.append( g->fileName );
} else {
g->includeFiles.append( combinePath(g->fileName, g->fileName) );
#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
#define ErrorFormatString "%s(%d):"
#define ErrorFormatString "%s:%d:"
int main( int argc, char **argv )
bool autoInclude = TRUE;
const char *error = 0;
g->qtPath = "";
for ( int n=1; n<argc && error==0; n++ ) {
TQCString arg = argv[n];
if ( arg[0] == '-' ) { // option
TQCString opt = &arg[1];
if ( opt[0] == 'o' ) { // output redirection
if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing output file name";
g->outputFile = argv[++n];
} else
g->outputFile = &opt[1];
} else if ( opt == "i" ) { // no #include statement
g->noInclude = TRUE;
autoInclude = FALSE;
} else if ( opt[0] == 'f' ) { // produce #include statement
g->noInclude = FALSE;
autoInclude = FALSE;
if ( opt[1] ) // -fsomething.h
g->includeFiles.append( &opt[1] );
} else if ( opt == "pch" ) { // produce #include statement for PCH
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing name of PCH file";
g->pchFile = argv[++n];
} else if ( opt[0] == 'p' ) { // include file path
if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing path name for the -p option.";
g->includePath = argv[++n];
} else {
g->includePath = &opt[1];
} else if ( opt[0] == 'q' ) { // qt include file path
if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) {
if ( !(n < argc-1) ) {
error = "Missing path name for the -q option.";
g->qtPath = argv[++n];
} else {
g->qtPath = &opt[1];
if ( g->qtPath.right(1) != "/" )
g->qtPath += '/';
} else if ( opt == "v" ) { // version number
fprintf( stderr, "TQt Meta Object Compiler version %d"
" (TQt %s)\n", formatRevision,
return 1;
} else if ( opt == "k" ) { // stop on errors
errorControl = TRUE;
} else if ( opt == "nw" ) { // don't display warnings
displayWarnings = FALSE;
} else if ( opt == "ldbg" ) { // lex debug output
lexDebug = TRUE;
} else if ( opt == "ydbg" ) { // yacc debug output
yydebug = TRUE;
} else {
error = "Invalid argument";
} else {
if ( !g->fileName.isNull() ) // can handle only one file
error = "Too many input files specified";
g->fileName = arg.copy();
if ( autoInclude ) {
int ppos = g->fileName.findRev('.');
if ( ppos != -1 && tolower( g->fileName[ppos + 1] ) == 'h' )
g->noInclude = FALSE;
g->noInclude = TRUE;
if ( g->fileName.isNull() && !error ) {
g->fileName = "standard input";
yyin = stdin;
} else if ( argc < 2 || error ) { // incomplete/wrong args
fprintf( stderr, "TQt meta object compiler\n" );
if ( error )
fprintf( stderr, "moc: %s\n", error );
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: moc [options] <header-file>\n"
"\t-o file Write output to file rather than stdout\n"
"\t-f[file] Force #include, optional file name\n"
"\t-p path Path prefix for included file\n"
"\t-i Do not generate an #include statement\n"
"\t-k Do not stop on errors\n"
"\t-nw Do not display warnings\n"
"\t-v Display version of moc\n" );
return 1;
} else {
yyin = fopen( (const char *)g->fileName, "r" );
if ( !yyin ) {
fprintf( stderr, "moc: %s: No such file\n", (const char*)g->fileName);
return 1;
if ( !g->outputFile.isEmpty() ) { // output file specified
out = fopen( (const char *)g->outputFile, "w" ); // create output file
if ( !out ) {
fprintf( stderr, "moc: Cannot create %s\n",
(const char*)g->outputFile );
return 1;
} else { // use stdout
out = stdout;
fclose( yyin );
if ( !g->outputFile.isNull() )
fclose( out );
if ( !g->generatedCode && displayWarnings && !g->mocError ) {
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->, 0,
"No relevant classes found. No output generated." );
int ret = g->mocError ? 1 : 0;
return ret;
bool qt_is_gui_used = FALSE;
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC9
# include <Files.h>
# include <Strings.h>
# include <Errors.h>
# include "Aliases.h"
#include "CWPluginErrors.h"
#include <CWPlugins.h>
#include "DropInCompilerLinker.h"
#include <stat.h>
const unsigned char *p_str(const char *, int =-1);
CWPluginContext g_ctx;
moc_status do_moc( CWPluginContext ctx, const TQCString &fin, const TQCString &fout, CWFileSpec *dspec, bool i)
g_ctx = ctx;
g->noInclude = i;
g->fileName = fin;
g->outputFile = fout;
CWFileInfo fi;
memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));
fi.fullsearch = TRUE;
fi.dependencyType = cwNormalDependency;
fi.isdependentoffile = kCurrentCompiledFile;
if(CWFindAndLoadFile( ctx,, &fi) != cwNoErr) {
return moc_no_source;
if(dspec) {
memcpy(dspec, &fi.filespec, sizeof(fi.filespec));
const unsigned char *f = p_str(;
memcpy(dspec->name, f, f[0]+1);
buf_size_total = fi.filedatalength;
buf_buffer = fi.filedata;
TQCString path("");
AliasHandle alias;
Str63 str;
AliasInfoType x = 1;
char tmp[sizeof(Str63)+2];
if(NewAlias( NULL, &fi.filespec, &alias) != noErr) {
return moc_general_error;
for(;;) {
GetAliasInfo(alias, x++, str);
strncpy((char *)tmp, (const char *)str+1, str[0]);
tmp[str[0]] = '\0';
path.prepend((char *)tmp);
path.prepend("MacOS 9:"); //FIXME
TQString inpath = path + fin, outpath = path + fout;
struct stat istat, ostat;
if(stat(inpath, &istat) == -1) {
return moc_no_source;
if(stat(outpath, &ostat) == 0 && istat.st_mtime < ostat.st_mtime) {
return moc_not_time;
out = fopen(, "w+");
if(!out) {
return moc_general_error;
if(out != stdout)
if(g->mocError || !g->generatedCode) {
moc_status ret = !g->generatedCode ? moc_no_qobject : moc_parse_error;
return ret;
return moc_success;
void replace( char *s, char c1, char c2 )
if ( !s )
while ( *s ) {
if ( *s == c1 )
*s = c2;
This function looks at two file names and returns the name of the
infile with a path relative to outfile.
/tmp/abc, /tmp/bcd -> abc
xyz/a/bc, xyz/b/ac -> ../a/bc
/tmp/abc, xyz/klm -> /tmp/abc
TQCString combinePath( const char *infile, const char *outfile )
TQFileInfo inFileInfo( TQDir::current(), TQFile::decodeName(infile) );
TQFileInfo outFileInfo( TQDir::current(), TQFile::decodeName(outfile) );
int numCommonComponents = 0;
TQStringList inSplitted =
TQStringList::split( '/', inFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE );
TQStringList outSplitted =
TQStringList::split( '/', outFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE );
while ( !inSplitted.isEmpty() && !outSplitted.isEmpty() &&
inSplitted.first() == outSplitted.first() ) {
inSplitted.remove( inSplitted.begin() );
outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() );
if ( numCommonComponents < 2 ) {
The paths don't have the same drive, or they don't have the
same root directory. Use an absolute path.
return TQFile::encodeName( inFileInfo.absFilePath() );
} else {
The paths have something in common. Use a path relative to
the output file.
while ( !outSplitted.isEmpty() ) {
outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() );
inSplitted.prepend( ".." );
inSplitted.append( inFileInfo.fileName() );
return TQFile::encodeName( inSplitted.join("/") );
#define getenv hack_getenv // workaround for byacc
char *getenv() { return 0; }
char *getenv( const char * ) { return 0; }
void init() // initialize
delete g;
g = new parser_reg;
lineNo = 1;
skipClass = FALSE;
skipFunc = FALSE;
tmpArgList = new ArgList;
tmpFunc = new Function;
tmpEnum = new Enum;
buf_buffer = NULL;
buf_index = 0;
buf_size_total = 0;
void cleanup()
delete g;
g = NULL;
if(buf_buffer && g_ctx)
CWReleaseFileText(g_ctx, buf_buffer);
void initClass() // prepare for new class
tmpAccess = Private;
subClassPerm = Private;
Q_OBJECTdetected = FALSE;
skipClass = FALSE;
templateClass = FALSE;
struct NamespaceInfo
TQCString name;
int pLevelOnEntering; // Parenthesis level on entering the namespace
TQDict<char> definedClasses; // Classes defined in the namespace
TQPtrList<NamespaceInfo> namespaces;
void enterNameSpace( const char *name ) // prepare for new class
static bool first = TRUE;
if ( first ) {
namespaces.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
first = FALSE;
NamespaceInfo *tmp = new NamespaceInfo;
if ( name )
tmp->name = name;
tmp->pLevelOnEntering = namespacePLevel;
namespaces.append( tmp );
void leaveNameSpace() // prepare for new class
NamespaceInfo *tmp = namespaces.last();
namespacePLevel = tmp->pLevelOnEntering;
TQCString nameQualifier()
TQPtrListIterator<NamespaceInfo> iter( namespaces );
NamespaceInfo *tmp;
TQCString qualifier = "";
for( ; (tmp = iter.current()) ; ++iter ) {
if ( !tmp->name.isNull() ) { // If not unnamed namespace
qualifier += tmp->name;
qualifier += "::";
return qualifier;
int openNameSpaceForMetaObject( FILE *out )
int levels = 0;
TQPtrListIterator<NamespaceInfo> iter( namespaces );
NamespaceInfo *tmp;
TQCString indent = "";
for( ; (tmp = iter.current()) ; ++iter ) {
if ( !tmp->name.isNull() ) { // If not unnamed namespace
fprintf( out, "%snamespace %s {\n", (const char *)indent,
(const char *) tmp->name );
indent += " ";
TQCString nm = g->className;
int pos;
while( (pos = nm.find( "::" )) != -1 ) {
TQCString spaceName = nm.left( pos );
nm = nm.right( nm.length() - pos - 2 );
if ( !spaceName.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, "%snamespace %s {\n", (const char *)indent,
(const char *) spaceName );
indent += " ";
return levels;
void closeNameSpaceForMetaObject( FILE *out, int levels )
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < levels ; i++ )
fprintf( out, "}" );
if ( levels )
fprintf( out, "\n" );
void selectOutsideClassState()
if ( namespaces.count() == 0 )
void registerClassInNamespace()
if ( namespaces.count() == 0 )
namespaces.last()->definedClasses.insert((const char *)g->className,(char*)1);
// Remove white space from SIGNAL and SLOT names.
// This function has been copied from qobject.cpp.
inline bool isSpace( char x )
#if defined(Q_CC_BOR)
Borland C++ 4.5 has a weird isspace() bug.
isspace() usually works, but not here.
This implementation is sufficient for our internal use: rmWS()
return (uchar) x <= 32;
return isspace( (uchar) x );
static TQCString rmWS( const char *src )
TQCString result( qstrlen(src)+1 );
char *d =;
char *s = (char *)src;
char last = 0;
while( *s && isSpace(*s) ) // skip leading space
while ( *s ) {
while ( *s && !isSpace(*s) )
last = *d++ = *s++;
while ( *s && isSpace(*s) )
if ( *s && isIdentChar(*s) && isIdentChar(last) )
last = *d++ = ' ';
result.truncate( (int)(d - );
return result;
void initExpression()
g->tmpExpression = "";
void addExpressionString( const char *s )
g->tmpExpression += s;
void addExpressionChar( const char c )
g->tmpExpression += c;
void yyerror( const char *msg ) // print yacc error message
g->mocError = TRUE;
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Error: %s\n", g->, lineNo, msg );
char msg2[200];
sprintf(msg2, ErrorFormatString" Error: %s", g->, lineNo, msg);
CWReportMessage(g_ctx, NULL, msg2, NULL, messagetypeError, 0);
if ( errorControl ) {
if ( !g->outputFile.isEmpty() && yyin && fclose(yyin) == 0 )
remove( g->outputFile );
exit( -1 );
void moc_err( const char *s )
yyerror( s );
void moc_err( const char *s1, const char *s2 )
static char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, s1, s2 );
yyerror( tmp );
void moc_warn( const char *msg )
if ( displayWarnings )
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->, lineNo, msg);
void moc_warn( char *s1, char *s2 )
static char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, s1, s2 );
if ( displayWarnings )
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->, lineNo, tmp);
void func_warn( const char *msg )
if ( !suppress_func_warn )
moc_warn( msg );
skipFunc = TRUE;
void operatorError()
if ( !suppress_func_warn )
moc_warn("Operator functions cannot be signals or slots.");
skipFunc = TRUE;
#ifndef yywrap
int yywrap() // more files?
return 1; // end of file
char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) // adds two strings
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+1];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, s2 );
return n;
char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3 )// adds 3 strings
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+1];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, s2 );
strcat( n, s3 );
return n;
char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2,
const char *s3, const char *s4 )// adds 4 strings
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+qstrlen(s4)+1];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, s2 );
strcat( n, s3 );
strcat( n, s4 );
return n;
char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2 )
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+2];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s2 );
return n;
char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3 )
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+3];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s2 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s3 );
return n;
char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2,
const char *s3, const char *s4 )
char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+qstrlen(s4)+4];
qstrcpy( n, s1 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s2 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s3 );
strcat( n, " " );
strcat( n, s4 );
return n;
// Generate C++ code for building member function table
We call B::qt_invoke() rather than A::B::qt_invoke() to
work around a bug in MSVC 6. The bug occurs if the
super-class is in a namespace and the sub-class isn't.
Exception: If the superclass has the same name as the subclass, we
want non-MSVC users to have a working generated files.
TQCString purestSuperClassName()
TQCString sc = g->superClassName;
TQCString c = g->className;
Make sure qualified template arguments (e.g., foo<bar::baz>)
don't interfere.
int pos = sc.findRev( "::", sc.find( '<' ) );
if ( pos != -1 ) {
sc = sc.right( sc.length() - pos - 2 );
pos = c.findRev( "::" );
if ( pos != -1 )
c = c.right( c.length() - pos - 2 );
if ( sc == c )
sc = g->superClassName;
return sc;
TQCString qualifiedClassName()
return nameQualifier() + g->className;
const int Slot_Num = 1;
const int Signal_Num = 2;
const int Prop_Num = 3;
void generateFuncs( FuncList *list, const char *functype, int num )
Function *f;
for ( f=list->first(); f; f=list->next() ) {
bool hasReturnValue = f->type != "void" && (validUType( f->type ) || isVariantType( f->type) );
if ( hasReturnValue || !f->args->isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " static const TQUParameter param_%s_%d[] = {\n", functype, list->at() );
if ( hasReturnValue ) {
if ( validUType( f->type ) )
fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_%s, %s, TQUParameter::Out }", uType(f->type).data(), uTypeExtra(f->type).data() );
fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_TQVariant, %s, TQUParameter::Out }", uTypeExtra(f->type).data() );
if ( !f->args->isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
Argument* a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
TQCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType;
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if( a->name.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_%s, %s, TQUParameter::%s }",
uType( type ).data(), uTypeExtra( type ).data(),
isInOut( type ) ? "InOut" : "In" );
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", &static_QUType_%s, %s, TQUParameter::%s }",
a->, uType( type ).data(), uTypeExtra( type ).data(),
isInOut( type ) ? "InOut" : "In" );
a = f->args->next();
if ( a )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
fprintf( out, "\n };\n");
fprintf( out, " static const TQUMethod %s_%d = {", functype, list->at() );
int n = f->args->count();
if ( hasReturnValue )
fprintf( out, "\"%s\", %d,", f->, n );
if ( n )
fprintf( out, " param_%s_%d };\n", functype, list->at() );
fprintf( out, " 0 };\n" );
TQCString typstr = "";
int count = 0;
Argument *a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) {
if ( count++ )
typstr += ",";
typstr += a->leftType;
typstr += a->rightType;
a = f->args->next();
f->signature = f->name;
f->signature += "(";
f->signature += typstr;
f->signature += ")";
if ( list->count() ) {
fprintf(out," static const TQMetaData %s_tbl[] = {\n", functype );
f = list->first();
while ( f ) {
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\",", f-> );
fprintf( out, " &%s_%d,", functype, list->at() );
fprintf( out, " TQMetaData::%s }", f->accessAsString() );
f = list->next();
if ( f )
fprintf( out, ",\n");
fprintf( out, "\n };\n" );
int enumIndex( const char* type )
int index = 0;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) {
if ( lit.current()->name == type )
return index;
return -1;
bool isEnumType( const char* type )
return enumIndex( type ) >= 0 || ( g->qtEnums.contains( type ) || g->qtSets.contains( type ) );
bool isPropertyType( const char* type )
if ( isVariantType( type ) )
return TRUE;
return isEnumType( type );
int generateEnums()
if ( g->enums.count() == 0 )
return 0;
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
int i = 0;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> it( g->enums ); it.current(); ++it, ++i ) {
fprintf( out, " static const TQMetaEnum::Item enum_%i[] = {\n", i );
int k = 0;
for( TQStrListIterator eit( *it.current() ); eit.current(); ++eit, ++k ) {
if ( k )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", (int) %s::%s }", eit.current(), (const char*) g->className, eit.current() );
fprintf( out, "\n };\n" );
fprintf( out, " static const TQMetaEnum enum_tbl[] = {\n" );
i = 0;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> it2( g->enums ); it2.current(); ++it2, ++i ) {
if ( i )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", %u, enum_%i, %s }",
(const char*)it2.current()->name,
it2.current()->set ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
fprintf( out, "\n };\n" );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
return g->enums.count();
int generateProps()
// Resolve and verify property access functions
for( TQPtrListIterator<Property> it( g->props ); it.current(); ) {
Property* p = it.current();
// verify get function
if ( !p->get.isEmpty() ) {
FuncList candidates = g->propfuncs.find( p->get );
for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = ) {
if ( f->qualifier != "const" ) // get functions must be const
if ( f->args && !f->args->isEmpty() ) // and must not take any arguments
TQCString tmp = f->type;
Property::Specification spec = Property::Unspecified;
if ( p->type == "TQCString" && (tmp == "const char*" || tmp == "const char *" ) ) {
tmp = "TQCString";
spec = Property::ConstCharStar;
} else if ( tmp.right(1) == "&" ) {
tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 );
spec = Property::Reference;
} else if ( tmp.right(1) == "*" ) {
tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 );
spec = Property::Pointer;
} else {
spec = Property::Class;
if ( tmp.left(6) == "const " )
tmp = tmp.mid( 6, tmp.length() - 6 );
tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if ( p->type == tmp ) {
// If it is an enum then it may not be a set
bool ok = TRUE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set )
ok = FALSE;
if ( !ok ) continue;
p->gspec = spec;
p->getfunc = f;
p->oredEnum = 0;
else if ( !isVariantType( p->type ) ) {
if ( tmp == "int" || tmp == "uint" || tmp == "unsigned int" ) {
// Test whether the enum is really a set (unfortunately we don't know enums of super classes)
bool ok = TRUE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && !lit.current()->set )
ok = FALSE;
if ( !ok ) continue;
p->gspec = spec;
p->getfunc = f;
p->oredEnum = 1;
p->enumgettype = tmp;
if ( p->getfunc == 0 ) {
if ( displayWarnings ) {
// Is the type a set, that means, mentioned in Q_SETS?
bool set = FALSE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set )
set = TRUE;
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: Property '%s' not available.\n",
g->, p->lineNo, (const char*) p->name );
fprintf( stderr, " Have been looking for public get functions \n");
if ( !set ) {
fprintf( stderr,
" %s %s() const\n"
" %s& %s() const\n"
" const %s& %s() const\n"
" %s* %s() const\n",
(const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get,
(const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get,
(const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get,
(const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get );
if ( set || !isPropertyType( p->type ) ) {
fprintf( stderr,
" int %s() const\n"
" uint %s() const\n"
" unsigned int %s() const\n",
(const char*) p->get,
(const char*) p->get,
(const char*) p->get );
if ( p->type == "TQCString" )
fprintf( stderr, " const char* %s() const\n",
(const char*)p->get );
if ( candidates.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( stderr, " but found nothing.\n");
} else {
fprintf( stderr, " but only found the mismatching candidate(s)\n");
for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = ) {
TQCString typstr = "";
Argument *a = f->args->first();
int count = 0;
while ( a ) {
if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) {
if ( count++ )
typstr += ",";
typstr += a->leftType;
typstr += a->rightType;
a = f->args->next();
fprintf( stderr, " %s:%d: %s %s(%s) %s\n", g->, f->lineNo,
(const char*) f->type,(const char*) f->name, (const char*) typstr,
f->qualifier.isNull()?"":(const char*) f->qualifier );
// verify set function
if ( !p->set.isEmpty() ) {
FuncList candidates = g->propfuncs.find( p->set );
for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = ) {
if ( !f->args || f->args->isEmpty() )
TQCString tmp = f->args->first()->leftType;
tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace();
Property::Specification spec = Property::Unspecified;
if ( tmp.right(1) == "&" ) {
tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 );
spec = Property::Reference;
else {
spec = Property::Class;
if ( p->type == "TQCString" && (tmp == "const char*" || tmp == "const char *" ) ) {
tmp = "TQCString";
spec = Property::ConstCharStar;
if ( tmp.left(6) == "const " )
tmp = tmp.mid( 6, tmp.length() - 6 );
tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if ( p->type == tmp && f->args->count() == 1 ) {
// If it is an enum then it may not be a set
if ( p->oredEnum == 1 )
bool ok = TRUE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set )
ok = FALSE;
if ( !ok ) continue;
p->sspec = spec;
p->setfunc = f;
p->oredEnum = 0;
} else if ( !isVariantType( p->type ) && f->args->count() == 1 ) {
if ( tmp == "int" || tmp == "uint" || tmp == "unsigned int" ) {
if ( p->oredEnum == 0 )
// Test wether the enum is really a set (unfortunately we don't know enums of super classes)
bool ok = TRUE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && !lit.current()->set )
ok = FALSE;
if ( !ok ) continue;
p->sspec = spec;
p->setfunc = f;
p->oredEnum = 1;
p->enumsettype = tmp;
if ( p->setfunc == 0 ) {
if ( displayWarnings ) {
// Is the type a set, that means, mentioned in Q_SETS ?
bool set = FALSE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit )
if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set )
set = TRUE;
fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: Property '%s' not writable.\n",
g->, p->lineNo, (const char*) p->name );
fprintf( stderr, " Have been looking for public set functions \n");
if ( !set && p->oredEnum != 1 ) {
fprintf( stderr,
" void %s( %s )\n"
" void %s( %s& )\n"
" void %s( const %s& )\n",
(const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type,
(const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type,
(const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type );
if ( set || ( !isPropertyType( p->type ) && p->oredEnum != 0 ) ) {
fprintf( stderr,
" void %s( int )\n"
" void %s( uint )\n"
" void %s( unsigned int )\n",
(const char*) p->set,
(const char*) p->set,
(const char*) p->set );
if ( p->type == "TQCString" )
fprintf( stderr, " void %s( const char* ) const\n",
(const char*) p->set );
if ( !candidates.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( stderr, " but only found the mismatching candidate(s)\n");
for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = ) {
TQCString typstr = "";
Argument *a = f->args->first();
int count = 0;
while ( a ) {
if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) {
if ( count++ )
typstr += ",";
typstr += a->leftType;
typstr += a->rightType;
a = f->args->next();
fprintf( stderr, " %s:%d: %s %s(%s)\n", g->, f->lineNo,
(const char*) f->type,(const char*) f->name, (const char*) typstr );
// Create meta data
if ( g->props.count() ) {
if ( displayWarnings && !Q_OBJECTdetected )
moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains properties"
" but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->;
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
fprintf( out, " static const TQMetaProperty props_tbl[%d] = {\n ", g->props.count() );
for( TQPtrListIterator<Property> it( g->props ); it.current(); ++it ) {
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\",\"%s\", ", it.current()->, it.current()-> );
int flags = Invalid;
if ( !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ) {
flags |= EnumOrSet;
if ( !isEnumType( it.current()->type ) )
flags |= UnresolvedEnum;
} else {
flags |= qvariant_nameToType( it.current()->type ) << 24;
if ( it.current()->getfunc )
flags |= Readable;
if ( it.current()->setfunc ) {
flags |= Writable;
if ( it.current()->stdSet() )
flags |= StdSet;
if ( it.current()->override )
flags |= Override;
if ( it.current()->designable.isEmpty() )
flags |= DesignableOverride;
else if ( it.current()->designable == "false" )
flags |= NotDesignable;
if ( it.current()->scriptable.isEmpty() )
flags |= ScriptableOverride;
else if ( it.current()->scriptable == "false" )
flags |= NotScriptable;
if ( it.current()->stored.isEmpty() )
flags |= StoredOverride;
else if ( it.current()->stored == "false" )
flags |= NotStored;
fprintf( out, "0x%.4x, ", flags );
fprintf( out, "&%s::metaObj, ", (const char*) qualifiedClassName() );
if ( !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ) {
int enumpos = -1;
int k = 0;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> eit( g->enums ); eit.current(); ++eit, ++k ) {
if ( eit.current()->name == it.current()->type )
enumpos = k;
// Is it an enum of this class ?
if ( enumpos != -1 )
fprintf( out, "&enum_tbl[%i], ", enumpos );
fprintf( out, "0, ");
} else {
fprintf( out, "0, ");
fprintf( out, "-1 }" );
if ( !it.atLast() )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
fprintf( out, "\n" );
fprintf( out, " };\n" );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
return g->props.count();
int generateClassInfos()
if ( g->infos.isEmpty() )
return 0;
if ( displayWarnings && !Q_OBJECTdetected )
moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains class infos"
" but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->;
fprintf( out, " static const TQClassInfo classinfo_tbl[] = {\n" );
int i = 0;
for( TQPtrListIterator<ClassInfo> it( g->infos ); it.current(); ++it, ++i ) {
if ( i )
fprintf( out, ",\n" );
fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }", it.current()->,it.current()-> );
fprintf( out, "\n };\n" );
return i;
void generateClass() // generate C++ source code for a class
const char *hdr1 = "/****************************************************************************\n"
"** %s meta object code from reading C++ file '%s'\n**\n";
const char *hdr2 = "** Created: %s\n"
"** by: The TQt MOC ($Id: qt/moc_yacc.cpp 3.3.8 edited Feb 2 14:59 $)\n**\n";
const char *hdr3 = "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n";
const char *hdr4 = "*****************************************************************************/\n\n";
int i;
if ( skipClass ) // don't generate for class
if ( !Q_OBJECTdetected ) {
if ( g->signals.count() == 0 && g->slots.count() == 0 && g->props.count() == 0 && g->infos.count() == 0 )
if ( displayWarnings && (g->signals.count() + g->slots.count()) != 0 )
moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains signals "
"or slots\n\t but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->;
} else {
if ( g->superClassName.isEmpty() )
moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains the\n"
"\tQ_OBJECT macro but does not inherit from any class!\n"
"\tInherit from TQObject or one of its descendants"
" or remove Q_OBJECT.", g-> );
if ( templateClass ) { // don't generate for class
moc_err( "Sorry, TQt does not support templates that contain\n"
"\tsignals, slots or Q_OBJECT." );
g->generatedCode = TRUE;
if ( g->gen_count == 1 ) { // first class to be generated
TQDateTime dt = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();
TQCString dstr = dt.toString().ascii();
TQCString fn = g->fileName;
i = g->fileName.length()-1;
while ( i>0 && g->fileName[i-1] != '/' && g->fileName[i-1] != '\\' )
i--; // skip path
if ( i >= 0 )
fn = &g->fileName[i];
fprintf( out, hdr1, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(),(const char*)fn);
fprintf( out, hdr2, (const char*)dstr );
fprintf( out, hdr3 );
fprintf( out, hdr4 );
if ( !g->noInclude ) {
The header file might be a TQt header file with
QT_NO_COMPAT macros around signals, slots or
properties. Without the #undef, we cannot compile the
TQt library with QT_NO_COMPAT defined.
Header files of libraries build around TQt can also use
QT_NO_COMPAT, so this #undef might be beneficial to
users of TQt, and not only to developers of TQt.
fprintf( out, "#undef QT_NO_COMPAT\n" );
if ( !g->pchFile.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, "#include \"%s\" // PCH include\n", (const char*)g->pchFile );
if ( !g->includePath.isEmpty() && g->includePath.right(1) != "/" )
g->includePath += "/";
while ( g->includeFiles.current() ) {
TQCString inc = g->includeFiles.current();
if ( inc[0] != '<' && inc[0] != '"' ) {
if ( !g->includePath.isEmpty() && g->includePath != "./" )
inc.prepend( g->includePath );
inc = "\"" + inc + "\"";
fprintf( out, "#include %s\n", (const char *)inc );
fprintf( out, "#include <%sntqmetaobject.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
fprintf( out, "#include <%sntqapplication.h>\n\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
fprintf( out, "#include <%sprivate/qucomextra_p.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
fprintf( out, "#if !defined(Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION) || (Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION != %d)\n", formatRevision );
fprintf( out, "#error \"This file was generated using the moc from %s."
" It\"\n#error \"cannot be used with the include files from"
" this version of TQt.\"\n#error \"(The moc has changed too"
" much.)\"\n", QT_VERSION_STR );
fprintf( out, "#endif\n\n" );
} else {
fprintf( out, "\n\n" );
if ( !g->hasVariantIncluded ) {
bool needToIncludeVariant = !g->props.isEmpty();
for ( Function* f =g->slots.first(); f && !needToIncludeVariant; f=g-> )
needToIncludeVariant = ( f->type != "void" && !validUType( f->type ) && isVariantType( f->type) );
if ( needToIncludeVariant ) {
fprintf( out, "#include <%sntqvariant.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
g->hasVariantIncluded = TRUE;
bool isTQObject = g->className == "TQObject" ;
// Generate virtual function className()
fprintf( out, "const char *%s::className() const\n{\n ",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, "return \"%s\";\n}\n\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
// Generate static metaObj variable
fprintf( out, "TQMetaObject *%s::metaObj = 0;\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName());
// Generate static cleanup object variable
TQCString cleanup = qualifiedClassName().copy();
for ( int cnpos = 0; cnpos < cleanup.length(); cnpos++ ) {
if ( cleanup[cnpos] == ':' )
cleanup[cnpos] = '_';
fprintf( out, "static TQMetaObjectCleanUp cleanUp_%s( \"%s\", &%s::staticMetaObject );\n\n", (const char*)cleanup, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(), (const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
// Generate tr and trUtf8 member functions
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION\n" );
fprintf( out, "TQString %s::tr( const char *s, const char *c )\n{\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " if ( qApp )\n" );
fprintf( out, "\treturn qApp->translate( \"%s\", s, c,"
" TQApplication::DefaultCodec );\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " else\n" );
fprintf( out, "\treturn TQString::fromLatin1( s );\n");
fprintf( out, "}\n" );
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8\n" );
fprintf( out, "TQString %s::trUtf8( const char *s, const char *c )\n{\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " if ( qApp )\n" );
fprintf( out, "\treturn qApp->translate( \"%s\", s, c,"
" TQApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " else\n" );
fprintf( out, "\treturn TQString::fromUtf8( s );\n" );
fprintf( out, "}\n" );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8\n\n" );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION\n\n" );
// Generate staticMetaObject member function
fprintf( out, "TQMetaObject* %s::staticMetaObject()\n{\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " if ( metaObj )\n\treturn metaObj;\n" );
if ( isTQObject )
fprintf( out, " TQMetaObject* parentObject = staticTQtMetaObject();\n" );
else if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, " TQMetaObject* parentObject = %s::staticMetaObject();\n", (const char*)g->superClassName );
fprintf( out, " TQMetaObject* parentObject = 0;\n" );
// Build the classinfo array
int n_infos = generateClassInfos();
// Build the enums array
// Enums HAVE to be generated BEFORE the properties and slots
int n_enums = generateEnums();
// Build slots array in staticMetaObject()
generateFuncs( &g->slots, "slot", Slot_Num );
// Build signals array in staticMetaObject()
generateFuncs( &g->signals, "signal", Signal_Num );
// Build property array in staticMetaObject()
int n_props = generateProps();
// Finally code to create and return meta object
fprintf( out, " metaObj = TQMetaObject::new_metaobject(\n"
"\t\"%s\", parentObject,\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
if ( g->slots.count() )
fprintf( out, "\tslot_tbl, %d,\n", g->slots.count() );
fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" );
if ( g->signals.count() )
fprintf( out, "\tsignal_tbl, %d,\n", g->signals.count() );
fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" );
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
if ( n_props )
fprintf( out, "\tprops_tbl, %d,\n", n_props );
fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" );
if ( n_enums )
fprintf( out, "\tenum_tbl, %d,\n", n_enums );
fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
if ( n_infos )
fprintf( out, "\tclassinfo_tbl, %d );\n", n_infos );
fprintf( out, "\t0, 0 );\n" );
// Setup cleanup handler and return meta object
fprintf( out, " cleanUp_%s.setMetaObject( metaObj );\n", );
fprintf( out, " return metaObj;\n}\n" );
// End of function staticMetaObject()
// Generate smart cast function
fprintf( out, "\nvoid* %s::qt_cast( const char* clname )\n{\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
fprintf( out, " if ( !qstrcmp( clname, \"%s\" ) )\n"
"\treturn this;\n",
(const char*)qualifiedClassName() );
for ( const char* cname = g->multipleSuperClasses.first(); cname; cname = g-> ) {
fprintf( out, " if ( !qstrcmp( clname, \"%s\" ) )\n", cname);
TQCString fixed(cname);
while (fixed.find(">>") != -1)
fixed = fixed.replace(">>", "> >");
fprintf( out, "\treturn (%s*)this;\n",;
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_cast( clname );\n",
(const char*)purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, " return 0;\n" );
fprintf( out, "}\n" );
// Generate internal signal functions
Function *f;
f = g->signals.first(); // make internal signal methods
static bool included_list_headers = FALSE;
int sigindex = 0;
while ( f ) {
TQCString argstr;
char buf[12];
Argument *a = f->args->first();
int offset = 0;
const char *predef_call_func = 0;
bool hasReturnValue = f->type != "void" && (validUType( f->type ) || isVariantType( f->type) );
if ( hasReturnValue ) {
; // no predefined function available
} else if ( !a ) {
predef_call_func = "activate_signal";
} else if ( f->args->count() == 1 ) {
TQCString ctype = (a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType).simplifyWhiteSpace();
if ( !isInOut( ctype ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( ctype );
if ( utype == "bool" )
predef_call_func = "activate_signal_bool";
else if ( utype == "TQString" || utype == "int" || utype == "double" )
predef_call_func = "activate_signal";
if ( !predef_call_func && !included_list_headers ) {
// yes we need it, because otherwise QT_VERSION may not be defined
fprintf( out, "\n#include <%sntqobjectdefs.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
fprintf( out, "#include <%sntqsignalslotimp.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath );
included_list_headers = TRUE;
while ( a ) { // argument list
if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || !a->rightType.isEmpty() ) {
argstr += a->leftType;
argstr += " ";
sprintf( buf, "t%d", offset++ );
argstr += buf;
argstr += a->rightType;
a = f->args->next();
if ( a )
argstr += ", ";
} else {
a = f->args->next();
fixRightAngles( &argstr );
fprintf( out, "\n// SIGNAL %s\n", (const char*)f->name );
fprintf( out, "%s %s::%s(", (const char*) f->type,
(const char*)qualifiedClassName(),
(const char*)f->name );
if ( argstr.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, ")\n{\n" );
fprintf( out, " %s )\n{\n", (const char*)argstr );
if ( predef_call_func ) {
fprintf( out, " %s( staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() + %d", predef_call_func, sigindex );
if ( !argstr.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, ", t0" );
fprintf( out, " );\n}\n" );
} else {
if ( hasReturnValue )
fprintf( out, " %s something;\n", f-> );
int nargs = f->args->count();
fprintf( out, " if ( signalsBlocked() )\n\treturn%s;\n", hasReturnValue ? " something" : "" );
fprintf( out, " TQConnectionList *clist = receivers( staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() + %d );\n",
sigindex );
fprintf( out, " if ( !clist )\n\treturn%s;\n", hasReturnValue ? " something" : "" );
fprintf( out, " TQUObject o[%d];\n", f->args->count() + 1 );
// initialize return value to something
if ( hasReturnValue ) {
if ( validUType( f->type ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( f->type );
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_%s.set(o,something);\n", );
} else if ( uType( f->type ) == "varptr" ) {
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_varptr.set(o,&something);\n" );
} else {
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_ptr.set(o,&something);\n" );
// initialize arguments
if ( !f->args->isEmpty() ) {
offset = 0;
Argument* a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
TQCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType;
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if ( validUType( type ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( type );
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_%s.set(o+%d,t%d);\n",, offset+1, offset );
} else if ( uType( type ) == "varptr" ) {
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_varptr.set(o+%d,&t%d);\n", offset+1, offset );
} else {
fprintf( out, " static_QUType_ptr.set(o+%d,&t%d);\n", offset+1, offset );
a = f->args->next();
fprintf( out, " activate_signal( clist, o );\n" );
// get return values from inOut parameters
if ( !f->args->isEmpty() ) {
offset = 0;
Argument* a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
TQCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType;
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if ( validUType( type ) && isInOut( type ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( type );
if ( utype == "enum" )
fprintf( out, " t%d = (%s)static_QUType_%s.get(o+%d);\n", offset,,, offset+1 );
else if ( utype == "ptr" && type.right(2) == "**" )
fprintf( out, " if (t%d) *t%d = *(%s)static_QUType_ptr.get(o+%d);\n", offset, offset,, offset+1 );
fprintf( out, " t%d = static_QUType_%s.get(o+%d);\n", offset,, offset+1 );
a = f->args->next();
// get and return return value
if ( hasReturnValue ) {
TQCString utype = uType( f->type );
if ( utype == "enum" || utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" ) // need cast
fprintf( out, " return (%s)static_QUType_%s.get(o);\n", f->, );
fprintf( out, " return static_QUType_%s.get(o);\n", );
fprintf( out, "}\n" );
f = g->;
// Generate internal qt_invoke() function
fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_invoke( int _id, TQUObject* _o )\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() );
if( !g->slots.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {\n" );
int slotindex = -1;
for ( f = g->slots.first(); f; f = g-> ) {
slotindex ++;
if ( f->type == "void" && f->args->isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " case %d: %s(); break;\n", slotindex, f-> );
fprintf( out, " case %d: ", slotindex );
bool hasReturnValue = FALSE;
bool hasVariantReturn = FALSE;
if ( f->type != "void" ) {
if ( validUType( f->type )) {
hasReturnValue = TRUE;
fprintf( out, "static_QUType_%s.set(_o,", uType(f->type).data() );
} else if ( isVariantType( f->type ) ) {
hasReturnValue = hasVariantReturn = TRUE;
// do not need special handling for bool since this is handled as utype
fprintf( out, "static_QUType_TQVariant.set(_o,TQVariant(" );
int offset = 0;
fprintf( out, "%s(", f-> );
Argument* a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
TQCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType;
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
fixRightAngles( &type );
if ( validUType( type ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( type );
if ( utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" || utype == "enum" )
fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)",,, offset+1 );
fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)",,, offset+1 );
} else {
TQCString castType = castToUType( type );
if(castType == type)
fprintf( out, "(%s)(*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d)))",,, offset+1 );
fprintf( out, "(%s)*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d))",,, offset+1 );
a = f->args->next();
if ( a )
fprintf( out, "," );
fprintf( out, ")" );
if ( hasReturnValue )
fprintf( out, ")" );
if ( hasVariantReturn )
fprintf( out, ")" );
fprintf( out, "; break;\n" );
fprintf( out, " default:\n" );
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject ) {
fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_invoke( _id, _o );\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
} else {
fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" );
fprintf( out, " }\n" );
fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n}\n" );
} else {
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_invoke(_id,_o);\n}\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" );
// Generate internal qt_emit() function
fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_emit( int _id, TQUObject* _o )\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() );
if ( !g->signals.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() ) {\n" );
int signalindex = -1;
for ( f = g->signals.first(); f; f = g-> ) {
if ( f->type == "void" && f->args->isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " case %d: %s(); break;\n", signalindex, f-> );
fprintf( out, " case %d: ", signalindex );
bool hasReturnValue = FALSE;
if ( f->type != "void" && validUType( f->type )) {
hasReturnValue = TRUE;
fprintf( out, "static_QUType_%s.set(_o,", uType(f->type).data() );
int offset = 0;
fprintf( out, "%s(", f-> );
Argument* a = f->args->first();
while ( a ) {
TQCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType;
type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
fixRightAngles( &type );
if ( validUType( type ) ) {
TQCString utype = uType( type );
if ( utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" || utype == "enum" )
fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)",,, offset+1 );
fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)",,, offset+1 );
} else {
TQCString castType = castToUType( type );
if(castType == type)
fprintf( out, "(%s)(*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d)))",,, offset+1 );
fprintf( out, "(%s)*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d))",,, offset+1 );
a = f->args->next();
if ( a )
fprintf( out, "," );
fprintf( out, ")" );
if ( hasReturnValue )
fprintf( out, ")" );
fprintf( out, "; break;\n" );
fprintf( out, " default:\n" );
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_emit(_id,_o);\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" );
fprintf( out, " }\n" );
fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n}\n" );
} else {
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_emit(_id,_o);\n}\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" );
fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
// Generate internal qt_property() functions
fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_property( int id, int f, TQVariant* v)\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() );
if ( !g->props.isEmpty() ) {
fprintf( out, " switch ( id - staticMetaObject()->propertyOffset() ) {\n" );
int propindex = -1;
bool need_resolve = FALSE;
for( TQPtrListIterator<Property> it( g->props ); it.current(); ++it ){
propindex ++;
fprintf( out, " case %d: ", propindex );
fprintf( out, "switch( f ) {\n" );
uint flag_break = 0;
uint flag_propagate = 0;
if ( it.current()->setfunc ) {
fprintf( out, "\tcase 0: %s(", it.current()->setfunc-> );
TQCString type = it.current()->type.copy(); // detach on purpose
if ( it.current()->oredEnum )
type = it.current()->enumsettype;
if ( type == "uint" )
fprintf( out, "v->asUInt()" );
else if ( type == "unsigned int" )
fprintf( out, "(uint)v->asUInt()" );
else if ( type == "TQMap<TQString,TQVariant>" )
fprintf( out, "v->asMap()" );
else if ( type == "TQValueList<TQVariant>" )
fprintf( out, "v->asList()" );
else if ( type == "Q_LLONG" )
fprintf( out, "v->asLongLong()" );
else if ( type == "Q_ULLONG" )
fprintf( out, "v->asULongLong()" );
else if ( isVariantType( type ) ) {
if (( type[0] == 'T' ) && ( type[1] == 'Q' ))
type = type.mid(2);
type[0] = toupper( type[0] );
fprintf( out, "v->as%s()", );
} else {
fprintf( out, "(%s&)v->asInt()", );
fprintf( out, "); break;\n" );
} else if ( it.current()->override ) {
flag_propagate |= 1 << (0+1);
if ( it.current()->getfunc ) {
if ( it.current()->gspec == Property::Pointer )
fprintf( out, "\tcase 1: if ( this->%s() ) *v = TQVariant( %s*%s()%s ); break;\n",
!isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ? "(int)" : "",
it.current()->type == "bool" ? ", 0" : "" );
fprintf( out, "\tcase 1: *v = TQVariant( %sthis->%s()%s ); break;\n",
!isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ? "(int)" : "",
it.current()->type == "bool" ? ", 0" : "" );
} else if ( it.current()->override ) {
flag_propagate |= 1<< (1+1);
if ( !it.current()->reset.isEmpty() )
fprintf( out, "\tcase 2: this->%s(); break;\n", it.current()-> );
if ( it.current()->designable.isEmpty() )
flag_propagate |= 1 << (3+1);
else if ( it.current()->designable == "true" )
flag_break |= 1 << (3+1);
else if ( it.current()->designable != "false" )
fprintf( out, "\tcase 3: return this->%s();\n", it.current()-> );
if ( it.current()->scriptable.isEmpty() )
flag_propagate |= 1 << (4+1);
else if ( it.current()->scriptable == "true" )
flag_break |= 1 << (4+1);
else if ( it.current()->scriptable != "false" )
fprintf( out, "\tcase 4: return this->%s();\n", it.current()-> );
if ( it.current()->stored.isEmpty() )
flag_propagate |= 1 << (5+1);
else if ( it.current()->stored == "true" )
flag_break |= 1 << (5+1);
else if ( it.current()->stored != "false" )
fprintf( out, "\tcase 5: return this->%s();\n", it.current()-> );
int i = 0;
if ( flag_propagate != 0 ) {
fprintf( out, "\t" );
for ( i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) {
if ( flag_propagate & (1 << (i+1) ) )
fprintf( out, "case %d: ", i );
if (!g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject ) {
fprintf( out, "goto resolve;\n" );
need_resolve = TRUE;
} else {
fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n" );
if ( flag_break != 0 ) {
fprintf( out, "\t" );
for ( i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) {
if ( flag_break & (1 << (i+1) ) )
fprintf( out, "case %d: ", i );
fprintf( out, "break;\n");
fprintf( out, "\tdefault: return FALSE;\n } break;\n" );
fprintf( out, " default:\n" );
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_property( id, f, v );\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" );
fprintf( out, " }\n" );
fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n" );
if ( need_resolve )
fprintf( out, "resolve:\n return %s::qt_property( staticMetaObject()->resolveProperty(id), f, v );\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, "}\n" );
} else {
if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isTQObject )
fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_property( id, f, v);\n}\n",
(const char *) purestSuperClassName() );
fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" );
fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_static_property( TQObject* , int , int , TQVariant* ){ return FALSE; }\n", qualifiedClassName().data() );
fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" );
ArgList *addArg( Argument *a ) // add argument to list
if ( (!a->leftType.isEmpty() || !a->rightType.isEmpty() ) ) //filter out truely void arguments
tmpArgList->append( a );
return tmpArgList;
void addEnum()
// Avoid duplicates
for( TQPtrListIterator<Enum> lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) {
if ( lit.current()->name == tmpEnum->name )
if ( displayWarnings )
moc_err( "Enum %s defined twice.", (const char*)tmpEnum->name );
// Only look at types mentioned in Q_ENUMS and Q_SETS
if ( g->qtEnums.contains( tmpEnum->name ) || g->qtSets.contains( tmpEnum->name ) )
g->enums.append( tmpEnum );
if ( g->qtSets.contains( tmpEnum->name ) )
tmpEnum->set = TRUE;
tmpEnum->set = FALSE;
delete tmpEnum;
tmpEnum = new Enum;
void addMember( Member m )
if ( skipFunc ) {
tmpFunc->args = tmpArgList; // just to be sure
delete tmpFunc;
tmpArgList = new ArgList; // ugly but works
tmpFunc = new Function;
skipFunc = FALSE;
tmpFunc->type = tmpFunc->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
tmpFunc->access = tmpAccess;
tmpFunc->args = tmpArgList;
tmpFunc->lineNo = lineNo;
for ( ;; ) {
g->funcs.append( tmpFunc );
if ( m == SignalMember ) {
g->signals.append( tmpFunc );
} else {
if ( m == SlotMember )
g->slots.append( tmpFunc );
// PropertyCandidateMember or SlotMember
if ( !tmpFunc->name.isEmpty() && tmpFunc->access == Public )
g->propfuncs.append( tmpFunc );
if ( !tmpFunc->args || !tmpFunc->args->hasDefaultArguments() )
tmpFunc = new Function( *tmpFunc );
tmpFunc->args = tmpFunc->args->magicClone();
skipFunc = FALSE;
tmpFunc = new Function;
tmpArgList = new ArgList;
void checkPropertyName( const char* ident )
if ( ident[0] == '_' ) {
moc_err( "Invalid property name '%s'.", ident );
#line 3649 ""
#define YYABORT goto yyabort
#define YYREJECT goto yyabort
#define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept
#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
register int yym, yyn, yystate;
register char *yys;
extern char *getenv();
if (yys = getenv("YYDEBUG"))
yyn = *yys;
if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9')
yydebug = yyn - '0';
yynerrs = 0;
yyerrflag = 0;
yychar = (-1);
yyssp = yyss;
yyvsp = yyvs;
*yyssp = yystate = 0;
if (yyn = yydefred[yystate]) goto yyreduce;
if (yychar < 0)
if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
if (yydebug)
yys = 0;
if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys);
if ((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: state %d, shifting to state %d\n",
YYPREFIX, yystate, yytable[yyn]);
if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
goto yyoverflow;
*++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
*++yyvsp = yylval;
yychar = (-1);
if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag;
goto yyloop;
if ((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
yyn = yytable[yyn];
goto yyreduce;
if (yyerrflag) goto yyinrecovery;
#ifdef lint
goto yynewerror;
yyerror("syntax error");
#ifdef lint
goto yyerrlab;
if (yyerrflag < 3)
yyerrflag = 3;
for (;;)
if ((yyn = yysindex[*yyssp]) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == YYERRCODE)
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery shifting\
to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yytable[yyn]);
if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
goto yyoverflow;
*++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
*++yyvsp = yylval;
goto yyloop;
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: error recovery discarding state %d\n",
YYPREFIX, *yyssp);
if (yyssp <= yyss) goto yyabort;
if (yychar == 0) goto yyabort;
if (yydebug)
yys = 0;
if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery discards token %d (%s)\n",
YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys);
yychar = (-1);
goto yyloop;
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)\n",
YYPREFIX, yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]);
yym = yylen[yyn];
yyval = yyvsp[1-yym];
switch (yyn)
case 10:
#line 821 "moc.y"
{ enterNameSpace(yyvsp[0].string); }
case 11:
#line 822 "moc.y"
case 12:
#line 824 "moc.y"
{ leaveNameSpace();
case 13:
#line 829 "moc.y"
{ enterNameSpace(); }
case 14:
#line 830 "moc.y"
case 15:
#line 832 "moc.y"
{ leaveNameSpace();
case 17:
#line 841 "moc.y"
{ selectOutsideClassState(); }
case 18:
#line 845 "moc.y"
{ selectOutsideClassState(); }
case 19:
#line 848 "moc.y"
{ selectOutsideClassState(); }
case 20:
#line 849 "moc.y"
{ selectOutsideClassState(); }
case 21:
#line 852 "moc.y"
{ initClass(); }
case 22:
#line 853 "moc.y"
{ generateClass();
selectOutsideClassState(); }
case 23:
#line 861 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 24:
#line 862 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 25:
#line 866 "moc.y"
{ g->tmpExpression = rmWS( g->tmpExpression );
yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "<",
g->tmpExpression, ">" ); }
case 26:
#line 877 "moc.y"
{ initExpression();
templLevel = 1;
case 27:
#line 890 "moc.y"
{ initExpression();
case 28:
#line 899 "moc.y"
case 29:
#line 902 "moc.y"
{ initExpression();
case 30:
#line 908 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 31:
#line 909 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 32:
#line 910 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 33:
#line 911 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; yyval.string = ""; }
case 34:
#line 912 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; yyval.string = ""; }
case 35:
#line 916 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-2].string,yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 36:
#line 918 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 37:
#line 919 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 38:
#line 922 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 39:
#line 923 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 42:
#line 928 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; }
case 44:
#line 932 "moc.y"
{ }
case 45:
#line 933 "moc.y"
{ }
case 46:
#line 936 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "const"; }
case 47:
#line 937 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "volatile"; }
case 48:
#line 940 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 49:
#line 941 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 50:
#line 942 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 51:
#line 946 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 52:
#line 947 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 53:
#line 950 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "char"; }
case 54:
#line 951 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "short"; }
case 55:
#line 952 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "int"; }
case 56:
#line 953 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "long"; }
case 57:
#line 954 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "signed"; }
case 58:
#line 955 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "unsigned"; }
case 59:
#line 956 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "float"; }
case 60:
#line 957 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "double"; }
case 61:
#line 958 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "void"; }
case 62:
#line 962 "moc.y"
{ g->tmpExpression = rmWS( g->tmpExpression );
yyval.string = stradd( "template<",
g->tmpExpression, ">" ); }
case 64:
#line 968 "moc.y"
{ templateClassOld = templateClass;
templateClass = TRUE;
case 65:
#line 974 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "class"; }
case 66:
#line 975 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "struct"; }
case 67:
#line 978 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 68:
#line 980 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( "::", yyvsp[0].string ); }
case 69:
#line 984 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-2].string, "::", yyvsp[0].string );}
case 70:
#line 985 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 71:
#line 989 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 72:
#line 990 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd("enum ",yyvsp[0].string); }
case 73:
#line 991 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd("union ",yyvsp[0].string); }
case 74:
#line 996 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[-1].arg_list;}
case 75:
#line 997 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[-2].arg_list;
func_warn("Ellipsis not supported"
" in signals and slots.\n"
"Ellipsis argument ignored."); }
case 76:
#line 1003 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = tmpArgList; }
case 77:
#line 1004 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[0].arg_list; }
case 78:
#line 1007 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg = 0; }
case 81:
#line 1012 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Ellipsis not supported"
" in signals and slots.\n"
"Ellipsis argument ignored."); }
case 82:
#line 1020 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = addArg(yyvsp[0].arg); }
case 83:
#line 1021 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg_list = addArg(yyvsp[0].arg); }
case 84:
#line 1025 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string),""); }
case 85:
#line 1027 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 86:
#line 1029 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-4].string,yyvsp[-3].string),"", 0, TRUE ); }
case 87:
#line 1032 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-3].string,yyvsp[-2].string),yyvsp[0].string, yyvsp[-1].string); }
case 88:
#line 1035 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 89:
#line 1037 "moc.y"
{ yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-6].string,yyvsp[-5].string),yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-4].string, TRUE); }
case 90:
#line 1041 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 91:
#line 1042 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 92:
#line 1046 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 93:
#line 1047 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 94:
#line 1049 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( "[",
g->tmpExpression =
g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(), "]" ); }
case 95:
#line 1052 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 96:
#line 1054 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-4].string,"[",
g->tmpExpression =
g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(),"]" ); }
case 97:
#line 1057 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 98:
#line 1058 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 99:
#line 1061 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 100:
#line 1063 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string);}
case 101:
#line 1064 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 102:
#line 1066 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-4].string,"[",
g->tmpExpression =
g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(),"]" ); }
case 103:
#line 1069 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 105:
#line 1083 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->args = yyvsp[-6].arg_list;
tmpFunc->qualifier = yyvsp[-4].string; }
case 107:
#line 1089 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Variable as signal or slot."); }
case 108:
#line 1090 "moc.y"
{ expLevel=0; }
case 109:
#line 1092 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; }
case 110:
#line 1093 "moc.y"
{ expLevel=0; }
case 111:
#line 1095 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; }
case 112:
#line 1099 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 114:
#line 1101 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 116:
#line 1106 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 117:
#line 1107 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 118:
#line 1110 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 119:
#line 1111 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string);}
case 120:
#line 1114 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc("*",yyvsp[0].string);}
case 121:
#line 1115 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd("&",yyvsp[0].string);}
case 122:
#line 1122 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 123:
#line 1123 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 124:
#line 1126 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 125:
#line 1128 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); }
case 126:
#line 1131 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "const"; }
case 127:
#line 1132 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = "volatile"; }
case 131:
#line 1140 "moc.y"
{ BEGIN IN_FCT; fctLevel = 1;}
case 132:
#line 1141 "moc.y"
case 133:
#line 1148 "moc.y"
classPLevel = 1;
case 134:
#line 1152 "moc.y"
case 135:
#line 1153 "moc.y"
{ BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */
skipClass = TRUE; }
case 136:
#line 1155 "moc.y"
{ BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */
skipClass = TRUE; }
case 137:
#line 1157 "moc.y"
{ BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */
skipClass = TRUE; }
case 138:
#line 1161 "moc.y"
{ BEGIN QT_DEF; /* catch ';' */
skipClass = TRUE; }
case 139:
#line 1163 "moc.y"
{ skipClass = TRUE;
case 143:
#line 1170 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = ""; }
case 145:
#line 1176 "moc.y"
{ g->className = yyvsp[0].string;
if ( g->className == "TQObject" )
Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE;
case 146:
#line 1182 "moc.y"
{ g->className = yyvsp[0].string;
if ( g->className == "TQObject" )
Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE;
case 147:
#line 1189 "moc.y"
{ g->superClassName = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 148:
#line 1194 "moc.y"
{ templateClass = templateClassOld; }
case 157:
#line 1217 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 1; }
case 159:
#line 1222 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = 0; }
case 160:
#line 1223 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 165:
#line 1235 "moc.y"
{ tmpAccess = yyvsp[0].access; }
case 166:
#line 1236 "moc.y"
{ moc_err( "Missing access specifier"
" before \"slots:\"." ); }
case 167:
#line 1240 "moc.y"
case 169:
#line 1242 "moc.y"
case 171:
#line 1244 "moc.y"
if ( tmpAccess )
moc_warn("Q_OBJECT is not in the private"
" section of the class.\n"
"Q_OBJECT is a macro that resets"
" access permission to \"private\".");
Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE;
case 172:
#line 1252 "moc.y"
{ tmpYYStart = YY_START;
tmpPropOverride = FALSE;
case 173:
#line 1255 "moc.y"
BEGIN tmpYYStart;
case 175:
#line 1259 "moc.y"
{ tmpYYStart = YY_START;
tmpPropOverride = TRUE;
case 176:
#line 1262 "moc.y"
BEGIN tmpYYStart;
case 178:
#line 1266 "moc.y"
case 179:
#line 1268 "moc.y"
g->infos.append( new ClassInfo( yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-1].string ) );
BEGIN tmpYYStart;
case 181:
#line 1273 "moc.y"
case 182:
#line 1274 "moc.y"
Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE;
BEGIN tmpYYStart;
case 184:
#line 1279 "moc.y"
case 185:
#line 1280 "moc.y"
Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE;
BEGIN tmpYYStart;
case 187:
#line 1287 "moc.y"
{ moc_err( "Signals cannot "
"have access specifiers" ); }
case 189:
#line 1290 "moc.y"
{ if ( tmpAccess == Public && Q_PROPERTYdetected )
suppress_func_warn = TRUE;
case 190:
#line 1297 "moc.y"
suppress_func_warn = FALSE;
case 191:
#line 1300 "moc.y"
if ( classPLevel != 1 )
moc_warn( "unexpected access"
"specifier" );
case 196:
#line 1315 "moc.y"
{ addMember( PropertyCandidateMember ); }
case 201:
#line 1327 "moc.y"
{ addMember( SignalMember ); }
case 206:
#line 1338 "moc.y"
{ addMember( SlotMember ); }
case 209:
#line 1345 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string; }
case 210:
#line 1348 "moc.y"
{ g->multipleSuperClasses.append( yyvsp[0].string ); }
case 212:
#line 1353 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "(", yyvsp[-1].string, ")" ); }
case 213:
#line 1355 "moc.y"
{ yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "(", yyvsp[-1].string, ")" ); }
case 214:
#line 1358 "moc.y"
case 215:
#line 1359 "moc.y"
case 216:
#line 1360 "moc.y"
case 217:
#line 1361 "moc.y"
case 218:
#line 1362 "moc.y"
case 219:
#line 1363 "moc.y"
case 220:
#line 1364 "moc.y"
case 221:
#line 1365 "moc.y"
case 222:
#line 1366 "moc.y"
case 223:
#line 1367 "moc.y"
case 224:
#line 1370 "moc.y"
{ yyval.access=Private; }
case 225:
#line 1371 "moc.y"
{ yyval.access=Protected; }
case 226:
#line 1372 "moc.y"
{ yyval.access=Public; }
case 227:
#line 1375 "moc.y"
{ }
case 228:
#line 1376 "moc.y"
{ }
case 270:
#line 1424 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->type = yyvsp[-1].string;
tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 271:
#line 1427 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->type = "int";
tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string;
if ( tmpFunc->name == g->className )
func_warn( "Constructors cannot be"
" signals or slots.");
case 272:
#line 1434 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->type = "void";
tmpFunc->name = "~";
tmpFunc->name += yyvsp[0].string;
func_warn( "Destructors cannot be"
" signals or slots.");
case 273:
#line 1442 "moc.y"
char *tmp =
tmpFunc->type = rmWS(tmp);
delete [] tmp;
tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 274:
#line 1449 "moc.y"
{ skipFunc = TRUE; }
case 275:
#line 1451 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->type =
tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 276:
#line 1456 "moc.y"
{ tmpFunc->type =
tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; }
case 277:
#line 1460 "moc.y"
{ operatorError(); }
case 278:
#line 1462 "moc.y"
{ operatorError(); }
case 279:
#line 1465 "moc.y"
{ operatorError(); }
case 280:
#line 1467 "moc.y"
{ operatorError(); }
case 281:
#line 1470 "moc.y"
{ operatorError(); }
case 283:
#line 1476 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected variable declaration."); }
case 284:
#line 1479 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected variable declaration."); }
case 285:
#line 1481 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected enum declaration."); }
case 286:
#line 1483 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected using declaration."); }
case 287:
#line 1485 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected using declaration."); }
case 288:
#line 1487 "moc.y"
{ classPLevel++;
moc_err("Unexpected namespace declaration."); }
case 289:
#line 1490 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected class declaration.");}
case 290:
#line 1492 "moc.y"
{ func_warn("Unexpected class declaration.");
BEGIN IN_FCT; fctLevel=1;
case 291:
#line 1495 "moc.y"
case 295:
#line 1504 "moc.y"
{ }
case 296:
#line 1505 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 0; }
case 298:
#line 1507 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 0; }
case 301:
#line 1512 "moc.y"
{ expLevel = 0; }
case 306:
#line 1527 "moc.y"
if ( tmpAccess == Public) {
tmpEnum->name = yyvsp[-4].string;
case 307:
#line 1534 "moc.y"
{ tmpEnum->clear();}
case 309:
#line 1538 "moc.y"
{ }
case 313:
#line 1546 "moc.y"
{ if ( tmpAccess == Public) tmpEnum->append( yyvsp[0].string ); }
case 314:
#line 1547 "moc.y"
{ enumLevel=0; }
case 315:
#line 1548 "moc.y"
{ if ( tmpAccess == Public) tmpEnum->append( yyvsp[-3].string ); }
case 316:
#line 1552 "moc.y"
g->propWrite = "";
g->propRead = "";
g->propOverride = tmpPropOverride;
g->propReset = "";
if ( g->propOverride ) {
g->propStored = "";
g->propDesignable = "";
g->propScriptable = "";
} else {
g->propStored = "true";
g->propDesignable = "true";
g->propScriptable = "true";
case 317:
#line 1568 "moc.y"
if ( g->propRead.isEmpty() && !g->propOverride )
moc_err( "A property must at least feature a read method." );
checkPropertyName( yyvsp[-2].string );
Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE;
/* Avoid duplicates*/
for( TQPtrListIterator<Property> lit( g->props ); lit.current(); ++lit ) {
if ( lit.current()->name == yyvsp[-2].string ) {
if ( displayWarnings )
moc_err( "Property '%s' defined twice.",
(const char*)lit.current()->name );
g->props.append( new Property( lineNo, yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-2].string,
g->propWrite, g->propRead, g->propReset,
g->propStored, g->propDesignable,
g->propScriptable, g->propOverride ) );
case 319:
#line 1589 "moc.y"
{ g->propRead = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 320:
#line 1590 "moc.y"
{ g->propWrite = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 321:
#line 1591 "moc.y"
{ g->propReset = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 322:
#line 1592 "moc.y"
{ g->propStored = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 323:
#line 1593 "moc.y"
{ g->propDesignable = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 324:
#line 1594 "moc.y"
{ g->propScriptable = yyvsp[-1].string; }
case 325:
#line 1597 "moc.y"
{ }
case 326:
#line 1598 "moc.y"
{ g->qtEnums.append( yyvsp[-1].string ); }
case 327:
#line 1601 "moc.y"
{ }
case 328:
#line 1602 "moc.y"
{ g->qtSets.append( yyvsp[-1].string ); }
#line 4759 ""
yyssp -= yym;
yystate = *yyssp;
yyvsp -= yym;
yym = yylhs[yyn];
if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0)
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to\
state %d\n", YYPREFIX, YYFINAL);
yystate = YYFINAL;
*++yyssp = YYFINAL;
*++yyvsp = yyval;
if (yychar < 0)
if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
if (yydebug)
yys = 0;
if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
YYPREFIX, YYFINAL, yychar, yys);
if (yychar == 0) goto yyaccept;
goto yyloop;
if ((yyn = yygindex[yym]) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yystate)
yystate = yytable[yyn];
yystate = yydgoto[yym];
if (yydebug)
printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state %d \
to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yystate);
if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
goto yyoverflow;
*++yyssp = yystate;
*++yyvsp = yyval;
goto yyloop;
yyerror("yacc stack overflow");
return (1);
return (0);