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< pre > #include "canvastext.h"
#include "chartform.h"
#include < < a href = "qbrush-h.html" > ntqbrush.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqcanvas-h.html" > tqcanvas.h< / a > >
#include < math.h> // sin, cos
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.1415
void < a name = "f167" > < / a > ChartForm::drawElements()
< a href = "tqcanvasitemlist.html" > TQCanvasItemList< / a > list = m_canvas-> allItems();
for ( TQCanvasItemList::iterator it = list.< a href = "ntqvaluelist.html#begin" > begin< / a > (); it != list.< a href = "ntqvaluelist.html#end" > end< / a > (); ++it )
delete *it;
// 360 * 16 for pies; TQt works with 16ths of degrees
int scaleFactor = m_chartType == PIE ? 5760 :
m_chartType == VERTICAL_BAR ? m_canvas-> height() :
m_canvas-> width();
double biggest = 0.0;
int count = 0;
double total = 0.0;
static double scales[MAX_ELEMENTS];
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() ) {
double value = m_elements[i].value();
total += value;
if ( value > biggest )
biggest = value;
scales[i] = m_elements[i].value() * scaleFactor;
if ( count ) {
// 2nd loop because of total and biggest
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i )
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() )
if ( m_chartType == PIE )
scales[i] = (m_elements[i].value() * scaleFactor) / total;
scales[i] = (m_elements[i].value() * scaleFactor) / biggest;
switch ( m_chartType ) {
case PIE:
drawPieChart( scales, total, count );
drawVerticalBarChart( scales, total, count );
drawHorizontalBarChart( scales, total, count );
m_canvas-> update();
void < a name = "f168" > < / a > ChartForm::drawPieChart( const double scales[], double total, int )
double width = m_canvas-> width();
double height = m_canvas-> height();
int size = int(width > height ? height : width);
int x = int(width / 2);
int y = int(height / 2);
int angle = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() ) {
int extent = int(scales[i]);
< a href = "tqcanvasellipse.html" > TQCanvasEllipse< / a > *arc = new < a href = "tqcanvasellipse.html" > TQCanvasEllipse< / a > (
size, size, angle, extent, m_canvas );
arc-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setX" > setX< / a > ( x );
arc-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setY" > setY< / a > ( y );
arc-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 0 );
arc-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#setBrush" > setBrush< / a > ( TQBrush( m_elements[i].valueColor(),
BrushStyle(m_elements[i].valuePattern()) ) );
arc-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
angle += extent;
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > label = m_elements[i].label();
if ( !label.< a href = "ntqstring.html#isEmpty" > isEmpty< / a > () || m_addValues != NO ) {
label = valueLabel( label, m_elements[i].value(), total );
CanvasText *text = new CanvasText( i, label, m_font, m_canvas );
double proX = m_elements[i].proX( PIE );
double proY = m_elements[i].proY( PIE );
if ( proX < 0 || proY < 0 ) {
// Find the centre of the pie segment
< a href = "ntqrect.html" > TQRect< / a > rect = arc-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#boundingRect" > boundingRect< / a > ();
proX = ( rect.< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html#width" > width< / a > () / 2 ) + rect.< a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#x" > x< / a > ();
proY = ( rect.< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html#height" > height< / a > () / 2 ) + rect.< a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#y" > y< / a > ();
// Centre text over the centre of the pie segment
rect = text-> < a href = "tqcanvastext.html#boundingRect" > boundingRect< / a > ();
proX -= ( rect.< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html#width" > width< / a > () / 2 );
proY -= ( rect.< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html#height" > height< / a > () / 2 );
// Make proportional
proX /= width;
proY /= height;
text-> < a href = "tqcanvastext.html#setColor" > setColor< / a > ( m_elements[i].labelColor() );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setX" > setX< / a > ( proX * width );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setY" > setY< / a > ( proY * height );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 1 );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
m_elements[i].setProX( PIE, proX );
m_elements[i].setProY( PIE, proY );
void < a name = "f169" > < / a > ChartForm::drawVerticalBarChart(
const double scales[], double total, int count )
double width = m_canvas-> width();
double height = m_canvas-> height();
int prowidth = int(width / count);
int x = 0;
< a href = "ntqpen.html" > TQPen< / a > pen;
pen.< a href = "ntqpen.html#setStyle" > setStyle< / a > ( NoPen );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() ) {
int extent = int(scales[i]);
int y = int(height - extent);
< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html" > TQCanvasRectangle< / a > *rect = new < a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html" > TQCanvasRectangle< / a > (
x, y, prowidth, extent, m_canvas );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#setBrush" > setBrush< / a > ( TQBrush( m_elements[i].valueColor(),
BrushStyle(m_elements[i].valuePattern()) ) );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#setPen" > setPen< / a > ( pen );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 0 );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > label = m_elements[i].label();
if ( !label.< a href = "ntqstring.html#isEmpty" > isEmpty< / a > () || m_addValues != NO ) {
double proX = m_elements[i].proX( VERTICAL_BAR );
double proY = m_elements[i].proY( VERTICAL_BAR );
if ( proX < 0 || proY < 0 ) {
proX = x / width;
proY = y / height;
label = valueLabel( label, m_elements[i].value(), total );
CanvasText *text = new CanvasText( i, label, m_font, m_canvas );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvastext.html#setColor" > setColor< / a > ( m_elements[i].labelColor() );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setX" > setX< / a > ( proX * width );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setY" > setY< / a > ( proY * height );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 1 );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
m_elements[i].setProX( VERTICAL_BAR, proX );
m_elements[i].setProY( VERTICAL_BAR, proY );
x += prowidth;
void < a name = "f170" > < / a > ChartForm::drawHorizontalBarChart(
const double scales[], double total, int count )
double width = m_canvas-> width();
double height = m_canvas-> height();
int proheight = int(height / count);
int y = 0;
< a href = "ntqpen.html" > TQPen< / a > pen;
pen.< a href = "ntqpen.html#setStyle" > setStyle< / a > ( NoPen );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i ) {
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() ) {
int extent = int(scales[i]);
< a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html" > TQCanvasRectangle< / a > *rect = new < a href = "tqcanvasrectangle.html" > TQCanvasRectangle< / a > (
0, y, extent, proheight, m_canvas );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#setBrush" > setBrush< / a > ( TQBrush( m_elements[i].valueColor(),
BrushStyle(m_elements[i].valuePattern()) ) );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvaspolygonalitem.html#setPen" > setPen< / a > ( pen );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 0 );
rect-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > label = m_elements[i].label();
if ( !label.< a href = "ntqstring.html#isEmpty" > isEmpty< / a > () || m_addValues != NO ) {
double proX = m_elements[i].proX( HORIZONTAL_BAR );
double proY = m_elements[i].proY( HORIZONTAL_BAR );
if ( proX < 0 || proY < 0 ) {
proX = 0;
proY = y / height;
label = valueLabel( label, m_elements[i].value(), total );
CanvasText *text = new CanvasText( i, label, m_font, m_canvas );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvastext.html#setColor" > setColor< / a > ( m_elements[i].labelColor() );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setX" > setX< / a > ( proX * width );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setY" > setY< / a > ( proY * height );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#setZ" > setZ< / a > ( 1 );
text-> < a href = "tqcanvasitem.html#show" > show< / a > ();
m_elements[i].setProX( HORIZONTAL_BAR, proX );
m_elements[i].setProY( HORIZONTAL_BAR, proY );
y += proheight;
TQString < a name = "f171" > < / a > ChartForm::valueLabel(
const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & label, double value, double total )
if ( m_addValues == NO )
return label;
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > newLabel = label;
if ( !label.< a href = "ntqstring.html#isEmpty" > isEmpty< / a > () )
if ( m_chartType == VERTICAL_BAR )
newLabel += '\n';
newLabel += ' ';
if ( m_addValues == YES )
newLabel += TQString::< a href = "ntqstring.html#number" > number< / a > ( value, 'f', m_decimalPlaces );
else if ( m_addValues == AS_PERCENTAGE )
newLabel += TQString::< a href = "ntqstring.html#number" > number< / a > ( (value / total) * 100, 'f', m_decimalPlaces )
+ '%';
return newLabel;
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