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** Implementation of TQFocusData class
** Created : 980622
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
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#include "ntqfocusdata.h"
\class TQFocusData ntqfocusdata.h
\brief The TQFocusData class maintains the list of widgets in the focus
\ingroup misc
This read-only list always contains at least one widget (i.e. the
top-level widget). It provides a simple cursor which can be reset
to the current focus widget using home(), or moved to its
neighboring widgets using next() and prev(). You can also retrieve
the count() of the number of widgets in the list. The list is a
loop, so if you keep iterating, for example using next(), you will
never come to the end.
Some widgets in the list may not accept focus. Widgets are added
to the list as necessary, but not removed from it. This lets
widgets change focus policy dynamically without disrupting the
focus chain the user experiences. When a widget disables and
re-enables tab focus, its position in the focus chain does not
When reimplementing TQWidget::focusNextPrevChild() to provide
special focus flow, you will usually call TQWidget::focusData() to
retrieve the focus data stored at the top-level widget. A
top-level widget's focus data contains the focus list for its
hierarchy of widgets.
The cursor may change at any time.
This class is \e not thread-safe.
\sa TQWidget::focusNextPrevChild() TQWidget::setTabOrder()
\fn TQWidget* TQFocusData::focusWidget() const
Returns the widgets in the hierarchy that are in the focus chain.
\fn int TQFocusData::count() const
Returns the number of widgets in the focus chain.
Moves the cursor to the focusWidget() and returns that widget. You
must call this before next() or prev() to iterate meaningfully.
TQWidget* TQFocusData::home()
return focusWidgets.current();
Moves the cursor to the next widget in the focus chain. There is
\e always a next widget because the list is a loop.
TQWidget* TQFocusData::next()
TQWidget* r =;
if ( !r )
r = focusWidgets.first();
return r;
Moves the cursor to the previous widget in the focus chain. There
is \e always a previous widget because the list is a loop.
TQWidget* TQFocusData::prev()
TQWidget* r = focusWidgets.prev();
if ( !r )
r = focusWidgets.last();
return r;
Returns the last widget in the focus chain.
The cursor is not modified.
TQWidget *TQFocusData::last() const
return focusWidgets.getLast();
Returns the first widget in the focus chain.
The cursor is not modified.
TQWidget *TQFocusData::first() const
return focusWidgets.getFirst();