Normally, you can ignore this class. TQObject and a few other classes inherit it, so all the identifiers in the TQt namespace are normally usable without qualification.
However, you may occasionally need to say \fCQt::black\fR instead of just \fCblack\fR, particularly in static utility functions (such as many class factories).
The background is what the widget contains when paintEvent() is called. To minimize flicker, this should be the most common color or pixmap in the widget. For PaletteBackground, use colorGroup().brush( TQColorGroup::Background ), and so on.
\fCQt::NoBackground\fR - the widget is not cleared before paintEvent(). If the widget's paint event always draws on all the pixels, using this mode can be both fast and flicker-free.
\fCQt::FixedColor\fR - the widget is cleared to a fixed color, normally different from all the ones in the palette(). Set using setPaletteBackgroundColor().
\fCQt::FixedPixmap\fR - the widget is cleared to a fixed pixmap, normally different from all the ones in the palette(). Set using setPaletteBackgroundPixmap().
Although FixedColor and FixedPixmap are sometimes just right, if you use them, make sure that you test your application when the desktop color scheme has been changed. (On X11, a quick way to test this is e.g. "./myapp -bg paleblue". On Windows, you must use the control panel.)
\fCQt::LeftButton\fR - set if the left button is pressed, or if this event refers to the left button. (The left button may be the right button on left-handed mice.)
\fCQt::RightButton\fR - the right button.
\fCQt::MidButton\fR - the middle button.
\fCQt::ShiftButton\fR - a Shift key on the keyboard is also pressed.
\fCQt::ControlButton\fR - a Ctrl key on the keyboard is also pressed.
\fCQt::AltButton\fR - an Alt key on the keyboard is also pressed.
\fCQt::MetaButton\fR - a Meta key on the keyboard is also pressed.
\fCQt::Keypad\fR - a keypad button is pressed.
\fCQt::KeyButtonMask\fR - a mask for ShiftButton, ControlButton, AltButton and MetaButton.
\fCQt::MouseButtonMask\fR - a mask for LeftButton, RightButton and MidButton.
Each dock window can be in one of the following positions:
\fCQt::DockTop\fR - above the central widget, below the menu bar.
\fCQt::DockBottom\fR - below the central widget, above the status bar.
\fCQt::DockLeft\fR - to the left of the central widget.
\fCQt::DockRight\fR - to the right of the central widget.
\fCQt::DockMinimized\fR - the dock window is not shown (this is effectively a 'hidden' dock area); the handles of all minimized dock windows are drawn in one row below the menu bar.
\fCQt::DockTornOff\fR - the dock window floats as its own top level window which always stays on top of the main window.
The conversion flag is a bitwise-OR of the following values. The options marked "(default)" are set if no other values from the list are included (since the defaults are zero):
\fCQt::AutoColor\fR - (default) - If the image has depth 1 and contains only black and white pixels, the pixmap becomes monochrome.
\fCQt::ColorOnly\fR - The pixmap is dithered/converted to the native display depth.
\fCQt::MonoOnly\fR - The pixmap becomes monochrome. If necessary, it is dithered using the chosen dithering algorithm.
Dithering mode preference for RGB channels
\fCQt::DiffuseDither\fR - (default) - A high-quality dither.
\fCQt::OrderedDither\fR - A faster, more ordered dither.
\fCQt::ThresholdDither\fR - No dithering; closest color is used.
Dithering mode preference for alpha channel
\fCQt::ThresholdAlphaDither\fR - (default) - No dithering.
\fCQt::OrderedAlphaDither\fR - A faster, more ordered dither.
\fCQt::DiffuseAlphaDither\fR - A high-quality dither.
\fCQt::NoAlpha\fR - Not supported.
Color matching versus dithering preference
\fCQt::PreferDither\fR - (default when converting to a pixmap) - Always dither 32-bit images when the image is converted to 8 bits.
\fCQt::AvoidDither\fR - (default when converting for the purpose of saving to file) - Dither 32-bit images only if the image has more than 256 colors and it is being converted to 8 bits.
\fCQt::AutoDither\fR - Not supported.
The following are not values that are used directly, but masks for the above classes:
\fCQt::ColorMode_Mask\fR - Mask for the color mode.
\fCQt::Dither_Mask\fR - Mask for the dithering mode for RGB channels.
\fCQt::AlphaDither_Mask\fR - Mask for the dithering mode for the alpha channel.
\fCQt::DitherMode_Mask\fR - Mask for the mode that determines the preference of color matching versus dithering.
Using 0 as the conversion flag sets all the default options.
This enum type is used to describe the way things are written to the paint device. Each bit of the \fIsrc\fR (what you write) interacts with the corresponding bit of the \fIdst\fR pixel.
\fCQt::CopyROP\fR - dst = src
\fCQt::OrROP\fR - dst = src OR dst
\fCQt::XorROP\fR - dst = src XOR dst
\fCQt::NotAndROP\fR - dst = (NOT src) AND dst
\fCQt::EraseROP\fR - an alias for NotAndROP
\fCQt::NotCopyROP\fR - dst = NOT src
\fCQt::NotOrROP\fR - dst = (NOT src) OR dst
\fCQt::NotXorROP\fR - dst = (NOT src) XOR dst
\fCQt::AndROP\fR - dst = src AND dst
\fCQt::NotEraseROP\fR - an alias for AndROP
\fCQt::NotROP\fR - dst = NOT dst
\fCQt::ClearROP\fR - dst = 0
\fCQt::SetROP\fR - dst = 1
\fCQt::NopROP\fR - dst = dst
\fCQt::AndNotROP\fR - dst = src AND (NOT dst)
\fCQt::OrNotROP\fR - dst = src OR (NOT dst)
\fCQt::NandROP\fR - dst = NOT (src AND dst)
\fCQt::NorROP\fR - dst = NOT (src OR dst)
By far the most useful ones are CopyROP and XorROP.
This enum type is used to set the string comparison mode when searching for an item. It is used by TQListBox, TQListView and TQIconView, for example. We'll refer to the string being searched as the 'target' string.
\fCQt::CaseSensitive\fR - The strings must match case sensitively.
\fCQt::ExactMatch\fR - The target and search strings must match exactly.
\fCQt::BeginsWith\fR - The target string begins with the search string.
\fCQt::EndsWith\fR - The target string ends with the search string.
\fCQt::Contains\fR - The target string contains the search string.
If you OR these flags together (excluding CaseSensitive), the search criteria be applied in the following order: ExactMatch, BeginsWith, EndsWith, Contains.
Matching is case-insensitive unless CaseSensitive is set. CaseSensitive can be OR-ed with any combination of the other flags.
This enum is used in widgets that can display both plain text and rich text, e.g. TQLabel. It is used for deciding whether a text string should be interpreted as one or the other. This is normally done by passing one of the enum values to a setTextFormat() function.
This enum type is used to specify various window-system properties for the widget. They are fairly unusual but necessary in a few cases. Some of these flags depend on whether the underlying window manager supports them. (See the toplevel example for an explanation and example of their use.)
The main types are
\fCQt::WType_TopLevel\fR - indicates that this widget is a top-level widget, usually with a window-system frame and so on.
\fCQt::WType_Dialog\fR - indicates that this widget is a top-level window that should be decorated as a dialog (i.e. typically no maximize or minimize buttons in the title bar). If you want to use it as a modal dialog it should be launched from another window, or have a parent and this flag should be combined with WShowModal. If you make it modal, the dialog will prevent other top-level windows in the application from getting any input. WType_Dialog implies WType_TopLevel. We refer to a top-level window that has a parent as a \fIsecondary\fR window. (See also WGroupLeader.)
\fCQt::WType_Popup\fR - indicates that this widget is a popup top-level window, i.e. that it is modal, but has a window system frame appropriate for popup menus. WType_Popup implies WType_TopLevel.
\fCQt::WType_Desktop\fR - indicates that this widget is the desktop. See also WPaintDesktop below. WType_Desktop implies WType_TopLevel.
There are also a number of flags which you can use to customize the appearance of top-level windows. These have no effect on other windows:
\fCQt::WStyle_Customize\fR - indicates that the \fCWStyle_*\fR flags should be used to build the window instead of the default flags.
\fCQt::WStyle_NormalBorder\fR - gives the window a normal border. This cannot be combined with WStyle_DialogBorder or WStyle_NoBorder.
\fCQt::WStyle_DialogBorder\fR - gives the window a thin dialog border. This cannot be combined with WStyle_NormalBorder or WStyle_NoBorder.
\fCQt::WStyle_NoBorder\fR - produces a borderless window. Note that the user cannot move or resize a borderless window via the window system. This cannot be combined with WStyle_NormalBorder or WStyle_DialogBorder. On Windows, the flag works fine. On X11, the result of the flag is dependent on the window manager and its ability to understand MOTIF and/or NETWM hints: most existing modern window managers can handle this. With WX11BypassWM, you can bypass the window manager completely. This results in a borderless window that is not managed at all (i.e. no keyboard input unless you call setActiveWindow() manually).
\fCQt::WStyle_NoBorderEx\fR - this value is obsolete. It has the same effect as using WStyle_NoBorder.
\fCQt::WStyle_Title\fR - gives the window a title bar.
\fCQt::WStyle_SysMenu\fR - adds a window system menu.
\fCQt::WStyle_Minimize\fR - adds a minimize button. Note that on Windows this has to be combined with WStyle_SysMenu for it to work.
\fCQt::WStyle_Maximize\fR - adds a maximize button. Note that on Windows this has to be combined with WStyle_SysMenu for it to work.
\fCQt::WStyle_MinMax\fR - is equal to \fCWStyle_Minimize|WStyle_Maximize\fR. Note that on Windows this has to be combined with WStyle_SysMenu to work.
\fCQt::WStyle_ContextHelp\fR - adds a context help button to dialogs.
\fCQt::WStyle_Tool\fR - makes the window a tool window. A tool window is often a small window with a smaller than usual title bar and decoration, typically used for collections of tool buttons. It there is a parent, the tool window will always be kept on top of it. If there isn't a parent, you may consider passing WStyle_StaysOnTop as well. If the window system supports it, a tool window can be decorated with a somewhat lighter frame. It can also be combined with WStyle_NoBorder.
\fCQt::WStyle_StaysOnTop\fR - informs the window system that the window should stay on top of all other windows. Note that on some window managers on X11 you also have to pass WX11BypassWM for this flag to work correctly.
\fCQt::WStyle_Dialog\fR - indicates that the window is a logical subwindow of its parent (i.e. a dialog). The window will not get its own taskbar entry and will be kept on top of its parent by the window system. Usually it will also be minimized when the parent is minimized. If not customized, the window is decorated with a slightly simpler title bar. This is the flag TQDialog uses.
\fCQt::WStyle_Splash\fR - indicates that the window is a splash screen. On X11, we try to follow NETWM standard for a splash screen window if the window manager supports is otherwise it is equivalent to WX11BypassWM. On other platforms, it is equivalent to WStyle_NoBorder \fC|\fR WMacNoSheet \fC|\fR WStyle_Tool \fC|\fR WWinOwnDC
\fCQt::WDestructiveClose\fR - makes TQt delete this widget when the widget has accepted closeEvent(), or when the widget tried to ignore closeEvent() but could not.
\fCQt::WPaintDesktop\fR - gives this widget paint events for the desktop.
\fCQt::WPaintUnclipped\fR - makes all painters operating on this widget unclipped. Children of this widget or other widgets in front of it do not clip the area the painter can paint on.
\fCQt::WPaintClever\fR - indicates that TQt should \fInot\fR try to optimize repainting for the widget, but instead pass on window system repaint events directly. (This tends to produce more events and smaller repaint regions.)
\fCQt::WMouseNoMask\fR - indicates that even if the widget has a mask, it wants mouse events for its entire rectangle.
\fCQt::WStaticContents\fR - indicates that the widget contents are north-west aligned and static. On resize, such a widget will receive paint events only for the newly visible part of itself.
\fCQt::WNoAutoErase\fR - indicates that the widget paints all its pixels. Updating, resizing, scrolling and focus changes should therefore not erase the widget. This allows smart-repainting to avoid flicker.
\fCQt::WResizeNoErase\fR - this value is obsolete; use WNoAutoErase instead.
\fCQt::WRepaintNoErase\fR - this value is obsolete; use WNoAutoErase instead.
\fCQt::WGroupLeader\fR - makes this window a group leader. A group leader should \fInot\fR have a parent (i.e. it should be a top-level window). Any decendant windows (direct or indirect) of a group leader are in its group; other windows are not. If you show a secondary window from the group (i.e. show a window whose top-most parent is a group leader), that window will be modal with respect to the other windows in the group, but modeless with respect to windows in other groups.