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< p >
This example shows how to use a < a href = "tqdatatable.html" > TQDataTable< / a > to browse data in a SQL database.
< p > < hr >
< p > Implementation:
< p > < pre > /****************************************************************************
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
#include < < a href = "qapplication-h.html" > ntqapplication.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqsqldatabase-h.html" > tqsqldatabase.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqdatatable-h.html" > tqdatatable.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqsqlcursor-h.html" > tqsqlcursor.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqmessagebox-h.html" > tqmessagebox.h< / a > >
/* Modify the following to match your environment */
#define DRIVER "TQSQLITE" /* see the TQt SQL documentation for a list of available drivers */
#define DATABASE ":memory:" /* the name of your database */
#define USER "" /* user name with appropriate rights */
#define PASSWORD "" /* password for USER */
#define HOST "" /* host on which the database is running */
class SimpleCursor : public < a href = "tqsqlcursor.html" > TQSqlCursor< / a >
SimpleCursor () : < a href = "tqsqlcursor.html" > TQSqlCursor< / a > ( "simpletable" ) {}
< a href = "tqsqlrecord.html" > TQSqlRecord< / a > * primeInsert()
/* a real-world application would use sequences, or the like */
< a name = "x2453" > < / a > < a href = "tqsqlrecord.html" > TQSqlRecord< / a > * buf = TQSqlCursor::< a href = "tqsqlcursor.html#primeInsert" > primeInsert< / a > ();
< a href = "tqsqlquery.html" > TQSqlQuery< / a > q( "select max(id)+1 from simpletable" );
if ( q.< a href = "tqsqlquery.html#next" > next< / a > () )
< a name = "x2464" > < / a > buf-> < a href = "tqsqlrecord.html#setValue" > setValue< / a > ( "id", q.< a href = "tqsqlquery.html#value" > value< / a > (0) );
return buf;
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
< a href = "ntqapplication.html" > TQApplication< / a > a( argc, argv );
< a name = "x2454" > < / a > < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html" > TQSqlDatabase< / a > * db = TQSqlDatabase::< a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#addDatabase" > addDatabase< / a > ( DRIVER );
< a name = "x2457" > < / a > db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#setDatabaseName" > setDatabaseName< / a > ( DATABASE );
< a name = "x2460" > < / a > db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#setUserName" > setUserName< / a > ( USER );
< a name = "x2459" > < / a > db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#setPassword" > setPassword< / a > ( PASSWORD );
< a name = "x2458" > < / a > db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#setHostName" > setHostName< / a > ( HOST );
< a name = "x2456" > < / a > if( !db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#open" > open< / a > () ){
< a name = "x2455" > < / a > db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#lastError" > lastError< / a > ().showMessage( "An error occured. Please read the README file in the sqltable"
"dir for more information.\n\n" );
return 1;
< a name = "x2461" > < / a > if (!db-> < a href = "tqsqldatabase.html#tables" > tables< / a > ().contains("simpletable")) {
< a href = "tqsqlquery.html" > TQSqlQuery< / a > q("create table simpletable(id int, name varchar(20), address varchar(20))", db);
SimpleCursor cursor;
< a href = "tqdatatable.html" > TQDataTable< / a > table( & cursor ); /* data table uses our cursor */
< a name = "x2451" > < / a > table.< a href = "tqdatatable.html#addColumn" > addColumn< / a > ( "name", "Name" );
table.< a href = "tqdatatable.html#addColumn" > addColumn< / a > ( "address", "Address" );
< a name = "x2465" > < / a > table.< a href = "tqtable.html#setSorting" > setSorting< / a > ( TRUE );
a.< a href = "ntqapplication.html#setMainWidget" > setMainWidget< / a > ( & table );
< a name = "x2452" > < / a > table.< a href = "tqdatatable.html#refresh" > refresh< / a > (); /* load data */
table.< a href = "tqwidget.html#show" > show< / a > (); /* show widget */
return a.< a href = "ntqapplication.html#exec" > exec< / a > ();
< / pre >
< p > < p > See also < a href = "sql-examples.html" > TQt SQL Examples< / a > .
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