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213 lines
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#include "glworkspace.h"
#include "glbox.h"
#include "glgear.h"
#include "gltexobj.h"
#include <tqworkspace.h>
#include <ntqdialog.h>
#include <tqtoolbar.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqmenubar.h>
#include <tqaction.h>
#include <ntqprinter.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <ntqcheckbox.h>
#include <ntqvbox.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include "printpreview.h"
GLWorkspace::GLWorkspace( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
: TQMainWindow( parent, name, f ), printer( 0 )
TQVBox *vbox = new TQVBox( this );
vbox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::StyledPanel | TQFrame::Sunken );
vbox->setMargin( 1 );
vbox->setLineWidth( 1 );
workspace = new TQWorkspace( vbox );
workspace->setBackgroundMode( PaletteMid );
setCentralWidget( vbox );
void GLWorkspace::setupSceneActions()
TQToolBar *tb = new TQToolBar( "Scene", this );
TQPopupMenu *menu = new TQPopupMenu( this );
menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Scene" ), menu );
TQAction *a;
TQActionGroup *newGroup = new TQActionGroup( this );
newGroup->setMenuText( tr( "&New" ) );
newGroup->setText( tr( "New" ) );
newGroup->setUsesDropDown( TRUE );
newGroup->setExclusive( FALSE );
newGroup->setIconSet( TQPixmap( "textdrawing/filenew.png" ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Wirebox" ), TQPixmap( "opengl/wirebox.xpm" ), tr( "&Wirebox" ), 0, newGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( newWirebox() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Gear" ), TQPixmap( "opengl/gear.xpm" ), tr( "&Gears" ), 0, newGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( newGear() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Texture" ), TQPixmap( "opengl/texture.xpm" ), tr( "&Texture" ), 0, newGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( newTexture() ) );
/* a = new TQAction( tr( "Nurbs" ), TQPixmap( "opengl/nurbs.xpm" ), tr( "&Nurbs" ), 0, newGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( newNurbs() ) );*/
newGroup->addTo( tb );
newGroup->addTo( menu );
TQActionGroup *printGroup = new TQActionGroup( this );
printGroup->setMenuText( tr( "&Print" ) );
printGroup->setText( tr( "Print" ) );
printGroup->setUsesDropDown( TRUE );
printGroup->setExclusive( FALSE );
printGroup->setIconSet( TQPixmap( "textdrawing/print.png" ) );
TQAction *da = new TQAction( tr( "Window Size" ), TQPixmap( "textdrawing/print.png" ), tr( "&Window Size" ), CTRL + Key_P, printGroup );
connect( da, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( filePrintWindowRes() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Low Resolution" ), tr( "&Low Resolution" ), 0, printGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( filePrintLowRes() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Medium Resolution" ), tr( "&Medium Resolution" ), 0, printGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( filePrintMedRes() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "High Resolution" ), tr( "&High Resolution" ), 0, printGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( filePrintHighRes() ) );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Setup" ), tr( "&Setup..." ), 0, printGroup );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( filePrintSetup() ) );
da->addTo( tb );
printGroup->addTo( menu );
a = new TQAction( tr( "Close" ), TQPixmap(), tr( "&Close" ), 0, this );
connect( a, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( fileClose() ) );
a->addTo( menu );
void GLWorkspace::newWirebox()
GLBox *gl = new GLBox( workspace, 0, WDestructiveClose );
gl->setIcon( TQPixmap( "opengl/wirebox.xpm" ) );
gl->setCaption( tr( "Wirebox" ) );
gl->resize( 320, 240 );
void GLWorkspace::newGear()
GLGear *gl = new GLGear( workspace, 0, WDestructiveClose );
gl->setIcon( TQPixmap( "opengl/gear.xpm" ) );
gl->setCaption( tr( "Gear" ) );
gl->resize( 320, 240 );
void GLWorkspace::newTexture()
GLTexobj *gl = new GLTexobj( workspace, 0, WDestructiveClose );
gl->setIcon( TQPixmap( "opengl/texture.xpm" ) );
gl->setCaption( tr( "Texture" ) );
gl->resize( 320, 240 );
void GLWorkspace::newNurbs()
GLGear *gl = new GLGear ( workspace, 0, WDestructiveClose );
gl->setIcon( TQPixmap( "opengl/nurbs.xpm" ) );
gl->setCaption( tr( "Nurbs" ) );
gl->resize( 320, 240 );
void GLWorkspace::filePrint( int x, int y )
bool print = printer || filePrintSetup();
if ( !print || !printer )
TQWidget *widget = workspace->activeWindow();
if ( !widget || !widget->inherits( "TQGLWidget" ) )
TQGLWidget *gl = (TQGLWidget *)widget;
TQPixmap pm = gl->renderPixmap( x, y );
PrintPreview view( this );
TQImage temp = pm.convertToImage();
temp = temp.smoothScale( 400, 300 );
TQPixmap temppix;
temppix.convertFromImage( temp );
view.setPixmap( temppix );
view.setIcon( TQPixmap( "opengl/snapshot.xpm" ) );
view.setCaption( gl->caption() + " - Print preview" );
if ( view.exec() ) {
TQImage img = pm.convertToImage();
if ( view.checkInvert->isChecked() ) {
if ( view.checkMirror->isChecked() ) {
img = img.mirror( TRUE, FALSE );
if ( view.checkFlip->isChecked() ) {
img = img.mirror( FALSE, TRUE );
if ( view.checkLeft->isEnabled() && view.checkLeft->isChecked() ) {
if ( view.checkRight->isEnabled() && view.checkRight->isChecked() ) {
pm.convertFromImage( img );
TQPainter painter;
if ( !painter.begin( printer ) )
painter.drawPixmap( TQPoint( 0, 0 ), pm );
void GLWorkspace::filePrintWindowRes()
filePrint( 0, 0 );
void GLWorkspace::filePrintLowRes()
filePrint( 640, 480 );
void GLWorkspace::filePrintMedRes()
filePrint( 1024, 768 );
void GLWorkspace::filePrintHighRes()
filePrint( 2048, 1536 );
bool GLWorkspace::filePrintSetup()
bool newPrinter = !printer;
if ( !printer )
printer = new TQPrinter;
if ( printer->setup() ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
if ( newPrinter ) {
delete printer;
printer = 0;
return FALSE;
void GLWorkspace::fileClose()