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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > Input/Output and Networking< / h1 >
< p > These classes are used to handle input and output to and from external
devices, processes, files etc. as well as manipulating files and directories.
< p >
< p > < table width = "100%" >
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqbuffer.html" > TQBuffer< / a > < / b > < td > I/O device that operates on a TQByteArray
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqclipboard.html" > TQClipboard< / a > < / b > < td > Access to the window system clipboard
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqdatastream.html" > TQDataStream< / a > < / b > < td > Serialization of binary data to a TQIODevice
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqdir.html" > TQDir< / a > < / b > < td > Access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqdns.html" > TQDns< / a > < / b > < td > Asynchronous DNS lookups
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > < / b > < td > I/O device that operates on files
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqfileinfo.html" > TQFileInfo< / a > < / b > < td > System-independent file information
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqftp.html" > TQFtp< / a > < / b > < td > Implementation of the FTP protocol
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhostaddress.html" > TQHostAddress< / a > < / b > < td > IP address
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhttp.html" > TQHttp< / a > < / b > < td > Implementation of the HTTP protocol
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhttpheader.html" > TQHttpHeader< / a > < / b > < td > Header information for HTTP
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhttprequestheader.html" > TQHttpRequestHeader< / a > < / b > < td > Request header information for HTTP
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhttpresponseheader.html" > TQHttpResponseHeader< / a > < / b > < td > Response header information for HTTP
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqimageio.html" > TQImageIO< / a > < / b > < td > Parameters for loading and saving images
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqiodevice.html" > TQIODevice< / a > < / b > < td > The base class of I/O devices
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqlocalfs.html" > TQLocalFs< / a > < / b > < td > Implementation of a TQNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmacmime.html" > TQMacMime< / a > < / b > < td > Maps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmimesource.html" > TQMimeSource< / a > < / b > < td > Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmimesourcefactory.html" > TQMimeSourceFactory< / a > < / b > < td > Extensible provider of mime-typed data
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqnetworkoperation.html" > TQNetworkOperation< / a > < / b > < td > Common operations for network protocols
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqnetworkprotocol.html" > TQNetworkProtocol< / a > < / b > < td > Common API for network protocols
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqprocess.html" > TQProcess< / a > < / b > < td > Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqserversocket.html" > TQServerSocket< / a > < / b > < td > TCP-based server
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsettings.html" > TQSettings< / a > < / b > < td > Persistent platform-independent application settings
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsignal.html" > TQSignal< / a > < / b > < td > Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit TQObject
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsignalmapper.html" > TQSignalMapper< / a > < / b > < td > Bundles signals from identifiable senders
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsocket.html" > TQSocket< / a > < / b > < td > Buffered TCP connection
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsocketdevice.html" > TQSocketDevice< / a > < / b > < td > Platform-independent low-level socket API
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsocketnotifier.html" > TQSocketNotifier< / a > < / b > < td > Support for socket callbacks
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtextistream.html" > TQTextIStream< / a > < / b > < td > Convenience class for input streams
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtextostream.html" > TQTextOStream< / a > < / b > < td > Convenience class for output streams
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtextstream.html" > TQTextStream< / a > < / b > < td > Basic functions for reading and writing text using a TQIODevice
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqurl.html" > TQUrl< / a > < / b > < td > URL parser and simplifies working with URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqurlinfo.html" > TQUrlInfo< / a > < / b > < td > Stores information about URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqurloperator.html" > TQUrlOperator< / a > < / b > < td > Common operations on URLs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqwindowsmime.html" > TQWindowsMime< / a > < / b > < td > Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
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