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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > TQDir< / h1 >
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< p > Main:
< p > < pre > /****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/qdir.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
#include "../dirview/dirview.h"
#include "ntqdir.h"
#include < < a href = "qapplication-h.html" > ntqapplication.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qtextview-h.html" > ntqtextview.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qfileinfo-h.html" > ntqfileinfo.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qfile-h.html" > ntqfile.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qtextstream-h.html" > ntqtextstream.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qhbox-h.html" > ntqhbox.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qspinbox-h.html" > ntqspinbox.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qlabel-h.html" > ntqlabel.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qmultilineedit-h.html" > ntqmultilineedit.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qheader-h.html" > ntqheader.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qevent-h.html" > ntqevent.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qpainter-h.html" > ntqpainter.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qpopupmenu-h.html" > ntqpopupmenu.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qpushbutton-h.html" > ntqpushbutton.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qtoolbutton-h.html" > ntqtoolbutton.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qfile-h.html" > ntqfile.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qtextstream-h.html" > ntqtextstream.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "qtooltip-h.html" > ntqtooltip.h< / a > >
#include < stdlib.h>
/* XPM */
static const char *bookmarks[]={
"22 14 8 1",
"# c #000080",
"a c #585858",
"b c #000000",
"c c #ffffff",
"d c #ffffff",
"e c #ffffff",
"f c #000000",
". c None",
/* XPM */
static const char *home[]={
"16 15 4 1",
"# c #000000",
"a c #ffffff",
"b c #c0c0c0",
". c None",
// ****************************************************************************************************
< a name = "f495" > < / a > PixmapView::PixmapView( < a href = "tqwidget.html" > TQWidget< / a > *parent )
: < a href = "ntqscrollview.html" > TQScrollView< / a > ( parent )
< a href = "ntqscrollview.html#viewport" > viewport< / a > ()-> setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase );
void < a name = "f496" > < / a > PixmapView::setPixmap( const < a href = "ntqpixmap.html" > TQPixmap< / a > & pix )
pixmap = pix;
< a name = "x1855" > < / a > < a href = "ntqscrollview.html#resizeContents" > resizeContents< / a > ( pixmap.< a href = "tqwidget.html#size" > size< / a > ().width(), pixmap.< a href = "tqwidget.html#size" > size< / a > ().height() );
< a href = "ntqscrollview.html#viewport" > viewport< / a > ()-> repaint( FALSE );
< a name = "x1837" > < / a > void PixmapView::< a href = "ntqscrollview.html#drawContents" > drawContents< / a > ( < a href = "ntqpainter.html" > TQPainter< / a > *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )
< a name = "x1833" > < / a > p-> < a href = "ntqpainter.html#fillRect" > fillRect< / a > ( cx, cy, cw, ch, colorGroup().brush( TQColorGroup::Base ) );
< a name = "x1832" > < / a > p-> < a href = "ntqpainter.html#drawPixmap" > drawPixmap< / a > ( 0, 0, pixmap );
// ****************************************************************************************************
< a name = "f497" > < / a > Preview::Preview( < a href = "tqwidget.html" > TQWidget< / a > *parent )
: < a href = "tqwidgetstack.html" > TQWidgetStack< / a > ( parent )
normalText = new < a href = "ntqmultilineedit.html" > TQMultiLineEdit< / a > ( this );
< a name = "x1845" > < / a > normalText-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setReadOnly" > setReadOnly< / a > ( TRUE );
html = new < a href = "ntqtextview.html" > TQTextView< / a > ( this );
pixmap = new PixmapView( this );
< a href = "tqwidgetstack.html#raiseWidget" > raiseWidget< / a > ( normalText );
void < a name = "f498" > < / a > Preview::showPreview( const < a href = "ntqurl.html" > TQUrl< / a > & u, int size )
< a name = "x1849" > < / a > if ( u.< a href = "ntqurl.html#isLocalFile" > isLocalFile< / a > () ) {
< a name = "x1850" > < / a > < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > path = u.< a href = "ntqurl.html#path" > path< / a > ();
< a href = "ntqfileinfo.html" > TQFileInfo< / a > fi( path );
< a name = "x1825" > < / a > < a name = "x1824" > < / a > if ( fi.< a href = "ntqfileinfo.html#isFile" > isFile< / a > () & & (int)fi.< a href = "ntqfileinfo.html#size" > size< / a > () > size * 1000 ) {
< a name = "x1846" > < / a > normalText-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( < a href = "tqobject.html#tr" > tr< / a > ( "The File\n%1\nis too large, so I don't show it!" ).arg( path ) );
< a href = "tqwidgetstack.html#raiseWidget" > raiseWidget< / a > ( normalText );
< a href = "ntqpixmap.html" > TQPixmap< / a > pix( path );
< a name = "x1834" > < / a > if ( pix.< a href = "ntqpixmap.html#isNull" > isNull< / a > () ) {
if ( fi.< a href = "ntqfileinfo.html#isFile" > isFile< / a > () ) {
< a href = "ntqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > f( path );
< a name = "x1815" > < / a > if ( f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#open" > open< / a > ( < a href = "ntqfile.html#open" > IO_ReadOnly< / a > ) ) {
< a href = "ntqtextstream.html" > TQTextStream< / a > ts( & f );
< a name = "x1847" > < / a > < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > text = ts.< a href = "ntqtextstream.html#read" > read< / a > ();
< a name = "x1814" > < / a > f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#close" > close< / a > ();
< a name = "x1823" > < / a > if ( fi.< a href = "ntqfileinfo.html#extension" > extension< / a > ().lower().contains( "htm" ) ) {
< a name = "x1844" > < / a > < a name = "x1843" > < / a > < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > url = html-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#mimeSourceFactory" > mimeSourceFactory< / a > ()-> makeAbsolute( path, html-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#context" > context< / a > () );
html-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( text, url );
raiseWidget( html );
} else {
normalText-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( text );
raiseWidget( normalText );
normalText-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( < a href = "ntqstring.html#TQString-null" > TQString::null< / a > );
raiseWidget( normalText );
} else {
pixmap-> setPixmap( pix );
raiseWidget( pixmap );
} else {
normalText-> < a href = "ntqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( "I only show local files!" );
raiseWidget( normalText );
// ****************************************************************************************************
< a name = "f499" > < / a > PreviewWidget::PreviewWidget( < a href = "tqwidget.html" > TQWidget< / a > *parent )
: < a href = "ntqvbox.html" > TQVBox< / a > ( parent ), TQFilePreview()
setSpacing( 5 );
setMargin( 5 );
< a href = "ntqhbox.html" > TQHBox< / a > *row = new < a href = "ntqhbox.html" > TQHBox< / a > ( this );
< a name = "x1826" > < / a > row-> < a href = "ntqhbox.html#setSpacing" > setSpacing< / a > ( 5 );
(void)new < a href = "ntqlabel.html" > TQLabel< / a > ( < a href = "tqobject.html#tr" > tr< / a > ( "Only show files smaller than: " ), row );
sizeSpinBox = new < a href = "ntqspinbox.html" > TQSpinBox< / a > ( 1, 10000, 1, row );
< a name = "x1838" > < / a > sizeSpinBox-> < a href = "ntqspinbox.html#setSuffix" > setSuffix< / a > ( " KB" );
< a name = "x1839" > < / a > sizeSpinBox-> < a href = "ntqspinbox.html#setValue" > setValue< / a > ( 64 );
< a name = "x1852" > < / a > < a name = "x1840" > < / a > row-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFixedHeight" > setFixedHeight< / a > ( 10 + sizeSpinBox-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#sizeHint" > sizeHint< / a > ().height() );
preview = new Preview( this );
void < a name = "f500" > < / a > PreviewWidget::previewUrl( const < a href = "ntqurl.html" > TQUrl< / a > & u )
< a name = "x1841" > < / a > preview-> showPreview( u, sizeSpinBox-> < a href = "ntqspinbox.html#value" > value< / a > () );
// ****************************************************************************************************
< a name = "f491" > < / a > CustomFileDialog::CustomFileDialog()
: < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html" > TQFileDialog< / a > ( 0, 0, TRUE )
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( "/" );
dirView = new DirectoryView( this, 0, TRUE );
< a name = "x1827" > < / a > dirView-> < a href = "ntqlistview.html#addColumn" > addColumn< / a > ( "" );
< a name = "x1828" > < / a > dirView-> < a href = "ntqlistview.html#header" > header< / a > ()-> hide();
::Directory *root = new ::Directory( dirView, "/" );
root-> setOpen( TRUE );
< a name = "x1853" > < / a > dirView-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFixedWidth" > setFixedWidth< / a > ( 150 );
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#addLeftWidget" > addLeftWidget< / a > ( dirView );
< a href = "ntqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > *p = new < a href = "ntqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > ( this );
< a name = "x1811" > < / a > p-> < a href = "ntqbutton.html#setPixmap" > setPixmap< / a > ( TQPixmap( bookmarks ) );
< a name = "x1848" > < / a > TQToolTip::< a href = "ntqtooltip.html#add" > add< / a > ( p, tr( "Bookmarks" ) );
bookmarkMenu = new < a href = "ntqpopupmenu.html" > TQPopupMenu< / a > ( this );
< a name = "x1835" > < / a > < a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( bookmarkMenu, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "ntqpopupmenu.html#activated" > activated< / a > ( int ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( bookmarkChosen( int ) ) );
addId = bookmarkMenu-> < a href = "ntqmenudata.html#insertItem" > insertItem< / a > ( < a href = "tqobject.html#tr" > tr< / a > ( "Add bookmark" ) );
bookmarkMenu-> < a href = "ntqmenudata.html#insertSeparator" > insertSeparator< / a > ();
< a href = "ntqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > f( ".bookmarks" );
if ( f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#open" > open< / a > ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
< a href = "ntqdatastream.html" > TQDataStream< / a > ds( & f );
ds > > bookmarkList;
f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#close" > close< / a > ();
TQStringList::Iterator it = bookmarkList.begin();
for ( ; it != bookmarkList.end(); ++it ) {
bookmarkMenu-> < a href = "ntqmenudata.html#insertItem" > insertItem< / a > ( *it );
< a name = "x1836" > < / a > p-> < a href = "ntqpushbutton.html#setPopup" > setPopup< / a > ( bookmarkMenu );
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#addToolButton" > addToolButton< / a > ( p, TRUE );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( dirView, TQ_SIGNAL( folderSelected( const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & ) ),
this, TQ_SLOT( setDir2( const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & ) ) );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( this, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#dirEntered" > dirEntered< / a > ( const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & ) ),
dirView, TQ_SLOT( < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & ) ) );
< a href = "ntqtoolbutton.html" > TQToolButton< / a > *b = new < a href = "ntqtoolbutton.html" > TQToolButton< / a > ( this );
TQToolTip::< a href = "ntqtooltip.html#add" > add< / a > ( b, tr( "Go Home!" ) );
b-> < a href = "ntqbutton.html#setPixmap" > setPixmap< / a > ( TQPixmap( home ) );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( b, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "ntqbutton.html#clicked" > clicked< / a > () ),
this, TQ_SLOT( goHome() ) );
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#addToolButton" > addToolButton< / a > ( b );
< a href = "tqwidget.html#resize" > resize< / a > ( < a href = "tqwidget.html#width" > width< / a > () + width() / 3, height() );
if ( !bookmarkList.isEmpty() ) {
< a href = "ntqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > f( ".bookmarks" );
if ( f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#open" > open< / a > ( < a href = "ntqfile.html#open" > IO_WriteOnly< / a > ) ) {
< a href = "ntqdatastream.html" > TQDataStream< / a > ds( & f );
ds < < bookmarkList;
f.< a href = "ntqfile.html#close" > close< / a > ();
void < a name = "f492" > < / a > CustomFileDialog::setDir2( const < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & s )
< a href = "tqobject.html#blockSignals" > blockSignals< / a > ( TRUE );
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( s );
< a href = "tqobject.html#blockSignals" > blockSignals< / a > ( FALSE );
< a name = "x1854" > < / a > void CustomFileDialog::< a href = "tqwidget.html#showEvent" > showEvent< / a > ( < a href = "qshowevent.html" > TQShowEvent< / a > *e )
TQFileDialog::< a href = "tqwidget.html#showEvent" > showEvent< / a > ( e );
dirView-> setDir( < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#dirPath" > dirPath< / a > () );
void < a name = "f493" > < / a > CustomFileDialog::bookmarkChosen( int i )
if ( i == addId ) {
bookmarkList < < dirPath();
bookmarkMenu-> < a href = "ntqmenudata.html#insertItem" > insertItem< / a > ( < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#dirPath" > dirPath< / a > () );
} else {
< a name = "x1831" > < / a > < a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( bookmarkMenu-> < a href = "ntqmenudata.html#text" > text< / a > ( i ) );
void < a name = "f494" > < / a > CustomFileDialog::goHome()
if ( getenv( "HOME" ) )
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( getenv( "HOME" ) );
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setDir" > setDir< / a > ( "/" );
// ****************************************************************************************************
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
TQFileDialog::Mode mode = TQFileDialog::ExistingFile;
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > start;
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > filter;
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > caption;
bool preview = FALSE;
bool custom = FALSE;
< a href = "ntqapplication.html" > TQApplication< / a > a( argc, argv );
for (int i=1; i< argc; i++) {
< a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > arg = argv[i];
if ( arg == "-any" )
mode = TQFileDialog::AnyFile;
else if ( arg == "-dir" )
mode = TQFileDialog::Directory;
else if ( arg == "-default" )
start = argv[++i];
else if ( arg == "-filter" )
filter = argv[++i];
else if ( arg == "-preview" )
preview = TRUE;
else if ( arg == "-custom" )
custom = TRUE;
else if ( arg[0] == '-' ) {
< a href = "ntqapplication.html#qDebug" > tqDebug< / a > ("Usage: qdir [-any | -dir | -custom] [-preview] [-default f] {-filter f} [caption ...]\n"
" -any Get any filename, need not exist.\n"
" -dir Return a directory rather than a file.\n"
" -custom Opens a customized TQFileDialog with \n"
" dir browser, bookmark menu, etc.\n"
" -preview Show a preview widget.\n"
" -default f Start from directory/file f.\n"
" -filter f eg. '*.gif' '*.bmp'\n"
" caption ... Caption for dialog.\n"
return 1;
} else {
< a name = "x1842" > < / a > if ( !caption.< a href = "ntqstring.html#isNull" > isNull< / a > () )
caption += ' ';
caption += arg;
if ( !start )
< a name = "x1813" > < / a > start = TQDir::< a href = "ntqdir.html#currentDirPath" > currentDirPath< / a > ();
if ( !caption )
caption = mode == TQFileDialog::Directory
? "Choose directory..." : "Choose file...";
if ( !custom ) {
< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html" > TQFileDialog< / a > fd( TQString::null, filter, 0, 0, TRUE );
< a name = "x1819" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setMode" > setMode< / a > ( mode );
if ( preview ) {
< a name = "x1818" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setContentsPreviewEnabled" > setContentsPreviewEnabled< / a > ( TRUE );
PreviewWidget *pw = new PreviewWidget( & fd );
< a name = "x1817" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setContentsPreview" > setContentsPreview< / a > ( pw, pw );
< a name = "x1822" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setViewMode" > setViewMode< / a > ( TQFileDialog::List );
< a name = "x1820" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setPreviewMode" > setPreviewMode< / a > ( TQFileDialog::Contents );
fd.< a href = "tqwidget.html#setCaption" > setCaption< / a > ( caption );
< a name = "x1821" > < / a > fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#setSelection" > setSelection< / a > ( start );
< a name = "x1812" > < / a > if ( fd.< a href = "ntqdialog.html#exec" > exec< / a > () == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
< a name = "x1816" > < / a > < a href = "ntqstring.html" > TQString< / a > result = fd.< a href = "ntqfiledialog.html#selectedFile" > selectedFile< / a > ();
printf("%s\n", (const char*)result);
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
CustomFileDialog fd;
fd.< a href = "ntqdialog.html#exec" > exec< / a > ();
return 1;
< / pre >
< p > See also < a href = "examples.html" > Examples< / a > .
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< td align = right > < div align = right > TQt 3.3.8< / div >
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