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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>tqdom.h</h1>
<p>This is the verbatim text of the tqdom.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/tqdom.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:39 $
** Definition of TQDomDocument and related classes.
** Created : 000518
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the xml module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
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** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
** herein.
#ifndef TQDOM_H
#define TQDOM_H
#ifndef QT_H
#include "tqstring.h"
#endif // QT_H
#if !defined(TQT_MODULE_XML) || defined( QT_LICENSE_PROFESSIONAL ) || defined( QT_INTERNAL_XML )
#ifndef TQT_NO_DOM
class TQIODevice;
class TQTextStream;
class TQXmlInputSource;
class TQXmlReader;
class TQDomDocumentPrivate;
class TQDomDocumentTypePrivate;
class TQDomDocumentFragmentPrivate;
class TQDomNodePrivate;
class TQDomNodeListPrivate;
class TQDomImplementationPrivate;
class TQDomElementPrivate;
class TQDomNotationPrivate;
class TQDomEntityPrivate;
class TQDomEntityReferencePrivate;
class TQDomProcessingInstructionPrivate;
class TQDomAttrPrivate;
class TQDomCharacterDataPrivate;
class TQDomTextPrivate;
class TQDomCommentPrivate;
class TQDomCDATASectionPrivate;
class TQDomNamedNodeMapPrivate;
class TQDomImplementationPrivate;
class TQDomNodeList;
class TQDomElement;
class TQDomText;
class TQDomComment;
class TQDomCDATASection;
class TQDomProcessingInstruction;
class TQDomAttr;
class TQDomEntityReference;
class TQDomDocument;
class TQDomNamedNodeMap;
class TQDomDocument;
class TQDomDocumentFragment;
class TQDomDocumentType;
class TQDomImplementation;
class TQDomNode;
class TQDomEntity;
class TQDomNotation;
class TQDomCharacterData;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomImplementation
TQDomImplementation( const TQDomImplementation&amp; );
virtual ~TQDomImplementation();
TQDomImplementation&amp; operator= ( const TQDomImplementation&amp; );
bool operator== ( const TQDomImplementation&amp; ) const;
bool operator!= ( const TQDomImplementation&amp; ) const;
// functions
virtual bool hasFeature( const TQString&amp; feature, const TQString&amp; version );
virtual TQDomDocumentType createDocumentType( const TQString&amp; qName, const TQString&amp; publicId, const TQString&amp; systemId );
virtual TQDomDocument createDocument( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, const TQDomDocumentType&amp; doctype );
// TQt extension
bool isNull();
TQDomImplementationPrivate* impl;
TQDomImplementation( TQDomImplementationPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
enum NodeType {
ElementNode = 1,
AttributeNode = 2,
TextNode = 3,
CDATASectionNode = 4,
EntityReferenceNode = 5,
EntityNode = 6,
ProcessingInstructionNode = 7,
CommentNode = 8,
DocumentNode = 9,
DocumentTypeNode = 10,
DocumentFragmentNode = 11,
NotationNode = 12,
BaseNode = 21,// this is not in the standard
CharacterDataNode = 22 // this is not in the standard
TQDomNode( const TQDomNode&amp; );
TQDomNode&amp; operator= ( const TQDomNode&amp; );
bool operator== ( const TQDomNode&amp; ) const;
bool operator!= ( const TQDomNode&amp; ) const;
virtual ~TQDomNode();
// DOM functions
virtual TQDomNode insertBefore( const TQDomNode&amp; newChild, const TQDomNode&amp; refChild );
virtual TQDomNode insertAfter( const TQDomNode&amp; newChild, const TQDomNode&amp; refChild );
virtual TQDomNode replaceChild( const TQDomNode&amp; newChild, const TQDomNode&amp; oldChild );
virtual TQDomNode removeChild( const TQDomNode&amp; oldChild );
virtual TQDomNode appendChild( const TQDomNode&amp; newChild );
virtual bool hasChildNodes() const;
virtual TQDomNode cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE ) const;
virtual void normalize();
virtual bool isSupported( const TQString&amp; feature, const TQString&amp; version ) const;
// DOM read only attributes
virtual TQString nodeName() const;
virtual TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
virtual TQDomNode parentNode() const;
virtual TQDomNodeList childNodes() const;
virtual TQDomNode firstChild() const;
virtual TQDomNode lastChild() const;
virtual TQDomNode previousSibling() const;
virtual TQDomNode nextSibling() const;
virtual TQDomNamedNodeMap attributes() const;
virtual TQDomDocument ownerDocument() const;
virtual TQString namespaceURI() const;
virtual TQString localName() const;
virtual bool hasAttributes() const;
// DOM attributes
virtual TQString nodeValue() const;
virtual void setNodeValue( const TQString&amp; );
virtual TQString prefix() const;
virtual void setPrefix( const TQString&amp; pre );
// TQt extensions
virtual bool isAttr() const;
virtual bool isCDATASection() const;
virtual bool isDocumentFragment() const;
virtual bool isDocument() const;
virtual bool isDocumentType() const;
virtual bool isElement() const;
virtual bool isEntityReference() const;
virtual bool isText() const;
virtual bool isEntity() const;
virtual bool isNotation() const;
virtual bool isProcessingInstruction() const;
virtual bool isCharacterData() const;
virtual bool isComment() const;
* Shortcut to avoid dealing with TQDomNodeList
* all the time.
TQDomNode namedItem( const TQString&amp; name ) const;
bool isNull() const;
void clear();
TQDomAttr toAttr();
TQDomCDATASection toCDATASection();
TQDomDocumentFragment toDocumentFragment();
TQDomDocument toDocument();
TQDomDocumentType toDocumentType();
TQDomElement toElement();
TQDomEntityReference toEntityReference();
TQDomText toText();
TQDomEntity toEntity();
TQDomNotation toNotation();
TQDomProcessingInstruction toProcessingInstruction();
TQDomCharacterData toCharacterData();
TQDomComment toComment();
void save( TQTextStream&amp;, int ) const;
TQDomNodePrivate* impl;
TQDomNode( TQDomNodePrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomDocumentType;
friend class TQDomNodeList;
friend class TQDomNamedNodeMap;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomNodeList
TQDomNodeList( const TQDomNodeList&amp; );
TQDomNodeList&amp; operator= ( const TQDomNodeList&amp; );
bool operator== ( const TQDomNodeList&amp; ) const;
bool operator!= ( const TQDomNodeList&amp; ) const;
virtual ~TQDomNodeList();
// DOM functions
virtual TQDomNode item( int index ) const;
// DOM read only attributes
virtual uint length() const;
uint count() const { return length(); } // TQt API consitancy
TQDomNodeListPrivate* impl;
TQDomNodeList( TQDomNodeListPrivate* );
friend class TQDomNode;
friend class TQDomElement;
friend class TQDomDocument;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomDocumentType : public TQDomNode
TQDomDocumentType( const TQDomDocumentType&amp; x );
TQDomDocumentType&amp; operator= ( const TQDomDocumentType&amp; );
// DOM read only attributes
virtual TQString name() const;
virtual TQDomNamedNodeMap entities() const;
virtual TQDomNamedNodeMap notations() const;
virtual TQString publicId() const;
virtual TQString systemId() const;
virtual TQString internalSubset() const;
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isDocumentType() const;
TQDomDocumentType( TQDomDocumentTypePrivate* );
friend class TQDomImplementation;
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomDocument : public TQDomNode
Q_EXPLICIT TQDomDocument( const TQString&amp; name );
Q_EXPLICIT TQDomDocument( const TQDomDocumentType&amp; doctype );
TQDomDocument( const TQDomDocument&amp; x );
TQDomDocument&amp; operator= ( const TQDomDocument&amp; );
// DOM functions
TQDomElement createElement( const TQString&amp; tagName );
TQDomDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
TQDomText createTextNode( const TQString&amp; data );
TQDomComment createComment( const TQString&amp; data );
TQDomCDATASection createCDATASection( const TQString&amp; data );
TQDomProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction( const TQString&amp; target, const TQString&amp; data );
TQDomAttr createAttribute( const TQString&amp; name );
TQDomEntityReference createEntityReference( const TQString&amp; name );
TQDomNodeList elementsByTagName( const TQString&amp; tagname ) const;
TQDomNode importNode( const TQDomNode&amp; importedNode, bool deep );
TQDomElement createElementNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName );
TQDomAttr createAttributeNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName );
TQDomNodeList elementsByTagNameNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName );
TQDomElement elementById( const TQString&amp; elementId );
// DOM read only attributes
TQDomDocumentType doctype() const;
TQDomImplementation implementation() const;
TQDomElement documentElement() const;
// TQt extensions
bool setContent( const TQCString&amp; text, bool namespaceProcessing, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( const TQByteArray&amp; text, bool namespaceProcessing, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( const TQString&amp; text, bool namespaceProcessing, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( TQIODevice* dev, bool namespaceProcessing, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( const TQCString&amp; text, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( const TQByteArray&amp; text, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( const TQString&amp; text, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( TQIODevice* dev, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
bool setContent( TQXmlInputSource *source, TQXmlReader *reader, TQString *errorMsg=0, int *errorLine=0, int *errorColumn=0 );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isDocument() const;
// TQt extensions
TQString toString() const; // ### TQt 4: merge the two overloads
TQString toString( int ) const;
TQCString toCString() const; // ### TQt 4: merge the two overloads
TQCString toCString( int ) const;
TQDomDocument( TQDomDocumentPrivate* );
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomNamedNodeMap
TQDomNamedNodeMap( const TQDomNamedNodeMap&amp; );
TQDomNamedNodeMap&amp; operator= ( const TQDomNamedNodeMap&amp; );
bool operator== ( const TQDomNamedNodeMap&amp; ) const;
bool operator!= ( const TQDomNamedNodeMap&amp; ) const;
// DOM functions
TQDomNode namedItem( const TQString&amp; name ) const;
TQDomNode setNamedItem( const TQDomNode&amp; newNode );
TQDomNode removeNamedItem( const TQString&amp; name );
TQDomNode item( int index ) const;
TQDomNode namedItemNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName ) const;
TQDomNode setNamedItemNS( const TQDomNode&amp; newNode );
TQDomNode removeNamedItemNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName );
// DOM read only attributes
uint length() const;
uint count() const { return length(); } // TQt API consitancy
// TQt extension
bool contains( const TQString&amp; name ) const;
TQDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* impl;
TQDomNamedNodeMap( TQDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* );
friend class TQDomNode;
friend class TQDomDocumentType;
friend class TQDomElement;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomDocumentFragment : public TQDomNode
TQDomDocumentFragment( const TQDomDocumentFragment&amp; x );
TQDomDocumentFragment&amp; operator= ( const TQDomDocumentFragment&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isDocumentFragment() const;
TQDomDocumentFragment( TQDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomCharacterData : public TQDomNode
TQDomCharacterData( const TQDomCharacterData&amp; x );
TQDomCharacterData&amp; operator= ( const TQDomCharacterData&amp; );
// DOM functions
virtual TQString substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count );
virtual void appendData( const TQString&amp; arg );
virtual void insertData( unsigned long offset, const TQString&amp; arg );
virtual void deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count );
virtual void replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const TQString&amp; arg );
// DOM read only attributes
virtual uint length() const;
// DOM attributes
virtual TQString data() const;
virtual void setData( const TQString&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isCharacterData() const;
TQDomCharacterData( TQDomCharacterDataPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomText;
friend class TQDomComment;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomAttr : public TQDomNode
TQDomAttr( const TQDomAttr&amp; x );
TQDomAttr&amp; operator= ( const TQDomAttr&amp; );
// DOM read only attributes
virtual TQString name() const;
virtual bool specified() const;
virtual TQDomElement ownerElement() const;
// DOM attributes
virtual TQString value() const;
virtual void setValue( const TQString&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isAttr() const;
TQDomAttr( TQDomAttrPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomElement;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomElement : public TQDomNode
TQDomElement( const TQDomElement&amp; x );
TQDomElement&amp; operator= ( const TQDomElement&amp; );
// DOM functions
TQString attribute( const TQString&amp; name, const TQString&amp; defValue = TQString::null ) const;
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, const TQString&amp; value );
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, int value );
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, uint value );
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, long value );
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, ulong value );
void setAttribute( const TQString&amp; name, double value );
void removeAttribute( const TQString&amp; name );
TQDomAttr attributeNode( const TQString&amp; name);
TQDomAttr setAttributeNode( const TQDomAttr&amp; newAttr );
TQDomAttr removeAttributeNode( const TQDomAttr&amp; oldAttr );
virtual TQDomNodeList elementsByTagName( const TQString&amp; tagname ) const;
bool hasAttribute( const TQString&amp; name ) const;
TQString attributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName, const TQString&amp; defValue ) const;
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, const TQString&amp; value );
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, int value );
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, uint value );
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, long value );
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, ulong value );
void setAttributeNS( const TQString nsURI, const TQString&amp; qName, double value );
void removeAttributeNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName );
TQDomAttr attributeNodeNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName );
TQDomAttr setAttributeNodeNS( const TQDomAttr&amp; newAttr );
virtual TQDomNodeList elementsByTagNameNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName ) const;
bool hasAttributeNS( const TQString&amp; nsURI, const TQString&amp; localName ) const;
// DOM read only attributes
TQString tagName() const;
void setTagName( const TQString&amp; name ); // TQt extension
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNamedNodeMap attributes() const;
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isElement() const;
TQString text() const;
TQDomElement( TQDomElementPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
friend class TQDomAttr;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomText : public TQDomCharacterData
TQDomText( const TQDomText&amp; x );
TQDomText&amp; operator= ( const TQDomText&amp; );
// DOM functions
TQDomText splitText( int offset );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isText() const;
TQDomText( TQDomTextPrivate* );
friend class TQDomCDATASection;
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomComment : public TQDomCharacterData
TQDomComment( const TQDomComment&amp; x );
TQDomComment&amp; operator= ( const TQDomComment&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isComment() const;
TQDomComment( TQDomCommentPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomCDATASection : public TQDomText
TQDomCDATASection( const TQDomCDATASection&amp; x );
TQDomCDATASection&amp; operator= ( const TQDomCDATASection&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isCDATASection() const;
TQDomCDATASection( TQDomCDATASectionPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomNotation : public TQDomNode
TQDomNotation( const TQDomNotation&amp; x );
TQDomNotation&amp; operator= ( const TQDomNotation&amp; );
// DOM read only attributes
TQString publicId() const;
TQString systemId() const;
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isNotation() const;
TQDomNotation( TQDomNotationPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomEntity : public TQDomNode
TQDomEntity( const TQDomEntity&amp; x );
TQDomEntity&amp; operator= ( const TQDomEntity&amp; );
// DOM read only attributes
virtual TQString publicId() const;
virtual TQString systemId() const;
virtual TQString notationName() const;
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isEntity() const;
TQDomEntity( TQDomEntityPrivate* );
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomEntityReference : public TQDomNode
TQDomEntityReference( const TQDomEntityReference&amp; x );
TQDomEntityReference&amp; operator= ( const TQDomEntityReference&amp; );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isEntityReference() const;
TQDomEntityReference( TQDomEntityReferencePrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
class TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQDomProcessingInstruction : public TQDomNode
TQDomProcessingInstruction( const TQDomProcessingInstruction&amp; x );
TQDomProcessingInstruction&amp; operator= ( const TQDomProcessingInstruction&amp; );
// DOM read only attributes
virtual TQString target() const;
// DOM attributes
virtual TQString data() const;
virtual void setData( const TQString&amp; d );
// Reimplemented from TQDomNode
TQDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const;
bool isProcessingInstruction() const;
TQDomProcessingInstruction( TQDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* );
friend class TQDomDocument;
friend class TQDomNode;
TQM_EXPORT_DOM TQTextStream&amp; operator&lt;&lt;( TQTextStream&amp;, const TQDomNode&amp; );
#endif //TQT_NO_DOM
#endif // TQDOM_H
<!-- eof -->
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