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< title > A simple demonstration of TQFont member functions< / title >
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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > A simple demonstration of TQFont member functions< / h1 >
< p >
< p > This example demonstrates the use of various
< a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > member functions.
< p > < hr >
< p > The main window API (viewer.h):
< p > < pre > /* $Id: qt/viewer.h 3.3.8 edited May 27 2003 $ */
#ifndef VIEWER_H
#define VIEWER_H
#include < < a href = "tqwidget-h.html" > tqwidget.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqfont-h.html" > tqfont.h< / a > >
class TQTextView;
class TQPushButton;
class Viewer : public < a href = "tqwidget.html" > TQWidget< / a >
< a href = "metaobjects.html#TQ_OBJECT" > TQ_OBJECT< / a >
private slots:
void setDefault();
void setSansSerif();
void setItalics();
void setFontSubstitutions();
void layout();
void showFontInfo( < a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > & );
< a href = "tqtextview.html" > TQTextView< / a > * greetings;
< a href = "tqtextview.html" > TQTextView< / a > * fontInfo;
< a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > * defaultButton;
< a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > * sansSerifButton;
< a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > * italicsButton;
< / pre >
< p > < hr >
< p > The main window implementation (viewer.cpp):
< p > < pre > /* $Id: qt/viewer.cpp 3.3.8 edited May 27 2003 $ */
#include "viewer.h"
#include < < a href = "tqstring-h.html" > tqstring.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqstringlist-h.html" > tqstringlist.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqtextview-h.html" > tqtextview.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqpushbutton-h.html" > tqpushbutton.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqlayout-h.html" > tqlayout.h< / a > >
< a name = "f590" > < / a > Viewer::Viewer()
:< a href = "tqwidget.html" > TQWidget< / a > ()
< a name = "x2850" > < / a > < a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > greeting_heb = TQString::< a href = "tqstring.html#fromUtf8" > fromUtf8< / a > ( "\327\251\327\234\327\225\327\235" );
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > greeting_ru = TQString::< a href = "tqstring.html#fromUtf8" > fromUtf8< / a > ( "\320\227\320\264\321\200\320\260\320\262\321\201\321\202\320\262\321\203\320\271\321\202\320\265" );
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > greeting_en( "Hello" );
greetings = new < a href = "tqtextview.html" > TQTextView< / a > ( this, "textview" );
greetings-> < a href = "tqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( greeting_en + "\n" +
greeting_ru + "\n" +
greeting_heb );
fontInfo = new < a href = "tqtextview.html" > TQTextView< / a > ( this, "fontinfo" );
defaultButton = new < a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > ( "Default", this,
"pushbutton1" );
< a name = "x2860" > < / a > defaultButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( TQFont( "times" ) );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( defaultButton, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "tqbutton.html#clicked" > clicked< / a > () ),
this, TQ_SLOT( setDefault() ) );
sansSerifButton = new < a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > ( "Sans Serif", this,
"pushbutton2" );
sansSerifButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( TQFont( "Helvetica", 12 ) );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( sansSerifButton, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "tqbutton.html#clicked" > clicked< / a > () ),
this, TQ_SLOT( setSansSerif() ) );
italicsButton = new < a href = "tqpushbutton.html" > TQPushButton< / a > ( "Italics", this,
"pushbutton3" );
italicsButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( TQFont( "lucida", 12, TQFont::Bold, TRUE ) );
< a href = "tqobject.html#connect" > connect< / a > ( italicsButton, TQ_SIGNAL( < a href = "tqbutton.html#clicked" > clicked< / a > () ),
this, TQ_SLOT( setItalics() ) );
< a href = "tqwidget.html#layout" > layout< / a > ();
void < a name = "f591" > < / a > Viewer::setDefault()
< a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > font( "Bavaria" );
< a name = "x2843" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setPointSize" > setPointSize< / a > ( 24 );
< a name = "x2846" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setWeight" > setWeight< / a > ( TQFont::Bold );
< a name = "x2845" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setUnderline" > setUnderline< / a > ( TRUE );
greetings-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( font );
showFontInfo( font );
void < a name = "f592" > < / a > Viewer::setSansSerif()
< a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > font( "Newyork", 18 );
< a name = "x2844" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setStyleHint" > setStyleHint< / a > ( TQFont::SansSerif );
greetings-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( font );
showFontInfo( font );
void < a name = "f593" > < / a > Viewer::setItalics()
< a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > font( "Tokyo" );
font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setPointSize" > setPointSize< / a > ( 32 );
font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setWeight" > setWeight< / a > ( TQFont::Bold );
< a name = "x2842" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#setItalic" > setItalic< / a > ( TRUE );
greetings-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFont" > setFont< / a > ( font );
showFontInfo( font );
void < a name = "f594" > < / a > Viewer::showFontInfo( < a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > & font )
< a href = "tqfontinfo.html" > TQFontInfo< / a > info( font );
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > messageText;
messageText = "Font requested: \"" +
< a name = "x2838" > < / a > font.< a href = "tqfont.html#family" > family< / a > () + "\" " +
< a name = "x2851" > < / a > < a name = "x2841" > < / a > TQString::< a href = "tqstring.html#number" > number< / a > ( font.< a href = "tqfont.html#pointSize" > pointSize< / a > () ) + "pt< BR> " +
"Font used: \"" +
< a name = "x2848" > < / a > info.< a href = "tqfontinfo.html#family" > family< / a > () + "\" " +
< a name = "x2849" > < / a > TQString::< a href = "tqstring.html#number" > number< / a > ( info.< a href = "tqfontinfo.html#pointSize" > pointSize< / a > () ) + "pt< P> ";
< a name = "x2847" > < / a > < a href = "tqstringlist.html" > TQStringList< / a > substitutions = TQFont::< a href = "tqfont.html#substitutes" > substitutes< / a > ( font.< a href = "tqfont.html#family" > family< / a > () );
< a name = "x2856" > < / a > if ( ! substitutions.< a href = "tqvaluelist.html#isEmpty" > isEmpty< / a > () ){
messageText += "The following substitutions exist for " + \
font.< a href = "tqfont.html#family" > family< / a > () + ":< UL> ";
TQStringList::Iterator i = substitutions.< a href = "tqvaluelist.html#begin" > begin< / a > ();
while ( i != substitutions.< a href = "tqvaluelist.html#end" > end< / a > () ){
messageText += "< LI> \"" + (* i) + "\"";
messageText += "< /UL> ";
} else {
messageText += "No substitutions exist for " + \
font.< a href = "tqfont.html#family" > family< / a > () + ".";
fontInfo-> < a href = "tqtextedit.html#setText" > setText< / a > ( messageText );
void < a name = "f595" > < / a > Viewer::setFontSubstitutions()
< a href = "tqstringlist.html" > TQStringList< / a > substitutes;
< a name = "x2853" > < / a > substitutes.< a href = "tqvaluelist.html#append" > append< / a > ( "Times" );
substitutes += "Mincho",
substitutes < < "Arabic Newspaper" < < "crox";
< a name = "x2840" > < / a > TQFont::< a href = "tqfont.html#insertSubstitutions" > insertSubstitutions< / a > ( "Bavaria", substitutes );
< a name = "x2839" > < / a > TQFont::< a href = "tqfont.html#insertSubstitution" > insertSubstitution< / a > ( "Tokyo", "Lucida" );
// For those who prefer to use TQt Designer for creating GUIs
// the following function might not be of particular interest:
// all it does is creating the widget layout.
< a name = "x2858" > < / a > void Viewer::< a href = "tqwidget.html#layout" > layout< / a > ()
< a href = "tqhboxlayout.html" > TQHBoxLayout< / a > * textViewContainer = new < a href = "tqhboxlayout.html" > TQHBoxLayout< / a > ();
textViewContainer-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addWidget" > addWidget< / a > ( greetings );
textViewContainer-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addWidget" > addWidget< / a > ( fontInfo );
< a href = "tqhboxlayout.html" > TQHBoxLayout< / a > * buttonContainer = new < a href = "tqhboxlayout.html" > TQHBoxLayout< / a > ();
buttonContainer-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addWidget" > addWidget< / a > ( defaultButton );
buttonContainer-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addWidget" > addWidget< / a > ( sansSerifButton );
buttonContainer-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addWidget" > addWidget< / a > ( italicsButton );
< a name = "x2857" > < / a > int maxButtonHeight = defaultButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#height" > height< / a > ();
if ( sansSerifButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#height" > height< / a > () > maxButtonHeight )
maxButtonHeight = sansSerifButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#height" > height< / a > ();
if ( italicsButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#height" > height< / a > () > maxButtonHeight )
maxButtonHeight = italicsButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#height" > height< / a > ();
< a name = "x2859" > < / a > defaultButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFixedHeight" > setFixedHeight< / a > ( maxButtonHeight );
sansSerifButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFixedHeight" > setFixedHeight< / a > ( maxButtonHeight );
italicsButton-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setFixedHeight" > setFixedHeight< / a > ( maxButtonHeight );
< a href = "tqvboxlayout.html" > TQVBoxLayout< / a > * container = new < a href = "tqvboxlayout.html" > TQVBoxLayout< / a > ( this );
< a name = "x2835" > < / a > container-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addLayout" > addLayout< / a > ( textViewContainer );
container-> < a href = "tqboxlayout.html#addLayout" > addLayout< / a > ( buttonContainer );
< a href = "tqwidget.html#resize" > resize< / a > ( 700, 250 );
< / pre >
< p > < hr >
< p > main() program (simple-tqfont-demo.cpp):
< p > < pre > /* $Id: qt/simple-tqfont-demo.cpp 3.3.8 edited May 27 2003 $ */
#include "viewer.h"
#include < < a href = "tqapplication-h.html" > tqapplication.h< / a > >
int main( int argc, char **argv )
< a href = "tqapplication.html" > TQApplication< / a > app( argc, argv );
Viewer * textViewer = new Viewer();
textViewer-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#setCaption" > setCaption< / a > ( "TQt Example - Simple TQFont Demo" );
app.< a href = "tqapplication.html#setMainWidget" > setMainWidget< / a > ( textViewer );
textViewer-> < a href = "tqwidget.html#show" > show< / a > ();
return app.< a href = "tqapplication.html#exec" > exec< / a > ();
< / pre >
< p > < p > See also < a href = "tqfont-examples.html" > TQFont Examples< / a > .
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