// This module implements the QextScintillaPrinter class. // // Copyright (c) 2006 // Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of QScintilla. // // This copy of QScintilla is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any // later version. // // QScintilla is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // QScintilla; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include #include #include #include #include "qextscintillaprinter.h" #include "qextscintillabase.h" // The ctor. QextScintillaPrinter::QextScintillaPrinter(QPrinter::PrinterMode mode) : QPrinter(mode), mag(0), wrap(QextScintilla::WrapWord) { } // The dtor. QextScintillaPrinter::~QextScintillaPrinter() { } // Format the page before the document text is drawn. void QextScintillaPrinter::formatPage(QPainter &,bool,QRect &,int) { } // Print a range of lines to a printer. int QextScintillaPrinter::printRange(QextScintillaBase *qsb,int from,int to) { // Sanity check. if (!qsb) return FALSE; // Setup the printing area. QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics(this); QRect def_area; def_area.setX(0); def_area.setY(0); def_area.setWidth(metrics.width()); def_area.setHeight(metrics.height()); // Get the page range. int pgFrom, pgTo; pgFrom = fromPage(); pgTo = toPage(); // Find the position range. long startPos, endPos; endPos = qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_GETLENGTH); startPos = (from > 0 ? qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE,from) : 0); if (to >= 0) { long toPos = qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE,to + 1); if (endPos > toPos) endPos = toPos; } if (startPos >= endPos) return FALSE; QPainter painter(this); bool reverse = (pageOrder() == LastPageFirst); bool needNewPage = FALSE; qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETPRINTMAGNIFICATION,mag); qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_SETPRINTWRAPMODE,wrap); for (int i = 1; i <= numCopies(); ++i) { // If we are printing in reverse page order then remember the // start position of each page. QValueStack pageStarts; int currPage = 1; long pos = startPos; while (pos < endPos) { // See if we have finished the requested page range. if (pgTo > 0 && pgTo < currPage) break; // See if we are going to render this page, or just see // how much would fit onto it. bool render = FALSE; if (pgFrom == 0 || pgFrom <= currPage) { if (reverse) pageStarts.push(pos); else { render = TRUE; if (needNewPage) { if (!newPage()) return FALSE; } else needNewPage = TRUE; } } QRect area = def_area; formatPage(painter,render,area,currPage); pos = qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_FORMATRANGE,render,&painter,area,pos,endPos); ++currPage; } // All done if we are printing in normal page order. if (!reverse) continue; // Now go through each page on the stack and really print it. while (!pageStarts.isEmpty()) { --currPage; long ePos = pos; pos = pageStarts.pop(); if (needNewPage) { if (!newPage()) return FALSE; } else needNewPage = TRUE; QRect area = def_area; formatPage(painter,TRUE,area,currPage); qsb -> SendScintilla(QextScintillaBase::SCI_FORMATRANGE,TRUE,&painter,area,pos,ePos); } } return TRUE; } // Set the print magnification in points. void QextScintillaPrinter::setMagnification(int magnification) { mag = magnification; } // Set the line wrap mode. void QextScintillaPrinter::setWrapMode(QextScintilla::WrapMode wmode) { wrap = wmode; }